72 research outputs found

    Zrównoważona energia jako warunek konieczny dla realizacji idei zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    any attempt to make the principle of inter-generational justice a reality will be utterly dependent on the appropriate management and utilization of energy carriers. In other words, the principles of sustainable development will not be put into effect unless sustainable energy use is introduced, and that will require wide application of renewable sources, notably the wind, sun, geothermal resources, biowastes, biomass and biogas. The greatest progress in this area noted to date has been that of the EU Member States, whose joint achievement in the period 1990-2003 inclusive was to quintuple the amount of energy generated from renewable sources, most especially biomass and the wind.Zrealizowanie zasady sprawiedliwości międzypokoleniowej zależeć będzie przede wszystkim od odpowiedniej gospodarki nośnikami energii. Można powiedzieć, że nie da się wprowadzić w życie zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju bez wprowadzenia zrównoważonej gospodarki energią, co wymaga szerokiego stosowania odnawialnych źródeł energii, tj. wykorzystania energii wiatru, słońca, energii geotermalnej, bioodpadów, biomasy i biogazu. Największy postęp w tym zakresie odnotowały kraje Unii Europejskiej. W latach 1990-2003 nastąpił pięciokrotny wzrost energii wytwarzanej ze źródeł odnawialnych, w szczególności z biomasy i energii wiatru

    De 10 meest gestelde vragen over koolstofvastlegging in bos

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    Uitleg en cijfers over de koolstofvoorraden en koolstofvastlegging in het Nederlandse bos, de mogelijkheden om de CO2 uitstoot te compenseren via bosaanplant, de kosteneffectiviteit van dergelijke maatregelen, en het gewenste bostype en bosbeheer om CO2 vast te leggen en de CO2 emissie te reducere

    What role for forest-based industries in a climate-neutral future? Finding the right balance between sinks, product substitution, renewable energy and biodiversity. CEPS Policy Contribution 20 Nov 2020.

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    Climate neutrality in the European Union and globally will lead to a deep transformation of existing industrial value chains, bringing new and lower-carbon products, processes and novel business models. This transformation will affect the entire industrial sector, notably including all energy-intensive industries, forest-based industries among them. The sector represents a full value chain, from forest owners and managers, to industries transforming the forest products and recycling. While the exact routes for this transformation remain uncertain, the technological pathways for decarbonisation are known: electrification, hydrogen, energy efficiency, circular economy, carbon-neutral liquids, carbon capture and negative emissions. For policymakers, the transition of forest-based industries raises the task of finding the right balance between the sector’s contribution to sinks, product substitution (including recycling), renewable energy and biodiversity, in addition to carbon accounting issues, especially if international trade is included in the analysis. Possible trade-offs – food versus feed, fibre versus fuel, and land versus ecosystems – will most likely become more acute after 2030 as the deadline for climate neutrality approaches. More knowledge will be required to make the most appropriate choices, such as which energy crops have the potential to deliver the highest negative emissions, which forest management practices are optimal from a biodiversity perspective, and what role forests will play more generally in climate change mitigation and adaption. Low-carbon ‘lead markets’ can in theory support demand for climate-neutral products, including for wood-based products, but policy-driven demand is not equivalent to market-driven demand. Climate-neutral products are not necessarily of higher value to consumers, nor do they offer better functionality. Consumer preferences for bio-based products in, for example, the materials or textiles sectors will matter

    Intelligent Pubescent Oak Forests (Quercus Pubescens Wild.) From Dobroudja Plateau, Romania

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    Dobrudjea Plateau, located in south-east Romania, is characterized by low altitudes, old rocks, a temperate-continental climate and a silvosteppe and steppe vegetation. Pubescent oak is one of the tree species characteristic for this area. With average dimensions, this tree fulfils numerous ecosystem functions. The concept of “Climate-Smart Forestry – CSF” is recent and was adapted in this article for the pubescent oak characteristic for this area; clear and measurable criterions were also identified and applies for this species in order to identify the smart stands. Smart pubescent oak forests represent 3% of all this specie’s stands and are more common in the north part of Dobrudjea Plateau. They are characterized by advanced ages (61-70 years), 20%-30% compositions and even-aged structures. The forests are located on relatively small distances from forest roads, at altitudes of 100m - 250 m, and on west and east expositions. The present study has showed that smart pubescent oak forests can be established by taking into account 14 site (flora, soil or forest type) and stand conditions (pruning, vitality, average diameter and height, functional group and category, litter). The identification of these stands is extremely important for their protection as well as for applying the appropriate silvicultural measures

    Het tijdelijk spenen van biggen

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    Het tijdelijk spenen van biggen tijdens de zoogperiode is geen goede methode om de voeropname van biggen tijdens de zoogperiode te verhogen

    Actieplan Bos en Hout : Een verandering in het denken over de bos- en houtketen in Nederland

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    Op 26 oktober 2016 ondertekendenpremier Rutte en staatssecretaris Dijksmaen twintig organisaties het ActieplanBos en Hout tijdens de nationaleKlimaattop. Nooit eerder ondertekendeeen Nederlandse premier een actieplanop het gebied van Bos en Hout. Watmaakt dit zo urgent? Wat is er nu andersdan in het verleden en waarom werdenvelen verrast door de publiciteit rond hetvoornemen 100.000 hectare nieuw bosaan te planten

    Effect van voerstrategieën op dierprestaties en gezondheid van biologisch gehouden biggen = Effect of feeding strategy on performance and health status of organic housed weanling pigs

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    Op Praktijkcentrum Raalte is onderzocht wat het effect is van verschillende voerstrategieën tijdens de zoogperiode op de dierprestaties en gezondheidvan biologisch gehouden gespeende biggen. Het verstrekken van een smakelijk en goed verteerbare melkkorrel aan biggen tijdens de zoogperiode bevordert de voeropname en groei tijdens de zoogperiode. Deze voordelen worden echter weer teniet gedaan als al tijdens de zoogperiode wordt overgeschakeld op een ander voer. Er zijn echter vanuit dit onderzoek geen duidelijke aanwijzingen dat de voerstrategie voor het spenen een meetbaar effect heeft op de technische en economische resultaten na het spenen

    The Effects of Freezing Rain on Forest Stands Administered by Zalău Forestry Department During 2014-2022 Period

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    Freezing rain is a rare and extremely dangerous meteorological phenomenon, consisting of the fall of liquid precipitation, while the air temperature at ground level falls below 0oC, favoring the freezing of raindrops and forming an ice sheet on the surfaces on which they are deposited. In Romania, the areas affected by the freezing rain phenomenon undergo significant changes regarding the structure and composition of the forest vegetation. The main purpose of this work is to figure out how to manage the forest stands affected by the freezing rain identifying optimal solutions for ecological reconstruction and prevention of significant damages. For the research of the affected areas, we placed 7 experimental areas, having the size of 500 m2 each, all the trees that were in this radius were inventoried. In this research work we evaluate the presence of this phenomenon which was reported in the Stejarul Zalău Forest District, in 2014, then in 2017, but with a lower intensity. Out of a total of 1627.6 ha, 500 ha were affected by the freezing rain, most of them being surfaces with beech forest stands with a consistency of 0.9, having a high slenderness index. Following the results obtained, it was observed that the most affected trees were the youngest. These having a reduced diameter, thin branches and a high slenderness coefficient