566 research outputs found

    Surface Acoustic Wave induced Transport in a Double Quantum Dot

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    We report on non-adiabatic transport through a double quantum dot under irradiation of surface acoustic waves generated on-chip. At low excitation powers, absorption and emission of single and multiple phonons is observed. At higher power, sequential phonon assisted tunneling processes excite the double dot in a highly non-equilibrium state. The present system is attractive for studying electron-phonon interaction with piezoelectric coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Type-II Bose-Mott insulators

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    The Mott insulating state formed from bosons is ubiquitous in solid He-4, cold atom systems, Josephson junction networks and perhaps underdoped high-Tc superconductors. We predict that close to the quantum phase transition to the superconducting state the Mott insulator is not at all as featureless as is commonly believed. In three dimensions there is a phase transition to a low temperature state where, under influence of an external current, a superconducting state consisting of a regular array of 'wires' that each carry a quantized flux of supercurrent is realized. This prediction of the "type-II Mott insulator" follows from a field theoretical weak-strong duality, showing that this 'current lattice' is the dual of the famous Abrikosov lattice of magnetic fluxes in normal superconductors. We argue that this can be exploited to investigate experimentally whether preformed Cooper pairs exist in high-Tc superconductors.Comment: RevTeX, 17 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Single-shot readout of electron spin states in a quantum dot using spin-dependent tunnel rates

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    We present a method for reading out the spin state of electrons in a quantum dot that is robust against charge noise and can be used even when the electron temperature exceeds the energy splitting between the states. The spin states are first correlated to different charge states using a spin dependence of the tunnel rates. A subsequent fast measurement of the charge on the dot then reveals the original spin state. We experimentally demonstrate the method by performing read-out of the two-electron spin states, achieving a single-shot visibility of more than 80%. We find very long triplet-to-singlet relaxation times (up to several milliseconds), with a strong dependence on in-plane magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Unmet needs in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: a longitudinal perspective

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    Background This study aimed to identify the course of unmet needs by patients with a first episode of schizophrenia and to determine associated variables. Method We investigated baseline assessments in the European First Episode Schizophrenia Trial (EUFEST) and also follow-up interviews at 6 and 12 months. Latent class growth analysis was used to identify patient groups based on individual differences in the development of unmet needs. Multinomial logistic regression determined the predictors of group membership. Results Four classes were identified. Three differed in their baseline levels of unmet needs whereas the fourth had a marked decrease in such needs. Main predictors of class membership were prognosis and depression at baseline, and the quality of life and psychosocial intervention at follow-up. Depression at follow-up did not vary among classes. Conclusions We identified subtypes of patients with different courses of unmet needs. Prognosis of clinical improvement was a better predictor for the decline in unmet needs than was psychopathology. Needs concerning social relationships were particularly persistent in patients who remained high in their unmet needs and who lacked additional psychosocial treatmen

    Perceptual benefit of objecthood

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    Object-based attention facilitates the processing of features that form the object. Two hypotheses are conceivable for how object-based attention is deployed to an object's features: first, the object is attended by selecting its features; alternatively, a configuration of features as such is attended by selecting the object representation they form. Only for the latter alternative, the perception of a feature configuration as entity ("objecthood") is a necessary condition for object-based attention. Disentangling the two alternatives requires the comparison of identical feature configurations that induce the perception of an object in one condition ("bound") and do not do so in another condition ("unbound"). We used an ambiguous stimulus, whose percept spontaneously switches between bound and unbound, while the stimulus itself remains unchanged. We tested discrimination on the boundary of the diamond as well as detection of probes inside and outside the diamond. We found discrimination performance to be increased if features were perceptually bound into an object. Furthermore, detection performance was higher within and lower outside the bound object as compared to the unbound configuration. Consequently, the facilitation of processing by object-based attention requires objecthood, that is, a unified internal representation of an "object"-not a mere collection of features

    Limb-Darkening of a K Giant in the Galactic Bulge: PLANET Photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-28

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    We present the PLANET photometric dataset for the binary-lens microlensing event MACHO 97-BLG-28 consisting of 696 I and V-band measurements, and analyze it to determine the radial surface brightness profile of the Galactic bulge source star. The microlensed source, demonstrated to be a K giant by our independent spectroscopy, crossed the central isolated cusp of the lensing binary, generating a sharp peak in the light curve that was well-resolved by dense (3 - 30 minute) and continuous monitoring from PLANET sites in Chile, South Africa, and Australia. Our modeling of these data has produced stellar profiles for the source star in the I and V bands that are in excellent agreement with those predicted by stellar atmospheric models for K giants. The limb-darkening coefficients presented here are the first derived from microlensing, among the first for normal giants by any technique, and the first for any star as distant as the Galactic bulge. Modeling indicates that the lensing binary has a mass ratio q = 0.23 and an (instantaneous) separation in units of the angular Einstein ring radius of d = 0.69 . For a lens in the Galactic bulge, this corresponds to a typical stellar binary with a projected separation between 1 and 2 AU. If the lens lies closer, the separation is smaller, and one or both of the lens objects is in the brown dwarf regime. Assuming that the source is a bulge K2 giant at 8 kpc, the relative lens-source proper motion is mu = 19.4 +/- 2.6 km/s /kpc, consistent with a disk or bulge lens. If the non-lensed blended light is due to a single star, it is likely to be a young white dwarf in the bulge, consistent with the blended light coming from the lens itself.Comment: 32 Pages, including 1 table and 9 postscript figures. (Revised version has slightly modified text, corrected typo, and 1 new figure.) Accepted for publication in 1999 Astrophysical Journal; data are now available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~plane

    Limits on Stellar and Planetary Companions in Microlensing Event OGLE-1998-BUL-14

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    We present the PLANET photometric data set for \ob14, a high magnification (Amax16A_{\rm max}\sim 16) event alerted by the OGLE collaboration toward the Galactic bulge in 1998. The PLANET data set consists a total of 461 I-band and 139 VV-band points, the majority of which was taken over a three month period. The median sampling interval during this period is about 1 hour, and the 1σ1\sigma scatter over the peak of the event is 1.5%. The excellent data quality and high maximum magnification of this event make it a prime candidate to search for the short duration, low amplitude perturbations that are signatures of a planetary companion orbiting the primary lens. The observed light curve for \ob14 is consistent with a single lens (no companion) within photometric uncertainties. We calculate the detection efficiency of the light curve to lensing companions as a function of the mass ratio and angular separation of the two components. We find that companions of mass ratio 0.01\ge 0.01 are ruled out at the 95% confidence level for projected separations between 0.4-2.4 \re, where \re is the Einstein ring radius of the primary lens. Assuming that the primary is a G-dwarf with \re\sim3 {\rm AU} our detection efficiency for this event is 60\sim 60% for a companion with the mass and separation of Jupiter and 5\sim5% for a companion with the mass and separation of Saturn. Our efficiencies for planets like those around Upsilon And and 14 Her are > 75%.Comment: Data available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~planet/planetpapers.html 20 pages, 10 figures. Minor changes. ApJ, accepte

    Coset Construction of Spin(7),G2Spin(7), G_2 Gravitational Instantons

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    We study Ricci-flat metrics on non-compact manifolds with the exceptional holonomy Spin(7),G2Spin(7), G_2. We concentrate on the metrics which are defined on R×G/H{\bf R} \times G/H. If the homogeneous coset spaces G/HG/H have weak G2G_2, SU(3) holonomy, the manifold R×G/H{\bf R} \times G/H may have Spin(7),G2Spin(7), G_2 holonomy metrics. Using the formulation with vector fields, we investigate the metrics with Spin(7)Spin(7) holonomy on R×Sp(2)/Sp(1),R×SU(3)/U(1){\bf R}\times Sp(2)/Sp(1), {\bf R}\times SU(3)/U(1). We have found the explicit volume-preserving vector fields on these manifold using the elementary coordinate parameterization. This construction is essentially dual to solving the generalized self-duality condition for spin connections. We present most general differential equations for each coset. Then, we develop the similar formulation in order to calculate metrics with G2G_2 holonomyComment: 29 pages, no figure; (v2) Errors are corrected ; (v3) Some explanations are added. More general differential equations for SU(3)/U(1) coset are give