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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya korelasi teks eksposisi pada buku siswa kelas V dengan kemampuan menentukan informasi fokus siswa kelas V MI Darul Huda Mojokerto. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode korelasional dengan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Objek penelitian menggunakan 18 siswa kelas V yang diambil dari 24% jumlah keseluruhan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen lembar angket dan lembar tes. Penelitian ini memiliki variabel penelitian yaitu variabel X teks eksposisi dan variabel Y kemampuan menentukan informasi fokus. Setiap variabel dikembangkan menjadi 2 yaitu X1 (kejelasan konsep), X2 (relevan dengan kurikulum) ,Y1 (kecepatan membaca) dan Y2 (ketepatan menentikan ide pokok). Hasil uji korelasi X1Y1 yaitu 0,639 (kuat); 0,937 (sangat kuat); 0,190 (sangat lemah). Hasil uji korelasi X2Y1 yaitu 0,400 (cukup); 0,413 (cukup); 0,459 (sedang). Hasil uji korelasi X1Y2 yaitu 0,546 (cukup); 0,197 (sangat lemah); 0,884 (sangat kuat). Hasil uji korelasi X2Y2 yaitu 0,761 (kuat); 0,074 (sangat lemah); 0,049 (sangat lemah). Kata Kunci: Korelasi, eksposisi, informasi. Abstract The purpose of this research is to know about the correlation between expositiontext in students’ book for 5th grade and determine students’ skill for focusing information that is conducted in V grades of MI Darul Huda Mojokerto. The method of this research is correlational that uses quantitative type. Then, the subject of this research takes 18 students of 5th grade, and it collects from 24% from the entire of students. For collecting data, the researcher uses two instruments, questionnaire and test. The research variable can be described as, X variable means exposition text and Y variable means the ability to determine of information focus. Each of variable is developed by two types, X1 (the clarity of concept), X2 (the relevant with curriculum), Y1 (the rapidity of reading) and Y2 (the appropriateness of main idea). The result of correlation from X1Y1 0.639 (strong), 0.937 (very strong), 0.190 (very poor). The result of correlation X2Y1 0.400 (adequate), 0.413 (adequate), 0.459 (adequate). The result of correlation X1Y2 0.546 (adequate), 0.197 (very poor), 0.884 (very strong). The result of correlation from X2Y2 0.761 (strong), 0.074 (very weak), 0.049 (very weak). Keywords: correlation, exposition, informatio

    Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

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    This study aimed at determining students' satisfaction toward the BAAK FEB UMLA service based on tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, and confidence. This research was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population of this research was semester II students of Accounting and Management Study Program 2019-2020 as many as 41 students. The samples were obtained through Total Sampling. The data collection technique was attitude scale. Then the data were analyzed using trend test and percentage of a frequency distribution. The results of this study indicated: 1) Students' Satisfaction based on Tangibles aspects was 74.62%, 2) Students' Satisfaction based on Responsiveness aspects was 61.86%, 3) Students' Satisfaction based on Reliability aspects was 72.96%, 4) Students' Satisfaction based on Empathy aspects was 71.77%, 5) Students' Satisfaction based on Assurance aspects was 70.80%

    Increased Value Added of Incense Craftsmen of Petungsewu Village Wagir District, Malang Regency

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      Petungsewu Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency is one of the villages where most of the people are incensed craftsmen, but the incense produced is semi-finished incense or raw incense. The problem faced by incense craftsmen is that the selling price of semi-finished incense tends to decline from year to year, the limited bamboo raw material even has to be imported from other areas, only producing semi-finished incense (raw). The aim of the activity is to increase the value added of incense products and increase people's income by selling incense products with brand packaging. The method of implementing the activity is to diversify the product by training and mentoring in making incense, product packaging training and quality control, online marketing training, utilizing incense making technology. As a result of community service activities, the community is able to produce fragrant incense packaged and branded and has been sold. Besides that, by utilizing incense bamboo making technology, the production capacity of incense biting production increased, the quality of the bamboo produced was more uniform, so the problem of limited incense material could be overcome.Desa Petungsewu Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang adalah salah satu desa yang sebagian besar masyarakatnya adalah pengrajin dupa, tetapi dupa yang dihasilkan adalah dupa setengah jadi atau dupa mentah.  Permasalahan yang dihadapi para pengrajin dupa adalah harga jual dupa setengah jadi cenderung turun dari tahun ke tahun,  keterbatasan bahan baku biting bahkan harus didatangkan dari di daerah lain, hanya memproduksi dupa setengah jadi (mentah). Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dupa, dan peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat dengan menjual produk dupa jadi dengan kemasan merek. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah melakukan diversifikasi produk dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat dupa wangi, pelatihan pengemasan produk dan quality control, dan pelatihan pemasaran online, pemanfaatan teknologi pembuatan biting dupa. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian, masyarakat mampu menghasilkan dupa wangi yang dikemas dan diberi merek dan sudah mulai dijual. Selain itu dengan pemanfaatan teknologi pembuatan biting dupa, kapasitas produksi pembuatan biting dupa meningkat, kualitas biting yang dihasilkan lebih seragam, sehingga permasalahan keterbatasan bahan biting dupa dapat diatasi