9 research outputs found

    Peripheral Arterial and Venous Response to Tilt Test after a 60-Day Bedrest with and without Countermeasures (ES-IBREP)

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    We quantified the impact of 60-day head-down bed rest (HDBR) with countermeasures on arterial and venous response to tilt. Methods: Twenty-one males: 7 control (Con), 7 resistive vibration exercise (RVE) and 7 Chinese herb (Herb) were assessed. Subjects were identified as finisher (F) or non-finishers (NF) at the post-HDBR 20-min tilt test. The cerebral (MCA), femoral (FEM) arterial flow velocity and leg vascular resistance (FRI), the portal vein section (PV), the flow redistribution ratios (MCA/FEM; MCA/PV), the tibial (Tib), gastrocnemius (Gast), and saphenous (Saph) vein sections were measured by echography and Doppler ultrasonography. Arterial and venous parameters were measured at 3-min pre-tilt in the supine position, and at 1 min before the end of the tilt. Results: At post-HDBR tilt, MCA decreased more compared with pre-HDBR tilt in the Con, RVE, and Herb groups, the MCA/FEM tended to decrease in the Con and Herb groups (not significant) but remained stable in the RVE gr. FRI dropped in the Con gr, but remained stable in the Herb gr and increased in the RVE gr. PV decreased less in the Con and Herb groups but remained unchanged in the RVE gr. MCA/PV decreased in the Con and Herb groups, but increased to a similar extent in the RVE gr. Gast section significantly increased more in the Con gr only, whereas Tib section increased more in the Con and Herb groups but not in the RVE gr. The percent change in Saph section was similar at pre- and post-HDBR tilt. Conclusion: In the Con gr, vasoconstriction was reduced in leg and splanchnic areas. RVE and Herb contributed to prevent the loss of vasoconstriction in both areas, but the effect of RVE was higher. RVE and Herb contributed to limit Gast distension whereas only RVE had a protective effect on the Tib

    Using whole-body vibration for countermeasure exercise

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    Whole-body vibration exercise has been tested as a countermeasure against deterioration of body systems in spaceflight simulation (bed rest). The first Berlin BedRest Study demonstrated that resistive vibration exercise (RVE) can reduce muscle loss, prevent muscle weakness, prevent bone loss, and ameliorate pain during post–bed rest recovery as well as prevent or reduce changes in other body systems. A limitation of this study was the inability to determine the contribution of WBV in addition to resistance exercise (RE). The second Berlin BedRest Study showed that adding WBV to RE resulted in better efficacy to prevent bone loss, whereas RE and RVE were equivocal in reducing or preventing muscle atrophy. There was some evidence of an additional effect of WBV in modulating body composition changes when added to RE. Successful countermeasure exercise with WBV is possible when performed vigorously, i.e. with large loading force, and with more than three exercise sessions per week

    Time course of arterial remodelling in diameter and wall thickness above and below the lesion after a spinal cord injury

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    Item does not contain fulltextPhysical inactivity in response to a spinal cord injury (SCI) represents a potent stimulus for conduit artery remodelling. Changes in conduit artery characteristics may be induced by the local effects of denervation (and consequent extreme inactivity below the level of the lesion), and also by systemic adaptations due to whole body inactivity. Therefore, we assessed the time course of carotid (i.e. above lesion) and common femoral artery (i.e. below lesion) lumen diameter and wall thickness across the first 24 weeks after an SCI. Eight male subjects (mean age 35 +/- 14 years) with a traumatic motor complete spinal cord lesion between T5 and L1 (i.e. paraplegia) were included. Four subjects were measured across the first 6 weeks after SCI, whilst another four subjects were measured from 8 until 24 weeks after SCI. Ultrasound was used to examine the diameter and wall thickness from the carotid and common femoral arteries. Carotid artery diameter did not change across 24 weeks, whilst femoral artery diameter stabilised after the rapid initial decrease during the first 3 weeks after the SCI. Carotid and femoral artery wall thickness showed no change during the first few weeks, but increased both between 6 and 24 weeks (P < 0.05). In conclusion, SCI leads to a rapid and localised decrease in conduit artery diameter which is isolated to the denervated and paralyzed region, whilst wall thickness gradually increases both above and below the lesion. This distinct time course of change in conduit arterial diameter and wall thickness suggests that distinct mechanisms may contribute to these adaptations

    Cardiovascular Responses to Skeletal Muscle Stretching: “Stretching” the Truth or a New Exercise Paradigm for Cardiovascular Medicine?

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    Photodynamic therapy for cancer: principles, clinical applications and nano technological approaches

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved, minimally invasive procedure that can exert a cytotoxic activity toward malignant cells. The procedure involves administration of a photosensitizer (PS) followed by irradiation with light at wavelengths within of the PS absorption band. In the presence of oxygen, a series of events lead to direct tumor cell death, damage to the microvasculature, and induction of a local inflammatory reaction. Clinical studies reveal that PDT can be curative, particularly in early stage tumors, can prolong survival in patients with inoperable cancers, and can significantly improve quality of life. Unfortunately, most PS lack specificity for tumor cells and this can result in undesirable side effects in healthy tissues. Furthermore, due to their mostly planar structure, PS form aggregates with low photoactivity in an aqueous environment. Nanotechnology offers a great opportunity in PDT based on the concept that a nanocarrier can drive therapeutic concentrations of PS to the tumor cells without generating any harmful effect in vivo. Currently, several nanoscale carriers made of different materials such as lipids, polymers, metals, and inorganic materials have been proposed in nano-PDT. Each type of system highlights pros and cons and should be selected on the basis of delivery requirements. In the following, we describe the principle of PDT and its application in the treatment of cancer. Then, we illustrate the main systems proposed for nano-PDT that demonstrated potential in preclinical models together with emerging concepts for their advanced design

    Current outlook on radionuclide delivery systems: from design consideration to translation into clinics

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