184 research outputs found


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    In many prospective studies, including AIDS Link to the Intravenous Experience (ALIVE), researchers are interested in comparing event-time distributions (e.g.,for human immunodeficiency virus seroconversion) between a small number of groups (e.g., risk behavior categories). However, these comparisons are complicated by participants missing visits or attending visits off schedule and seroconverting during this absence. Such data are interval-censored, or more generally,coarsened. Most analysis procedures rely on the assumption of non-informative censoring, a special case of coarsening at random that may produce biased results if not valid. Our goal is to perform inference for estimated survival functions across a small number of goups in the presence of informative coarsening. To do so, we propose methods for frequentist and Bayesian inference of ALIVE data utilizing information elicited from ALIVE scientists and an AIDS epidemiology expert about the visit compliance process

    Characterization and follow-up of Trypanosoma cruzi natural populations refractory to etiological chemotherapy in oral chagas disease patients

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    We aimed to characterize the genetic constitution of natural T. cruzi populations involved in an Oral Chagas Disease (OCD) outbreak at a rural school of the community of Chichiriviche de la Costa, Venezuela, which affected patients did not respond to the etiological treatment. Peripheral blood samples and/or hemocultures were obtained from twenty-nine OCD patients at time of diagnosis or along nine years of Post-treatment (Tx) follow-up. The IgG serology, T. cruzi discrete typing units (DTU), satellite DNA-qPCR parasitic loads, and minicircle signatures were determined at Pre-Tx and after Tx. The serological titles and parasitic loads changed after treatment, with a significant decrease of IgG titers (Spearman’s r value= -0.961) and median parasite loads from 2.869 [IQR = 2.113 to 3.720] to 0.105 [IQR = -1.147 to 1.761] log10 par eq. /mL at Pre-Tx and Post-Tx, respectively, suggesting infection evolution from acute to chronic phase, without seroconversion or parasitological eradication, which was indicative of treatment failure. All patients were infected with T. cruzi DTU I populations. At Pre-Tx their median Jaccard genetic distances were 0.775 [IQR = 0.708 to 0.882], decreasing in genetic variability towards the end of follow-up (Mann-Whitney U test p= 0.0031). Interestingly, no Post-Tx minicircle signature was identical to its Pre-Tx counterpart population in a same patient, revealing selection of parasite subpopulations between the primary infection and Post-Tx. The parasitic populations isolated from hemocultures showed a lower number of bands in the minicircle signatures with respect to the signatures obtained directly from the patients’ blood samples, demonstrating a process of parasitic selection and reduction of the population variability that initially infected the patients. Decrease of parasitic loads after treatment as well as Pre- and Post-Tx intra-TcI diversity might be a consequence of both, natural evolution of the acute infection to the chronic phase and persistence of refractory populations due to Tx selection.Fil: Muñoz Calderon, Arturo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Bello, Zoraida. Universidad Central de Venezuela; VenezuelaFil: Alarcón de Noya, Belkisyolé. Universidad Central de Venezuela; VenezuelaFil: Noya González, Oscar O.. Universidad Central de Venezuela; VenezuelaFil: Schijman, Alejandro Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentin

    Imunopatologia da esquistossomose mansônica humana: I. Influências imunorregulatórias sobre a função T

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    A resposta imune celular foi estudada em pacientes com infecção recente ou crônica por Schistosoma mansoni. Células mononucleares do sangue periférico pré cultivadas reagiram significantemente a antígenos do verme adulto (SAWA) do S. mansoni quando comparadas à preparação contendo células frescas. A adição de soro autólogo às células pré-cultivadas resultou em inibição da reação frente a SAWA ou antígenos de memória; o mesmo efeito foi notado quando os soros de pacientes foram adicionados a culturas de células alogênicas obtidas de indivíduos normais. A subpopulação CD4 foi a principal população celular respondedora a SAWA, sendo que esta reatividade foi intensamente suprimida na presença de preparações purificadas contendo monócitos-macrófagos. Estes resultados sugerem a ação de fatores inibidores, tanto humorais como celulares, sobre a resposta imune celular específica ao S. mansoni.Cell mediated immune response was studied in patients with recent and chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection. Precultured peripheral mononuclear cells showed significantly higher responses to S. mansoni adult worm antigen (SAWA) when compared to fresh cell preparations. The addition of each patient serum to the precultured cells reactions to SAWA or recall antigens demonstrated a strong inhibitory serum action, which was also noted on allogeneic cells derived from healthy subjects. The CD4 subset was the main responding cell to SAWA being this reactivity highly suppressed by the presence of the monocyte macrophage accessory cells. We stressed the simultaneous inhibitory action of humoral and cellular factors on the specific cell response to S. mansoni

    Imunopatologia da esquistossomose mansônica humana: II. Atividade NK e estimulação por antígeno específico

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    Sixteen S. mansoni infected and untreated patients (5 with recent infection and 11 with chronic disease) were evaluated for their in vitro natural killer (NK) activity against the NK sensitive target K562 cell line. NK levels in 9 out of 11 patients (82%) with chronic disease were significantly lower (mean = 15 ± 6%),compared with patients recently infected (mean = 41 ± 9% p < 0.001) and with the control group (mean = 38 ± 13% p < 0.001). However, both patients and controls NK activity was stimulated by soluble adult worm antigens (SAWA), indicating that NK function even in the chronic stage of the infection is able to respond to the parasite antigens. These results suggest the possibility of NK cell participation as effector mechanism against S. mansoni.Dezesseis doentes infectados e não tratados com S. mansoni (5 com infecção recente e 11 com doença crônica), foram submetidos à avaliação de atividade de células exterminadoras na turais (NK) "in vitro" frente a células alvo de linhagem K562. Os níveis de atividade das céluIas NK em 9 de 11 doentes (827r) com a infecção crônica foram significativamente menores (média = 15 ± 6%) quando comparados aos pacientes com infecção recente (média =41 ± 9%, p < 0,001) e aos indivíduos do grupo controle (média = 38 ± 13%, p < 0,001). Porém, tanto nos doentes como nos controles, a atividade de céluIas NK foi estimulada pelo antígeno solúvel do parasito adulto (SAWA), indicando que as céluIas NK, mesmo na fase crônica da infecção, têm capacidade de responder ao antígeno dos parasitos. Estes resultados sugerem a possível participação das células NK no mecanismo efetor de defesa contra o S. mansoni

    Evidence of suppression of onchocerciasis transmission in the Venezuelan Amazonian focus.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) has set goals for onchocerciasis elimination in Latin America by 2015. Most of the six previously endemic countries are attaining this goal by implementing twice a year (and in some foci, quarterly) mass ivermectin (Mectizan®) distribution. Elimination of transmission has been verified in Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. Challenges remain in the Amazonian focus straddling Venezuela and Brazil, where the disease affects the hard-to-reach Yanomami indigenous population. We provide evidence of suppression of Onchocerca volvulus transmission by Simulium guianense s.l. in 16 previously hyperendemic Yanomami communities in southern Venezuela after 15 years of 6-monthly and 5 years of 3-monthly mass ivermectin treatment. METHODS: Baseline and monitoring and evaluation parasitological, ophthalmological, entomological and serological surveys were conducted in selected sentinel and extra-sentinel communities of the focus throughout the implementation of the programme. RESULTS: From 2010 to 2012–2015, clinico-parasitological surveys indicate a substantial decrease in skin microfilarial prevalence and intensity of infection; accompanied by no evidence (or very low prevalence and intensity) of ocular microfilariae in the examined population. Of a total of 51,341 S. guianense flies tested by PCR none had L3 infection (heads only). Prevalence of infective flies and seasonal transmission potentials in 2012–2013 were, respectively, under 1 % and 20 L3/person/transmission season. Serology in children aged 1–10 years demonstrated that although 26 out of 396 (7 %) individuals still had Ov-16 antibodies, only 4/218 (2 %) seropositives were aged 1–5 years. CONCLUSIONS: We report evidence of recent transmission and morbidity suppression in some communities of the focus representing 75 % of the Yanomami population and 70 % of all known communities. We conclude that onchocerciasis transmission could be feasibly interrupted in the Venezuelan Amazonian focus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1313-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    HmuS and HmuQ of Ensifer/Sinorhizobium meliloti degrade heme in vitro and participate in heme metabolism in vivo

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    Ensifer meliloti is a nitrogen-fixing symbiont of the alfalfa legume able to use heme as an iron source. The transport mechanism involved in heme acquisition in E. meliloti has been identified and characterized, but the fate of heme once inside the cell is not known. In silico analysis of E. meliloti 1021 genome revealed no canonical heme oxygenases although two genes encoding putative heme degrading enzymes, smc01518 and hmuS, were identified. SMc01518 is similar to HmuQ of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, which is weakly homologous to the Staphylococcus aureus IsdG heme-degrading monooxygenase, whereas HmuS is homolog to Pseudomonas aeruginosa PhuS, a protein reported as a heme chaperone and as a heme degrading enzyme. Recombinant HmuQ and HmuS were able to bind hemin with a 1:1 stoichiometry and displayed a Kd value of 5 and 4 lM, respectively. HmuS degrades heme in vitro to the biliverdin isomers IX-b and IX-d in an equimolar ratio. The HmuQ recombinant protein degrades heme to biliverdin IX-d only. Additionally, in this work we demonstrate that humS and hmuQ gene expression is regulated by iron and heme in a RirA dependent manner and that both proteins are involved in heme metabolism in E. meliloti in vivo.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació