408 research outputs found

    Functors on the category of quasi-fibrations

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    AbstractWe consider the following questions: when can we extend a continuous endofunctor on Top the category of topological spaces to a fibrewise continuous endofunctor on Top(2) the category of continuous maps? If this is true, does such fibrewise continuous endofunctor preserve fibrations? In this paper, we define Fib the topological category of cell-wise trivial fibre spaces over polyhedra and show that any continuous endofunctor on Top induces a fibrewise continuous endofunctor on Fib preserving the class of quasi-fibrations

    Erratum to “Topological complexity is a fibrewise L–S category” [Topology Appl. 157 (1) (2010) 10–21]

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    AbstractThere is a problem with the proof of Theorem 1.13 of Iwase and Sakai (2010) [2] which states that for a fibrewise well-pointed space X over B, we have catBB(X)=catB⁎(X) and that for a locally finite simplicial complex B, we have TC(B)=TCM(B). While we still conjecture that Theorem 1.13 is true, this problem means that, at present, no proof is given to exist. Alternatively, we show the difference between two invariants catB⁎(X) and catBB(X) is at most 1 and the conjecture is true for some cases. We give further corrections mainly in the proof of Theorem 1.12

    Conditioning of the SBT operating model to inform projection specifications

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    The effects of updates on the operating model are examined. Because of the new growth schedule and the most recent two years’ data, the operating model prefers somewhat higher steepness compared to the previous version. This difference has little influence on the historical trajectories of spawning stock biomass, but it leads to more optimistic projection results

    Further examinations of the SBT operating model to explore new tagging model and grid specifications

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    Stock assessments and constant catch projections were conducted using new Operating Models (OMs; sbtmod21 and sbtmod22, which have different tagging models) developed by the CCSBT ESC. The current analysis showed that: 1. a new candidate for the tagging model (incorporated in sbtmod22) led to higher M0 (natural mortality at age 0), lower M10 (natural mortality at age 10) and lower omega (non-linearity of the CPUE-abundance relationship) estimates than the previous tagging model which is used in sbtmod21, and estimated lower current stock abundance relative to the virgin unfished biomass, 2. a high S (S=0.5; S is the proportion of longline overcatch attributed to the reported effort) led to a lower M10, but the overall results were scarcely different from those for the base assumption (S=0.25), and 3. a slight change of assumptions regarding the Indonesian fishing selectivity impacted on M estimates substantially (leading to low M0 and high M10), which indicates poor ability to explain the Indonesian catch-at-age data when using a low M10 as pointed out during the 2008 SAG meeting

    Topological Complexity is a Fibrewise L-S Category

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    Topological complexity \TC{B} of a space BB is introduced by M. Farber to measure how much complex the space is, which is first considered on a configuration space of a motion planning of a robot arm. We also consider a stronger version \TCM{B} of topological complexity with an additional condition: in a robot motion planning, a motion must be stasis if the initial and the terminal states are the same. Our main goal is to show the equalities \TC{B} = \catBb{\double{B}}+1 and \TCM{B} = \catBB{\double{B}}+1, where \double{B}=B{\times}B is a fibrewise pointed space over BB whose projection and section are given by p_{\double{B}}=\proj_{2} : B{\times}B \to B the canonical projection to the second factor and s_{\double{B}}=\Delta_{B} : B \to B{\times}B the diagonal. In addition, our method in studying fibrewise L-S category is able to treat a fibrewise space with singular fibres. Recently, we found a problem with the proof of Theorem 1.13 which states that for a fibrewise well-pointed space Xover over B,wehave, we have \catBB{X} = \catBb{X} and that for a locally finite simplicial complex BB, we have \TC{B} = \TCM{B}. While we still conjecture that Theorem 1.13 is true, this problem means that, at present, no proof is given to exist. Alternatively, we show the difference between two invariants \catBb{X} and \catBB{X} is at most 1 and the conjecture is true for some cases. We give further corrections mainly in the proof of Theorem 1.12.Comment: 12pages original + 5pages errat

    Further evaluation of empirical management procedures based on longline CPUE index and aerial survey index

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    Based on recommendations made during the third Operating Model and Management Procedure Technical Meeting (June 2010, Seattle), we have revised and evaluated “HK” Management Procedures (MPs) using empirical algorithms to determine TACs using information from the longline CPUE series and the aerial survey (AS) index. The exploration of HK variants showed that this MP can behave in a variety of ways as its control parameters and sub-algorithms are changed. As evident also from previous trials, MPs with larger TAC reduction in the early years, which might not be preferred from a socio-economic viewpoint, enable quicker stock rebuilding and greater TAC increases in later years, while still achieving the same long-term management target for spawning biomass recovery (though this comparison is complicated by transient effects)

    A list of fishes found on the oyster farming rafts by the underwater visual census in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan

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    カキ筏には多様な付着生物が生育することが知られており,魚類にとっても寄り付きやすい環境であることが示唆されている。しかし,カキ筏に具体的にどのような魚類が出現するのかについての知見は乏しい。そこで,カキ筏が数多く係留されている広島湾北部の江田島沖合において,カキ筏に出現する魚類の潜水目視調査を2011年8月と10月に実施した。マガキの垂下された水深5-9mを筏に沿って約50m 遊泳しながら,水中構造内に存在する魚種と個体数を記録した。各月とも,マガキの成長した筏とマガキが垂下されて間もない筏について調査し,のべ400分の潜水観察により総計16科24種の魚類を確認した。そのほぼすべてが,沿岸岩礁域およびガラモ場にみられる魚種であった。クロダイ,アカオビシマハゼ,アミメハギ,カワハギの4種は,調査を実施した筏すべてにおいて出現が認められ,カキ筏環境への順応性の高さが伺われた。出現魚種数および出現個体数は,マガキの成長した筏が有意に高く,マガキの成長に伴い,より多様な魚が数多く寄り付きやすくなることが示唆された。The oyster farming rafts occupy 200ha of the water surface in Hiroshima Bay. Each floating raft (ca.11m wide x 26m long) hangs a total of 600 wires (ca. 10m depth) each attaching 40 oysters’ collectors, providing a complex underwater structure. Though the raft structure has been suggested to provide nursery habitats for fishes, information of fishes found around the oyster raft has been very limited hitherto. In order to obtain data of the species composition and the abundance of fishes occurring on the raft structure, we conducted visual census at off Eta-shima Island, northern Hiroshima Bay, during the daytime on August 5 and October 3, 2011. The collecters were dropped in 0-15m depth from floating rafts. Five observers swam for 52m along the outer edge of the raft in 5-9m depth, with recording fish species and individual numbers occurring within the structure (ca. 100min observation for each raft). The underwater survey was conducted for two types of the rafts in each survey month; a raft with well-grown oysters after overwintering (called the late raft) and one with oyster spats (called the early raft). A total of 24 fish species (16 families) were confirmed and almost of them (23 species) have ever been known as occurring on rocky reefs in Hiroshima Bay. Four fishes, a sparid Acanthopagrus schlegelii, a gobiid Tridentiger trigonocephalus, monacanthids Rudarius ercodes and Stephanolepis cirrhifer, commonly occurred in all four surveyed rafts, suggesting their high abilities in fitting for the environmental conditions of the oyster rafts. The late rafts maintained significantly higher values both in mean fish species numbers and in mean fish abundance than the early rafts, implying that the environmental conditions would become attractive for fishes as a nursery habitat in accordance with the growth of oysters mooring for longer periods.本研究は平成23年度広島大学地域連携推進研究事業の支援を受け,プロジェクト「魚類によるカキならびにアサリの食害防除に関する生物学的研究」の一環として実施したものである

    Heritability and Environmental Correlation of Phase Angle with Anthropometric Measurements: A Twin Study

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    Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)-derived phase angle (PhA) is a valuable parameter to assess physical health. However, the genetic and environmental aspects of PhA are not yet well understood. The present study aimed to estimate the heritability of PhA and investigate the relationships between PhA and anthropometric measurements. PhA and skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) were examined using multi-frequency BIA in 168 Japanese twin volunteers (54 males and 114 females; mean age = 61.0 ± 16.5 years). We estimated the narrow-sense heritability of these parameters and the genetic and environmental relationships between them using a genetic twin modeling. For the PhA, 51% (95% confidence interval: 0.33, 0.64) of the variance was explained by additive genetic effects, and 49% (95% confidence interval: 0.36, 0.67) was explained by unique environmental effects. The heritability of PhA was lower than the height, body weight, and body mass index. PhA shared almost no genetic variation with anthropometric measurements and SMI but shared an environmental variation (14%) with SMI. These findings suggest that the genes affecting PhA are different than those affecting anthropometric measurements and SMI. The correlation between PhA and SMI is caused by common environmental factors