245 research outputs found

    Modeling political belief and its propagation, with Malaysia as a driving context

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    "We discuss in this paper an agent-based simulation model that describes the propagation of political belief in Malaysia. Worldview map is used as the representational scheme for political belief. Inter-agent interaction propagates the belief throughout the agent population, subject to similarity of emotion between the interacting agents and their distances apart, and various attributes of the individual agents. Media broadcast may be used by agents in their attempt to extend their reach. Computational experiments made using the model point to its plausibility. Further, it highlights, for the ruling coalition, the importance of both a strong political propaganda machinery and a strong governance in winning the hearts and minds of the electorate." (author's abstract

    Multiresolution Ray Tracing For Point-Based Geometry [QA445. N832 2007 f rb].

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    Tumpuan utama di dalam tesis ini adalah kajian tentang integrasi teknik berbilang peleraian dengan penyurihan sinar di dalam menjanakan imej objek objek 3D berasas titik. The primary concern in this thesis is with the incorporation of multiresolutionbased optimization into ray tracing algorithms specially tailored for point-based geometry

    Hybrid shear-warp rendering

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    Shear-warp rendering is a fast and efficient method for visualizing a volume of sampled data based on a factorization of the viewing transformation into a shear and a warp. In shear-warp rendering, the volume is resampled, composited and warped to obtain the final image. Many applications, however, require a mixture of polygonal and volumetric data to be rendered together in a single image. This paper describes a new approach for extending the shear-warp rendering to simultaneously handle polygonal objects. A data structure, the zlist-buffe, is presented. It is basically a multilayered z-buffer. With the zlist-buffer, an object-based scan conversion of polygons requires only a simple modification of the standard polygon scan-conversion algorithm. This paper shows how the scan conversion can be integrated with shear-warp rendering of run-length encoded volume data to obtain quality images in real time. The utility and performance of the approach using a number of test renderings is also discussed

    Towards an Intelligent Framework for Pressure-based 3D Curve Drawing

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    Pen pressure is an input channel typically available in tablet pen device. To date, little attention has been paid to the use of pressure in the domain of graphical interaction, its usage largely limited to drawing and painting program, typically for varying brush characteristic such as stroke width, opacity and color. In this paper, we explore the use of pressure in 3D curve drawing. The act of controlling pressure using pen, pencil and brush in real life appears effortless, but to mimic this natural ability to control pressure using a pressure sensitive pen in the realm of electronic medium is difficult. Previous pressure based interaction work have proposed various signal processing techniques to improve the accuracy in pressure control, but a one-for-all signal processing solution tend not to work for different curve types. We propose instead a framework which applies signal processing techniques tuned to individual curve type. A neural network classifier is used as a curve classifier. Based on the classification, a custom combination of signal processing techniques is then applied. Results obtained point to the feasibility and advantage of the approach.Comment: This paper was rejected from GI 2014. Comment from the chief reviewer:All reviewers noted that the ideas behind this paper were promising, but felt that research was not quite sufficiently developed...Although all agreed that this idea is insightful and has the potential to lead to a valuable contribution,... the idea is not yet sufficiently developed to warrant publicatio

    Struktur Generik Perundingan Nabi Yusuf A.S. Dalam Pemulihan Emosi Penghuni Penjara: Analisis Surah Yusuf

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    Kehidupan di dalam penjara sama sekali membatasi pergerakan dan perhubungan antara dunia penjara dan dunia luar. Situasi ini menggalakkan peningkatan tekanan emosi apatah lagi jiwa mereka sendiri dihimpit dengan perasaan bercelaru, risau, murung, tidak tenteram, dendam dan marah. Perundingan menjadikan bahasa sebagai medium perhubungan dilihat mampu bertindak sebagai fungsi pemulihan ke arah hidup yang lebih bermakna. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti struktur generik wacana perundingan Nabi Yusuf a.s. serta mengenal pasti strategi perundingan yang digunakan oleh Nabi Yusuf a.s. Data kajian terdiri daripada tujuh ayat daripada peristiwa pemenjaraan Nabi Yusuf a.s. dalam surah Yusuf. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif dan dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis wacana agama berdasarkan metodologi ilmu tafsir oleh al-ZuhaÄ«lÄ«y. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa struktur generik wacana perundingan Nabi Yusuf a.s. mengikut kerangka “permasalahan-penyelesaianâ€. Kajian ini juga membuktikan peranan bahasa santun dalam memulihkan emosi, memberi kedamaian, ketenangan dan kesejahteraan hidup di samping menanam kepercayaan, nilai dan perhatian penghuni penjara yang disalurkan melalui wacana genre agama dan genre kaunseling

    Bahasa dan kuasa: analisis wacana bahasa perundingan Nabi Yusuf AS dengan saudara-saudara Baginda: Language and power: discourse analysis of the language of negotiation between Prophet Yusuf AS and his siblings

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    Perundingan merupakan salah satu bentuk interaksi sosial yang digunakan dalam proses perdamaian antara individu mahupun kumpulan yang berkonflik. Kemahiran penggunaan bahasa yang efektif dalam perundingan sangat penting bagi memastikan objektif perundingan dapat dicapai khususnya dalam pembinaan hubungan yang baik antara kedua-dua belah pihak. Kajian ini memberi fokus kepada cara Nabi Yusuf AS menggembleng bahasa dalam mengubah amalan sosial iaitu konflik antara baginda dengan saudara-saudaranya melalui wacana perundingan. Secara khususnya, kajian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan deskripsi terhadap dialog antara Nabi Yusuf AS dengan saudara-saudaranya semasa proses perundingan menerusi penganalisisan terhadap i) penggunaan bahasa sebagai medium utama perundingan; dan ii) hubungan kuasa perunding dengan bahasa dalam perundingan. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui analisis wacana al-Quran, metode al-Jurjānīy serta analisis wacana kritis, metode Fairclough (1992; 2003). Wacana perundingan yang dipilih untuk tujuan analisis ini ialah teks dialog antara Nabi Yusuf AS dan saudara-saudaranya daripada surah Yūsuf dalam tiga fasa perundingan iaitu perundingan penyediaan bekalan makanan, perundingan penahanan Bunyāmīn dan perundingan perdamaian. Berdasarkan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis Fairclough itu, dimensi tekstual kajian ini meliputi modaliti, partikel dan struktur teks. Manakala dimensi amalan wacana dibataskan kepada daya ujaran sahaja. Analisis dimensi amalan sosial diperlihatkan melalui pertalian antara kedua-dua dimensi. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa terdapat praktis sosial yang menggambarkan wujud penggunaan kuasa dalam wacana perundingan Nabi Yusuf AS dengan saudara-saudaranya di samping penggunaan bahasa baginda yang bersifat persuasif, tegas dan santun yang membentuk hubungan sosial antara mereka.Negotiation is a form of social interaction used in the peace process between individuals and conflicting groups. The skill of using effective language in negotiations is essential to ensure that the objectives of the negotiation can be achieved, especially in the development of good relations between the two sides. This study focuses on how Prophet Yusuf a.s. galvanized the language in changing social practices, namely the conflict between him and his brothers through the discourse of negotiations. In particular, this study was conducted to describe the dialogue between Prophet Yusuf a.s. and his brothers during the negotiation process through analysis of i) the use of language as the main medium of negotiation; and ii) the relationship of the negotiator's power with the language in the negotiation. This paper uses qualitative approach through analysis of Quranic discourse, Al-Jurjaniy methodology as well as critical discourse analysis, Fairclough (1992;2003). The discourse of the negotiation chosen for the purpose of this analysis is the text of the dialogue between Prophet Yusuf a.s. and his brothers from Surah Yusuf in the three phases of the negotiations, which are the negotiation on the preparation of food supplies, the Bunyamin detention negotiations and the peace negotiation. Based on Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach, the textual dimensions of this study include modalities, particles and text structure. While the dimensions of discourse practice are limited to the power of speech only. The analysis of the dimensions of social practice is shown through the relationship between the two dimensions. It can be pointed out that there is a social practicality that describes the use of power in the discourse of the negotiation of Yusuf a.s. with his brothers in addition to the use of language for him that is persuasive, assertive and polite that forms the social relationship between them


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    Research in underwater acoustic networks has been developed rapidly to support large variety of applications such as mining equipment and environmental monitoring. As in terrestrial sensor networks; reliable data transport is demanded in underwater sensor networks. The energy efficiency of error correction technique should be considered because of the severe energy constraints of underwater wireless sensor networks. Forward error correction (FEC) andautomatic repeat request (ARQ) are the two main error correction techniques in underwater networks. In this paper, a mathematical energy efficiency analysis for FEC and ARQ techniques in underwater environment has been done based on communication distance and packet size. The effects of wind speed, and shipping factor are studied. A comparison between FEC and ARQ in terms of energy efficiency is performed; it is found that energy efficiency of both techniquesincreases with increasing packet size in short distances, but decreases in longer distances. There is also a cut-off distance below which ARQ is more energy efficient than FEC, and after which FEC is more energy efficient than ARQ. This cut-off distance decreases by increasing wind speed. Wind speed has great effecton energy efficiency where as shipping factor has unnoticeable effect on energy efficiency for both techniques

    Multiresolution Ray Tracing For Point-Based Geometry

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    Tumpuan utama di dalam tesis ini adalah kajian tentang integrasi teknik berbilang peleraian dengan penyurihan sinar di dalam menjanakan imej objekobjek 3D berasas titik. The primary concern in this thesis is with the incorporation of multiresolutionbased optimization into ray tracing algorithms specially tailored for point-based geometry