7,333 research outputs found
Spectropolarimetry with CRISP at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
CRISP (Crisp Imaging Spectro-polarimeter), the new spectropolarimeter at the
Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope, opens a new perspective in solar polarimetry. With
better spatial resolution (0.13") than Hinode in the Fe I 6302 A line and
similar polarimetric sensitivity reached through postprocessing, CRISP
complements the SP spectropolarimeter onboard Hinode. We present some of the
data which we obtained in our June 2008 campaign and preliminary results from
LTE inversions of a pore containing umbral dots.Comment: To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the
Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and
Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200
Spatially coupled inversion of spectro-polarimetric image data I: Method and first results
When inverting solar spectra, image degradation effects that are present in
the data are usually approximated or not considered. We develop a data
reduction method that takes these issues into account and minimizes the
resulting errors. By accounting for the diffraction PSF of the telescope during
the inversions, we can produce a self-consistent solution that best fits the
observed data, while simultaneously requiring fewer free parameters than
conventional approaches. Simulations using realistic MHD data indicate that the
method is stable for all resolutions, including those with pixel scales well
beyond those that can be resolved with a 0.5m telescope, such as the Hinode
SOT. Application of the presented method to reduce full Stokes data from the
Hinode spectro-polarimeter results in dramatically increased image contrast and
an increase in the resolution of the data to the diffraction limit of the
telescope in almost all Stokes and fit parameters. The resulting data allow for
detecting and interpreting solar features that have so far only been observed
with 1m class ground-based telescopes. The new inversion method allows for
accurate fitting of solar spectro-polarimetric imaging data over a large field
of view, while simultaneously improving the noise statistics and spatial
resolution of the results significantly.Comment: A&A, accepte
Spectropolarimetric NLTE inversion code SNAPI
Inversion codes are computer programs that fit a model atmosphere to the
observed Stokes spectra, thus retrieving the relevant atmospheric parameters.
The rising interest in the solar chromosphere, where spectral lines are formed
by scattering, requires developing, testing, and comparing new non-local
thermal equilibrium (NLTE) inversion codes.
We present a new NLTE inversion code that is based on the analytical
computation of the response functions. We named the code SNAPI, which is short
for spectropolarimetic NLTE analytically powered inversion. SNAPI inverts full
Stokes spectrum in order to obtain a depth-dependent stratification of the
temperature, velocity, and the magnetic field vector. It is based on the
so-called node approach, where atmospheric parameters are free to vary in
several fixed points in the atmosphere, and are assumed to behave as splines in
between. We describe the inversion approach in general and the specific choices
we have made in the implementation. We test the performance on one academic
problem and on two interesting NLTE examples, the Ca\,II\,8542 and Na\,I\,D
spectral lines. The code is found to have excellent convergence properties and
outperforms a finite-difference based code in this specific implementation by
at least a factor of three. We invert synthetic observations of Na lines from a
small part of a simulated solar atmosphere and conclude that the Na lines
reliably retrieve the magnetic field and velocity in the range .Comment: To appear in A&
Location choice of SMEs
Onderzoek naar de vestigingsplaatskeuze van midden- en kleinbedrijven in commerciële diensten, industrie, groothandel en vervoer. In het onderzoek wordt verder onderscheid gemaakt naar nieuwe en bestaande bedrijven, omdat voor bestaande bedrijven andere motieven, zoals mobiliteit, een belangrijke rol kunnen spelen.
Quantitative Analysis of Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy on Folded Chromatin Fibers
Single-molecule techniques allow for picoNewton manipulation and nanometer accuracy measurements of single chromatin fibers. However, the complexity of the data, the heterogeneity of the composition of individual fibers and the relatively large fluctuations in extension of the fibers complicate a structural interpretation of such force-extension curves. Here we introduce a statistical mechanics model that quantitatively describes the extension of individual fibers in response to force on a per nucleosome basis. Four nucleosome conformations can be distinguished when pulling a chromatin fiber apart. A novel, transient conformation is introduced that coexists with single wrapped nucleosomes between 3 and 7 pN. Comparison of force-extension curves between single nucleosomes and chromatin fibers shows that embedding nucleosomes in a fiber stabilizes the nucleosome by 10 kBT. Chromatin fibers with 20- and 50-bp linker DNA follow a different unfolding pathway. These results have implications for accessibility of DNA in fully folded and partially unwrapped chromatin fibers and are vital for understanding force unfolding experiments on nucleosome arrays
A reversible bifurcation analysis of the inverted pendulum
The inverted pendulum with a periodic parametric forcing is considered as a bifurcation problem in the reversible setting. Parameters are given by the size of the forcing and the frequency ratio. Normal form theory provides an integrable approximation of the Poincaré map generated by a planar vector field. Genericity of the model is studied by a perturbation analysis, where the spatial symmetry is optional. Here equivariant singularity theory is used.
FAMOS: a size-class based financial analysis model
Beschrijving van het financieel model Financial Analysis Model of SMEs (FAMOS), dat de balansstructuur voor de niet-financiële sectoren en grootteklassen weergeeft. Het model geeft meer inzicht in de wijze waarop veranderingen in bijvoorbeeld de omzet, de financieringskosten en de winsten doorwerken op de balansstructuur van bedrijven en hun financiële indicatoren. Hierbij kan onderscheid worden gemaakt tussen de activastructuur (de verschillende vormen van bezittingen) en de vermogensstructuur (eigen of vreemd vermogen). De belangrijkste conclusie van het rapport is dat de balansstructuur slechts marginaal verandert bij een veranderde economische groei in het algemeen, en meer specifiek voor wijzigingen in betaalde rente en winsten. Er zijn wel grote verschillen mogelijk tussen sectoren en grootteklassen.
Coarse graining of slow variables in dynamic simulations of soft matter
A new Brownian dynamics model is presented to describe the coarse grain dynamics of particles with long-lived memory. Instead of solving a set of generalized Langevin equations we introduce a set of variables describing the slowly fluctuating thermodynamic state of the ignored degrees of freedom. These variables give rise to additional transient forces on the simulated particles, whose interpretation provides a new way of thinking about memory effects in soft-matter physics. We illustrate the proposed method by simulating shear thinning of synthetic resins.\u
The Effect of Diffuse Light on Crops
Light is not evenly distributed in Dutch glass greenhouses, but this can be improved with diffuse light. Modern greenhouse coverings are able to transform most of the light entering the greenhouse into diffuse light. Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture has studied the effect of diffuse light on crops for several years. Modelling and experimental studies showed that crops such as fruit vegetables with a high plant canopy as well as ornamentals with a small plant canopy can utilize diffuse light better than direct light. Diffuse light penetrates the middle layers of a high-grown crop and results in a better horizontal light distribution in the greenhouse. Diffuse light is absorbed to a better degree by the middle leaf layers of cucumber, resulting in a higher photosynthesis. The actual photosynthesis of four pot plant species was found to be increased and crop temperatures were lower during high irradiation. The yield of cucumbers was increased, and the growth rate of several potted plants was increased. These investigations have resulted in a quantitative foundation for the potentials of diffuse light in Dutch horticultural greenhouses and the selection and verification of technological methods to convert direct sunlight into diffuse light
Peripheral downflows in sunspot penumbrae
Sunspot penumbrae show high-velocity patches along the periphery. The
high-velocity downflow patches are believed to be the return channels of the
Evershed flow. We aim to investigate their structure in detail using Hinode
SOT/SP observations. We employ Fourier interpolation in combination with
spatially coupled height dependent LTE inversions of Stokes profiles to produce
high-resolution, height-dependent maps of atmospheric parameters of these
downflows and investigate their properties. High-speed downflows are observed
over a wide range of viewing angles. They have supersonic line-of-sight
velocities, some in excess of 20km/s, and very high magnetic field strengths,
reaching values of over 7 kG. A relation between the downflow velocities and
the magnetic field strength is found, in good agreement with MHD simulations.
The coupled inversion at high resolution allows for the accurate determination
of small-scale structures. The recovered atmospheric structure indicates that
regions with very high downflow velocities contain some of the strongest
magnetic fields that have ever been measured on the Sun.Comment: A&A, in press, 14 pages, 15 figure
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