243 research outputs found

    STUDYING THE CHANGES IN THE NIHONBASHI MITSUKOSHI MAIN STORE BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL PLAN: BEFORE AND AFTER THE 1923 GREAT KANTO EARTHQUAKE : Vicissitudes in the renovation and expansion of the Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store Building, part 2

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    This study clarifies the establishment and development of departmental store buildings in modern Japan through a case study of the Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store Building. This article is the second draft of the study that analyzes the changes in the building plan before and after the Great Kantō Earthquake of 1923. Changes in the building plan in the post-earthquake renovation process are compared by focusing on profitability. The article reevaluates the role of Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store Building’s renovation, completed in 1927, during the initial establishment stage of departmental stores in pre-war Japa

    Movement of Calcuium (45Ca) to Fruit from Peduncle of Tomato Plants

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    Movement of calcium (45Ca) from the peduncle to fruit of tomato during the days and night was investigated. Further, the effects of additional NaCl to the culture solution on the water potential in plants and 45Ca movement to fruit were also examined. The activity of 45Ca on a dry weight basis in the peduncle was higher during the day than at night, however, in calyx and fruit the 45Ca activity was similar both during the day and night. Import of 45Ca into the leaves from the peduncle was not different between the day and the night. Additional NaCl to the culture solution resulted in a greater water saturation deficit (WSD) of the immature leaves just below the 2nd and 3rd trusses, unlike with the mature leaves below the 1st truss where the WSD did not decrease with NaCl treatment. On the oher hand, the activity of 45Ca in the peduncle and calyx was not different between the NaCl treatment and the control. However, the activity in the distal part of the fruits was lower with, NaCl treament than in the control. These results suggested that the high WSD effectively decreased the import of calcium into fruits from the peduncle. It seems that the import of 45Ca into fruit not only dependent on the conductive tissues but also a possible driving force in xylem water flow, and that NaCl interferes with movement of calcium in the fruits.トマト果柄に木綿糸を通してカルシウム(45Ca)を処理し昼夜間別に果房各部位への45Caの移行、ならびに、培養液にNaClを添加した場合の樹体内の水分状態と果実への45Ca移行について調査した。昼夜間における単位乾物重当りの45Caの非活性は果柄で昼間に有意に高くなったが、がく・果実では昼夜間差は生じなかった。また、葉でも昼夜間差はなく昼夜同程度に45Caの移行が認められた。培養液にNaClを添加しても、第1果房直下葉(成熟葉)の水分欠差が生じなかったが、第2・3段果房直下葉(未成熟葉)ではNaCl添加のよって水分欠差は有意に増大し、果柄・がくの45Ca非活性も高くなる傾向を示した。しかし果実末端部の45Ca非活性は有意に低くなり、同時に、果実全体に占める果実末端部での45Ca非活性もNaCl添加によって減少した。本試験の結果から、木綿糸処理液の果柄内への流入は樹体の水分欠差に影響を受けると考えられた。果柄内に流入した45Caは、水の流れだけでなく他の要因によっても各部位に移行するものと思われた。また、培養液へのNaCl添加により、果実末端部へのカルシウム移行がより強く抑制されるのは、果実内でのカチオン移動に競合が生じるからではないかと推察された


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    This paper is an attempt to clarify the changes in efforts toward the preservation of and research on modern architectural materials, particularly in Japan, since the establishment of the International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighborhoods of the Modern Movement (DOCOMOMO) in 1988. Focusing on studies and research that describe preservation activities and discussions as movements within Japan, and beginning with the opening of the Japanese National Archives of Modern Architecture, which acts as a repository for these materials, we will proceed with our investigation by tracing the changes in their preservation

    Chemo-Sensitive Running Droplet

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    Chemical control of the spontaneous motion of a reactive oil droplet moving on a glass substrate under an aqueous phase is reported. Experimental results show that the self-motion of an oil droplet is confined on an acid-treated glass surface. The transient behavior of oil-droplet motion is also observed with a high-speed video camera. A mathematical model that incorporates the effect of the glass surface charge is built based on the experimental observation of oil-droplet motion. A numerical simulation of this mathematical model reproduced the essential features concerning confinement within a certain chemical territory of oil-droplet motion, and also its transient behavior. Our results may shed light on physical aspects of reactive spreading and a chemotaxis in living things.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Cancer Phenotype Diagnosis and Drug Efficacy within Japanese Health Care

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    An overview on targeted personalized medicine is given describing the developments in Japan of lung cancer patients. These new targeted therapies with novel personalized medicine drugs require new implementations, in order to follow and monitor drug efficacy and outcome. Examples from IRESSA (Gefitinib) and TARCEVA (Erlotinib) treatments used in medication of lung cancer patients are presented. Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer mortality in the world. The importance of both the quantification of disease progression, where diagnostic-related biomarkers are being implemented, in addition to the actual measurement of disease-specific mechanisms relating to pathway signalling activation of disease-progressive protein targets is summarised. An outline is also presented, describing changes and adaptations in Japan, meeting the rising costs and challenges. Today, urgent implementation of programs to address these needs has led to a rebuilding of the entire approach of medical evaluation and clinical care

    Electroweak Corrections and Unitarity in Linear Moose Models

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    We calculate the form of the corrections to the electroweak interactions in the class of Higgsless models which can be "deconstructed'' to a chain of SU(2) gauge groups adjacent to a chain of U(1) gauge groups, and with the fermions coupled to any single SU(2) group and to any single U(1) group along the chain. The primary advantage of our technique is that the size of corrections to electroweak processes can be directly related to the spectrum of vector bosons ("KK modes"). In Higgsless models, this spectrum is constrained by unitarity. Our methods also allow for arbitrary background 5-D geometry, spatially dependent gauge-couplings, and brane kinetic energy terms. We find that, due to the size of corrections to electroweak processes in any unitary theory, Higgsless models with localized fermions are disfavored by precision electroweak data. Although we stress our results as they apply to continuum Higgsless 5-D models, they apply to any linear moose model including those with only a few extra vector bosons. Our calculations of electroweak corrections also apply directly to the electroweak gauge sector of 5-D theories with a bulk scalar Higgs boson; the constraints arising from unitarity do not apply in this case.Comment: 50 pages, 11 eps figures, typos correcte

    Pathological Vascular Invasion and Tumor Differentiation Predict Cancer Recurrence in Stage ia Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Complete Surgical Resection

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    Introduction:The appropriate therapeutic strategy and postoperative management for patients with stage IA non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) still remain a matter of debate because of the prognostic heterogeneity of this population, including the risk of cancer recurrence. The objective of the current study was to identify the clinicopathological factors that affect overall prognosis and cancer recurrence of stage IA NSCLC.Methods:We reviewed the data of 532 patients in whom complete resection of stage IA NSCLC had been performed. Overall survival and recurrence-free proportion (RFP) were estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method. RFP was estimated from the date of the primary tumor resection to the date of the first recurrence or last follow-up. We performed univariate and multivariate analyses to determine the independent prognostic factors.Results:On multivariate analyses, three variables were shown to be independently significant recurrence risk factors: histological differentiation (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.925), blood-vessel invasion (HR = 1.712), and lymph-vessel invasion (HR = 1.751). On subgroup analyses combining these risk factors, the 5-year RFP was 91.3% for patients with no risk factors, 79.5% for those with either poorly differentiated carcinoma or vascular invasion, (p < 0.001 for both), and 62.9% for those with both poorly differentiated carcinoma and vascular invasion (p = 0.068).Conclusion:These results indicated that vascular invasion and tumor differentiation have a significant impact on the prediction of cancer recurrence in patients with stage IA NSCLC. Patients with these predictive factors of recurrence may be good candidates for adjuvant chemotherapy

    Pengaruh Kandungan Lemak Dan Energi Yang Berbeda Dalam Pakan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Pakan Dan Pertumbuhan Patin (Pangasius Pangasius)

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    Pakan merupakan faktor terpenting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan, didalam pakan harus mengandung nutrisi yang lengkap. Penggunaan lemak dalam pakan sangat penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan, karena lemak merupakan sumber energi yang memiliki nilai cukup tinggi dibanding protein dan karbohidrat. Pengunaan lemak sebagai “Protein sparing effect” yaitu pengganti protein sebagai sumber energi, sehingga penggunaan energi yang berasal dari protein dapat digunakan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan terhadap pemanfaatan pakan dan pertumbuhan patin (P. pangasius).Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah perbedaan kandungan lemak dan energi antara lain pada perlakuan A (8%, 281,98 kkal); B (9%, 286,74 kkal); C (10%, 289,45 kkal); dan D (11%, 296,21 kkal). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah patin (Pangasius pangasius) yang berasal dari Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. Ikan uji yang digunakan dengan bobot rata-rata 6,48±0,68 g/ekor, dengan padat tebar 1 ekor/liter. Pakan diberikan 3 kali dalam sehari yaitu pada sekitar pukul 08.00 WIB, pukul 12.00 WIB, dan pukul 16.00 WIB. Pemberian pakan diberikan secara at satiation.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan buatan, memberikan pengaruh nyata (P&lt;0,05) terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR pada patin (P. pangasius), sedangkan pada variabel TKP dan SR tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata (P&gt;0,05). Perlakuan D diperoleh hasil tertinggi dengan nilai TKP (25,27±0,06g), EPP (54,62±0,93%), PER (1,82±0,03%), RGR (0,75±0,02%/hari), dan SR (95,83%).Kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan, memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR; tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap TKP dan SR patin (P. pangasius). Feed played an important role in fish farming and therefor, it should contain complete nutrition. The use of fat in fish diet was required for energy supply and producing of growth. The fat was used to subtitute energy source from protein, so the use of protein for fish growth can be optimaled. This study was aimed to observe the influence of different fat and energy on the feed utilization and growth of P. pangasius.The experimental method used was completely randomized design, which consisted of 4 treatments and 3 replicats, that were trial diets with ratio of treatment A (8%, 281.98 kkal); B (9%, 286.74 kkal); C (10%, 289.45 kkal); dan D (11%, 296.21 kkal) respectively. The ratio of vegetable oil : animal oil was equal. The fish used was P. pangasius, which was quired from Banjarnegara, Central Java. It\u27s average body weight of 6.48±0.68 g. The fish was maintenance in 8 l-tanks for 35 days. with a stocking density of 1 fish/l. The fish were feed 3 times a day, at 08.00, 12.00, and 16.00 by appliying at satiation method.The fish fed on resulted on dietary of different fat and energy on the feed on values significantly different (P&lt;0.05) on the EPP, PER and RGR. But for feed in TKP and SR values (P&gt;0.05). TKP value (25.27±0.06g) EPP (54.62±0.93%) , PER (1.82±0.03%) , RGR (0.75±0.02%/day), and SR (95.83%).It was concluded that the influence of different fat and energy on the feed utilization and growth of pangasius in feed significantly effect on, EPP, PER, and RGR while for TKP and SR where not significantly different