448 research outputs found

    A Study of the Radiation Quality under Plant Canopies In the Wave Range 0.4 to 2.5 Microns

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    The spectral distribution of the global radiation from 0.4 to 2.5 microns penetrating deciduous and coniferous canopies were measured during clear days between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. using a double-quartz monochromator. In the visible region (0.4 to 0.7 micron) the average relative spectral transmissions under both canopies are about one percent beginning at 0.4 micron and decreasing to about half a percent at 0.67 micron. There is only a small peak in the green (0.55 micron) transmission under deciduous stands while there is none under coniferous canopies. The slightly higher transmission in the blue (0.4 micron) is attributed to the direct sky radiation penetrating through the gaps in the canopies. There is a steep increase in the transmission at about 0.7 micron. The increase is relatively higher under deciduous stands compared to coniferous stands. In the infrared region from 0.8 to about 1.4 microns, the average relative spectral transmission under deciduous stands is about 10 percent which is double the transmission under coniferous canopies. The transmission under deciduous stands is about twice that of the coniferous stands throughout the near infrared with very low transmission in the water absorption band at 1.45 and practically no transmission at all in the 1.90 micron-band. The absolute spectral transmission exhibit a somewhat different distribution, especially in the visible region. Since the highest intensity of the solar spectrum in the open is located in the 0.5 micron-band, this is also reflected in the absolute values. The small peak in the green under deciduous stands is now indicated as a slight shift of the peak to the 0.55 micron-band. The water absorption bands at the 0.95 and 1.15 microns are also distinct, with hardly no transmission at all beyond 1.7 microns. The spectral transmittance of forest canopies differ from those reported for single leaves in the proportion of radiation transmitted in the visible and infrared regions. For example, the ratio of the transmission at 0.55 micron to that at 1.10 micron-band is about one to twelve compared to about one to five in single leaves. A deciduous canopy consisting of several layers of leaves wi ll only allow a very small amount of transmission, mostly in the green portion and somewhat more in the infrared region between 0.72 and 1.40 microns. Under natural conditions in the forest, there exists a very weak green shadow and a somewhat stronger infrared shadow. The altered spectral composition may influence the understory vegetation as regards photosynthesis, seed germination, and the photoperiodic responses in the forest floor

    A Mesoscale Radiation Study of the Cache Valley

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    The radiation climate of Cache Valley was established f rom the continuous recordings of global and diffuse sky radiation at Utah State University campus from June 1968 to July 1969 and August 1968 to July 1969, respectively. The influence of topographic features during summer and winter conditions a t seven representative locations running on an east-west direction across the valley were determined by making short term measurements on clear days. A comparison of the clear day average global radiation on approximate dates of the same solar declination shows higher values during late winter and spring than t he values during late summer and autumn. This is mainly the influence of the higher atmospheric water vapor during the warmer months. An interesting fact is, that not only the direct , but also the scattered radiation shows higher values during the spring months . This is caused by additional reflection from the snow-covered mountain slopes . In the curve showing the distribution of the diffuse sky radiation on completely cloudy days, the effect of the multiple reflection between the ground surface and t he bases of clouds is very prominent in the period when there is snow on the ground. sky radiation at Utah State University campus and to study the local influences of local topography on the receipt of global and diffuse sky radiation at various locations across the valley on an east-west direction by making short term measurements under summer and winter conditions . In a mountain valley like Cache Valley, the difference in climate between the two opposite sides can largely be attributed to differences in the amounts of radiation received. This study was conducted on a scale where the incoming solar radiation may be influenced by topographic features

    Celdilla de digestión-Lixiviación con membrana semipermeable, sistema de cerrado hermético y de control de temperatura

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    Número de publicación: ES2524521 A1 (09.12.2014) También publicado como: ES2524521 B1 (13.10.2015)ES2524521 B8 (13.05.2016) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201201027 (08.10.2012)La invención es una celdilla de digestión-lixiviación con membrana semipermeable, sistema de cerrado hermético y de control de temperatura que es un dispositivo para pruebas de digestibilidad y lixiviación de moléculas o iones a nivel laboratorio. La invención es un diseño novedoso que permite mantener aislada la cámara interna (donde se realiza la digestión-lixiviación de materiales) de la cámara externa (donde se reciben los productos de la digestión-lixiviación) conectadas exclusivamente a través de la membrana semipermeable, de tamaño de poro intercambiable, para el paso de las moléculas o iones de tamaño deseado. La celdilla contiene un dispositivo que permite mantener un control de la temperatura en el interior de la cámara interna. Las aplicaciones de la celdilla están en laboratorios académicos o de investigación (empresas, centros de investigación, institutos, Universidades) para la realización de pruebas de digestibilidad in vitro de macromoléculas o de lixiviación de moléculas o iones.Universidad de Almerí

    Composición y Método Cinético de Medición de la Actividad Lipasa

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    Número de publicación: ES2358029 A1 (05.05.2011) También publicado como: ES2358029 B2 (23.03.2012 Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200902117(20.10.2009)La presente invención pertenece al campo de las composiciones químicas utilizadas en métodos de determinación de actividad enzimática. En particular, la presente invención se encuadra en los métodos cinéticos de determinación de la actividad lipasa que utilizan sustratos sintéticos.Universidad de Almerí

    Bacterial expressed coat protein : development of a single antiserum for routine detection of Citrus tristeza virus

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    Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) causes one of the most important citrus diseases world-wide and has recently been detected in Portugal. Early diagnosis based on immunoenzymatic techniques requires significant amounts of reagents. This research describes the isolation of the coat protein gene of CTV, its expression in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein containing an N-terminal (His)6 region and its use to raise rabbit polyclonal antibodies. These antibodies could be used at dilutions higher than 1/80,000 at the detection stage in indirect ELISA tests and were also efficient for trapping the virus in ELISA and Immunocapture RT-PCR. These characteristics allowed the production of diagnostic kits based solely on this source of antibodies. A detection spectrum and sensitivity similar to that of a commercial polyclonal antibody kit was achieved

    Skin Disease in Liver and Kidney Transplant Recipients Referred to the Department of Dermatology and Venereology

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    Introdução: Foram descritas várias doenças cutâneas em doentes transplantados, em relação com a terapêutica imunossupressora instituída. Pretendemos caracterizar o espectro clínico das patologias dermatológicas e comparar os diagnósticos entre os doentes transplantados hepáticos e os doentes transplantados renais. Material e Métodos: Estudo descritivo e retrospectivo através da consulta de processos clínicos de todos os doentes submetidos a transplante hepático ou renal entre 2000 - 2010 referenciados à Consulta de Dermatologia e Venereologia. Resultados: Observámos 319 doentes transplantados (23,5%) e apurámos 410 diagnósticos (230 na sub-população com transplante hepático e 180 na sub-população com transplante renal), divididos em quatro grupos: 1) infecções cutâneas; 2) cancro cutâneo ou lesões precursoras; 3) manifestações cutâneas relacionadas com efeitos secundários de fármacos; 4) outras patologias dermatológicas não iatrogénicas. As infecções cutâneas foram as mais observadas (42,2%), em média 32,7 meses após o transplante. Este grupo incluiu 20,5% de infecções fúngicas, 12,7% virais e 8,5% bacterianas. Identificámos patologia tumoral e lesões precursoras em 11,7% dos casos, em média 44,8 meses após o transplante e assumindo maior importância na sub-população com transplante renal (20,6% vs 4,8% nos transplantados hepáticos; P < 0,001). Os transplantados renais apresentaram predomínio de carcinomas espinocelulares (CEC) sobre os casos de carcinomas basocelulares (CBC), numa razão CEC:CBC de 1,3:1 mas nos transplantados hepáticos verificou-se uma razão CBC: carcinomas de 3,5:1. Ocorreram efeitos secundários de fármacos em 10,5% dos casos e outras patologias dermatológicas não iatrogénicas em 35,6%. Discussão: Apesar da patologia tumoral ser a mais referida na literatura, as infecções cutâneas foram as mais observadas na nossa amostra. As diferenças significativas entre as duas sub-populações estudadas podem estar relacionadas com o maior grau de imunossupressão a que os doentes transplantados renais estão sujeitos. Conclusão: Dada a elevada frequência de patologia cutânea nestes doentes é essencial incluir o acesso a consultas de Dermatologia e Venereologia nos cuidados multi-disciplinares pós-transplante

    La formación del concepto de función en alumnos de educación media superior

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    En este artículo se describe la realización de un taller cuyo diseño responde al marco de una investigación en proceso, que explora los saberes que sobre el concepto de función tienen los alumnos de educación media superior (EMS) y pretende analizar los efectos que presenta la puesta en escena de situaciones didácticas sobre la formación del concepto de función. En la primera etapa de la investigación se están explorando dichos saberes en 30 alumnos de EMS y 10 de los primeros semestres de la licenciatura en matemáticas en Acapulco, Guerrero, México. También se han diseñado situaciones didácticas para abordar este concepto, a fin de que se instrumenten en la escuela. Con estos avances se estructuró el taller para interesados en este campo y realizado en Relme 17 con la participación de siete profesores

    Valor genético de genitores de batata para capacidade de hibridação.

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    Classification and nondegeneracy of SU(n+1)SU(n+1) Toda system with singular sources

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    We consider the following Toda system \Delta u_i + \D \sum_{j = 1}^n a_{ij}e^{u_j} = 4\pi\gamma_{i}\delta_{0} \text{in}\mathbb R^2, \int_{\mathbb R^2}e^{u_i} dx -1,, \delta_0isDiracmeasureat0,andthecoefficients is Dirac measure at 0, and the coefficients a_{ij}formthestandardtridiagonalCartanmatrix.Inthispaper,(i)wecompletelyclassifythesolutionsandobtainthequantizationresult: form the standard tri-diagonal Cartan matrix. In this paper, (i) we completely classify the solutions and obtain the quantization result: j=1naijR2eujdx=4π(2+γi+γn+1i),      1in.\sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}\int_{\R^2}e^{u_j} dx = 4\pi (2+\gamma_i+\gamma_{n+1-i}), \;\;\forall\; 1\leq i \leq n.ThisgeneralizestheclassificationresultbyJostandWangfor This generalizes the classification result by Jost and Wang for \gamma_i=0,, \forall \;1\leq i\leq n.(ii)Weprovethatif. (ii) We prove that if \gamma_i+\gamma_{i+1}+...+\gamma_j \notin \mathbb Zforall for all 1\leq i\leq j\leq n,thenanysolution, then any solution u_i$ is \textit{radially symmetric} w.r.t. 0. (iii) We prove that the linearized equation at any solution is \textit{non-degenerate}. These are fundamental results in order to understand the bubbling behavior of the Toda system.Comment: 28 page