56 research outputs found

    Short Range Ising Spin Glasses: a critical exponent study

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    The critical properties of short-range Ising spin-glass models, defined on a diamond hierarchical lattice of graph fractal dimension df=2.58d_{f}=2.58, 3, and 4, and scaling factor 2 are studied via a method based on the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization-group scheme. The order parameter critical exponent β\beta is directly estimated from the data of the local Edwards- Anderson (EA) order parameter, obtained through an exact recursion procedure. The scaling of the EA order parameter, leading to estimates of the ν\nu exponent of the correlation length is also performed. Four distinct initial distributions of the quenched coupling constants (Gaussian, bimodal, uniform and exponential) are considered. Deviations from a universal behaviour are observed and analysed in the framework of the renormalized flow in a two dimensional appropriate parameter space.Comment: 9 pages, 01 figure (ps

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do sorgo granífero: V. efeitos das deficiências de micronutrientes (nota)

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    Grain sorghum var. TEY-101 was grown in nutrient solution in the presence and in the absence of micronutrients. Symptoms of deficieny of all micronutrients were obtained. Growth, as measured by dry matter production was affected by the treatments in the folowing decreasing, order: minus Fe, minus Zn, minus Mn, minus B, minus Mo and minus Cu. An additional treatment in which excess Mn was used revealed a relative tolerance of the variety to high levels of this element. The results of chemical analyses of the leaves suggest that the following contents (in ppm) of micronutrients are associated with the respective deficiencies: B - 20 to 40, Cu - 8 to 10, Fe - 198, Mn - 32 to 35, Mo - 0.5, Zn - 46 to 52; in the case of Fe the Fe/Mn relationship seems to give a better indication of the nutritional status than the content of the element per se, being igual to 1.7 in the healthy plants, and 0.6 in the iron deficient ones.O sorgo granífero, var. TEY 101, foi cultivado em solução nutritiva na presença e ausência de micronutrientes. Foram obtidos sintomas de carência e foi feita a determinação dos teores desses elementos nas folhas

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do sorgo granífero: VII absorção de sulfato marcado por raizes destacadas

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    Some aspects of SO4² absorption by excised roots of "Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench" namely, inibition effects of NaF, KCN, 2,4- DNP and factors such as aeration, solution pH and temperature on the rate of absorption were studied. The excised roots showed multiphasic mecanism of SO4²- absorption. The relative absorption rates, presented by three varieties, were in decreasing order: Tey-101, Contibrasil-101 and Dekalb-E-57. Inhibition effects on the absorption of SO4²- by excised roots were shown in the case of the three ihibitors studied hereof-. Aeration and solution temperature are important factors on SO4²- absorption. At the external solutio n concentration of Na,2SO(4)10-³M the best fitted equation to the experimental values was shown to be: umoles/g dry matter = 1,639- 1,585 exp. (-0,006618t)Um estudo da absorção de sulfato por raizes destacadas de sorgo granífero mostrou: mecanismo (ou sítios) múltiplo para absorção; o tamanho do espaço livre aparente; a influência da temperatura, pH; a dependência da atividade metabólica

    Reclamation status of a degraded pasture based on soil health indicators

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    Pasture degradation is a concern, especially in susceptible sandy soils for which strategies to recover them must be developed. Microbiological and biochemical soil health indicators are useful in the guindace of soil management practices and sustainable soil use. We assessed the success of threePanicum maximum Jacq. cultivars in the reclamation of a pasture in a sandy Typic Acrudox in the northwest of the state of Paraná, Brazil, based on soil health indicators. On a formerly degraded pasture withUrochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D. Webster, a trial with threeP. maximum (cv. Massai, Tanzânia, or Mombaça) was conducted. Lime and phosphate were applied at set-up, and mineral N and K as topdressing. A remnant of degraded pasture adjacent to the trial was used as control. Twenty-three chemical, physical, microbiological and biochemical attributes were assessed for the 0-10 cm topsoil. The procedures for reclamation improved most of the indicators of soil health in relation to the degraded pasture, such as soil P, mineral N, microbial biomass C, ammonification rate, dehydrogenase activity and acid phosphatase. CO2 evolution decreased, whereas microbial biomass C increased in the pasture under reclamation, resulting in a lower metabolic quotient (qCO2) that points to a decrease in metabolic stress of the microbial community. The reclamation of the pasture withP. maximum, especially cv. Mombaça, were evidenced by improvements in the microbiological and biochemical soil health indicators, showing a recovery of processes related to C, N and P cycling in the soil