25 research outputs found

    Sustainability of an HIV PEP Program for Sexual Assault Survivors: “Lessons Learned” from Health Care Providers

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    This study explored challenges to continuing an HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) program of care provided to sexual assault survivors in the province of Ontario, Canada. Data were collected as part of an implementation and evaluation of a universal offering of HIV PEP (known as the HIV PEP Program) at 24 of 34 provincial hospital-based sexual assault treatment centres. Experienced health care providers were surveyed (n = 132) and interviewed in four focus groups (n = 26) about their perceptions of what, if any, factors threatened their ability to maintain the HIV PEP Program. All focus groups were audio-recorded and the recordings transcribed. The transcriptions and open-ended survey responses were analyzed using content analysis. Administrator, nurse, physician, social worker, and pharmacist respondents perceived important barriers to sustainability of the HIV PEP Program. Eight constructs were identified within four broad themes: resources (inadequate funds, overworked and unacknowledged staff), expertise (insufficient external supports, insufficiently trained and knowledgeable staff), commitment (lack of institutional support, physician resistance to offering HIV PEP), and accommodation (lack of flexibility in addressing specific client and community needs, inaccessibility and lack of clarity of tools). We discuss the implications of these findings and the actions that were taken to address the challenges

    Who is sexually active? Using a multicomponent sexual activity profile (MSAP) to explore, identify and describe sexuallyactive high-school students in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    : Understanding sexual activity is necessary to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa suggests that 10–20% of youth aged 15–24 are sexually active before reaching 15 years, yet estimating sexual activity remains challenging. This study explored the use of multiple sexual health outcomes to identify sexually-active young women in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods: Using a multi-component sexual activity profile (MSAP), we aimed to identify sexually active students. Based on data from 2675 grade 9 and 10 students attending 14 high schools) in rural KwaZulu-Natal, we constructed a descriptive diagram identifying students who were sexually active by self-report vs MSAP profile. T-tests for two independent samples was performed to compare by sex and ecological variables that characterise students newlyidentified as sexually active. Results: Using self-report only, 40.3% self-reported as sexually active, whilst the MSAP identified 48.7% (223 additional students). More females were identified than males. Younger adolescents were more likely to underreport sexual activity but were identified using MSAP. Newly-identified as sexually active were more likely to be female (p = < 0.000), 15 years old or younger (p = 0.008), less likely to perceive being at risk (p = 0.037) or have ever used alcohol (p = < 0.000). At a relational level, they were less likely to report having ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend (p = 0.000) or to have felt pressured to have sex by their peers (p = < 0.000) or partners (p = 0.008). At a familial level they more likely to be of medium socioeconomic (SES) status (p = 0.037) whilst at a school and community level they were less likely to have repeated a grade (p = 0.024) and were more likely to be engaged in social activities (p = 0.032)

    Biofluid Biomarkers in Huntington's Disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative condition where new markers of disease progression are needed. So far no disease-modifying interventions have been found, and few interventions have been proven to alleviate symptoms. This may be partially explained by the lack of reliable indicators of disease severity, progression, and phenotype.Biofluid biomarkers may bring advantages in addition to clinical measures, such as reliability, reproducibility, price, accuracy, and direct quantification of pathobiological processes at the molecular level; and in addition to empowering clinical trials, they have the potential to generate useful hypotheses for new drug development.In this chapter we review biofluid biomarker reports in HD, emphasizing those we feel are likely to be closest to clinical applicability

    Service Delivery

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    ViolĂȘncia de gĂȘnero contra trabalhadoras de enfermagem em hospital geral de SĂŁo Paulo (SP) Violencia de gĂ©nero contra trabajadoras de enfermerĂ­a en hospital general de SĂŁo Paulo, Brasil Gender-violence against the female nursing staff of a Brazilian hospital in SĂŁo Paulo City

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar a ocorrĂȘncia de violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica, fĂ­sica e sexual em profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra de 179 profissionais (50 enfermeiras e 129 auxiliares/tĂ©cnicas de enfermagem) de um hospital geral do municĂ­pio de SĂŁo Paulo, SP, entre 2005 e 2006. Utilizou-se questionĂĄrio aplicado face a face por entrevistadoras treinadas. A violĂȘncia foi abordada em suas formas psicolĂłgica, fĂ­sica e sexual para agressores homens e mulheres, agrupados em: parceiros Ă­ntimos, familiares e outros agressores como conhecidos e estranhos. Procedeu-se a uma anĂĄlise descritiva, calculando-se as freqĂŒĂȘncias dos tipos de violĂȘncia com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: A violĂȘncia por parceiro Ă­ntimo foi a mais freqĂŒente (63,7%; IC 95%:55,7;70,4) seguida pela violĂȘncia perpetrada por outros (pacientes/acompanhantes, colegas de trabalho da ĂĄrea da saĂșde, estranhos, chefia de enfermagem e conhecidos; 45,8%; IC 95%: 38,3;53,4). A violĂȘncia por familiares ocupou o terceiro lugar (41,3%; IC 95%: 34,0;48,9) e foi cometida, principalmente, por pai, irmĂŁos (homens), tios e primos. Em geral, poucas profissionais de enfermagem que sofreram violĂȘncia buscaram ajuda: 29,7% para a violĂȘncia por parceiro Ă­ntimo; 20,3% para a violĂȘncia por outros e 29,3% para a violĂȘncia por familiares. NĂŁo perceberam o vivido como violento, 31,9% das entrevistadas. CONCLUSÕES: As taxas de violĂȘncia de gĂȘnero entre mulheres profissionais de saĂșde foram significativas, principalmente para a violĂȘncia cometida por parceiros Ă­ntimos e familiares. Entretanto, a busca de ajuda frente aos agravos sofridos foi baixa, considerando ser um grupo de escolaridade significativa.<br>OBJETIVO: Estimar la ocurrencia de violencia psicolĂłgica, fĂ­sica y sexual en profesionales de enfermerĂ­a. MÉTODOS: Se realizĂł estudio transversal con muestra de 179 profesionales (50 enfermeras y 129 auxiliares tĂ©cnicas de enfermerĂ­a) de un hospital general del municipio de Sao Paulo (Sureste de Brasil), entre 2005 y 2006. Se utilizĂł encuesta aplicada cara a cara por encuestadoras entrenadas. La violencia fue abordada en las formas psicolĂłgica, fĂ­sica y sexual para agresores hombres y mujeres, agrupados en: parejas Ă­ntimas, familiares y otros agresores conocidos como extraños. Se procediĂł a un anĂĄlisis descriptivo, calculĂĄndose las frecuencias de los tipos de violencia con intervalo de confianza de 95%. RESULTADOS: La violencia por pareja Ă­ntima fue la mas frecuente (63,7%; IC 95%:55,7;70,4) seguida por la violencia perpetrada por otros (pacientes/acompañantes, colegas de trabajo del ĂĄrea de salud, extraños, jefe de enfermeras y conocidos; 45,8%; IC 95%: 38,3;53,4). La violencia por familiares ocupĂł el tercer lugar (41,3%; IC 95%: 34,0;48,9) y fue cometida, principalmente, por papĂĄ, hermanos (hombres), tĂ­os y primos. En general, pocas profesionales de enfermerĂ­a que sufrieron violencia buscaron ayuda: 29,7% para la violencia por pareja Ă­ntima; 20,3% para la violencia por otros y 29,3% para la violencia por familiares. No percibieron lo vivido como violento, 31,9% de las encuestadas. CONCLUSIONES: Las tasas de violencia de gĂ©nero entre mujeres profesionales de la salud fueron significativas, principalmente para la violencia cometida por parejas Ă­ntimas y familiares. Sin embargo, la bĂșsqueda de ayuda frente a los daños sufridos fue baja, considerando que es un grupo con escolaridad significativa.<br>OBJECTIVE: To estimate the occurrence of psychological, physical and sexual violence among female nursing staff. METHODS: This is a cross sectional study, conducted with a sample of 179 professionals (50 nurses and 129 nursing aides / nurse technicians) in a general hospital in the municipality of SĂŁo Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, 2005-2006. A validated questionnaire was applied in face to face interviews with these professionals, conducted by trained interviewers. Psychological, physical and sexual forms of violence were addressed, involving both male and female aggressors who were classified as: intimate partners, family members and other aggressors such as acquaintances and strangers. A descriptive analysis was undertaken, in which the frequency of the occurrence of the different types of violence was calculated with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The most frequent form of violence was intimate partner violence (63.7%; 95% CI: 55.7;70.4), followed by violence perpetrated by others (45.8%; 95% CI: 38.3;53.4) including patients and people accompanying them, colleagues within the field of health, head nurses, acquaintances and strangers. Family members occupied the third place as aggressors, (41.3%; 95% CI: 34.0;48.9), and the majority of these were fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins. In general, the nursing staff did not seek help frequently when acts of aggression occurred: only 29.7% of those who suffered intimate partner violence; 20.3% whose aggressors were others and 29.3% whose aggressors were family members sought help. Those who did not perceive their experience as a form of violence represented 31.9% of the subjects interviewed. CONCLUSIONS: The rates of gender violence among female health professionals were important, particularly with respect to violence committed by intimate partners and family members. However, the proportion of these women who sought help was low, considering the fact that this group has a significant educational level