1,058 research outputs found

    Performance of Gujarat economy: an analysis of growth and instability

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    Since the State’s inception, the growth process in Gujarat and its regions has experienced ups and downs in the economic activities. Not much attention is attributed to short term fluctuations in the growth of economic activities as long as the long term growth depicts an upward trend. However, if the short term fluctuations become frequent and adversely affect the long term rate of growth, there is a need for a closer look. Tackling instability acquires importance for improving the lot of small and marginal farmers, who are more affected by spells of bad years. Instability in agricultural production raises risk in farm production, affecting farmers’ incomes and decisions for investments to adopt new technologies. This paper is devoted to looking at the long term macro-economic growth pattern of Gujarat since its inception. It highlights the problem of instability in economic growth – both for the economy and in particular for agricultural sector. The comparative picture of Gujarat in the national economy is presented, together with a discussion on changing structure of Gujarat’s economy from early 1960s to 2008-09. The analysis of instability is also carried out at the sectoral level. Analysis of instability is attempted in terms of structure of the economy. Income is the variable selected for analysis as it is a comprehensive measure of economic activity. For agriculture, the paper opts ‘output’ for the sectoral analysis.Agricultural growth, Instability, Sectoral growth, Gujarat

    Kartu Tahfidz Pintar (Ktp) Sebagai Media Inovatif Di Ra Baitul Mukminin Bangsalsari Jember

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan imlementasi media KTP di RA Baitul Mukminin Bangslsari Kabupaten Jember. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan: 1) pembuat media pembelajaran KTP adalah ustadzah dan kepala RA Baitul Mukminin. Alat-alatnya berupa kertas manila, gunting, lem, surat-surat pendek dan spidol warna. Isi materi media KTP ini adalah surat-surat pendek. Media KTP digunakan setelah/sebelum mengaji metode Allimna. Langkah-langkahnya adalah mengambil media KTP sebanyak 2-3 kartu, memperlihatkan, menanyakan isi tulisan, dan melafalkan secara bergantian dengan anak-anak; 2) penggunaan media KTP dapat meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran. Siswa lebih mudah menghafal al-Qur’an dan senang dengan melihat kartu tahfidznya. Hasil penggunaan media media KTP lebih efektif karena saat guru menggunakan media KTP dalam lima pertemuan, anak sebagian sudah ada yang hafal surat-surat pendek dan sama nama-namanya; dan 3) hambatan guru saat menggunakan media KTP pada saat kegiatan pembelajaran adalah terkadang masih ada anak yang mengobrol, main sendiri, waktunya terbatas, dan anak anak masih memilih bentuk kartu dan warna yang disukainya, padahal bentuk dan warna yang dia minta itu belum tentu yang mau dibaca pada hari itu. Salah satu solusinya adalah gurunya memberikan arahan kepada anak-anak dan semakin hari demi hari anak-anak faham dengan kartu tahfizd pintar yang dipegang ustadzahnya

    Very small embryonic-like (VSEL) stem cells: recent knowledge

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    Very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) are a unique and rare stem cell population, which have the same structural, genetic, biochemical, and functional characteristics as embryonic stem cells and they are able to differentiate to all three germ layers. In several emergency situations related to organ damage, VSELs can be activated and mobilized into peripheral blood, and in appropriate animal models they contribute to tissue organ/regeneration. Optimized methods for isolation and expansion of VSELs have aroused the scientific community's interest in use of this kind of cells for regenerative purposes. The properties of such pluripotent cells make them a potential candidate in regenerative medicine

    The Genome Scale Metabolic Model of Cryptosporidium hominis: iNV209

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    The apicomplexan Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite of humans and other mammals. Cryptosporidium species cause acute gastro-enteritis and diarrheal disease in healthy humans and animals, and cause life-threatening infection in immuno-compromised individuals such as people with AIDS. It has a one-host life cycle and invades intestinal epithelial cells causing diarrhea, or more rarely the pulmonary epithelium. Cryptosporidium carries out all the asexual reproductive stages like several other apicomplexans. Current annotation of this organism predicts it to contain 3884 genes of which only 1581 genes have predicted functions. By using a combination of bioinformatics analysis, biochemical evidence, and high-throughput data, a genome-scale metabolic model of Cryptosporidium hominis is being constructed. The current model is comprised of approximately 213 gene-associated enzymes involved in major metabolic pathways including carbohydrate, nucleotide, amino acid, and energy metabolism. The approach of constructing a genome-scale model provides a link between the genotype and the phenotypic behavior of the organism, making it possible to study and predict behavior based upon genome content. This modeling approach provides an overview for evaluating missing components in a metabolic network and provides an analytical framework for interpreting data as more research becomes available. The goal of constructing this model is to systematically study and analyze various functional behaviors of C. hominis with respect to its stages in life cycle and pathogenicity

    Third Harmonic Generation of a Short Pulse Laser in a Tunnel Ionizing Plasma: Effect of Self-Defocusing

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    Third harmonic generation of a Gaussian short pulse laser in a tunnel ionizing plasma is investigated. A Gaussian short pulse laser propagating through a tunnel ionizing plasma generates third harmonic wave. Inhomogeneity of the electric field along the wavefront of the fundamental laser pulse causes more ionization along the axis of propagation while less ionization off axis, leading to strong density gradient with its maximum on the axis of propagation. The medium acts like a diverging lens and pulse defocuses strongly. The normalized third harmonic amplitude varies periodically with the distance with successive maxima acquiring lower value. The self-defocusing of the fundamental laser pulse decays the intensity of the third harmonic pulse

    Optimizing a Method for DNA Recovery while Preserving Latent Prints on Paper

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    Paper evidence is commonly encountered in cases of kidnapping, threatening letters, extortion, and bank robbery, and the optimal workflow between latent print processing and DNA collection is of interest to the forensic community. The overall aim of this project was to achieve optimal amounts of DNA for typing without destroying the fingerprint. The first study compared two collection techniques—tape-lifting by Scotch Removable Poster Tape and dry swabbing with FLOQSwabs— using prints deposited in defined locations. Samples were processed for DNA and developed with 1,2-indanedione. The second aim was to determine if visualizing print locations with fingerprint powder prior to DNA collection with fingerprint powder would impact success rates. Each study involved 11 volunteers who were asked to wash and dry their hands, rub their face for 5 seconds and deposit both hand prints on copy paper for 5 seconds. The results showed that tape lifting gave full DNA profiles for all volunteers and after latent print development, with 76% of tape-lifted fingerprint pattern were of value for comparison. In contrast, many partial profiles were seen with the swabbing technique and only 57% of developed swabbed fingerprints were of value for comparison. DNA concentrations ranged from 0.01-0.39 ng/ÎŒL for tape-lifting and 0.0009-0.06 ng/ÎŒL for swabbing. The fluorescent powder developed prints showed reduced DNA concentrations (0.0007-0.21ng/ÎŒL) after tape lifting but still yielded 9 out of 11 DNA profiles. The study indicates that Scotch removable poster tape provides higher DNA yields than the FLOQSwabs and preserves latent prints for development with 1,2-indanedione. Treatment with fluorescent powder does not interfere with DNA typing but impairs subsequent chemical development

    UR-120 - Analyzing Adversarial Attacks in Machine Learning Models

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    Institutional Structure in Corporate Agriculture

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    In this dissertation, a state-contingent, principal-agent model is developed to examine the institution of input provision by a corporate firm that contracts with agents for the production of a given commodity. "Input provision" entails not only the provision and delivery of key inputs by the principal but also their purchases (or in-house production), as well as contract design to ensure their optimal use. The provision of key inputs is modeled in the context of production contracts for poultry and pork, such as those offered by Perdue Farms, Smithfield Foods, and Tyson Foods in the United States. The decision in question is the levels of inputs (e.g. feed, medication) that the contracting company provides to the farmer. This decision is endogenous to the model, and facilitates comparison of production contracts (input provision) with marketing contracts (no input provision, with all inputs purchased and/or provided by the farmer himself). The theoretical model formalizes Coase's idea that an institutional arrangement emerges if the benefits associated with it exceed the costs. In particular, I characterize the case of no input provision as a corner solution for the optimal choice of inputs provided. The extent of input provision, in turn, reflects "limits to firm size". I also examine conditions under which incentives relating to one of two output dimensions (produced by the agent) tend to zero, when both dimensions are observable and verifiable. The state-contingent approach is used as it allows for a general production technology, and the inclusion of transaction costs in a general theoretical model. The possibility of reservation utility being endogenous in dyadic relationships is also examined. This is explored formally by incorporating pre-contract interactions in a contractual framework with the principal and the agent competing as independent producers prior to contracting. Investment decisions of the principal in this framework favorably impact his variable costs both as an independent producer and as the principal party to a contract. I show that the higher these benefits, the stronger is the incentive for the principal to decide in favor of higher initial investment levels and realize a more competitive position vis-Ă -vis the smaller producer

    Effects of oil sands process-affected water and substrates on wood frog (Rana sylvatica) eggs and tadpoles

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    An essential element of the reclamation strategy proposed by the oil sands mining industry in northern Alberta, Canada, includes the creation of wetlands for the bioremediation of mining waste materials. The mining process used to extract oil from these deposits results in the production of large volumes of process-affected water (OSPW) and sediments (OSPS), which must be incorporated into wetlands as a component of the reclaimed landscapes. Wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) are an abundant native species that might be expected to inhabit these reclaimed wetlands. The objective of this study was to determine potential detrimental effects of OSPW and OSPS on the growth and development of wood frogs. Several morphological (weight, length, condition factor) and biochemical (whole body tadpole thyroid hormone and triglyceride concentrations and metamorph hepatic glycogen concentration) endpoints were assessed in conjunction with hatchability and survivability of wood frog eggs and tadpoles exposed to process-affected materials (OSPM) under field and laboratory conditions. As part of this study, assay techniques were optimized to enable simultaneous measurement of whole body 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and triglyceride (TG) concentrations in wood frog tadpoles. These assays were used to monitor changes in T3, T4 and TG in wood frog tadpoles during development from hatching to metamorphosis (Gosner stages 19-46), to establish baseline levels for subsequent application of the assays to evaluate contaminant effects. The results indicated peak T3 and T4 concentrations occurred during metamorphic climax (Gosner stages 40-46) and prometamorphosis (Gosner stages 31-40), respectively. Maximal TG concentrations were also observed during prometamorphosis. These assays were further employed to assess body condition and development in wood frogs during a field study in 2005, and the following laboratory studies in 2006 and 2007. In summer 2005, 29 reclaimed and five unimpacted wetlands were monitored for use by native amphibians, and tadpoles and newly-metamorphosed wood frogs were collected from a subset of sites as a preliminary assessment of contaminant effects. Endpoints such as metamorph hepatic glycogen and whole body tadpole T3, T4 and triglyceride concentrations were compared among six impacted and three reference wetlands. The surveys indicated 60% of OSPW-impacted wetlands were used by breeding adult amphibians, while wood frog tadpoles and newly-metamorphosed frogs were observed in 37 and 30% of OSPW wetlands, respectively. In general, lower whole body tadpole T3 and triglyceride concentrations were observed in wood frogs from wetlands containing OSPM. In contrast, hepatic glycogen concentrations in newly-metamorphosed frogs and whole body tadpole T4 and T3/T4 concentrations were comparable among the reference and impacted wetlands. In addition, the differences observed in total body weight and length of tadpoles and newly-metamorphosed wood frogs among OSPM and reference sites were likely due to minor differences in developmental stages of the animals collected from the various wetlands, rather than any contaminant effect. In 2006 and 2007, wood frog eggs and tadpoles were exposed to several sources of OSPW and OSPS collected from reclaimed Suncor and Syncrude wetlands under controlled laboratory conditions. Hatchability was reduced in eggs exposed to water from only one of the OSPW sites, compared with the other process-affected ponds and the control water (
