422 research outputs found

    Serum neuron-specific enolase in children's cancer.

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    To test its diagnostic potential and sensitivity in paediatric malignancy, serum NSE was measured at diagnosis in 191 children with solid tumours and 25 with acute leukaemia. In stages I + II, III + IV and IVs neuroblastoma median levels were 18.0, 91.0 and 24.0 ng ml-1 respectively. For Wilms' patients, median values for stages I, II, III and IV disease were 16.6, 18.0, 29.0 and 47.0 ng ml-1 respectively. High levels of NSE were also found in patients with other types of tumour. Children in clinical remission after treatment for neuroblastoma invariably had normal NSE levels (mean +/- s.d. = 9.2 +/- 3.0 ng ml-1) even though the majority had radiologically identifiable residual disease. The values rose when relapse was radiologically or clinically obvious. We conclude (a) that, though levels of greater than 100 ng ml-1 are highly suggestive of advanced neuroblastoma, caution should be exercised in using serum NSE as a diagnostic test in children with cancer and (b) that serum NSE levels are not a sensitive index of residual neuroblastoma in patients, with initially elevated levels, that are receiving treatment

    IAL SPACE: A test laboratory for the ISO cryogenic payload

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    The ESA Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) satellite is a 3 axes pointed platform designed to make accurate pointed observations of astronomical objects and sources in the wavelength range between 2.5 and 200 microns. ISO is composed of a service module and a payload module which is a large cylindrical vacuum vessel. The vessel is in fact a cryostat (capacity of 2250 l of liquid He II) which contains the telescope and the four focal scientific instruments. The latter being cooled up to a temperature less than 4 K. The qualification of the payload requires the measurement respectively of: the image quality of the telescope through wave front error (WFE) measurements; and the optical alignment of the scientific instruments with respect to the telescope axis and the telescope focus, and this under cryogenic conditions. Consequently, since 1988, the FOCAL 5 IAL Space facility has been upgraded in order to perform the cryogenic optical tests of the ISO optical subsystems

    Consequences of the multipatient use of a single-patient capillary blood sampling device (CBSD)

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    Introduction/objectives: Multipatient use of a single-patient CBSD occurred inan outpatient clinic during 4 to 16 months before itsnotification. We looked for transmission of blood-bornepathogens among exposed patients.Methods: Exposed patients underwent serology testing for HBV,HCV and HIV. Patients with isolated anti-HBc receivedone dose of hepatitis B vaccine to look for a memoryimmune response. Possible transmissions were investigatedby mapping visits and sequencing of the viral genomeif needed.Results: Of 280 exposed patients, 9 had died without suspicionof blood-borne infection, 3 could not be tested, and 5declined investigations. Among the 263 (93%) testedpatients, 218 (83%) had negative results. We confirmeda known history of HCV infection in 6 patients (1 coinfectedby HIV), and also identified resolved HBVinfection in 37 patients, of whom 18 were alreadyknown. 2 patients were found to have a previouslyunknown HCV infection. According to the time elapsedfrom the closest previous visit of a HCV-infected potentialsource patient, we could rule out nosocomial transmissionin one case (14 weeks) but not in the other (1day). In the latter, however, transmission was deemedvery unlikely by 2 reference centers based on thesequences of the E1 and HVR1 regions of the virus.Conclusion: We did not identify any transmission of blood-bornepathogens in 263 patients exposed to a single-patientCBSD, despite the presence of potential source cases.Change of needle and disinfection of the device betweenpatients may have contributed to this outcome.Although we cannot exclude transmission of HBV, previousacquisition in endemic countries is a more likelyexplanation in this multi-national population

    Structure of 12Be: intruder d-wave strength at N=8

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    The breaking of the N=8 shell-model magic number in the 12Be ground state has been determined to include significant occupancy of the intruder d-wave orbital. This is in marked contrast with all other N=8 isotones, both more and less exotic than 12Be. The occupancies of the 0 hbar omega neutron p1/2-orbital and the 1 hbar omega, neutron d5/2 intruder orbital were deduced from a measurement of neutron removal from a high-energy 12Be beam leading to bound and unbound states in 11Be.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Phase III randomized trial comparing moderate-dose cisplatin to combined cisplatin and carboplatin in addition to mitomycin and ifosfamide in patients with stage IV non-small-cell lung cancer

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    A phase III randomized trial was conducted in patients with metastatic NSCLC, to determine if, in association with mitomycin (6 mg m–2) and ifosfamide (3 g m–2), the combination of moderate dosages of cisplatin (60 mg m–2) and carboplatin (200 mg m–2) – CarboMIP regimen – improved survival in comparison with cisplatin (50 mg m–2) alone – MIP regimen. A total of 305 patients with no prior chemotherapy were randomized, including 297 patients assessable for survival (147 in the MIP arm and 150 in the CarboMIP arm) and 268 patients assessable for response to chemotherapy. All but eight (with malignant pleural effusion) had stage IV disease. There was a 27% (95% CI, 19–34) objective response (OR) rate to MIP (25% of the eligible patients) and a 33% (95% CI, 24–41) OR rate to CarboMIP (29% of the eligible patients). This difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.34). Duration of response was not significantly different between both arms. There was also no difference (P = 0.67) in survival: median survival times were 28 weeks (95% Cl, 24–32) for MIP and 32 weeks (95% Cl, 26–35) for CarboMIP, with respectively 1-year survival rates of 24% and 23% and 2-year survival rates of 5% and 2%. The main toxicities consisted in emesis, alopecia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia, that were, except alopecia, significantly more severe in the CarboMIP arm. Our trial failed to demonstrate a significant improvement in response or survival when patients with metastatic NSCLC were treated, in addition to ifosfamide and mitomycin, by combination of moderate dosages of cisplatin and carboplatin instead of moderate dosage of cisplatin alone. The results support the use of a moderate dose (50 mg m–2) of cisplatin in combination with ifosfamide and mitomycin for the chemotherapy of this disease. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Structure of 13^{13}Be probed via secondary beam reactions

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    The low-lying level structure of the unbound neutron-rich nucleus 13^{13}Be has been investigated via breakup on a carbon target of secondary beams of 14,15^{14,15}B at 35 MeV/nucleon. The coincident detection of the beam velocity 12^{12}Be fragments and neutrons permitted the invariant mass of the 12^{12}Be+nn and 12^{12}Be+nn+nn systems to be reconstructed. In the case of the breakup of 15^{15}B, a very narrow structure at threshold was observed in the 12^{12}Be+nn channel. Contrary to earlier stable beam fragmentation studies which identified this as a strongly interacting ss-wave virtual state in 13^{13}Be, analysis here of the 12^{12}Be+nn+nn events demonstrated that this was an artifact resulting from the sequential-decay of the 14^{14}Be(2+^+) state. Single-proton removal from 14^{14}B was found to populate a broad low-lying structure some 0.70 MeV above the neutron-decay threshold in addition to a less prominent feature at around 2.4 MeV. Based on the selectivity of the reaction and a comparison with (0-3)ω\hbar\omega shell-model calculations, the low-lying structure is concluded to most probably arise from closely spaced Jπ^\pi=1/2+^+ and 5/2+^+ resonances (Er_r=0.40±\pm0.03 and 0.850.11+0.15^{+0.15}_{-0.11} MeV), whilst the broad higher-lying feature is a second 5/2+^+ level (Er_r=2.35±\pm0.14 MeV). Taken in conjunction with earlier studies, it would appear that the lowest 1/2+^+ and 1/2^- levels lie relatively close together below 1 MeV.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    A three-arm phase III randomised trial assessing, in patients with extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer, accelerated chemotherapy with support of haematological growth factor or oral antibiotics

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    The European Lung Cancer Working Party (ELCWP) designed a 3-arm phase III randomised trial to determine the role of accelerated chemotherapy in extensive-disease (ED) small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). Eligible patients were randomised between the 3 following arms: (A) Standard chemotherapy with 6 courses of EVI (epirubicin 60 mg m−2, vindesine 3 mg m−2, ifosfamide 5 g m−2; all drugs given on day 1 repeated every three weeks. (B) Accelerated chemotherapy with EVI administered every 2 weeks and GM-CSF support. (C) Accelerated chemotherapy with EVI and oral antibiotics (cotrimoxazole). Primary endpoint was survival. 233 eligible patients were randomised. Chemotherapy could be significantly accelerated in arm B with increased absolute dose-intensity. Best response rates, in the population of evaluable patients, were, respectively for arm A, B and C, 59%, 76% and 70%. The response rate was significantly higher in arm B in comparison to arm A (P = 0.04). There was, however, no survival difference with respective median duration and 2-year rate of 286 days and 5% for arm A, 264 days and 6% for arm B and 264 days and 6% for arm C. Severe thrombopenia occurred more frequently in arm B but without an increased rate of bleeding. Non-severe infections were more frequent in arm B and severe infections were less frequent in arm C. Our trial failed to demonstrate, in ED-SCLC, a survival benefit of chemotherapy acceleration by using GM-CSF support.   http://www.bjcancer.co

    The CMS Event Builder

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    The data acquisition system of the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider will employ an event builder which will combine data from about 500 data sources into full events at an aggregate throughput of 100 GByte/s. Several architectures and switch technologies have been evaluated for the DAQ Technical Design Report by measurements with test benches and by simulation. This paper describes studies of an EVB test-bench based on 64 PCs acting as data sources and data consumers and employing both Gigabit Ethernet and Myrinet technologies as the interconnect. In the case of Ethernet, protocols based on Layer-2 frames and on TCP/IP are evaluated. Results from ongoing studies, including measurements on throughput and scaling are presented. The architecture of the baseline CMS event builder will be outlined. The event builder is organised into two stages with intelligent buffers in between. The first stage contains 64 switches performing a first level of data concentration by building super-fragments from fragments of 8 data sources. The second stage combines the 64 super-fragments into full events. This architecture allows installation of the second stage of the event builder in steps, with the overall throughput scaling linearly with the number of switches in the second stage. Possible implementations of the components of the event builder are discussed and the expected performance of the full event builder is outlined.Comment: Conference CHEP0

    A new experiment for the determination of the 18F(p,alpha) reaction rate at nova temperatures

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    The 18F(p,alpha) reaction was recognized as one of the most important for gamma ray astronomy in novae as it governs the early 511 keV emission. However, its rate remains largely uncertain at nova temperatures. A direct measurement of the cross section over the full range of nova energies is impossible because of its vanishing value at low energy and of the short 18F lifetime. Therefore, in order to better constrain this reaction rate, we have performed an indirect experiment taking advantage of the availability of a high purity and intense radioactive 18F beam at the Louvain La Neuve RIB facility. We present here the first results of the data analysis and discuss the consequences.Comment: Contribution to the Classical Novae Explosions conference, Sitges, Spain, 20-24 May 2002, 5 pages, 3 figure