58 research outputs found

    Unique microbial ecosystems of Antarctica

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OB] 極域生物圏11月17日(火) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室1(D305

    Bryosphere within an Antarctic moss pillar

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IB2] 地球環境変動の解析と地球生命システム学の構築11月19日(木) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室1(D305

    Unbalanced Charge Distribution as a Determinant for Dependence of a Subset of Escherichia coli Membrane Proteins on the Membrane Insertase YidC

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    Membrane proteins are involved in numerous essential cell processes, including transport, gene regulation, motility, and metabolism. To function properly, they must be inserted into the membrane and folded correctly. YidC, an essential protein in Escherichia coli with homologues in other bacteria, Archaea, mitochondria, and chloroplasts, functions by incompletely understood mechanisms in the insertion and folding of certain membrane proteins. Using a genome-scale approach, we identified 69 E. coli membrane proteins that, in the absence of YidC, exhibited aberrant localization by microscopy. Further examination of a subset revealed biochemical defects in membrane insertion in the absence of YidC, indicating their dependence on YidC for proper membrane insertion or folding. Membrane proteins possessing an unfavorable distribution of positively charged residues were significantly more likely to depend on YidC for membrane insertion. Correcting the charge distribution of a charge-unbalanced YidC-dependent membrane protein abrogated its requirement for YidC, while perturbing the charge distribution of a charge-balanced YidC-independent membrane protein rendered it YidC dependent, demonstrating that charge distribution can be a necessary and sufficient determinant of YidC dependence. These findings provide insights into a mechanism by which YidC promotes proper membrane protein biogenesis and suggest a critical function of YidC in all organisms and organelles that express it

    Oscillating focus of SopA associated with filamentous structure guides partitioning of F plasmid

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    The F plasmid is actively partitioned to daughter cells by the sopABC gene. To elucidate the partitioning mechanisms, we simultaneously analysed movements of the plasmid and the SopA ATPase in single living cells. SopA, which is a putative motor protein assembled densely near nucleoid borders and formed a single discrete focus associated with less dense filamentous distribution along the long axis of the cell. The dense SopA focus oscillates between cell poles. The direction of the plasmid motion switches as the SopA focus switches its position. The velocity of the plasmid motion stays constant while it oscillates moving towards the SopA focus. The low density filamentous distribution of SopA persisted throughout the SopA oscillation. The focus associated with filamentous distribution of SopA was also observed in a cell without nucleoid. The SopA filament may guide the movement of the plasmid as a railway track and lead it to cell quarters

    Opini Komunitas Warga Sekitar Tentang Maraknya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) (Studi Deskriptif Analitis Tentang Opini Komunitas Warga Sekitar Pkl – Tamansari, Kepatihan, dan Dalem Kaum – Kota Bandung)

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    Penelitian dengan judul “Opini komunitas warga sekitar tentang maraknya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL)” ini, dilakukan oleh pengajar/dosen tetap Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIK). Permasalahan penelitian adalah tentang bagaimana opini komunitas warga sekitar PKL mengenai keamanan, ketertiban, ketenangan, Kenyamanan, keindahan, kebersihan, dan keramah-tamahan (7“K”) akibat maraknya PKL. Sasaran strategis dalam penelitian ini adalah komunitas warga di sekitar lingkungan PKL Jalan Kepatihan, Dalem Kaum, dan Tamansari.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui, mengkaji, dan menganalisis faktor 7“K” yang dirasakan komunitas warga sekitar, akibat maraknya PKL, sehingga tanggapan yang diekspresikan mereka dapat menjadi masukan bagi Humas Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam upaya mensosialisasikan kebijakan pemerintah tentang PKL khususnya dalam merumuskan konsep community relations berkaitan dengan 7 “K” yang dirasakan oleh komunitas warga sekitar terhadap maraknya PKL tersebut. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah: pada umumnya opini komunitas warga sekitar terhadap maraknya PKL, dilihat dari faktor 7“K” sangatlah bervariasi di antara opini positif dan negatif, Dalam arti, untuk responden tertentu penilaiannya sangat relatif tergantung dari persepsi masing-masing dan atas dasar pengalaman masing-masing dengan para PKL tersebut. Dengan demikian tidak sepenuhnya berada pada kecenderungan tertentu yang bersifat negatif atau positif. Oleh karena itu dari opini tersebut selanjutnya dapat berkembang untuk diyakini tentang adanya kemungkinan di antara kedua belah pihak saling membina hubungan, dan pemerintah memfasilitasi hubungan tersebut dalam kebijakan-kebijakannya

    NBRP databases: databases of biological resources in Japan

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    The National BioResource Project (NBRP) is a Japanese project that aims to establish a system for collecting, preserving and providing bioresources for use as experimental materials for life science research. It is promoted by 27 core resource facilities, each concerned with a particular group of organisms, and by one information center. The NBRP database is a product of this project. Thirty databases and an integrated database-retrieval system (BioResource World: BRW) have been created and made available through the NBRP home page (http://www.nbrp.jp). The 30 independent databases have individual features which directly reflect the data maintained by each resource facility. The BRW is designed for users who need to search across several resources without moving from one database to another. BRW provides access to a collection of 4.5-million records on bioresources including wild species, inbred lines, mutants, genetically engineered lines, DNA clones and so on. BRW supports summary browsing, keyword searching, and searching by DNA sequences or gene ontology. The results of searches provide links to online requests for distribution of research materials. A circulation system allows users to submit details of papers published on research conducted using NBRP resources


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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IB2] 地球環境変動の解析と地球生命システム学の構築11月19日(木) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室1(D305