560 research outputs found

    Gebruikswaarde - onderzoek anjer in de praktijk, 1987-1989

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    Bedrijfsvergelijkend onderzoek snijanthurium

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    Zoals dat bij alle snijbloemen het geval is, zijn ook snij-Anthuriumbedrijven de verschillen in rentabiliteit groot. Dit blijkt uit de verschillen in opbrengst uit registratiegegevens uit het verleden. Indien de verschillen in bedrijfsresultaat groot zijn, mag verwacht worden dat de winst die met de verklaring van deze verschillen kan worden bereikt groter is, dan bij de situatie waarbij de verschillen in bedrijfsresultaten geringer zijn. Met dit gegeven hebben de onderzoekers in nauw overleg met de landelijke N.T.S.-commissie een (ambitieus) relatieschema opgesteld, dat als richtlijn voor een bedrijfsvergelijkend onderzoek kon dienen. Helaas was dit plan wat te ambitieus en moesten de plannen worden bijgesteld. Dit resulteerde in een onderzoeksopzet met een globaal karakter, wat inhield dat de gegevensverzameling met minimale arbeidsinzet is uitgevoerd. De consequentie hiervan is dat de resultaten niet meer dan tendensen zullen zijn. Het onderzoek bestaat uit drie onderdelen: analyse van de verschillen in rentabiliteit, een analyse van economische kengetallen die leiden tot gewasvervanging en analyse van de verschillen in groei en ontwikkeling bij het belangrijkste ras 'Tropical'

    Learning Gains Derived from a High-fidelity Mannequin-based Simulation in the Pediatric Emergency Department

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    There are limited data on the effectiveness of mannequin-based simulations in pediatrics. This study developed a training program using a high-fidelity child mannequin to simulate critical cases in an emergency department, and examined the learning gains derived from this simulation. Eighteen pediatric residents, as pairs, participated in a high-fidelity simulation pretest, training session and a posttest. The training session, developed based on participants' pretest performance, included videotape review, feedback, and hands-on practice, and focused on the improvement of management skills for shock and tachydyspnea. The pre- and posttest performances were scored for task-specific technical skills and behaviors. The learning gains between the pre- and posttests were significant (p < 0.001) for task-specific technical skills (from 64 ± 15% to 93 ± 4%) and behaviors (from 65 ± 18% to 85 ± 12%). This study suggests that high-fidelity simulation can enhance learning about how to manage critical cases in the pediatric emergency department

    Versie 6 van BBPR is beschikbaar

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    Met BBPR kunnen veehouders hun bedrijf analyseren en alternatieve bedrijfssituaties begroten. Doordat BBPR nu ook standaardoverzichten kan maken sluit het programma veel beter aan bij managementsoftware

    Herstelmaatregelen in heideterreinen; invloed op de fauna

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    Aanleiding voor deze publicatie zijn de resultaten van het onderzoek naar de effecten van herstelmaatregelen op dieren van het heidelandschap. De afgelopen jaren werd steeds duidelijker dat het onderzoek en de toepassing daarvan moeten worden opgeschaald naar het niveau van het landschap. Dat is ook hier zichtbaar geworden: het gaat niet alleen over de droge en de natte heide, maar ook over vennen en over struwelen en bosranden. Kortom: het gaat over het complete heidelandschap, met al zijn variatie en (geleidelijke of abrupte) overgangen. En juist bij zo’n divers en samenhangend landschap is de fauna gebaa

    Urinary pesticide mixture patterns and exposure determinants in the adult population from the Netherlands and Switzerland : Application of a suspect screening approach

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    INTRODUCTION: Non-occupational sources of pesticide exposure may include domestic pesticide usage, diet, occupational exposure of household members, and agricultural activities in the residential area. We conducted a study with the ambition to characterize pesticide mixture patterns in a sample of the adult population of the Netherlands and Switzerland, using a suspect screening approach and to identify related exposure determinants. METHODS: A total of 105 and 295 adults participated in the Dutch and Swiss studies, respectively. First morning void urine samples were collected and analyzed in the same laboratory. Harmonized questionnaires about personal characteristics, pesticide-related activities, and diet were administered. Detection rates and co-occurrence patterns were calculated to explore internal pesticide exposure patterns. Censored linear and logistic regression models were constructed to investigate the association between exposure and domestic pesticide usage, consumption of homegrown and organic foods, household members' exposure, and distance to agricultural and forest areas. RESULTS: From the 37 detected biomarkers, 3 (acetamiprid (-CH2), chlorpropham (4-HSA), and flonicamid (-C2HN)) were detected in ≥40% of samples. The most frequent combination of biomarkers (acetamiprid-flonicamid) was detected in 22 (5.5%) samples. Regression models revealed an inverse association between high organic vegetable and fruit consumption and exposure to acetamiprid, chlorpropham, propamocarb (+O), and pyrimethanil (+O + SO3). Within-individual correlations in repeated samples (summer/winter) from the Netherlands were low (≤0.3), and no seasonal differences in average exposures were observed in Switzerland. CONCLUSION: High consumption of organic fruit and vegetables was associated with lower pesticide exposure. In the two countries, detection rates and co-occurrence were typically low, and within-person variability was high. Our study results provide an indication for target biomarkers to include in future studies aimed at quantifying urinary exposure levels in European adult populations

    Evaluatie van zeven jaar runderbegrazing in duinvalleien op Vlieland

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    We evaluated seven years of light cattle grazing of dune valleys (Frisian island of Vlieland) as to management objectives and effects on vegetation, flora and fauna. We compared vegetation, flora and fauna from 1993 and 2000 in a BACI-design of 14 grazed and 14 ungrazed plots, of which 20 were randomly selected from the stratum `grass overgrown moist dune valleys', and 8 from `intact Empetrum vegetations. Development towards shrubland and woodland is tempered as a consequence of cattle browsing of twigs and leaves of Prunus avium, and Betula pubescens, which reduces height and the growth form of these species. Browsing of P. avium is surprising as this is expected to occur only under shortage of other food plants. The number of seedlings under 0.5 mheight, however, increased, even in the grazed plots. Cattle form bare patches and trails in the dense and high field layers of Calamagrostis epigejos, and Carex arenaria. Vegetation height of the `overgrown valleys' increases significantly in the ungrazed plots, whereas it increases (very) lightly in the grazed plots. Numbers of plant and invertebrate species increase, which could be related to a general change to moist conditions. Grazing has neutral to light positive effects on bio-diversity, even inthe invertebrates the species number of which mostly decrease under heavier grazing pressures
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