7,026 research outputs found

    Guidelines to select suitable parameters for contour method stress measurements

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    The contour method is one of the promising techniques for the measurement of residual stresses in engineering components. In this method, the cut surfaces deform, owing to the relaxation of residual stresses. The deformations of the two cut surfaces are then measured and used to back calculate the 2-dimensional map of original residual stresses normal to the plane of the cut. Thus, it involves four main steps; specimen cutting, surface contour measurement, data analysis and finite element simulation. These steps should perform in a manner that they do not change the underlying features of surface deformation especially where the residual stress distribution varies over short distances. Therefore, to carefully implement these steps, it is important to select appropriate parameters such as surface deformation measurement spacing, data smoothing parameters (‘knot spacing’ for example cubic spline smoothing) and finite element mesh size. This research covers an investigation of these important parameters. A simple approach for choosing initial parameters is developed based on an idealised cosine displacement function (giving a self-equilibrated one-dimensional residual stress profile). In this research, guidelines are proposed to help the measurer to select the most suitable choice of these parameters based on the estimated wavelength of the residual stress field

    Collective Identities and Citizenship

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    Reflections on Mira : interactive evaluation in information retrieval

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    Evaluation in information retrieval (IR) has focussed largely on noninteractive evaluation of text retrieval systems. This is increasingly at odds with how people use modern IR systems: in highly interactive settings to access linked, multimedia information. Furthermore, this approach ignores potential improvements through better interface design. In 1996 the Commission of the European Union Information Technologies Programme, funded a three year working group, Mira, to discuss and advance research in the area of evaluation frameworks for interactive and multimedia IR applications. Led by Keith van Rijsbergen, Steve Draper and myself from Glasgow University, this working group brought together many of the leading researchers in the evaluation domain from both the IR and human computer interaction (HCI) communities. This paper presents my personal view of the main lines of discussion that took place throughout Mira: importing and adapting evaluation techniques from HCI, evaluating at different levels as appropriate, evaluating against different types of relevance and the new challenges that drive the need for rethinking the old evaluation approaches. The paper concludes that we need to consider more varied forms of evaluation to complement engine evaluation

    Reduktion und Erklärung

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    Analisis Hambatan Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam Melaksanakan Penilaian Portofolio di MI Plus Al-Istighostah

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis kendala guru dalam melaksanak penilaian portofolio. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek guru kelas 3 MI Plus Al-Istighotsah Tulungagung. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, dokumentasi, observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hambatan yang dialami guru MI Plus Al-Istighotsah dalam melakukan implementasi penilaian portofolio yaitu siswa yang kurang memahami tugas yang diberikan, kekurangan waktu dalam melakukan penilaian, siswa yang mengumpulkan tugas namun tidak tepat waktu, indikator penilaian yang terlalu banyak indikator dalam penilaiannya. Namun dengan adanya kendala tersebut guru tetap berupaya melakukan evaluasi dan kembali menggunakan penilaian portofolio.Abstract: This study aims to explain and analyze teacher constraints in carrying out portfolio assessment. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research with the subject of class 3 MI Plus teacher Al-Istighotsah Tulungagung. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview, documentation, and observation. The results of this study indicate that the obstacles experienced by MI Plus Al-Istighotsah teachers in implementing portfolio assessment are students who do not understand the assignments given, lack of time in conducting assessments, students who collect assignments but are not on time, assessment indicators that have too many indicators in the assessment. However, with these obstacles, teachers still try to evaluate and return to using portfolio assessment

    Electronic word of mouth dan minat beli pada follower produk hijab Naihijab.id

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    The intense competition for selling hijab fashion in online shops makes businesses have to develop effective strategies so that their products can compete in the market. One strategy used to attract consumer buyers is to introduce their products through electronic word of mouth (eWom). This study aims to test eWom's ability to predict consumer buying interest. The subjects of this study were 361 followers of the Naihijab.id tiktok account, aged 17-24 years, which were obtained using the accidental sampling technique. The scale used is the EWOM scale and the purchase intention scale. A simple linear regression test results show that the hypothesis is accepted. Namely, eWom can predict buying interest in followers of the Naihijab. id tiktok account by 21.5%. Of the seven dimensions of eWOM, only four significantly predict purchase intention: platform assistance, positive self-enhancement, social benefits, and advice seeking. In contrast, the remaining three dimensions are insignificant in predicting purchase intention. The implications of this research show that for consumer buying interest to increase, Naihijab.id business owners need to strengthen several aspects of eWom that have a strong contribution to consumers and improve several aspects that are not significant

    Finding Their Way: An Information Resource Guide for New Refugees in Southern Nevada

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    Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada (CCSN) is a nonprofit socialservices provider that serves individuals and families in need in the LasVegas area, including over 3,000 refugees each year. Last year, three MLISstudents from the University of Washington reached out to this organizationand helped to identify an information need for new refugees. Although localcity information for refugees is freely available online, this deliverymethod is not beneficial to individuals with limited English languageproficiency or low digital literacy. In partnership with CCSN, we created aphysical informational resource guide for refugees located in SouthernNevada, which can be updated and translated by resettlement organizationsacross the country