10 research outputs found
Study of Ami Maka Ana ( Traditional Fermented Buffalo Milk ) as Nutritional Food at Los Palos East Timor
The study was conducted to determine the public attitude toward the existence of traditional food ami maka-ana (AMA)prepared by addition of maka wele( alip-bark) in to buffalo milk at Locales. The method used were explorative and laboratory research, for determining the location was based on the method of purposive sampling, in which 4 villages in the sub district of Locales was chosen as the location of the study. The samples of AMA were collected from each village which were tested organoleptically and chemical composition at Food Nutrition Laboratory of FTP-Unud Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The results showed that Panelists were like the taste and overall acceptance by its characteristics such as moisture ( 50.15%), ash ( 2.00%), protein (18.15%), fat( 20.78%,) lactose( 3.68%), total acidity( 0.86%,), total solids ( 49.95%) , total solids non fat ( 34.71%), total count (5.65 x 104 CFU/g) and lactic acid bacteria ( 2.15 x 104 CFU/g)
Factors Associated With Contraceptive Use In Reproductive Age Couples
Mothers are family members who play an important role in family life. Maternal deaths that occur in every minute at every day are mostly caused by complications related to pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperal. Contraceptive use in reproductive age couples is one of the strategies of the family planning to reduce maternal mortality. This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with contraceptive use in reproductive age couples. This study used a correlational design with a cross-sectional approach. The samples were 56 people selected using a non-probability sampling technique, i.e., purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using Rank Spearman test and contingency coefficient test. The results showed that there was a correlation between contraceptive use and factors of age, education, employment, customs / culture and quality of family planning services with a p-value of <0.05. This study recommends that Mengwi Public Health Center I provide a counseling room for family planning acceptors and increase the schedule of family planning services as well as improve the quality of health workers especially in giving counseling about contraceptive use
Identification of A-3ctive Component in Plant of Rampelas (Ficusampelas) as a Natural Coagulant in the Making of Traditional Soft Cheese
The purpose of this study is to obtain alternative materials that can be used as a substitute for rennet which until now still has a high price and must be imported in the process of making soft cheese. Specific objectives to be achieved in this research are: to know the components of active compound found in the stem bark of the rampelas plants (Ficusampelas) (SBR) which can act as coagulant in soft cheese making process, to know what main component has the biggest role as Coagulant in soft cheese making process, to know the proper concentration of bark of rampelas (Ficusampelas) stem bark in the process of making soft cheese so that soft cheeses can be produced with the best characteristics. The results of the study concluded that SBR can be used as coagulant on the making of traditional soft cheeses of rampelas with a minimum concentration of 0.25%. The characteristics soft cheeses resulting product have water content 66-70%; protein: 16-21%, and the texture is rather soft. In addition, of tannin and phenolic compounds, indicate that the tradisional rampelas cheese (TRSC) can be developed into a functional Soft cheese against certain diseases. Keywords: rennet, natural coagulant, stem bark of the rampelas, traditional soft chees
Untuk meningkatkan mutu pengajaran di bidang biologi tidak cukup hanya dilakukan dengan memahami materi di ruang kelas saja, namun perlu didukung dengan kegiatan praktikum di laboratorium (Puger, 2012). Tujuan kegiatan PkM ini adalah melatih guru dan para siswa/siswi dalam pembuatan preparat basah/ segar Biologi yang akan dimanfaatkan dalam melaksanakan praktikum di laboratorium, untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar Biologi di kelas. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diikuti peserta sebanyak 30 siswa/i dan Guru- Guru Biologi SMA Negeri 1 Mengwi diawali dengan tahap observasi, dilanjutkan dengan sosialisasi tentang materi pengabdian sesuai topik yang akan diberikan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan pelatihan/pendampingan secara praktek langsung untuk membuat preparat basah di laboratorium. Preparat basah yang dihasilkan pada saat pelatihan dengan metode template stomata ada 3 macam preparat yaitu preparat stomata pada daun Rhoeo discolor, trikoma pada daun durian (Durio zibethinus), trikoma pada daun waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus) dan 1 preparat sel epitel mukosa pipi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan Guru- Guru Biologi dan siswa-siswi dalam membuat preparat basah pada saat praktikum di laboratorium
Serum Interleukin-6 Levels are Positively Correlated with the Severity of Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the pilosebaceous unit. This disease occurs on the skin of the face, body, back, and other areas of the body, and can leave scars on the skin which can be temporary or permanent. Recent data shows that the inflammatory process is the initial process in the pathogenesis of acne, several pro-inflammatory cytokines, one of which is interleukin 6 (IL-6), which plays a role in acne vulgaris. Analytical observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The research was carried out from February - November 2023 at the Skin and Venereology Polyclinic, RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Denpasar and the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Prof IGNG Ngoerah Hospital. The sample consisted of 47 samples of patients with acne and 20 samples without acne aged 8 - 45 years who were selected through consecutive sampling according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. A sample of 3 milliliters of venous blood is taken which will then be checked for IL-6 with an ELISA kit. Data analysis with SPSS version 24 and p value <0.05 is significant. The mean IL-6 serum levels in the acne group was 110.2 ± 88.3 pg/ml while in the non-acne group it was 26.7 ± 23.7 pg/ml. There was a significant difference in the category of IL-6 levels in the acne and non-acne groups (95% CI 55.1 - 155.3, p<0.001). The correlation analysis of IL-6 levels with the severity of acne was strongly positive (r=0.951, p<0.001)
Humor in Dakwah: A Socio-Pragmatic Study
This study aims at analyzing the forms, functions, and meanings of humor used by preachers in delivering religious sermons. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on the act of identifying, classifying, analyzing data that has been obtained, and describing it in the form of language as it is. Qualitative research emphasizes the depth of data with the researcher as a key instrument in the research. The research data consists of humorous utterances delivered by preachers in Islamic religious sermons, namely Ustadz Anwar Zahid, Ustadz Wijayanto, and Ustadz Da'as Latif. The form of humor is analyzed using morphosyntax theory, the function of humor is linked to sociolinguistic theory, while the meaning of humor is dissected using semantic and pragmatic theory. The results of the study show that there are five dominant forms of humor that appear in dakwah humor, namely line humor, dialogue, stories, poems, and wordplay. The use of humor as a strategy in dakwah is proven to be effective in achieving its communicative goals. Humor helps make religious messages easier to understand and remember by the audience. This is because humor can simplify complex concepts and make them more interesting for listeners. This study also found that humor is not only a form of entertainment, but also an effective communication tool in spreading religious teachings
Deteksi Dini Gejala Dengue Shock Syndrome Pada Masyarakat Awam di Lingkungan Banjar Buana Desa Kelurahan Padangsambian
ABSTRAK Demam berdarah merupakan salah satu endemic yang teerjadi di Indonesia hampir setiap tahunnya. Kasus tahun 2021 mencapai 2.185 menderita demam berdarah hingga bulan Agustus 2021. Selain menghadapi pandemic COVID-19, masyarakat Kota Denpasar juga menghadapi permasalah Demam berdarah dengan jumlah kasus 35 sampai 45 orang setiap bulannya. Permasalahan bagi masyarakat awam yang paling ditakutkan adalah kondisi renjatan demam dengue atau Dengue Shock Syndrome. Kegiatan ini berupaya untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan kesadaran terkait dengue shock syndrome agar mampu menjadi penolong dalam keluarga dengan cara mengindetifikasi gejala dengue shock syndrome dengan tepat. Pengadian Kepada Masyarakat ini menggunakan tiga metode yaitu survey lapangan untuk mengobservasi kondisi lingkungan dan kebiasaan masyarakat terkait Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN), memberikan ceramah dan diskusi terkait dengue shock syndrome, dan melakukan demostrasi penggunaan bubuk abate. Survey lapangan ditemukan terdapat 29 Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang berada dilingkungan tersebut dan 58,6% menggunakan ember sebagai bak mandi. Setelah diberikannya penyuluhah dengue shock syndrome 85,3% masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan sedang dan masyarakat mampu melakukan demonstrasi penggunaan bubuk abate dengan benar. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat terkait deteksi dini gejala dengue shock syndrome Sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan sedang dan pemberian informasi dan peningkatan pengetahuan harus tetap digalakkan dengan teratur agar kesadaran masyarakat akan bahaya dengue shock syndrome tetap baik. Kata Kunci: Dengue Shock Syndrome, Deteksi Dini, Masyarakat Awam ABSTRACT Dengue fever is one of the endemics that occurs in Indonesia almost every year. Cases in 2021 reached 2,185 suffering from dengue fever until August 2021. In addition to facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the people of Denpasar City are also facing the problem of dengue fever with 35 to 45 cases every month. The most feared problem for ordinary people is the condition of dengue fever shock or Dengue Shock Syndrome. This activity seeks to provide knowledge and awareness regarding dengue shock syndrome in order to be able to be a helper in the family by correctly identifying the symptoms of dengue shock syndrome. This Community Service uses three methods, namely field surveys to observe environmental conditions and community habits related to the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN), giving lectures and discussions related to dengue shock syndrome, and demonstrating the use of abate powder. The field survey found that there were 29 households (KK) in the neighborhood and 58.6% used a bucket as a bath. After being given dengue shock syndrome counseling, 85.3% of the community had moderate knowledge and the community was able to demonstrate the use of abate powder correctly. Community knowledge and skills related to early detection of symptoms of dengue shock syndrome Most of them have moderate knowledge and the provision of information and knowledge improvement must be encouraged regularly so that public awareness of the dangers of dengue shock syndrome remains good. Keywords: Common People, Dengue Shock Syndrome, Early Detectio
ABSTRACT The farmers of salaks, the snake fruits of Sibetan Village have encountered the price tumble during the harvest time. The bumper crops during the harvest while at the same time there is a steady demand on it, as well as that there has not been an effort to process the abundant crops into a preserved foods are considered to be the main factors that cause its price drop.Training and short course have been conducted to introduce the way how to process the fruits into dodol salak, a sticky cake made of the salak fruit as the main material, by conducting the lecturing and practicing method. The participants were members of family welfare organization (PKK) and the local housewives from Telutug of Sibetan village with the total number of 32 participants, and most of them are the farmers of salaks. The process of making the dodol salak comprises the following steps : the collection and selection of the fruits, peeling and coring the fruit, steaming, mashing the fruits into a pulp, the mixing with coconut milk, palm sugar and sticky rice floor in the bowl, mixing and boiling the mixture within 120 minutes, cooling down and then it is molded and wrapped.The result of the training shows that the participants were really enthusiastic, it could be seen by the abundant of questions raised either during the lecture, discussion as well as during the practice of making the dodol salak itself. It is expected that by introducing the way how to process the fruits into dodol will improve the skill and knowledge of the local people in general and especially for those of PKK members and the housewives. The food processing into dodol salak may bring about many advantages such as the diversification of the fruit processed-product, giving the added value to the fruit, to lengthen the storage time and to improve the appearance and quality of the product.</div
The effect of complementary prana therapy on serotonin levels, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) Scores and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores in psoriasis vulgaris patients
Introduction: Psoriasis vulgaris is a skin problem that has become a global concern with an increase in new cases reaching around 150,000 cases each year. This condition certainly reduces the quality of life and increases the patient's anxiety regarding the disease they are experiencing. This research was conducted to examine the effect of pranic complementary therapy on serotonin levels, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) scores and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores in psoriasis vulgaris patients. Method: Experimental research using a single group pre-test and post-test study design approach was carried out on 17 patients with psoriasis vulgaris. The resulting data was then analyzed using SPSS. Results: This study showed that there was a significant decrease between pre and post-therapy serotonin levels with a mean difference of 44.69 ng/ml (p=0.002). Providing pranic therapy can also reduce the severity of psoriasis through (PASI) by 2.92 ± 3.82 (p = 0.006; 95% CI = 0.95-4.89). Meanwhile, prana was also found to reduce the stress index (PSS) by 3.88 ± 4.54 (p = 0.003; 95% CI = 1.10-6.21). Conclusion: Complementary pranic therapy affects serotonin levels, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) scores and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores in psoriasis vulgaris patients
ABSTRACT The farmers of salaks, the snake fruits of Sibetan Village have encountered the price tumble during the harvest time. The bumper crops during the harvest while at the same time there is a steady demand on it, as well as that there has not been an effort to process the abundant crops into a preserved foods are considered to be the main factors that cause its price drop. Training and short course have been conducted to introduce the way how to process the fruits into dodol salak, a sticky cake made of the salak fruit as the main material, by conducting the lecturing and practicing method. The participants were members of family welfare organization (PKK) and the local housewives from Telutug of Sibetan village with the total number of 32 participants, and most of them are the farmers of salaks. The process of making the dodol salak comprises the following steps : the collection and selection of the fruits, peeling and coring the fruit, steaming, mashing the fruits into a pulp, the mixing with coconut milk, palm sugar and sticky rice floor in the bowl, mixing and boiling the mixture within 120 minutes, cooling down and then it is molded and wrapped. The result of the training shows that the participants were really enthusiastic, it could be seen by the abundant of questions raised either during the lecture, discussion as well as during the practice of making the dodol salak itself. It is expected that by introducing the way how to process the fruits into dodol will improve the skill and knowledge of the local people in general and especially for those of PKK members and the housewives. The food processing into dodol salak may bring about many advantages such as the diversification of the fruit processed-product, giving the added value to the fruit, to lengthen the storage time and to improve the appearance and quality of the product. </em