12 research outputs found

    Plant derived powders as alternatives for Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) control in stored maize grains

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    Maize is the major staple food in Africa. In developing countries, post-harvest losses due to insect pests are up to 40% of total production. Inert  powders can be alternative tools in integrated pest management programs of stored cereals. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of ashes from cashew (Anacardium occidentale) branches, charcoal powder, dried and milled Eucalyptus citriodora leaves, and diatomaceous earth  (standard check), for Sitophilus oryzae control on stored maize grains. The experimental design was completely randomized with 11 treatments and 4 replications. Insect introduction was carried out immediately after treatment application and at 30 and 60 days after. The mortality assessment was performed by counting the dead insects at 10 and 20 days after each infestation. The emergence of S. oryzae adults was also assessed at three different times. The germination of treated grains was also evaluated. Data analysis was performed on the SISVAR statistical package. Diatomaceous earth showed maximum control efficiency (73.75%) at 10-day evaluation, reaching total control at a 20-day evaluation. The remaining treatment control efficiency was below 50% in all concentrations and evaluations. The lowest insect emergence rates were observed in grains treated with diatomaceous earth or charcoal powder, which were more efficient than cashew ashes, Eucalyptus citriodora, and untreated control. There was no  significant effect of the tested products on seed germination so, they can be used in smallholder farmers' grain storage. The results allow us to affirm that Eucalyptus citriodora charcoal powder, and cashew ashes can be used to reduce Sitophilus oryzae damage in traditional agricultural systems. Considering the reduction in the Sitophilus oryzae progeny, the potential use of charcoal powder should be considered, given the efficiency compared to that of the diatomaceous earth. Thus, the plant-derived products tested in this study has the potential to be used in the integrated management of Sitophilus oryzae in stored products. Key words: Ash, Charcoal, Diatomaceous earth, inert, dust, maize, storage, pes

    Compatibility between the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana and insecticides used in coffee plantations Compatibilidade entre o fungo entomopatogênico Beauveria bassiana e inseticidas usados na cultura do cafeeiro

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    Microbial control in integrated pest management (IPM) programs of coffee plantations is an important factor for the reduction of pest population densities. The use of selective pesticides can be associated with entomopathogens, increasing the efficiency of the control and reducing the use of required insecticides. The in vitro fungitoxic effect of insecticide formulations of Thiamethoxam, Cyfluthrin, Deltamethrin, Alpha-Cypermethrin, Triazophos, Chlorpyrifos, Fenpropathrin and Endosulfan and Beauveria bassiana (CG 425 strain) was evaluated at three concentrations (FR = average field recommendation; 0.5 ´ FR and 2 ´ FR). Effects of these products on conidia germination, vegetative growth and sporulation were compared. Only five insecticides, at the FR concentration, promoted conidia viability higher than 60%. Viability should be considered the most important factor to be evaluated since it is the first step of the infection process. The insecticide formulations of Alpha-Cypermethrin, Thiamethoxam and Cyfluthrin caused the lower inhibition level on conidia germination at the two lower concentrations, with no difference in relation to the control. With respect to vegetative growth analysis, Thiamethoxam at the two lower concentrations was not found to cause radial growth inhibition. Thiamethoxam caused the smallest inhibition level with regard to conidia production. The use of Alpha-Cypermethrin and Thiamethoxam formulations in coffee IPM programs for a B. bassiana inoculum conservation strategy are recommended, since these products were compatible with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (CG 425), an important natural control agent of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei.<br>Em programas de Manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) deve-se considerar o controle microbiano como um importante fator de redução da densidade populacional de pragas. A utilização de produtos seletivos quando associados a patógenos, pode aumentar a eficiência de controle, reduzindo assim a quantidade de inseticidas. O efeito fungitóxico in vitro das formulações inseticidas de Tiametoxan, Ciflutrin, Deltametrin, Alfacipermetrina, Triazofos, Clorpirifós, Fenpropatrin e Endosulfan em três concentrações (RC= recomendação média para campo, 0,5 ´ RC e 2 ´ RC), foi avaliado sobre a germinação dos conídios, crescimento vegetativo e produção de conídios no fungo Beauveria bassiana. Apenas cinco formulações inseticidas, na concentração RC, proporcionaram viabilidade dos conídios acima de 60%. A viabilidade deve ser considerada o parâmetro mais importante a ser avaliado por ser o passo inicial no processo de infecção. As formulações de Alfacipermetrina, Tiametoxan e Ciflutrin, nas menores concentrações, causaram a menor inibição da germinação, sem diferença em relação à testemunha. Analisando-se o crescimento vegetativo, observou-se que a formulação de Tiametoxan nas menores concentrações, não inibiu o crescimento radial, sendo o crescimento vegetativo nos demais tratamentos inferior à testemunha. A formulação de Tiametoxan também proporcionou a menor inibição na produção de conídios. Os inseticidas com formulações de Alfacipermetrina e Tiametoxan mostraram-se compatíveis com o fungo Beauveria bassiana (CG 425), importante agente natural de controle da broca do café Hypothenemus hampei e podem ser recomendados para MIP no cafeeir

    External development of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in the subterranean termite Heterotermes tenuis Desenvolvimento dos fungos entomopatogênicos Beauveria bassiana E Metarhizium anisopliae no cupim subterrâneo Heterotermes tenuis

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    The subterranean termite Heterotermes tenuis is one of the main pests of sugarcane and eucalyptus in Brazil, and the use of entomopathogenic fungi, alone or associated to chemicals, is an efficient and environmentally favorable method for its control. Studies related to the fungal development on these insects are important due to the effect of insect behavior on entomopathogens. The objective of this work was to describe the external development of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae on H. tenuis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), determining the duration of the different phases of fungal infection. Two fixation techniques for preparing SEM samples were also evaluated. Worker specimens of H. tenuis were inoculated with a 1 x 10(9) conidia mL-1 suspension of the fungi and maintained at 25±1ºC and 70±10% relative humidity. Insects were collected from 0 to 144 hours after inoculation and prepared on SEM stubs for each of the two fixation techniques. The results obtained with the two techniques were compared and duration of the different phases of the infection process were estimated from SEM observations and compared for three fungal isolates. B. bassiana and M. anisopliae have similar development cycles on the termite, but some important differences exist. The penetration, colonization and conidiogenesis phases are relatively faster for M. anisopliae than for B. bassiana, which results in a faster rate of insect mortality. The fixation technique with OsO4 vapor is suitable for preparation of insects to be used in SEM observation of the developmental stages of entomopathogenic fungi.<br>O cupim subterrâneo Heterotermes tenuis , uma das principais pragas da cana-de-açúcar e eucalipto no Brasil, e o uso de fungos entomopatogênicos, isoladamente ou associados a produtos químicos, é um método eficiente e ambientalmente seguro para seu controle. Estudos relacionados ao desenvolvimento fúngico nestes insetos são importantes devido ao efeito do comportamento dos insetos sobre entomopatógenos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o desenvolvimento de Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium anisopliae sobre H. tenuis por meio da Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), determinando a duração das fases de infecção fúngica. Também foram avaliadas duas técnicas de fixação para o preparo de amostras para MEV. Operários de H. tenuis foram inoculados com suspensões fúngicas de 1 x 10(9) conídios mL-1 e mantidos a 25 ± 1ºC e umidade relativa de 70 ± 10%. Foram coletados insetos de 0 a 144 horas após a inoculação e preparados pelas duas técnicas de fixação. Foram comparados os resultados obtidos com as duas técnicas e estimadas e comparadas as durações das fases do processo de infecção para três isolados fúngicos por meio de observações em MEV. B. bassiana e M. anisopliae têm ciclos de desenvolvimento semelhantes sobre H. tenuis, mas algumas diferenças importantes existem. As fases de penetração, colonização e conidiogênese são relativamente mais rápidas para M. anisopliae que para B. bassiana, o que resulta em uma taxa mais rápida de mortalidade do inseto. A técnica de fixação com vapor de OsO4 é satisfatória para preparação de insetos para observação do desenvolvimento de fungos entomopatogênicos em MEV