1,383 research outputs found

    Work-ready wiki: Supporting the learning and teaching of professional graduate attributes

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    The paper presents the background, design and formative evaluation of a wiki of workready learning activities and teaching support resources to improve the learning of professional graduate attributes. The 'Improving graduate work-readiness' project is a University of Technology Sydney curriculum renewal project involving five Faculties. The project aims to improve graduates' professional attributes and employability skills by designing new subjects, new subject modules and integrating short well-designed contextualised work-ready learning activities into existing subjects. The authors inquired of relevant professional societies their understandings of the key professional attributes required of a graduate in the contemporary workplace. These findings informed the design of a matrix of 11 professional attributes and associated sub-attributes and aligned understandings and skills that can be learnt. The work-ready wiki gives access to a matrix of generic work-ready learning activities and 16 matrixes of learning activities contextualised for each professional area of study involved in the project to-date. Workready activities contextualised for each profession maximises student relevance and motivation to learn. Maximising the ease of integration of work-ready activities into existing subjects has guided the design of the wiki-based learning activities. From the wiki practical teaching support resources can be downloaded to enable easier integration of the work-ready learning activities. The beginning of collections of work-ready learning activities can be found at . © 2008 Andrew Litchfield and Skye Nettleton

    Test of Information Theory on the Boltzmann Equation

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    We examine information theory using the steady-state Boltzmann equation. In a nonequilibrium steady-state system under steady heat conduction, the thermodynamic quantities from information theory are calculated and compared with those from the steady-state Boltzmann equation. We have found that information theory is inconsistent with the steady-state Boltzmann equation.Comment: 12 page

    Some thoughts about nonequilibrium temperature

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    The main objective of this paper is to show that, within the present framework of the kinetic theoretical approach to irreversible thermodynamics, there is no evidence that provides a basis to modify the ordinary Fourier equation relating the heat flux in a non-equilibrium steady state to the gradient of the local equilibrium temperature. This fact is supported, among other arguments, through the kinetic foundations of generalized hydrodynamics. Some attempts have been recently proposed asserting that, in the presence of non-linearities of the state variables, such a temperature should be replaced by the non-equilibrium temperature as defined in Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics. In the approximations used for such a temperature there is so far no evidence that sustains this proposal.Comment: 13 pages, TeX, no figures, to appear in Mol. Phy

    Modes of Interaction in Naturally Occurring Medical Encounters with General Practitioners: The ÂŽOne in a MillionÂŽ Study

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    In this article, we qualitatively explore the manner and style in which medical encounters between patients and general practitioners (GPs) are mutually conducted, as exhibited in situ in 10 consultations sourced from the One in a Million: Primary Care Consultations Archive in England. Our main objectives are to identify interactional modes, to develop a classification of these modes, and to uncover how modes emerge and shift both within and between consultations. Deploying an interactional perspective and a thematic and narrative analysis of consultation transcripts, we identified five distinctive interactional modes: question and answer (Q&A) mode, lecture mode, probabilistic mode, competition mode, and narrative mode. Most modes are GP-led. Mode shifts within consultations generally map on to the chronology of the medical encounter. Patient-led narrative modes are initiated by patients themselves, which demonstrates agency. Our classification of modes derives from complete naturally occurring consultations, covering a wide range of symptoms, and may have general applicability

    Non-linear model of the carotid sinus baroreceptor

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    Junior doctors' experiences of managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a qualitative study

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore junior doctors' knowledge about and experiences of managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) and to seek their recommendations for improved future training on this important topic about which they currently receive little education. DESIGN: Qualitative study using in-depth interviews analysed using the framework method. SETTING: Participants were recruited from three North Thames London hospitals within the UK. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-two junior doctors undertaking the UK foundation two-year training programme (FY1/FY2). RESULTS: The junior doctors interviewed identified a significant gap in their training on the topic of MUS, particularly in relation to their awareness of the topic, the appropriate level of investigations, possible psychological comorbidities, the formulation of suitable explanations for patients' symptoms and longer term management strategies. Many junior doctors expressed feelings of anxiety, frustration and a self-perceived lack of competency in this area, and spoke of over-investigating patients or avoiding patient contact altogether due to the challenging nature of MUS and a difficulty in managing the accompanying uncertainty. They also identified the negative attitudes of some senior clinicians and potential role models towards patients with MUS as a factor contributing to their own attitudes and management choices. Most reported a need for more training during the foundation years, and recommended interactive case-based group discussions with a focus on providing meaningful explanations to patients for their symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: There is an urgent need to improve postgraduate training about the topics of MUS and avoiding over-investigation, as current training does not equip junior doctors with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively and confidently manage patients in these areas. Training needs to focus on practical skill development to increase clinical knowledge in areas such as delivering suitable explanations, and to incorporate individual management strategies to help junior doctors tolerate the uncertainty associated with MUS

    ‘I’d best take out life insurance, then.’ Conceptualisations of risk and uncertainty in primary care consultations, and implications for shared decision-making

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    The main objective of this study is to gain knowledge about interactional factors that support and obstruct mutual risk-assessments and shared decision-making (SDM) in clinical consultations. Through a narrative analysis of verbatim tran- scripts of 28 naturally occurring consultations performed in English National Health Service practices, we explore the ways in which patients and general practitioners conceptualise, construct and negotiate risks related to diagnostic tests and medical treatments. Consultations were sampled from a corpus of 212 consultation transcripts from the One in a Million: Primary care consultations archive on the basis that they contained the word ‘risk(s)’. Most sampled cases relate to cardiovascular conditions and cancer. Drawing on a social constructionist perspective and the relational theory of risk, we found that while GPs talked about mathematical-probabilistic population risk, patients expressed their own experiences of possible future dangers, conceptualised through words like ‘worried’, ‘scared’ and ‘concerned’. Risk objects, defined here as entities to which harmful consequences are conceptually attached, were constructed differently by patients and GPs, especially in relation to cardiovascular risks. Their different rationalities sometimes obstructed any form of mutual risk-assessments. The relational theory of risk proved to be a useful theoretical frame for exploring layers and configurations of risk constructions among patients and clinicians, and for capturing interactional factors that support and obstruct mutual risk-assessments and SDM. For patients to be able to engage in genuine dialogues and make informed decisions about their care, it is paramount for patients and doctors to co-construct patients’ health-risks during clinical encounters

    Feeding Behavior of Yorkshire Pigs Selected for Residual Feed Intake

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    Feeding behavior traits were evaluated in Yorkshire gilts from the fourth generation of the ISU residual feed intake (RFI) selection experiment. Gilts were fed using FIRE feeders. Compared to the randomly selected control line, pigs from the line selected for lower RFI, had lower residual feed intake, ate less per day, spent less time eating per day, and ate faster per visit, regardless of whether analysis was over the whole test period, the first half of test period, or the second half of test period. In conclusion, selection for lower RFI has significantly changed feeding behavior, which could be part of the reason why they are more efficient

    Prevention of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) Infection in Balb/c mice by Feeding Lactobacillus acidophilus Strain NP-51Âź

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    The immune responses of 390 BALB/c mice fed the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus strain NP51 Âź and infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) were evaluated in a 6-month trial. Mice were randomized to nine treatment groups that fed either viable- or heat-killed NP51 and inoculated with either viable- or heatkilled MAP or sterile phosphate-buffered saline. Feeding the NP51 resulted in higher numbers of T lymphocytes in the spleen including the CD8 + cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In addition, feeding the NP51 lowered the number of immune suppressive T regulatory cells CD4 + CD25 + and CD8 + CD25 + cells in the spleen. Additionally, feeding the NP51 resulted in higher concentration of interferon-gamma in the supernatant of splenocytes cultured in vitro. These results suggest that feeding the NP51 to BALB/c mice might prevent the progression of MAP infection in mice

    Performance and Carcass Composition of Yorkshire Pigs Selected for Low Residual Feed Intake under Ad Libitum and Restricted Feeding

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    Growth performance and carcass composition of 40 Yorkshire pigs (74.8±9.9 kg or 164.9±21.8 lbs), 20 pigs from a line selected for low residual feed intake for 5 generations and 20 pigs from a control line, was observed while fed on either an ad libitum or NRC maintenance (weight-stasis) basis over a 6 week period. The aim of the latter diet treatment was to keep pigs at a constant weight for six weeks. In the ad libitum treatment, there was no difference in initial (p \u3c 0.49) or final body weights (p \u3c 0.65) but the low residual feed intake line consumed 9% less feed compared to the control (p \u3c 0.08). Similarly, there was no difference in LEA (p \u3c 0.57) but the low residual feed intake line had slightly less backfat compared to the control (p \u3c 0.21). These same results were found from chemical analysis of the carcass, as there was no difference in protein percentage (p \u3c 0.60), but the ad libitum low residual feed intake pigs had a slightly lower fat percentage (p \u3c 0.21). For the weight stasis treatment, the low residual feed intake pigs weighed 3.5% more than the control (p \u3c 0.08), despite attempts to maintain a static body weight, and consumed 7.6% less feed overall (p \u3c 0.09). Both lines had a decrease in backfat; however, the low residual feed intake line had an increase in loin eye area while the control line had a decrease. No differences were observed in chemical carcass composition between the two lines on the weight stasis treatment. These data show that the low residual feed intake line is more efficient, with only slight differences in carcass composition
