13 research outputs found

    Covalently Linked Porphyrins as One-Dimensional Conductors

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    We apply first-principles calculations to address the problem of the formation and characterization of covalently linked porphyrin-like structures. We show that upon pressure a rehybridization process takes place which leads to one-dimensional compounds resembling nanothreads, in which carbon atoms are all 4-fold coordinated. We also show that the resulting nanostructures have metallic character and possess remarkable mechanical properties. Moreover, in the case of porphyrin–metal complexes, we find that the covalently linked structures may be a platform for the stabilization of straight metallic wires

    Electromechanical Modulations in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets: Implications for Environmental Sensors

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are key players in the two-dimensional materials nanoarena due to their exquisite optoelectronic properties under a standard environment (room temperature and atmospheric pressure). Nevertheless, as reported in the literature, they may also portray interesting physical properties under different environments. Here, we show two distinct and significant electromechanical modulations in TMD nanosheets which are tuned by the environmental conditions (applied pressure and adsorbents). Using scanning probe microscopy techniques, we modify the environmental conditions and observe steplike rises in the electrical response of all studied TMDs (MoS2, WS2, MoSe2, and WSe2—monolayers and few layers). Ab initio calculations enable full understanding of specific mechanisms behind these electromechanical modulations, which may find important applications in the design of TMD-based environmental sensors

    Os museus históricos e pedagógicos do estado de São Paulo

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    This paper analyzes the creation of the Historical and Pedagogical Museums network in the State of São Paulo between 1956 and 1973, mainly taking into consideration the concept for creation, the program, and the role of the museum in society. This work covers a period until the end of the 1990's, when the curators of the museums, which belonged to the State until that time, was transferred to the municipalities by means of a "municipalization" process coordinated by the Department of Museums and Archives of the State Department of Cultural Affairs (DEMA-SEC). It also shows that the implementation of this museums network - among other initiatives in the fields of education and of culture - addressed earlier needs of asserting an identity, emphasizing through projects of this type the hegemonic character of the State. This allowed to align the initiative of creating the museums with others actions carried out by the State before, and also enabled that this topic was take out from its long isolation from the study of State history. It also considers the web of relationships existing among the various sectors with which museums were connected, such as education, culture, and the São Paulo Historical and Geographical Institute, the Government, and Society. The implementation of Historical and Pedagogical Museums by means of State action, through its Departments of Education (from 1956 to 1968) and Cultural Affairs (from 1968 to 1998) was one of the ways through which the Government orientated its activities during those years in the fields of history, education and culture. The central thesis is that the implementation of these museums has fully addressed the aspirations of society at the time, while, at the same time, underscoring the logic behind the ideation that has oriented the characteristic mode of operation of museums during the years in which their curatorship was exercised by the Government, and proposes to consider them as a paradigm for "historical museums of the State of São Paulo".Este estudo analisa a criação da rede de museus históricos e pedagógicos do estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 1956 e 1973, sobretudo quanto ao conceito de criação, de programa e de função de museu na sociedade. Tal análise estende-se ao final da década de 1990, quando a tutela dos museus, até então estadual, é transferida às cidades por meio do processo de municipalização, coordenado pelo Departamento de Museus e Arquivos, da Secretaria de Estado da Cultura (Dema-SEC). Em meio a outras iniciativas nos campos da educação e da cultura, aborda a correspondência existente entre a implantação da rede desses museus e antigas necessidades de afirmação identitária, ao evidenciar, por meio de projetos desta natureza, o caráter hegemônico do Estado e sua atuação em campos como o da história, o da educação e o da cultura. Isso permitiu alinhar a iniciativa de criação dos museus a outras anteriormente promovidas pelo estado de São Paulo e possibilitar que o tema escapasse de um prolongado isolamento no estudo da história paulista. Trata, também, da trama de relações existentes entre diversos setores ligados aos museus - educação, cultura, Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de São Paulo (IHGSP), poder público e sociedade. A hipótese central é de que a implantação desses museus correspondeu plenamente às aspirações da sociedade de uma época, ao mesmo tempo em que evidencia a lógica da ideação que determinou o modo característico de atuação dos museus nos anos em que estiveram sob a tutela do governo estadual, propondo, assim, entendê-los como paradigma de "museu histórico do estado de São Paulo"

    O Serviço de documentação textual e iconografia do Museu Paulista

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    The essay compares the curatorship's works realized during the decade of 1990 by the actual Department of Textual and Iconographical Documentation of Museu Paulista, responsible for the MP Fund / Permanent File (Fundo MP/Arquivo Permanente), hundreds of collections and textual funds and 50.000 iconography pieces, great part of which are gathered in photographic collections. It shows how the documentation work extrapolates the limits of SVDHICO in order to integrate itself with the group activities of the museum and with other research groups. It also points towards new work methodologies which allow to perform the curatorship in an integrated way with the interdisciplinary research and the culture diffusion.O artigo faz um balanço dos trabalhos de curadoria realizados durante a década de 1990 pelo atual Serviço de Documentação Textual e Iconografia do Museu Paulista, responsável pelo Fundo MP/Arquivo Permanente, centenas de coleções e fundos textuais e 50.000 peças de iconografia, grande parte delas reunidas em coleções fotográficas. Mostra como o trabalho de documentação extrapola os limites do SVDHICO para integrar-se com as atividades de conjunto do Museu e com outros grupos de pesquisa. Aponta também para novas metodologias de trabalho com imagens que permitem realizar a curadoria de forma integrada à pesquisa interdisciplinar e à difusão cultural

    A Multiview Recognition Method of Predefined Objects for Robot Assembly Using Deep Learning and Its Implementation on an FPGA

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    The process of recognizing manufacturing parts in real time requires fast, accurate, small, and low-power-consumption sensors. Here, we describe a method to extract descriptors from several objects observed from a wide range of angles in a three-dimensional space. These descriptors define the dataset, which allows for the training and further validation of a convolutional neural network. The classification is implemented in reconfigurable hardware in an embedded system with an RGB sensor and the processing unit. The system achieved an accuracy of 96.67% and a speed 2.25× faster than the results reported for state-of-the-art solutions. Our proposal is 655 times faster than implementation on a PC. The presented embedded system meets the criteria of real-time video processing and it is suitable as an enhancement for the hand of a robotic arm in an intelligent manufacturing cell

    A Multiview Recognition Method of Predefined Objects for Robot Assembly Using Deep Learning and Its Implementation on an FPGA

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    The process of recognizing manufacturing parts in real time requires fast, accurate, small, and low-power-consumption sensors. Here, we describe a method to extract descriptors from several objects observed from a wide range of angles in a three-dimensional space. These descriptors define the dataset, which allows for the training and further validation of a convolutional neural network. The classification is implemented in reconfigurable hardware in an embedded system with an RGB sensor and the processing unit. The system achieved an accuracy of 96.67% and a speed 2.25× faster than the results reported for state-of-the-art solutions. Our proposal is 655 times faster than implementation on a PC. The presented embedded system meets the criteria of real-time video processing and it is suitable as an enhancement for the hand of a robotic arm in an intelligent manufacturing cell

    Os benefícios do levantamento de peso olímpico

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     ABSTRACTThe benefits of olympic weight liftingThe Olympic weightlift (OW) is one of the oldest sports of the Olympic Games of the modern era. Furthermore, for a long time it is widespread its use as performance improves so in various sports. Regarding the international literature, one can find large number of publications about the topic, however, at the national level is still scarce studies with OW. Additionally, among many professional health area as physical trainers, physiotherapists, doctors, and even athletes, there is aversion to the use of OW exercises because they consider it extremely damaging. Thus, this study aimed to demonstrate some benefits of their use, contributing to demystify some paradigms and an opinion critical scientifically about the topic.O levantamento de peso olímpico (LPO) é uma das modalidades esportivas mais antigas dos Jogos Olímpicos da era moderna. Além disso, há bastante tempo é difundido o seu uso como forma de melhora do desempenho em diversas modalidades esportivas. Em relação à literatura internacional, é possível encontrar vasto número de publicações sobre o tema, porém, no âmbito nacional ainda é escasso estudos acerca do LPO.  Adicionalmente, entre muitos profissionais da área da saúde como preparadores físicos, fisioterapeutas, médicos, e até atletas, ainda há aversão à utilização de exercícios de LPO, por considerarem o mesmo altamente lesivo. Dessa maneira, o presente estudo objetivou demonstrar alguns benefícios da sua prática, contribuindo para desmistificar alguns paradigmas e emitir opinião crítica embasada cientificamente sobre o assunto

    Debate on the state of the nation What is coming for Colombia in 2021?

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    Los colombianos hemos vivido en 2020 una de las experiencias más difíciles de nuestras vidas por cuenta de la pandemia del Covid19. Este año terminará con una contracción de la economía aproximada al 8%, más de 5 millones de empleos perdidos, la pobreza ampliando sus linderos en los hogares y una conflictividad social de alta tensión. Pero los colombianos queremos tener una mejor aproximación sobre lo que vendrá en 2021. Tenemos la esperanza de un 2021 con más oportunidades y corresponde al gobierno, a las autoridades, a los líderes, a los empresarios, generar confianza sobre lo que viene. Con este propósito la Universidad del Rosario, EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial y la Fundación Konrad Adenauer, realizaron e pasado jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020 una jornada de reflexión sobre el Estado de la Nación y lo que vendrá para los colombianos en 2021. A continuación, puede ver el evento completo, que se divide en: - Ponencia: Jóvenes y academia en 2021 (Minuto 0:27:40) / Cheyne-García, Alejandro (Rector de la Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: Una mirada de la sociedad (Minuto 0:45:55) / Tania Rosas (Emprendedora Social), Ana Karina García (Presidenta Fundación Juntos se Puede), Laura Serna (Estudiante Jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario); Calos Andrés Charry (Director de la Maestría en estudios sociales de la universidad del Rosario). - Entrevista: Gobierno (Minuto 1:31:40) / Ivan Duque Márquez (Presidente de la Republica de Colombia), Roberto Pombo (Director de la casa editorial el Tiempo) - Cifras Colombia 2020-2021 (Minuto 2:22:40) / Cesar caballero (gerente general de cifras y conceptos). - Conversatorio: La responsabilidad del sector privado (2:44:28) / Adriana Guillen (Presidenta ASOCAJAS), Nayib Neme (Presidente Grupo a), Mario Hernández (Empresario), Ignacio Gaitán (Presidente INNpulsa), Alejando Cheyne Garcia (rector de la Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: Desarrollo regional (Minuto 3:35:42) / Elsa Noguera (Gobernadora del Atlántico), Aníbal Gaviria (gobernador de Antioquia), Felipe Harman (Alcalde de Villavicencio), Jairo Yañez (Alcalde de Cucuta), Edulfo peña (Director del centro nacional de dialogo de la Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: El gobierno - Ministro (4:29:47): Alicia Arango Olmos (Ministra del interior), María Victoria Angulo (Ministra de educación); Angela María Orozco (Ministra de transporte); Wilson Ruiz Orejuela (Ministro de Justicia); Saul Pineda (Viceministro de desarrollo empresarial); Andres Mompotes (Subdirector El Tiempo)Colombians have lived in 2020 one of the most difficult experiences of our lives due to the Covid19 pandemic. This year will end with a contraction of the economy of approximately 8%, more than 5 million jobs lost, poverty widening its boundaries in homes and a high tension social conflict. But Colombians want to have a better approximation of what will come in 2021. We hope for a 2021 with more opportunities and it is up to the government, the authorities, the leaders, the businessmen, to generate confidence about what is coming. For this purpose, the Universidad del Rosario, EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, held on Thursday, December 3, 2020, a day of reflection on the State of the Nation and what will come for Colombians in 2021. Next, You can see the complete event, which is divided into: - Lecture: Youth and academy in 2021 (Minute 0:27:40) / Cheyne-García, Alejandro (Rector of the Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: A view of society (Minute 0:45:55) / Tania Rosas (Social Entrepreneur), Ana Karina García (President of the Together We Can Foundation), Laura Serna (Law Student of the Universidad del Rosario); Calos Andrés Charry (Director of the Master in Social Studies at the Universidad del Rosario). - Interview: Government (Minute 1:31:40) / Ivan Duque Márquez (President of the Republic of Colombia), Roberto Pombo (Director of the publishing house El Tiempo) - Figures Colombia 2020-2021 (Minute 2:22:40) / Cesar caballero (general manager of figures and concepts). - Discussion: The responsibility of the private sector (2:44:28) / Adriana Guillen (President ASOCAJAS), Nayib Neme (President Group a), Mario Hernández (Businessman), Ignacio Gaitán (President INNpulsa), Alejando Cheyne Garcia (rector of the University of Rosario). - Panel: Regional Development (Minute 3:35:42) / Elsa Noguera (Governor of the Atlantic), Aníbal Gaviria (Governor of Antioquia), Felipe Harman (Mayor of Villavicencio), Jairo Yañez (Mayor of Cucuta), Edulfo Peña (Director from the National Dialogue Center of the Universidad del Rosario). - Panel: The government - Minister (4:29:47): Alicia Arango Olmos (Minister of the Interior), María Victoria Angulo (Minister of Education); Angela María Orozco (Minister of Transport); Wilson Ruiz Orejuela (Minister of Justice); Saul Pineda (Vice Minister of Business Development); Andres Mompotes (Deputy Director El Tiempo