129 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tata Ruang Dan Komunikasi Intern Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru Di Smk Negeri 9 Semarang

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    Office layout is a method to formulate spatial, tools, layout, and their physical environment that aims to provide a means for teachers and internal communications are an important means to unify the direction and the views and thoughts among teachers and between teachers with the Head of School, so create cohesion in the work. This research aims: 1) to determine whether there is any spatial effect on the effectiveness of teachers \u27work; 2) to determine whether there is an internal communication influence the effectiveness of teachers\u27 work; 3) to know how big influence of spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of working collectively same. The population that became the subject of this study was the teacher of SMK Negeri 9 Semarang all 44 people who made the research sample because this study represents a population study. In this study, the independent variables are spatial and internal communications, while the dependent variable is the employment effectiveness of teachers. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire technique, documentation and observation. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis percentages, multiple regression analysis, simultaneous test, partial test, coefficient of determination and classical assumption. Based on the results of regression analysis obtained F value of 13.357 with a probability of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is significant influence between spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher working SMK Negeri 9 Semarang. The amount of influence between spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher working SMK Negeri 9 for 39.5% of Semarang. Based on this research, the authors suggest that: in drafting desk should be more loose and in placing the furniture and other equipment should be to take advantage of the space available, so the staff room and classrooms and teachers more impressed with a neat move freely when doing academic activities; head schools should pay more attention to another teacher performance by giving instructions clearly did not even hesitate to reprimand if proven negligent in completing the job, as an effort to improve the quality of education, school principals should be willing to open ourselves to receive all complaints, ideas, or ideas from teachers

    Hubungan Disiplin dalam Pembelajaran Praktik dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Mengolah Makanan Indonesia 1 di Smk Negeri 3 Kota Solok

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    The objective this research is to determine the relationship of the diciplinein the practical with the result of studen learning in subjects IndonesianFoodProcessing 1 at SMK N 3 Solok which covers aspects of diciline inpreparation of pratical, implemation pratical and result of the pratical. Thisresearch is correlation. The population in this study were all students of class XIculinary art SMK Negeri 3 Solok. The data analysis technique used is thecorrelation with product moment correlation formula. Based on the result of thedata analysis of the obtained result of research, learning diciline in praticaliscategories as good aspect and the result of the student learning are complete. Therelationship between the variable in the learning dicipline practies (X) with thelearning result tht Indonesian food processing 1 (Y) has a significant relationshipwith thitung > ttabel (3,721 > 2,048

    Monoaminergic mechanisms in epilepsy may offer innovative therapeutic opportunity for monoaminergic multi-target drugs

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    A large body of experimental and clinical evidence has strongly suggested that monoamines play an important role in regulating epileptogenesis, seizure susceptibility, convulsions, and comorbid psychiatric disorders commonly seen in people with epilepsy (PWE). However, neither the relative significance of individual monoamines nor their interaction has yet been fully clarified due to the complexity of these neurotransmitter systems. In addition, epilepsy is diverse, with many different seizure types and epilepsy syndromes, and the role played by monoamines may vary from one condition to another. In this review, we will focus on the role of serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, histamine, and melatonin in epilepsy. Recent experimental, clinical, and genetic evidence will be reviewed in consideration of the mutual relationship of monoamines with the other putative neurotransmitters. The complexity of epileptic pathogenesis may explain why the currently available drugs, developed according to the classic drug discovery paradigm of “one-molecule-one-target,” have turned out to be effective only in a percentage of PWE. Although, no antiepileptic drugs currently target specifically monoaminergic systems, multi-target directed ligands acting on different monoaminergic proteins, present on both neurons and glia cells, may represent a new approach in the management of seizures, and their generation as well as comorbid neuropsychiatric disorders.peer-reviewe

    Neo-petik Laut: Local Wisdom in Environmental Conservation and Improvement of Coastal Community Economic Blue Spring Malang

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    Petik laut is a tradition routinely done by people around the beach area Sendang Biru for seven days. This tradition is carried out as a form of gratitude to the yields obtained within one year. Most of the crops used as offerings below to sea and drowned. Petik laut is a local wisdom that is ingrained and believed to be a respect for nature. However, it would be better if the culture can work together and in harmony with nature that has provided many benefits. So that local knowledge can provide added value to the environment, particularly the marine environment that will have a positive impact. Therefore, the necessary insertion of several activities in the tradition of sea quotation. Implementation of the activities discussed in this proposal is to transplant coral reefs, Restocking Groupers and clean beach. Hopefully this program can be a benchmark for the success of environment l conservation in the marine waters buadaya integration and local knowledge, as well as an example for the ceremony Pick Sea in all regions in Indonesia

    Failure to rescue patients after emergency laparotomy for large bowel perforation: analysis of the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA).

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    BACKGROUND: Past studies have highlighted variation in in-hospital mortality rates among hospitals performing emergency laparotomy for large bowel perforation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether failure to rescue (FTR) contributes to this variability. METHODS: Patients aged 18 years or over requiring surgery for large bowel perforation between 2013 and 2016 were extracted from the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) database. Information on complications were identified using linked Hospital Episode Statistics data and in-hospital deaths from the Office for National Statistics. The FTR rate was defined as the proportion of patients dying in hospital with a recorded complication, and was examined in hospitals grouped as having low, medium or high overall postoperative mortality. RESULTS: Overall, 6413 patients were included with 1029 (16.0 per cent) in-hospital deaths. Some 3533 patients (55.1 per cent) had at least one complication: 1023 surgical (16.0 per cent) and 3332 medical (52.0 per cent) complications. There were 22 in-hospital deaths following a surgical complication alone, 685 deaths following a medical complication alone, 150 deaths following both a surgical and medical complication, and 172 deaths with no recorded complication. The risk of in-hospital death was high among patients who suffered either type of complication (857 deaths in 3533 patients; FTR rate 24.3 per cent): 172 deaths followed a surgical complication (FTR-surgical rate 16.8 per cent) and 835 deaths followed a medical complication (FTR-medical rate of 25.1 per cent). After adjustment for patient characteristics and hospital factors, hospitals grouped as having low, medium or high overall postoperative mortality did not have different FTR rates (P = 0.770). CONCLUSION: Among patients having emergency laparotomy for large bowel perforation, efforts to reduce the risk of in-hospital death should focus on reducing avoidable complications. There was no evidence of variation in FTR rates across National Health Service hospitals in England

    Pengaruh Pemberian Bakteri Lactobacillus Plantarum terhadap Histopatologi dan Hematologi Ikan Patin Jambal (Pangasius Djambal) yang Diinfeksi Bakteri Edwarsiella Tarda

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    Bakteri Lactobacillus plantarum merupakan salah satu jenis bakteri asam laktat yang sudah dikenal bersifat ramah lingkungan karena tidak patogenik dan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen sehingga sering digunakan sebagai probiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh serta dosis terbaik pemberian bakteri L. plantarum terhadap histopatologi dan hematologi ikan patin jambal (Pangasius djambal) yang diinfeksi bakteri Edwardsiella tarda. Perendaman dengan L. plantarum dilakukan untuk meningkatkan sistem imun ikan patin jambal (P. djambal) dengan dosis 103, 108 dan 1013 cfu.ml-1 selama 1 minggu yang dilanjutkan dengan penginfeksian dengan cara perendaman E. tarda. Darah diambil dari masing-masing perlakuan untuk dihitung eritrosit, leukosit, hematokrit dan hemoglobin pada jam 0, 12, 24, 36 selama penginfeksian. Setelah penginfeksian selama 3x24 jam, diambil organ hati, ginjal dan insang untuk dilakukan pengamatan jaringan yang dilanjutkan dengan skoring kerusakannya. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa secara statistik meggunakan uji F (ANOVA) sesuai dengan rancangan yang dipergunakan yaitu rancangan acak lengkap. Data penelitian menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda nyata (F hitung>F tabel). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian bakteri L. plantarum berpengaruh terhadap histopatologi dan hematologi ikan patin jambal (P. djambal) yang diinfeksi bakteri E. tarda dengan dosis terbaik pada perlakuan B 108 cfu.ml-1


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    Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) is the process of differencing two Interferograms for measuring surface movement with an accuracy of millimeter range. The DInSAR process can be applied to observe glacier movement, earthquake deformations, volcanic activities and rate of subsidence or uplift caused due to the extraction of groundwater or coal. By using single pass interferometry technique we can also generate accurate DEM. In this paper, we are presenting the movement of a Chhota Shigri glacier with the help two pass DInSAR technique and mainly we concentrated on the optimum conditions for estimating glacier movement using DInSAR. We got good coherence and Interferogram fringes for L-band sensor with less temporal baseline. Therefore, we generated glacier velocity using ALOS-2 data with 14 days temporal baseline. Initially, we generated Interferogram (defo-pair) by taking 10th March 2015 image as a master and 24th March 2015 image as a slave. But this generated Interferogram also having topographic information and atmospheric errors with the displacement component. Therefore, we used SRTM DEM for removing topographic information from the Interferogram. Because we are using L-band data, results may not be affected by troposphere. Maximum glacier velocity we observed in the accumulation zone as 7.285 cm/day in the month of March and while it’s moving towards ablation zone the glacier velocity is decreasing

    Case Report Transient Anisocoria after Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking

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    properly cited. Purpose. To report a case with transient anisocoria after corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). Methods. Case report. Results. A 24-year-old male underwent corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) in his right eye for keratoconus. At the end of the procedure, the pupil of the treated eye was irregular and dilated, while the pupil of the fellow eye was round, regular, and reactive (anisocoria). The following day, pupils were round, regular, and reactive in both eyes. Conclusion. Anisocoria may be a transient and innocuous complication after CXL. A possible cause for this complication might be the anesthetic drops used before and during the surgical procedure or/and the ultraviolet A irradiation during the treatment
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