434 research outputs found

    Avaliação química e biológica da proteína do grão em cultivares de milho de alta qualidade protéica.

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    Cultivares de milho de alta qualidade protéica (QPM) desenvolvidos pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo foram avaliados quanto ao conteúdo de aminoácidos essenciais e aproveitamento biológico da proteína, em ratos Wistar machos, recém-desmamados. Sete grupos de seis animais foram mantidos durante dez dias sob condições ambientais padronizadas, recebendo cada grupo uma das seguintes rações: a) controle a 10% e a 7% de proteína (caseína), b) aprotéica, c) experimentais com milho a 7% de proteína (QPM amarelo - BR 473, QPM branco - BR 451 e milho comum - BR 136), d) mistura arroz-feijão a 10% de proteína (1:1 em base protéica). A qualidade protéica do milho BR 473 foi semelhante à do milho BR 451 e significativamente superior (p<O,05) à do milho BR 136, segundo os índices NPR (Net Protein Ratio- 3,37; 3,54 e 2,58, respectivamente para BR 473, BR 451 e BR 136) e NPU (Net Protein Utilization - 56%,58% e 43%, respectivamente). Os milhos QPM possuem valor protéico elevado (média de 83% em relação à proteína de referência), similar ao da mistura arroz-feijão, constituindo-se em alimentos promissores para uso em programas de combate à desnutrição no Brasil, em especial para crianças de baixa renda

    Efeito do sistema de cultivo e do meio de cultura sobre o crescimento de calos embriogênicos de cafeeiro.

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    Neste trabalho comparou-se a produção de calos embriogênicos em meio líquido com a de meio gelificado usando-se dois meios de cultura recomendados para café arábica: CP (van Boxtel & Berthouly, 1996) e SM (Teixeira et al. 2004

    Dilatonic, Chiral Cosmic Strings

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    In this work, we deal with the chiral string model for which the world-sheet current is null in the framework of a scalar-tensor gravity. Our main goal is to analyse the impact of such a current on the gravitational macroscopic effects. For the purpose of this analysis, we first study the gravitational properties of the spacetime generated by this string in the presence of a dilaton field. Then, we carry out an investigation of the mechanism of formation and evolution of wakes in this framework, showing the explicit contribution of the chirality to this effect.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Journal of High Energy Physics (Proceedings Section

    'BRS Vitória': a novel seedless table grape cultivar exhibiting special flavor and tolerance to downy mildew (Pasmopara viticola).

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    'BRS Vitória' is a novel cultivar of black seedless table grape. Its main traits meet the most important demands from the viticulture segment in Brazil. It is recommended for cultivation in tropical and subtropical areas, with excellent horticultural performance, high bud fecundity and resistance to downy mildew, the most important disease which affects grapevines in Brazil.Cultivar release

    'BRS Vitória': nova cultivar de uva de mesa sem sementes com sabor especial e tolerante ao míldio.

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    Evaluation of integrated daylighting and electric lighting design projects: Lessons learned from international case studies

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    This article presents and discusses the lessons learned from the monitoring of 25 integrated daylighting and electric lighting international case study projects. The case studies consist of real occupied buildings that have been monitored as part of the International Energy Agency (IEA) SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77 Programme. The general goal of the case studies was to balance lighting energy use with occupants’ visual and non-visual requirements. This was achieved using innovative solutions for daylighting and electric lighting with advanced controls, but also implementing simple and out-of-the-box strategies. The findings suggest that energy demands for lighting can significantly be reduced by combining sensible daylight provision, efficient lighting sources, and advances in controls. Yet, the effective achievement of project goals requires adequate monitoring, fine-tuning, and verification. The findings also suggest that the adoption of “integrative” lighting – that is, lighting systems that address both visual and non-visual responses – is getting increasingly popular. Catering to non-visual requirements will likely drive further innovation in lighting technology. Currently, there is limited investment available for developing daylighting systems for integrative lighting, and the current related electric strategies often come at the risk of energy rebound effects. Overall, providing daylighting and understanding user requirements are fundamental steps towards achieving quality projects, with potential benefits beyond saving energy

    The beta Pictoris association: Catalog of photometric rotational periods of low-mass members and candidate members

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    We intended to compile the most complete catalog of bona fide members and candidate members of the beta Pictoris association, and to measure their rotation periods and basic properties from our own observations, public archives, and exploring the literature. We carried out a multi-observatories campaign to get our own photometric time series and collected all archived public photometric data time series for the stars in our catalog. Each time series was analyzed with the Lomb-Scargle and CLEAN periodograms to search for the stellar rotation periods. We complemented the measured rotational properties with detailed information on multiplicity, membership, and projected rotational velocity available in the literature and discussed star by star. We measured the rotation periods of 112 out of 117 among bona fide members and candidate members of the beta Pictoris association and, whenever possible, we also measured the luminosity, radius, and inclination of the stellar rotation axis. This represents to date the largest catalog of rotation periods of any young loose stellar association. We provided an extensive catalog of rotation periods together with other relevant basic properties useful to explore a number of open issues, such as the causes of spread of rotation periods among coeval stars, evolution of angular momentum, and lithium-rotation connection.Comment: Forthcoming article, Received: 20 June 2016 / Accepted: 09 September 2016; 40 pages, 2 figures. The online figures A1-A73 are available at CD

    Seleção precoce de clones da variedade robustão capixaba irrigada por gotejamento no Norte de Minas Gerais.

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    O cultivo do café Conilon tem sido considerado uma alternativa para a agricultura da Região Norte de Minas Gerais, que possui disponibilidade de área e altitude favoráveis à sua exploração . Este trabalho objetivou selecionar clones superiores Coffea canephora sob cultivo irrigado, mediante o emprego do método de modelos mistos. O experimento foi instalado sob sistema de cultivo irrigado por gotejamento, sendo implantados dez clones da variedade Robustão Capixaba. Aos sete meses após o plan tio, foram avaliadas sete características de crescimento vegetativo. Foram realizadas três contagens de sobrevivênci a das mudas, aos dois, sete e doze meses. Os clones RC9, RC7, RC2 e RC1 foram os mais promissores e poderão compor populações base para o prog rama de seleção recorrente que potencialmente poderá originar vari edades clonais especificas para a regi ão. As estimativas de coeficiente de herdabilidade média entre clones, de acur ácia, e o coeficiente de variação relativ a no número de nós do primeiro ramo plagiotrópico e número de ramos plagiotrópicos sugerem a maximização dos ganhos genéticos com a seleção e a obtenção de clones superiores na região estudada

    γδ T lymphocytes in the diagnosis of human T cell receptor immunodeficiencies

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    Supported by grants from MINECO (SAF 2011-24235, BES-2012-055054, SAF2014- 54708-R, and SAF2014-53563-REDT) CAM (S2010/BMD-2316) ISCIII (RD08- 0075-0002 and PI12/02761)Peer Reviewe