58 research outputs found

    Cotton genetic diversity study by AFLP markers

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    Amplified fragmentlength polymorphism (AFLP) markers have been used to ascertainthe intensity of inherent diversity and relatedness in cotton ( Gossypium spp.) plants. The effectiveness of this method to distinguish inter and intra specific difference in cotton could be handy in cultivar recognition and in marker assisted parental selection tool for plant breeders. Twenty cotton cultivars belonging to Gossypium hirsutum L., and G. arborium L. from the Pakistan and US origin were used for AFLP based genetic diversity estimates. The objective of this study was to assess the level of genetic variation among some cotton cultivars belonging to the old and new world species of cotton. Four EcoRI-MseI primer-pair combinations were used forthe AFLP analysis. The AFLP data assigned the genotypes into groups that corresponded with their origin and lineage relationships and showed a narrow genetic base among these cultivars


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    Sixty four cross combinations were produced by a complete diallel-mating system with eight varieties (Laokra5.5, DPL-7340-424, Fregobract, Glandless 4195-220, SA100, Stoneville-857, S-14 and B-557). The results showed that non-additive over dominance type of gene action governed the inheritance of number of bolls per plant (Wr + Vr) 30.31ns and boll weight (Wr + Vr) 0.063ns in F1 generation. Additive with partial dominance was operative in the inheritance of seed index (Wr + Vr) 1.30** in F1 generation. Estimates of narrow sense heritability for boll number (0.373 F1 and 0.751 F2), boll weight (0.238 F1, 0.230 F2) & seed index (0.695 F1, 1.042 F2) along with expected genetic gain because of selection, a potentially useful advance in these characters seems possible to achieve by selecting individual plants showing better qualities. Biparental mating in early generation among the selected lines, or diallel selective mating can be adopted in breeding programs for the improvement of the characters studied


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    Information about genetic diversity and relationships among the breeding materials has a signifi cant impact on crop improvement. Association between parental divergence and progeny performance has not been well documented in cotton. A cotton study was conducted in the department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University College of Agriculture, Bahauddin Zakaryia University, Multan, (30.2oN, 71.4oE) Pakistan and National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic diversity among selected cotton genotypes and their reciprocal crosses. Six U.S. and two local (Pakistani) cultivars all belonging to Gossypium hirsutum L were genotyped by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and compared with BioRad molecular weight markers. Cluster analysis revealed low genetic diversity among the parents and pooled the crosses with their parents, indicating success of hybridization. The present study, combined PAGE analysis with cluster analysis confi rmed the genetic similarities between parents and their crosses while it also confi rmed the dissimilarities between the parents as showed by the morphological characters


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    The genetic basis of salinity tolerance for three parameters Ct, C50 and C0 in P. americanum using the diallel analysis was investigated. Tolerance for Ct, C50, and C0 was due to both additive and dominance genetic effects with indication of over-dominance. For these three parameters, dominance is predominantly towards salt sensitivity, but it appears that in different accessions, there are different gene effects for each character. Recessive genes are evident in the salt tolerant line ICMV-94474 for Ct and C50, and in the other tolerant line 10878 are also evident for C50 and C0 for recessive genes. Salinity data set were found to be adequate totally for C50 and C0, but partially adequate for Ct. It appears in pearl millet that in some accessions recessive genes are responsible for salt tolerance for Ct, C50, and C0, but this trend is not consistent. Different (dominant / recessive) genes control each accession for Ct, C50, and C0. The maximum narrow sense and broad sense of heritability were found for C50 and this suggests that C50 is the best character for selection, rather than absolute root length. C50 is highly correlated with Ct, and C50 is also signifi cantly correlated with C0. These results suggest that the genetic bases of these genes are linked to some degree. These correlations would be of considerable value in breeding for improved salinity tolerance

    Image fusion using multivariate and multidimensional EMD.

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    We present a novel methodology for the fusion of multiple (two or more) images using the multivariate extension of empirical mode decomposition (MEMD). Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is a data-driven method which decomposes input data into its intrinsic oscillatory modes, known as intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), without making a priori assumptions regarding the data. We show that the multivariate and multidimensional extensions of EMD are suitable for image fusion purposes. We further demonstrate that while multidimensional extensions, by design, may seem more appropriate for tasks related to image processing, the proposed multivariate extension outperforms these in image fusion applications owing to its mode-alignment property for IMFs. Case studies involving multi-focus image fusion and pan-sharpening of multi-spectral images are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Dual coated microparticles for intestinal delivery of nimesulide

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    Nimesulide was formulated as novel dual coated microparticles using chitosan (CTN) and ethyl cellulose (EC) as encapsulating materials for its improved delivery to the intestine and to prevent gastric irritation and increase patient compliance. The first coating was applied by chitosan using pH change method followed by second coating of ethyl cellulose using thermal change method. This process was analysed for its capability to produce microparticles of uniform size, good flowability, uniform drug loading and maximum entrapment efficacy and the absence of interaction between drug and process parameters as well as the polymers confirmed by XRD and FTIR analysis. In vitro release study was carried out in simulated gastric fluid (SGF) for first 2 h and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) for next 6 h. The formulation M7 and M8 that contained chitosan and ethyl cellulose in the concentration of 1:1 and 1:2 (M1:EC) were found to achieve the targets of the present study such as uniform intestinal release of acidic drug and thus improves the patient compliance.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire


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    A 4 x 4 diallel cross experiment for genetic analysis of five yield and related characters of cotton (G. hirsutum L.) was conducted. Additive effects with partial dominance predominated in the phenotypic manifestation of the characters. Epist atic effects were also observed to be involved in the expression of these characters. No heterosis was observed as indicated by the non-significance of parent vs crosses mean squares for all the characters studied

    Atmospheric Pollution Interventions in the Environment: Effects on Biotic and Abiotic Factors, Their Monitoring and Control

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    Atmosphere is polluted for all living, non-living entities. Concentrations of atmospheric pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) are increasing abruptly due to anthropogenic activities (fossil fuels combustion, industrial activities, and power generation etc.). These pollutants are causing soil (microbial diversity disturbance, soil structure), plants (germination, growth, and biochemistry), and human health (asthma, liver, and lungs disorders to cancers) interventions. All the effects of these pollutants on soil, plants, animals, and microbes needed to be discussed briefly. Different strategies and technologies (HOPES, IOT, TEMPO and TNGAPMS) are used in the world to reduce the pollutant emission at source or when in the atmosphere and also discussed here. All gaseous emissions control mechanisms for major exhaust gases from toxic to less toxic form or environmental friendly form are major concern. Heavy metals present in dust and volatile organic compounds are converted into less toxic forms and their techniques are discussed briefly