36 research outputs found

    ADCP velocity profiles analisys in the Castellammare gulf

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    Velocity profiles have been collected in three points within the Castellammare gulf at around 1500 m far from the coastline. This area is characterized by the presence of an aquaculture farm that positioned 5 floating cages in this zone. The impact of this activity on the environment strictly depends on the currents and water exchange. The general aim of this research is the characterization of the circulation characteristics of this area. The analysis of the free surface oscillations shows the typical behaviour of tide forcing, with high minima and maxima during the night, due to the higher moon attraction during these hours compared with the morning hours. A prevalent current direction from South-West to North-East has been recorded at each depth. This direction is almost parallel to the coastline. This behaviour is probably determined by morphology of the area and the general circulation of the Castellammare gulf

    Inserimento di restringimenti e ponti in un modello diffusivo 2D di acque basse

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    Gli effetti su una corrente, causati dalle pile di un ponte, o più in generale da strutture che riducono la sezione trasversale dell’alveo, risultano di particolare interesse per le variazioni idrometriche che comportano alla corrente stessa. Nonostante i numerosi studi teorici e sperimentali di letteratura, l’attuale modellistica numerica diffusiva non integra la presenza di tali manufatti nelle proprie tecniche risolutive. Nella presente memoria viene presentata la metodologia implementata nel modello diffusivo bidimensionale FLOW2D per la valutazione del rigurgito provocato da restringimenti della sezione trasversale, nonché dalla presenza delle campate. I profili di rigurgito ottenuti con il modello proposto, in alcuni casi test, sono stati confrontati con le soluzioni esatte e con i profili di un modello completo. Inoltre, i risultati della metodologia proposta si sono dimostrati in buon accordo con i dati di pieno campo rilevati in un venturimetro

    Wind- and tide-induced currents in the Stagnone Lagoon (Sicily)

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    The hydrodynamic circulation is analyzed in the coastal lagoon of Stagnone di Marsala, a natural reserve located in the north-western part of Sicily, using both experimental measurements and numerical simulations. Field measurements of velocities and water levels, carried out using an ultrasound sensor (3D), are used to validate the numerical model. A 3D finite-volume model is used to solve the Reynolds-averaged momentum and mass balance differential equations on a curvilinear structured grid, employing the k–ε turbulence model for the Reynolds stresses. The numerical analysis allows to identify the relative contribution of the forces affecting the hydrodynamic circulation inside the lagoon. In the simulations only wind and tide forces are considered, neglecting the effects of water density changes. Two different conditions are considered. In the first both the wind stress over the free-surface and the tidal motion are imposed. In the second the wind action is neglected, to separately analyze the tide-induced circulation. The comparison between the two test cases highlights the fundamental role of the wind on the hydrodynamics of the Stagnone lagoon, producing a strong vertical recirculation pattern that is not observed when the flow is driven by tides only

    Progettazione di una cassa d’espansione e determinazione della riduzione del rischio idraulico con modellazione 2D

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    Nell’articolo si studia l’effetto di una cassa d’espansione posta a monte di un’area fluviale soggetta a rischio idraulico. Lo strumento utilizzato è un software bidimensionale sviluppato per simulare la propagazione delle piene fluviali. Il dominio di calcolo è rappresentato da una mesh triangolare non strutturata con una maggiore densità di elementi all’interno dell’alveo e nelle zone immediatamente limitrofe. Per facilitare gli accumuli temporanei di parte dei volumi di piena, si ipotizza la costruzione di un restringimento dell’alveo per mezzo di due pareti verticali che avvicinano le sponde fluviali. Durante la piena, il passaggio per lo stato critico nel restringimento provoca un rigurgito a monte, e quindi un agevole riempimento della cassa d’espansione. La perimetrazione di tale cassa è definita con la costruzione di un rilevato arginale di adeguata altezza. Per meglio simulare il rigurgito a monte della strozzatura, si introduce una scabrezza equivalente negli elementi della strozzatura, per riprodurre le perdite di carico nel restringimento e nel successivo risalto idraulico, malgrado l’ipotesi diffusiva utilizzata nel software di calcolo. La conoscenza delle aree allagate in due eventi di piena storici e dei due relativi idrogrammi di piena, ha consentito la determinazione del coefficiente di Manning quale misura della scabrezza in alveo e fuori alveo. Mediante l’applicazione del modello proposto è possibile validare sia il posizionamento degli argini a monte del restringimento per il contenimento della piena, sia la riduzione delle aree di valle soggette a rischio idraulico

    Identifying wave and turbulence components in wind-driven shallow basins

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    Wind-induced waves play an important role in shallow lake hydro- and sediment dynamics. That is why field measurements are important for the validation of their estimation methods, especially in shallow waters. In the first part of the present paper a method is introduced to improve the interpretation of the measured data, applicable both for pressure and velocity data. Replacing the turbulence-affected tail of the measured spectrum with a fitted power function causes a considerable 8-10% difference in the derived bulk wave parameters so this procedure is worth to be done. In the second part an appropriate technique to obtain wave features from 3D velocity time series will be described. The applicability of the presented velocity-based estimation method will be proved by the analysis of field measurements. By velocity decomposition used for the reconstruction of wave features one could also analyse the depth-related differences in the turbulence accompanying the wave motion

    A Self-Contained and Automated Method for Flood Hazard Maps Prediction in Urban Areas

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    Water depths and velocities predicted inside urban areas during severe storms are traditionally the final result of a chain of hydrologic and hydraulic models. The use of a single model embedding all the components of the rainfall–runoff transformation, including the flux concentration in the river network, can reduce the subjectivity and, as a consequence, the final uncertainty of the computed water depths and velocities. In the model construction, a crucial issue is the management of the topographic data. The information given by a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) available on a regular grid, as well as all the other elevation data provided by single points or contour lines, allow the creation of a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) based unstructured digital terrain model, which provides the spatial discretization for both the hydraulic and the hydrologic models. The procedure is split into four steps: (1) correction of the elevation z* measured in the nodes of a preliminary network connecting the edges with all the DEM cell centers; (2) the selection of a suitable hydrographic network where at least one edge of each node has a strictly descending elevation, (3) the generation of the computational mesh, whose edges include all the edges of the hydrographic network and also other lines following internal boundaries provided by roads or other infrastructures, and (4) the estimation of the elevation of the nodes of the computational mesh. A suitable rainfall–runoff transformation model is finally applied to each cell of the identified computational mesh. The proposed methodology is applied to the Sovara stream basin, in central Italy, for two flood events—one is used for parameter calibration and the other one for validation purpose. The comparison between the simulated and the observed flooded areas for the validation flood event shows a good reconstruction of the urban flooding

    An automatic ANN-based procedure for detecting optimal image sequences supporting LS-PIV applications for rivers monitoring

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    River flow monitoring has recently experienced rapid development due to advancements in optical methods, which are non-intrusive and enhance safety conditions for operators. Surface velocity fields are obtained recording and analyzing displacements of floating tracer materials, artificially introduced or already present on the water surface. River discharge can be assessed coupling the surface velocity fields with geometric data of a cross section. The accuracy of optical techniques is strongly affected by different environmental and hydraulic factors, and software parameterization, with tracer features that often play a prominent role. An adequate density and spatial distribution of tracer is required to ensure a complete characterization of surface velocity fields. In practical applications such conditions might occur only for a limited portion of the entire acquired images sequence. This work proposes an automatic procedure for identifying and extracting the best portion of a recorded video in terms of seeding characteristics and demonstrates how LS-PIV software performances can be enhanced through this approach. The procedure is implemented through a data-driven empirical approach based on an Artificial Neural Network, trained using data collected during an extensive measurement campaign across different rivers in Sicily (Italy). Performances are evaluated in terms of error in reproducing surface velocity profiles along specific transects, where benchmark profiles derived using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler are available. The procedure, also tested via numerical simulations on synthetic image sequences, outperformed an approach based on an existing metric for seeding characterization and represents a simple and useful tool for LS-PIV based applications

    Analisi della relazione fra velocità superficiale e velocità media lungo una verticale per l’ottimizzazione delle misure di portata con tecniche ottiche

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    Il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua ha sperimentato negli ultimi decenni un forte impulso grazie allo sviluppo di tecniche non intrusive per la misura delle portate. Le tecniche ottiche, in particolare, consentono misure di portata anche in condizioni complesse, solitamente limitanti per le tecniche tradizionali. Le tecniche ottiche più conosciute e utilizzate sono la Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LS-PIV) e la Large-Scale Particle Tracking Velocimetry (LS-PTV). Entrambe si basano sull’elaborazione di immagini acquisite utilizzando dispositivi facilmente reperibili in commercio, poco costosi e di facile utilizzo, e permettono la ricostruzione dei campi di velocità superficiali del corso d’acqua in esame. L’elaborazione delle immagini avviene mediante software dedicati, spesso gratuiti e open-source, che applicano analisi di cross-correlazione atte ad identificare lo spostamento frame-by-frame di particelle traccianti. La portata può essere derivata applicando il classico metodo velocità-area, che richiede la derivazione della velocità media della corrente lungo diversi profili verticali, in cui viene suddiviso un transetto, e la conoscenza dell’area bagnata. La velocità media della corrente lungo il profilo verticale viene ricavata in genere a partire dalla velocità media superficiale, assumendo l’ipotesi semplificativa che tra la velocità media lungo la verticale e la velocità superficiale esista un rapporto costante (), chiamato coefficiente di velocità, pari a 0,85 (WMO, 2008). L’accuratezza delle tecniche ottiche nella stima delle portate è spesso influenzata dall’ipotesi semplificativa di assumere la velocità media della corrente lungo la verticale pari ad un’aliquota costante della velocità superficiale, rilevate in corrispondenza della stessa verticale. Il parametro risulta infatti influenzato da un elevato numero di fattori e può variare in base alle caratteristiche idrauliche della corrente (ad es., la turbolenza), geometriche e di scabrezza del fondo e delle sponde, e in base al tirante e alla distanza dalle sponde della verticale stessa. Il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di analizzare la variabilità di rispetto ad alcuni dei fattori sopracitati, sfruttando un ampio dataset derivante da una campagna estensiva di misure correntometriche effettuata mediante un Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) nella regione Sicilia tra il 2020 e il 2023 su numerosi corsi d’acqua. Per alcune delle misure di portata effettuate, è stata applicata anche la tecnica LS-PIV, introducendo manualmente il tracciante e registrandone il movimento da postazione fissa o con drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – UAV). La disponibilità di misure di velocità in profondità da ADCP ha quindi permesso di applicare tecniche di inferenza atte a caratterizzare la relazione esistente tra la velocità media lungo la verticale e quella superficiale, in corsi d’acqua caratterizzati da diverse condizioni idrauliche, ambientali e geometriche, e di derivare un metodo più accurato per la stima del coefficiente per migliorare la stima delle portate a partire dalla conoscenza del campo di moto superficiale. L’efficacia di tale metodo è stata favorevolmente testata utilizzando le misure mediante LS-PIV disponibili

    Detecting the chaotic nature of advection in complex river flows

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    In order to detect signatures of chaotic advection in river surface motion, surface buoys equipped with GPS were deployed in a field experiment in River Danube, Hungary. The buoys were released in the vicinity of groynes where complex mixing processes occur. A detailed analysis of the trajectories was carried out, focusing on the time evolution of the distance between buoy pairs. The analysis included the determination and comparison of local Lyapunov exponents and prediction times of finite-time hyperbolic behaviour, which is related to strong mixing. Despite of the small number of applied buoys we found evidence on Lagrangian chaos in the wake of a groyne field. In order to supplement the field data obtained by this, inherently Lagrangian, approach, experiments in a small-scale laboratory model were also carried out, in which the Lagrangian surface dynamics was detected by following the motion of numerous floaters using particle tracking velocimetry (PTV)

    Detecting the chaotic nature of advection in complex river flows

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    In order to detect signatures of chaotic advection in river surface motion, surface buoys equipped with GPS were deployed in a field experiment in River Danube, Hungary. The buoys were released in the vicinity of groynes where complex mixing processes occur. A detailed analysis of the trajectories was carried out, focusing on the time evolution of the distance between buoy pairs. The analysis included the determination and comparison of local Lyapunov exponents and prediction times of finite-time hyperbolic behaviour, which is related to strong mixing. Despite of the small number of applied buoys we found evidence on Lagrangian chaos in the wake of a groyne field. In order to supplement the field data obtained by this, inherently Lagrangian, approach, experiments in a small-scale laboratory model were also carried out, in which the Lagrangian surface dynamics was detected by following the motion of numerous floaters using particle tracking velocimetry (PTV)