377 research outputs found

    Studies on antimicrobial activity of Lawsonia inermis L. against different strains of bacteria and fungi

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    Natural plant products are a significant source of synthetic and traditional medicines. The majority of the world population, especially in developing countries, is dependent on herbal formulations for their primary health care needs. Lawsonia inermis is a popular medicinal plant and possess many pharmacological properties. The present study was carried out to estimate the antimicrobial activity of L inermis leaves of the mother plant, regenerated plants and callus extract to justify the pharmaceutical aspect of the plant to provide herbal plant products as phytochemistry in Ayurveda as well as ethnobotanical aspect of the plant.The antimicrobial activity was determined with the help of the agar well diffusion method by using some Gram-positive;Bacillu subtilius MTCC441, Bacillus cereus MTCC430, Staphylococcus aureus MTCC96,Gram-negative; Escherichia coli MTCC1885,Pseudomonas aeruginosa  MTCC424 and fungal strains Candida albicans MTCC227.Leaves and callus extract were tested against these microorganisms in different types of solvent as Methanolic, Ethanolic, Aqueous, Acetone, Hexane, Chloroform and Diethyl ether were investigated by agar well diffusion method. Different extraction procedures were done by using the soxhlet apparatus.Dilutions were made for the extract and it was noticed that the zones of inhibitions were increased ith the concentration of the extracts. Methanolic leaves extract was found best extract for antimicrobial activity of L. inermis in comparison to other extracts.The maximum zone of inhibition was 13.79±1.7mm in methanolic extracts of leaves against B. subtilis and the minimum zone of inhibition was noticed  09.40±1.7   mm against B. cereus.The value of the zone of inhibition was more in the case of leaves extracts as compared to callus extracts.This study showed that methanolic leaves extracts of L. inermis inhibit the growth of microorganisms dose-dependently.The leaves of Lawsonia inermis support the traditional use of the plant in therapy of bacterial infection

    In vitro propagation of an economically important medicinal plant Lawsonia inermis L. through nodal segments

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    The present investigation aimed to standardize efficient plant regeneration protocol through in vitro culture by using nodal segment for mass multiplication of Lawsonia inermis an economically important medicinal plant species. Mass multiplication of shoots induced on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different growth regulators like auxins and cytokinins separately and in different combinations. The medium fortified with 6-Benzylaminopurine ( BAP) 1.0 mg/l + kinetin (KN) 1.5mg/l  explained best compared to all other combinations. In vitro raised plantlets were excised and transferred in half strength MS  medium supplemented with different growth regulators like Indole Butyric acid ( IBA)  and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA ) (0.5-3.0 mg/l) in an experiment that gave rise to rooting. The half strength of MS medium additive with IBA in separate and in different combinations with NAA concentrations (0.5-3.0 mg/l) supported root development. The best response of rooting was obtained on half MS medium fortified with 1.0 mg/l IBA. The regenerated plantlets were successfully transplanted to pots. Regenerants were transferred to the field conditions and recorded the survival rate.. Among all the carbon sources and gelling agents used, sucrose (3%) in combination with 0.8 per cent agar-agar has proved significantly better. Multiple shoots formation with longer shoots were achieved on medium with 1.0mg/l BAP and 1.5mg/l Kn. Thus, it is possible to develop a large number of plants of L. inermis through shoot bud regeneration which can cater for the need of pharmaceutical as well as other industries

    Hot Water Seed Treatment: A Review

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    In present day agriculture, use of chemicals for crop production is discouraged. Hence, other alternative treatments for disease control must be developed, and hot water treatment is one of them. It is a feasible practice, both financially and time wise. Hot water soaking is a very age-old practice, efficient in destroying pathogens borne both outside the testa and inside the seed testa by using temperature hot enough to kill the organism but not quite hot enough to kill the seed. Extensive research work has been reported on hot water treatment in vegetables. Therefore, an attempt has been made to review the information available regarding the effect of hot water treatment on growth, disease incidence and yield of vegetables

    Linseed and Its Basic Composition

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    The archaeological evidence of flax cultivation dates back to >6000 BC and it is considered as one of the oldest and most useful crops. Components of flax have diverse uses. Cultivar development of flax is currently focused on enhancing the oil content and nutritional value to meet the demand of nutraceutical market supply, as an alternate source of fish oil, a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6). Growing awareness about the role of diet and quest for human wellness has fuelled interest in ‗Functional foods‘ and functional attributes of many traditional foods are being reinvented. Flaxseed is cultivated in many parts of world for fiber, oil as well as for medicinal purposes and also as nutritional product. Flax continues to surge forward in its recognition as a functional food. It is the richest known source of alpha-linolenic acid, the phytoestrogen, lignans, as well as being a good source of soluble fiber. Flax is also very important fibrous bast plant, both for valuable textile fibres and composites applications and for bioactive compounds used in folk medicine, nutraceuticals and functional food. Flax seeds are rich in valuable fatty acids, amino-acids, phytoestrogens, cyclolinopeptides, lecithin, waxes, lignin, pectin, mucilage, etc. ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are effective preventing cardiovascular and heart diseases. The flax seed has been shown to possess significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions. In this review, composition, essential fatty acids,omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolienic acid, proteins, vitamins and minerals, lignans, dietary fiber and uses of flaxseed are discussed. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i6.00


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of biochemical sources viz., growth regulators and trace elements on the vegetative growth of Pleurotus sapidus Quél. It has a great commercial potential being an edible and wood decaying fungus. Mushrooms need carbon and nitrogen for structural and functional purposes in addition to trace elements, growth regulators and vitamins. Therefore, evaluation of their role in influencing the growth of the mushroom is a necessary aspect to be studied.Methods: Fresh sporocarps of P. sapidus were collected from rotten stumps of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br and its pure culture was raised on Potato Dextrose Agar medium. The malt broth liquid medium at 28±1 °C was used as a basal medium for investigating the role of growth regulators (gibberellic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, indole-3-butyric acid and kinetin) and trace elements (manganese, iron, molybdenum, boron and zinc). Different concentrations of growth regulators and salts with trace elements were added to separate medium flask to compare the growth.Results: The comparative study of various concentrations of growth regulators and trace elements has shown that the cultures supplemented with 5 ppm gibberellic acid and 5 ppm boron, respectively gave maximum mycelial growth of P. sapidus.Conclusion: The vegetative growth of P. sapidus can be enhanced by adding gibberellic acid and boron in the basal medium

    Usage Summary of Institute of Physics Publishing e-Journals from Jan 2015 to May 2018: A Study of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Library, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science &Technology Hisar-125 001, Haryana - India

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    Abstract Purpose- Since inception e-journals have proved mile stone in the history of the research and academics. Undoubtedly, after emerging e-resources the research activities got new pace and new dimension particularly in higher educational institutions especially since last two decades. No issue of physical distance with e-journals as these may be accessible from any corner of the world without doing physical efforts even available in abundance on single platform and access with single click. Moreover, anyone can download the same, store and keep safe for existing and budding scholars without occupying the physical space. In addition, in fraction of seconds, the information may be exchanged and spread all over the world. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the data from e-journals may be searched without beginning and without ending. The paper aims to extract the information from its usages log book (from January 2015 to May 2018) that how much use of this product which shall help to take decision for its further renewal. Methodology- Secondary data has been used. The summary of usages has been demanded from the product vendor’s. After receiving the usages summary, the data has been analyzed and whatever was valued for my proposed study, the same has been incorporated in the paper. Findings- After analyzing the usages summary data revealed that the users are more concerned with the current issues and retrieve of information from archive is very less. The same finding shall help to take decision whatever can be subscribed for their scholars; thereby funds burden may be released. Originality/value- This attempt surely helpful to those institutes whom funds availability is underprivileged. In fact Guru Jambheshwar University Science & Technology can take decision for its further renewal according to its usages as findings shown that the current issues are in more use instead of archive

    Simulation of the primary frequency control pre-qualification test for a 5MW wind turbine

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    The global wind power capacity is on a constant rise. Many countries are moving towards renewable energy sources. Wind energy accounts for the biggest renewable energy resource in Europe. Despite all the benefits, wind energy tends to weaken the grid stability. One reason for this is the fact that most wind turbine generators are not directly coupled to the grid and do not provide ancillary services, such as primary frequency control, due to the lack of rotating inertia. This paper presents detailed models of a wind turbine with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). This model is used to test the feasibility of providing ancillary services by performing the pre-qualification test for primary frequency control, as established by the Belgian Transmission System Operator (TSO). These tests are conducted under 4 different wind profiles, each having a different level of turbulence

    Metabolic Changes during Differentiation in Callus Cultures of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni)

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    Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) is an economically important medicinal plants act as an option for artificial sweetening agents. The plant regeneration protocol under in vitro conditions has been developed for this natural sweetener herb. Callus was efficiently induced when leaf segments were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l 2, 4-D + 1.0 mg/l Kinetin. The above callus was sub cultured on MS medium + 0.5 mg/l BAP + 0.3 mg/l NAA for root differentiation and on MS medium + 0.5 mg/l BAP + 0.1 mg/l NAA for shoot differentiation. Biochemical changes occurring during the callus differentiation were adopted to quantify the metabolites. Metabolites like starch, total soluble sugars and total phenols decreased while total soluble proteins increased in callus culture during the process of root and shoot differentiation.Key words: Callus, differentiation, in vitro, metabolites, Stevia rebaudianaAbbreviations:  BAP Benzyl amino purine; 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) basal medium; NAA ĂƒĆœĂ‚Â±-naphthalene acetic acid; IBA Indole-3-butyric acid; IAA Indole acetic acidNarender Singh et al. Metabolic Changes during Differentiation in Callus Cultures of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni). J Phytol 3/3 (2011) 63-67


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    With the expansion of computer network there is a challenge to compete with the intruders who can easily break into the system. So it becomes a necessity to device systems or algorithms that can not only detect intrusion but can also improve the detection rate. In this paper we propose an intrusion detection system that uses rough set theory for feature selection, which is extraction of relevant attributes from the entire set of attributes describing a data packet and used the same theory to classify the packet if it is normal or an attack. After the simplification of the discernibility matrix we were to select or reduce the features. We have used Rosetta tool to obtain the reducts and classification rules. NSL KDD dataset is used as training set and is provided to Rosetta to obtain the classification rules
