1,649 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the establishment of microbiological criteria for foods

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    O Grupo de Trabalho Ocorrência Microbiológica na Cadeia Alimentar (GTOMCA) do Programa PortFIR considerou de grande importância o desenvolvimento de um documento que compilasse uma seleção de legislação e de informações relativas a Critérios Microbiológicos (CM), visando apoiar e facilitar, aos operadores e entidades do setor alimentar, a sua aplicação na validação do processo de produção, na segurança e/ou higiene dos géneros alimentícios, na adesão a boas práticas de fabrico dos mesmos, e/ou, ainda, na manutenção da sua qualidade durante o seu tempo de vida útil. Deste modo, o GTOMCA desenvolveu o Guia para o estabelecimento de critérios microbiológicos em géneros alimentícios, que foi publicado em abril de 2017, contemplando a identificação, caraterísticas e propósito dos CM, os fatores a considerar para a sua definição, nomeadamente: a categoria do alimento, o microrganismo e/ou as suas toxinas, os metabolitos e a virulência, os valores limite, o plano de amostragem, o tipo de utilização e consumo assim como o método de análise laboratorial, o ponto da cadeia alimentar onde se aplica, as medidas a tomar no caso de resultados não satisfatórios e a necessidade de revisão e atualização dos CM.The Working Group on Microbiological Occurrence on the Food Chain (GTOMCA) of Por tFIR Program considered unanimously, as an important need, the existence of a document with a selection and compilation of existing legislation and information concerning microbiological criteria (CM) as a tool to suppor t and facilitate its application by operators and entities in the food sector to validate the acceptability of the production process or the food safety or hygiene, the obser vance to good manufacturing practices or the maintenance of the food quality during its lifetime. So, GTOMCA developed a Guide for the establishment of microbiological criteria in foodstuf fs, which was published in April 2017, regarding the identification, characteristics and purpose of microbiological criteria, the factors to consider for its definition, identification, characteristics and purpose of CM and, as impor tant factors to consider the food categor y, the micro-organism and its metabolites, toxins and virulence factors, the limit values, the sampling plan, the type of food consumption as well as the analy tical method for testing the food, the point of the food chain where it is applied, the measures to be taken in the event of unsatisfactor y results and the need to review and update of the CM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A case of congenital bilateral coronary-to-right ventricle fistula coexisting with variant angina

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    A coronary arteriovenous (AV) fistula consists of a communication between a coronary artery and a cardiac chamber, a great artery or the vena cava. It is the most common anomaly that can affect coronary perfusion. Yet bilateral involvement of a coronary fistula, constitutes an uncommon subgroup of coronary AV fistulas. We herein report on a case of bilateral coronary AV fistula that was coexistent with variant angina originating from the distal right ventricular branch of the right coronary artery and the distal septal branch of the left anterior descending artery, and the latter drained into the right ventricle

    Guia para o estabelecimento de critérios microbiológicos em géneros alimentícios

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    Autoria/Colaboração: Ana Lúcia Baltazar – ESTeSC; Ana Santos – VETDIAGNOS, Lda.; Maria Cecília Alexandre – ERSAR; António Lopes João – CMMV-Exército Português; Marta Ferreira – ATIVE, Lda.; Carla Novais – FFUP; Maria Cândida Marramaque – ANIL; Carlos Brandão – ESHTE; Patrícia Antunes – FCNAUP; Catarina Leitão Proença – CFPSA; Paulo Fernandes – INSA, I.P.; Cátia Martins Vaz – Dan Cake Portugal, S.A.; Pedro Caiado de Sousa – DGAV; Elisa Carrilho – ASAE; Rita Amaral Ferreira – Eurest Portugal, Lda.; Fátima Cordeiro – DGAV; Rita Temtem – LRVSA_Madeira; Helena Barroso – ISCSEM; Roberto Brazão – INSA, I.P.; Liliana Carvalho – Câmara Municipal de Braga; Silvia Viegas – INSA, I.P.; Luís Amaro – Ordem dos Nutricionistas; Sónia Pedro – IPMA, I.P.; Luísa Oliveira – INSA, I.P.; Sandra Quinteira – ESSVA-CESPU; Manuela Sol – ASAE; Verónica Ribeiro – CMMV-Exército Português; Márcia Reto – ASAE.O conteúdo desta publicação é da responsabilidade do Grupo de Trabalho Ocorrência Microbiológica na Cadeia Alimentar (GTOMCA), do Programa PortFIR, não representando, em termos jurídicos, a posição oficial das entidades e empresas que o compõem. Assim, estas não assumem qualquer responsabilidade ou obrigação por eventuais erros ou imprecisões que possam existir e a responsabilidade pela interpretação e uso do documento é exclusivamente do leitor.O objetivo do Guia é compilar, complementar e disponibilizar um conjunto informação existente relativa aos critérios microbiológicos ao longo de todas as etapas da cadeia alimentar, não incluindo a produção primária, visando apoiar e facilitar a sua aplicação. O presente guia apresenta alguns exemplos de critérios microbiológicos aplicáveis ao longo da cadeia alimentar, a nível internacional, não dispensando a consulta da legislação em vigor. O presente documento destina-se a apoiar, entre outros, os operadores da indústria alimentar, da restauração, de laboratórios de controlo da qualidade, a comunidade científica e as entidades oficiais que atuem neste âmbito de atividade, sem prejuízo da aplicação de outros requisitos normativos e regulamentares.N/

    A Close Nuclear Black Hole Pair in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 3393

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    The current picture of galaxy evolution advocates co-evolution of galaxies and their nuclear massive black holes (MBHs), through accretion and merging. Quasar pairs (6,000-300,000 light-years separation) exemplify the first stages of this gravitational interaction. The final stages, through binary MBHs and final collapse with gravitational wave emission, are consistent with the sub-light-year separation MBHs inferred from optical spectra and light-variability of two quasars. The double active nuclei of few nearby galaxies with disrupted morphology and intense star formation (e.g., NGC 6240 and Mkn 463; ~2,400 and ~12,000 light-years separation respectively) demonstrate the importance of major mergers of equal mass spirals in this evolution, leading to an elliptical galaxy, as in the case of the double radio nucleus (~15 light-years separation) elliptical 0402+379. Minor mergers of galaxies with a smaller companion should be a more common occurrence, evolving into spiral galaxies with active MBH pairs, but have hitherto not been seen. Here we report the presence of two active MBHs, separated by ~430 light-years, in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3393. The regular spiral morphology and predominantly old circum-nuclear stellar population of this galaxy, and the closeness of the MBHs embedded in the bulge, suggest the result of minor merger evolution.Comment: Preprint (not final) version of a paper to appear in Natur

    Recommendations for exercise adherence measures in musculoskeletal settings : a systematic review and consensus meeting (protocol)

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    Background: Exercise programmes are frequently advocated for the management of musculoskeletal disorders; however, adherence is an important pre-requisite for their success. The assessment of exercise adherence requires the use of relevant and appropriate measures, but guidance for appropriate assessment does not exist. This research will identify and evaluate the quality and acceptability of all measures used to assess exercise adherence within a musculoskeletal setting, seeking to reach consensus for the most relevant and appropriate measures for application in research and/or clinical practice settings. Methods/design: There are two key stages to the proposed research. First, a systematic review of the quality and acceptability of measures used to assess exercise adherence in musculoskeletal disorders; second, a consensus meeting. The systematic review will be conducted in two phases and reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to ensure a robust methodology. Phase one will identify all measures that have been used to assess exercise adherence in a musculoskeletal setting. Phase two will seek to identify published and unpublished evidence of the measurement and practical properties of identified measures. Study quality will be assessed against the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) guidelines. A shortlist of best quality measures will be produced for consideration during stage two: a meeting of relevant stakeholders in the United Kingdom during which consensus on the most relevant and appropriate measures of exercise adherence for application in research and/or clinical practice settings will be sought. Discussion: This study will benefit clinicians who seek to evaluate patients’ levels of exercise adherence and those intending to undertake research, service evaluation, or audit relating to exercise adherence in the musculoskeletal field. The findings will impact upon new research studies which aim to understand the factors that predict adherence with exercise and which test different adherence-enhancing interventions. PROSPERO reference: CRD4201300621

    Evaluation of the color stability of two techniquesfor reproducing artificial irides after microwave polymerization

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    The use of ocular prostheses for ophthalmic patients aims to rebuild facial aesthetics and provide an artificial substitute to the visual organ. Natural intemperate conditions promote discoloration of artificial irides and many studies have attempted to produce irides with greater chromatic paint durability using different paint materials. OBJECTIVES: The present study evaluated the color stability of artificial irides obtained with two techniques (oil painting and digital image) and submitted to microwave polymerization. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty samples were fabricated simulating ocular prostheses. each sample was constituted by one disc of acrylic resin N1 and one disc of colorless acrylic resin with the iris interposed between the discs. The irides in brown and blue color were obtained by oil painting or digital image. The color stability was determined by a reflection spectrophotometer and measurements were taken before and after microwave polymerization. Statistical analysis of the techniques for reproducing artificial irides was performed by applying the normal data distribution test followed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (α=.05). RESULTS: Chromatic alterations occurred in all specimens and statistically significant differences were observed between the oil-painted samples and those obtained by digital imaging. There was no statistical difference between the brown and blue colors. Independently of technique, all samples suffered color alterations after microwave polymerization. CONCLUSION: The digital imaging technique for reproducing irides presented better color stability after microwave polymerization
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