6,662 research outputs found

    The incorporation of matter into characteristic numerical relativity

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    A code that implements Einstein equations in the characteristic formulation in 3D has been developed and thoroughly tested for the vacuum case. Here, we describe how to incorporate matter, in the form of a perfect fluid, into the code. The extended code has been written and validated in a number of cases. It is stable and capable of contributing towards an understanding of a number of problems in black hole astrophysics.Comment: 15 pages + 4 (eps) figure

    The theory of flotation. Determination of sufficient time for flotation process, features

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    Представлена концепція визначення достатнього часу процесу флотації у водному середовищі.Представлена концепция определения достаточного времени процесса флотации в водной среде.The concept of determining the sufficiency of flotation process time in aqueous medium is presented

    Representativeness of samples from general practice lists in epidemiological studies: case-control study

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    Ethical constraints often prevent epidemiological studies from evaluating the impact of non-participation. Particular problems may arise when subjects fail to respond to an approach by researchers or when they cannot be contacted because of inaccurate contact details or a doctor's refusal to give permission for their patient to be approached. If these subjects differ from those subjects who agree or decline to participate then the validity and generalisability of the study may be compromised. We investigated these issues in a case-control study of acute leukaemia in England

    Categorization by Groups

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    Categorization is a core psychological process central to consumer and managerial decision-making. While a substantial amount of research has been conducted to examine individual categorization behaviors, relatively little is known about the group categorization process. In two experiments, we demonstrate that group categorization differs systematically from that of individuals: groups created a larger number of categories with fewer items in each category. This effect is mediated by groups’ larger knowledge base and moderated by groups’ ease in achieving consensus. While neither broader nor narrower categories are normatively superior, more integration or distinction among concepts may be desirable for a given objective. Thus, it is important for those relying on the outputs of categorization tasks, such as web site designers, store managers, product development teams, and product marketing managers, to understand and consider the systematic differences between group and individual categorization.Decision-making;Categorization;Group and Individual Categorization

    Vitamin K policies and midwifery practice: questionnaire survey

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    Objectives: To investigate policies on neonatal vitamin K and their implementation. Design: Two phase postal survey. Setting: United Kingdom. Participants: A 10% random sample of midwives registered with the United Kingdom Central Council for nursing, midwifery, and health visiting. Of 3191 midwives in the sample, 2515 (79%) responded to phase one and 2294 (72%) completed questionnaires on their current jobs (November 1998 to May 1999). In phase two, 853 (62%) of 1383 eligible midwives gave details on 2179 of their earliest jobs (start dates before 1990). Results: All the midwives in clinical practice at the time of the survey (2271, 99%) reported that they were working in areas with official policies on neonatal vitamin K. Seven distinct policies were described: intramuscular vitamin K for all babies (1159, 51.0%); intramuscular vitamin K for babies at "high risk," oral for others (470, 20.7%); oral vitamin K for all babies (323, 14.2%); parental choice for all (124, 5.5%); parental choice for all except babies at high risk, (119, 5.2%); intramuscular vitamin K for babies at high risk only (33, 1.5%); oral vitamin K for babies at high risk only (17, 0.7%); and a disparate group of policies including intravenous vitamin K for some babies (26, 1.1%). Previous policies were (and some may still be) open to individual interpretation and were not always followed. Conclusions: Hospital policy is not necessarily a good guide to individual practice. The primary purpose of clinical records is to document patient care, and recording practices reflect this. There is considerable variation in vitamin K policies and midwifery practice in the United Kingdom, and there is no clear consensus on which babies should receive vitamin K intramuscularly

    Density functional theory in one-dimension for contact-interacting fermions

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    A density functional theory is developed for fermions in one dimension, interacting via a delta-function. Such systems provide a natural testing ground for questions of principle, as the local density approximation should work well for short-ranged interactions. The exact-exchange contribution to the total energy is a local functional of the density. A local density approximation for correlation is obtained using perturbation theory and Bethe-Ansatz results for the one-dimensional contact-interacting uniform Fermi gas. The ground-state energies are calculated for two finite systems, the analogs of Helium and of Hooke's atom. The local approximation is shown to be excellent, as expected.Comment: 10 pages, 7 Figure

    Time dependence studies on giant magnetoresistive Co/Cu multilayers

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    Time dependence studies consisting of applying current steps at fixed applied fields have been carried out on bilinear and biquadratic giant magnetoresistive (GMR) Co/Cu multilayers in a temperature controlled environment. It has been shown that the voltage responses to current steps of these aged multilayers are greater in magnitude before field cycling compared to those made after field cycling. Normalized voltage measurements for some samples suggest a magnetic viscosity effect due to a current step at zero-field is present and before field cycling. The effect is reduced after field cycling. This behavior suggests that the effect being seen is purely magnetic in origin, as only the field is being varied. A ln( ) type function has been curve fitted to the zero field voltage response to a current step before field cycling. Voltage measurements made on the Co/Cu films at different field values show that as the applied fields are increased the voltage response has a reduced ln(t) character

    An echocardiography audit to determine and characterise rheumatic heart disease lesions seen in 2012

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    A medical research paper on rheumatic heart disease lesions as evidenced in Zimbabwe.Introduction: Rheumatic heart disease is still a common problem in Zimbabwe. It has a significant mortality rate due to heart failure, stroke or endocarditis. Timely surgical interventions can reduce mortality. An echocardiography audit was performed to determine the proportion of patients referred for echocardiography who had a diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease, the pattern of valvular involvement and the presence of surgical indications on echocardiography. Objective: To determine the number of echocardiograms done in 2012 and the proportion with a diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease. To determine which valve lesions were present and whether there were any echocardiographic indications for surgical intervention