21 research outputs found

    Stability of Quantum Motion: Beyond Fermi-golden-rule and Lyapunov decay

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    We study, analytically and numerically, the stability of quantum motion for a classically chaotic system. We show the existence of different regimes of fidelity decay which deviate from Fermi Golden rule and Lyapunov decay.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Recurrence of fidelity in near integrable systems

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    Within the framework of simple perturbation theory, recurrence time of quantum fidelity is related to the period of the classical motion. This indicates the possibility of recurrence in near integrable systems. We have studied such possibility in detail with the kicked rotor as an example. In accordance with the correspondence principle, recurrence is observed when the underlying classical dynamics is well approximated by the harmonic oscillator. Quantum revivals of fidelity is noted in the interior of resonances, while classical-quantum correspondence of fidelity is seen to be very short for states initially in the rotational KAM region.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Estimating purity in terms of correlation functions

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    We prove a rigorous inequality estimating the purity of a reduced density matrix of a composite quantum system in terms of cross-correlation of the same state and an arbitrary product state. Various immediate applications of our result are proposed, in particular concerning Gaussian wave-packet propagation under classically regular dynamics.Comment: 3 page

    Evolution of entanglement under echo dynamics

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    Echo dynamics and fidelity are often used to discuss stability in quantum information processing and quantum chaos. Yet fidelity yields no information about entanglement, the characteristic property of quantum mechanics. We study the evolution of entanglement in echo dynamics. We find qualitatively different behavior between integrable and chaotic systems on one hand and between random and coherent initial states for integrable systems on the other. For the latter the evolution of entanglement is given by a classical time scale. Analytic results are illustrated numerically in a Jaynes Cummings model.Comment: 5 RevTeX pages, 3 EPS figures (one color) ; v2: considerable revision ;inequality proof omitte

    Universality of the Lyapunov regime for the Loschmidt echo

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    The Loschmidt echo (LE) is a magnitude that measures the sensitivity of quantum dynamics to perturbations in the Hamiltonian. For a certain regime of the parameters, the LE decays exponentially with a rate given by the Lyapunov exponent of the underlying classically chaotic system. We develop a semiclassical theory, supported by numerical results in a Lorentz gas model, which allows us to establish and characterize the universality of this Lyapunov regime. In particular, the universality is evidenced by the semiclassical limit of the Fermi wavelength going to zero, the behavior for times longer than Ehrenfest time, the insensitivity with respect to the form of the perturbation and the behavior of individual (non-averaged) initial conditions. Finally, by elaborating a semiclassical approximation to the Wigner function, we are able to distinguish between classical and quantum origin for the different terms of the LE. This approach renders an understanding for the persistence of the Lyapunov regime after the Ehrenfest time, as well as a reinterpretation of our results in terms of the quantum--classical transition.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, uses Revtex

    Short time decay of the Loschmidt echo

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    The Loschmidt echo measures the sensitivity to perturbations of quantum evolutions. We study its short time decay in classically chaotic systems. Using perturbation theory and throwing out all correlation imposed by the initial state and the perturbation, we show that the characteristic time of this regime is well described by the inverse of the width of the local density of states. This result is illustrated and discussed in a numerical study in a 2-dimensional chaotic billiard system perturbed by various contour deformations and using different types of initial conditions. Moreover, the influence to the short time decay of sub-Planck structures developed by time evolution is also investigated.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Sensitivity to perturbations in a quantum chaotic billiard

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    The Loschmidt echo (LE) measures the ability of a system to return to the initial state after a forward quantum evolution followed by a backward perturbed one. It has been conjectured that the echo of a classically chaotic system decays exponentially, with a decay rate given by the minimum between the width Γ\Gamma of the local density of states and the Lyapunov exponent. As the perturbation strength is increased one obtains a cross-over between both regimes. These predictions are based on situations where the Fermi Golden Rule (FGR) is valid. By considering a paradigmatic fully chaotic system, the Bunimovich stadium billiard, with a perturbation in a regime for which the FGR manifestly does not work, we find a cross over from Γ\Gamma to Lyapunov decay. We find that, challenging the analytic interpretation, these conjetures are valid even beyond the expected range.Comment: Significantly revised version. To appear in Physical Review E Rapid Communication

    Decay of the classical Loschmidt echo in integrable systems

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    We study both analytically and numerically the decay of fidelity of classical motion for integrable systems. We find that the decay can exhibit two qualitatively different behaviors, namely an algebraic decay, that is due to the perturbation of the shape of the tori, or a ballistic decay, that is associated with perturbing the frequencies of the tori. The type of decay depends on initial conditions and on the shape of the perturbation but, for small enough perturbations, not on its size. We demonstrate numerically this general behavior for the cases of the twist map, the rectangular billiard, and the kicked rotor in the almost integrable regime.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, revte

    Dynamical fidelity of a solid-state quantum computation

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    In this paper we analyze the dynamics in a spin-model of quantum computer. Main attention is paid to the dynamical fidelity (associated with dynamical errors) of an algorithm that allows to create an entangled state for remote qubits. We show that in the regime of selective resonant excitations of qubits there is no any danger of quantum chaos. Moreover, in this regime a modified perturbation theory gives an adequate description of the dynamics of the system. Our approach allows to explicitly describe all peculiarities of the evolution of the system under time-dependent pulses corresponding to a quantum protocol. Specifically, we analyze, both analytically and numerically, how the fidelity decreases in dependence on the model parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Loschmidt Echo and Lyapunov Exponent in a Quantum Disordered System

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    We investigate the sensitivity of a disordered system with diffractive scatterers to a weak external perturbation. Specifically, we calculate the fidelity M(t) (also called the Loschmidt echo) characterizing a return probability after a propagation for a time tt followed by a backward propagation governed by a slightly perturbed Hamiltonian. For short-range scatterers we perform a diagrammatic calculation showing that the fidelity decays first exponentially according to the golden rule, and then follows a power law governed by the diffusive dynamics. For long-range disorder (when the diffractive scattering is of small-angle character) an intermediate regime emerges where the diagrammatics is not applicable. Using the path integral technique, we derive a kinetic equation and show that M(t) decays exponentially with a rate governed by the classical Lyapunov exponent.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure