15 research outputs found

    Towards Practical Runtime Verification and Validation of Self-Adaptive Software Systems

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    International audienceSoftware validation and verification (V&V) ensures that software products satisfy user requirements and meet their expected quality attributes throughout their lifecycle. While high levels of adaptation and autonomy provide new ways for software systems to operate in highly dynamic environments, developing certifiable V&V methods for guaranteeing the achievement of self-adaptive software goals is one of the major challenges facing the entire research field. In this chapter we (i) analyze fundamental challenges and concerns for the development of V&V methods and techniques that provide certifiable trust in self-adaptive and self-managing systems; and (ii) present a proposal for including V&V operations explicitly in feedback loops for ensuring the achievement of software self-adaptation goals. Both of these contributions provide valuable starting points for V&V researchers to help advance this field

    Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia:a Multinational Point Prevalence Study of Hospitalised Patients

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    Pseudornonas aeruginosa is a challenging bacterium to treat due to its intrinsic resistance to the antibiotics used most frequently in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Data about the global burden and risk factors associated with P. aeruginosa-CAP are limited. We assessed the multinational burden and specific risk factors associated with P. aeruginosa-CAP. We enrolled 3193 patients in 54 countries with confirmed diagnosis of CAP who underwent microbiological testing at admission. Prevalence was calculated according to the identification of P. aeruginosa. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa-CAP. The prevalence of P. aeruginosa and antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa-CAP was 4.2% and 2.0%, respectively. The rate of P. aeruginosa CAP in patients with prior infection/colonisation due to P. aeruginosa and at least one of the three independently associated chronic lung diseases (i.e. tracheostomy, bronchiectasis and/or very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was 67%. In contrast, the rate of P. aeruginosa-CAP was 2% in patients without prior P. aeruginosa infection/colonisation and none of the selected chronic lung diseases. The multinational prevalence of P. aeruginosa-CAP is low. The risk factors identified in this study may guide healthcare professionals in deciding empirical antibiotic coverage for CAP patients

    On patterns for decentralized control in self-adaptive systems

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    Self-adaptation is typically realized using a control loop. One prominent approach for organizing a control loop in self-adaptive systems is by means of four components that are responsible for the primary functions of self-adaptation: Monitor, Analyze, Plan, and Execute, together forming a MAPE loop. When systems are large, complex, and heterogeneous, a single MAPE loop may not be sufficient for managing all adaptation in a system, so multiple MAPE loops may be introduced. In self-adaptive systems with multiple MAPE loops, decisions about how to decentralize each of the MAPE functions must be made. These decisions involve how and whether the corresponding functions from multiple loops are to be coordinated (e.g., planning components coordinating to prepare a plan for an adaptation). To foster comprehension of self-adaptive systems with multiple MAPE loops and support reuse of known solutions, it is crucial that we document common design approaches for engineers. As such systematic knowledge is currently lacking, it is timely to reflect on these systems to: (a) consolidate the knowledge in this area, and (b) to develop a systematic approach for describing different types of control in self-adaptive systems. We contribute with a simple notation for describing interacting MAPE loops, which we believe helps in achieving (b), and we use this notation to describe a number of existing patterns of interacting MAPE loops, to begin to fulfill (a). From our study, we outline numerous remaining research challenges in this area

    Induction of PCFT and OATP1A2 via vitamin D receptor activation in vitro is not confirmed in vivo in healthy volunteers after a 10-days treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3

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    A self-adaptive software system modifies its behavior at runtime in response to changes within the system or in its execution environment. The fulfillment of the system requirements needs to be guaranteed even in the presence of adverse conditions and adaptations. Thus, a key challenge for self-adaptive software systems is assurance. Traditionally, confidence in the correctness of a system is gained through a variety of activities and processes performed at development time, such as design analysis and testing. In the presence of self-adaptation, however, some of the assurance tasks may need to be performed at runtime. This need calls for the development of techniques that enable continuous assurance throughout the software life cycle. Fundamental to the development of runtime assurance techniques is research into the use of models at runtime (M@RT). This chapter explores the state of the art for using M@RT to address the assurance of self-adaptive software systems. It defines what information can be captured by M@RT, specifically for the purpose of assurance, and puts this definition into the context of existing work. We then outline key research challenges for assurance at runtime and characterize assurance methods. The chapter concludes with an exploration of selected application areas where M@RT could provide significant benefits beyond existing assurance techniques for adaptive systems