11 research outputs found

    Key Distributions for Charmless Semileptonic B Decay

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    We present theoretical predictions for a few phenomenologically interesting distributions in the semileptonic b->u decays which are affected by Fermi motion. The perturbative effects are incorporated at the one-loop level and appear to be very moderate. Our treatment of Fermi motion is based directly on QCD, being encoded in the universal distribution function F(x). The decay distributions in the charged lepton energy, invariant mass of hadrons, hadron energy, and q^2 are given. We note that typically about 90% of all decay events are expected to have M_X < M_D; this feature can be exploited in determination of |V_ub|.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures (incorporated in the LaTeX file); plain LaTe

    Anathematizing the Guralnik and Manohar Inequality for \bar{\Lambda}

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    There is a recent claim by Guralnik and Manohar \cite{GM} to have established a rigorous lower bound on Λˉ\bar \Lambda, the asymptotic difference between the mass of a heavy flavour {\em hadron} and that of the heavy flavour {\em quark}. We point out the flaw in their reasoning and discuss the underlying physical problem. An explicit counterexample to the GM bound is given; one can therefore not count on a refined proof to re-establish this bound. *********** Uses LaTeX No figures No macros file used.Comment: 7 pages Preprint UND-HEP-93-BIG07, CERN-TH.7091/9

    Nonperturbative Corrections to Inclusive Beauty and Charm Decays: QCD versus Phenomenological Models

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    We present a selfconsistent method for treating nonperturbative effects in inclusive nonleptonic and semileptonic decays of heavy flavour hadrons. These effects give rise to powerlike corrections 1/mQn\propto 1/m_Q^n\,, n2n \ge 2 with mQm_Q denoting the heavy quark mass.The leading correction to the semileptonic branching ratio occurs for n=2. It is expressed in terms of the vector-pseudoscalar mass splitting: \delta BR\ind{sl}/BR\ind{sl} \simeq BR\ind{nl}\, \cdot \,6\,(\,(M_V^2-M_P^2)/m_Q^2)\cdot (c_+^2 - c_-^2)/2N_c and yields a {\it reduction} of BR\ind{sl}. This nonperturbative correction contributes to the nonleptonic width with a sign opposite to that of the perturbative terms that are non-leading in 1/Nc1/N_c. In beauty decays the former reduces the latter by 20 \% whereas in charm decays they more or less cancel. This leads to a {\it reduction} of BR\ind{sl} by no more than 10 \% in beauty decays and by a factor of roughly two in charm decays. We confront these results with those obtained from phenomenological models of heavy flavour decays and find that such models are unable to mimic these leading corrections by a specific choice of quark masses or by invoking Fermi motion.Comment: 11 pages (2 figs are not included), Latex file, FERMILAB-PUB-92/158-T UND-HEP-92-BIG04 TPI-MINN-92/30-

    Are IR Renormalons a Good Probe for the Strong Interaction Domain?

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    We study the origin of non-analyticity in \alpha_s of a short-distance QCD observable to demonstrate that the infrared renormalons, the same-sign factorial growth of the perturbative expansion, is a universal phenomenon that originates entirely from the small coupling domain. In particular, both the position and the nature of the singularity of the Borel transform of the perturbative series prove to be independent of whether the running coupling \alpha(k^2) becomes singular at some finite scale ("Landau pole"), or stays finite down to k^2=0. We argue that getting hold of the infrared renormalons per se can help next to nothing in quantifying non-perturbative effects.Comment: 12 pages, one figure put separately as uuencoded PS file. LaTe

    D^0 - D^0-bar Oscillations as a Probe of Quark-Hadron Duality

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    It is usually argued that the Standard Model predicts slow D^0-\bar D^0 oscillations with \Delta M_D, \Delta \Gamma_D < 10^{-3}*\Gamma_D$ and that New Physics can reveal itself through \Delta M_D exceeding 10^{-3}*\Gamma_D. It is believed that the bulk of the effect is due to long distance dynamics that cannot be described at the quark level. We point out that in general the OPE yields soft GIM suppression scaling only like (m_s/\mu_{hadr})^2 and even like m_s/\mu_{hadr} rather than m_s^4/m_c^4 of the simple quark box diagram. Such contributions can actually yield \Delta M_D, \Delta \Gamma_D \sim O(10^{-3})*\Gamma_D without invoking additional long distance effects. They are reasonably suppressed as long as the OPE and local duality are qualitatively applicable in the 1/m_c expansion. We stress the importance of improving the sensitivity on \Delta \Gamma_D as well as \Delta M_D in a dedicated fashion as a laboratory for analyzing the onset of quark-hadron duality and comment on the recent preliminary study on \Delta \Gamma_D by the FOCUS group.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. Revised: A reference and a few clarifications in the text are added. A few inconsistencies in equations are eliminated. We found the standard contribution to Delta M_D to differ from the expression usually quoted in the literatur

    How to Measure Kinetic Energy of the Heavy Quark Inside B Mesons?

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    We discuss how one can determine the average kinetic energy of the heavy quark inside heavy mesons from differential distributions in BB decays. A new, so-called third, sum rule for the bcb\rightarrow c transition is derived in the small velocity (SV) limit. Using this sum rule and the existing data on the momentum dependence in the BDB\rightarrow D^* transition (the slope of the Isgur-Wise function) we obtain a new lower bound on the parameter μπ2=(2MB)1Bbˉ(iD)2bB\mu_\pi^2 = (2M_B)^{-1}\langle B |\bar b (i\vec{D})^2 b |B\rangle proportional to the average kinetic energy of bb quark inside BB meson. The existing data suggest μπ2>0.4\mu_\pi^2 > 0.4~GeV2^2 and (from the ``optical'' sum rule) Λ>500\overline{\Lambda} > 500 MeV, albeit with some numerical uncertainties.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, no figures, Preprint TPI-MINN-94/25-T, UMN-TH-1263-94, UND-HEP-94-BIG07, OUT-4102-5

    On the Problem of Boosting Nonleptonic b Baryon Decays

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    The constituent picture of hadrons implies certain quantum mechanical inequalities which must hold in the potential models. Basing on this qualitative consideration I argue that it is not easy to increase significantly the scale of the flavor-dependent 1/m_b^3 effects within the heavy quark expansion preserving the conventional constituent picture of heavy flavor hadrons. I briefly address the physical consequences one might expect if the effects of weak scattering and interference are attempted to be pushed above the 10% level within 1/m_b expansion not invoking qualitatively different mechanisms including violations of duality.Comment: 8 pages, one figure. LaTeX. Revised: More general inequality is stated which applies to in baryons as well. Explicit expression for the hybrid renormalization used is quote

    A Phenomenological Analysis of Heavy Hadron Lifetimes

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    A phenomenological analysis of lifetimes of bottom and charmed hadrons within the framework of the heavy quark expansion is performed. The baryon matrix element is evaluated using the bag model and the nonrelativistic quark model. We find that bottom-baryon lifetimes follow the pattern τ(Ωb)τ(Ξb)>τ(Λb)τ(Ξb0)\tau(\Omega_b)\simeq\tau(\Xi_b^-)>\tau(\Lambda_b)\simeq\tau(\Xi_b^0). However, neither the lifetime ratio τ(Λb)/τ(Bd)\tau(\Lambda_b)/\tau( B_d) nor the absolute decay rates of the Λb\Lambda_b baryon and BB mesons can be explained. One way of solving both difficulties is to allow the presence of linear 1/mQ1/m_Q corrections by scaling the inclusive nonleptonic width with the fifth power of the hadron mass mHQm_{H_Q} rather than the heavy quark mass mQm_Q. The hierarchy of bottom baryon lifetimes is dramatically modified to τ(Λb)>τ(Ξb)>τ(Ξb0)>τ(Ωb)\tau(\Lambda_b)>\tau(\Xi_b^-)>\tau(\Xi_b^0)>\tau( \Omega_b): The longest-lived Ωb\Omega_b among bottom baryons in the OPE prescription now becomes shortest-lived. The replacement of mQm_Q by mHQm_{H_Q} in nonleptonic widths is natural and justified in the PQCD-based factorization approach formulated in terms of hadron-level kinematics. For inclusive charmed baryon decays, we argue that since the heavy quark expansion does not converge, local duality cannot be tested in this case. We show that while the ansatz of substituting the heavy quark mass by the hadron mass provides a much better description of the charmed-baryon lifetime {\it ratios}, it appears unnatural and unpredictive for describing the {\it absolute} inclusive decay rates of charmed baryons, contrary to the bottom case.Comment: 35 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. The CDF result on the lifetime ratio of Lambda_b and B_d is discusse

    CP-violation in rare Bs0-meson decays

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    Translated from Russian; originally published in Pis'ma Zh. Ehksp. Teor. Fiz. v. 43(7) p. 317-318SIGLEAvailable from Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Structure of the Higgs sector and the vertex Z WH

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    Translated from Russian; originally published in: PISMA JETF, (1982) v. 35(3) p. 125-127.SIGLEDEGerman