11 research outputs found

    Renormalization group analysis of the 2D Hubbard model

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    Salmhofer [Commun. Math. Phys. 194, 249 (1998)] has recently developed a new renormalization group method for interacting Fermi systems, where the complete flow from the bare action of a microscopic model to the effective low-energy action, as a function of a continuously decreasing infrared cutoff, is given by a differential flow equation which is local in the flow parameter. We apply this approach to the repulsive two-dimensional Hubbard model with nearest and next-nearest neighbor hopping amplitudes. The flow equation for the effective interaction is evaluated numerically on 1-loop level. The effective interactions diverge at a finite energy scale which is exponentially small for small bare interactions. To analyze the nature of the instabilities signalled by the diverging interactions we extend Salmhofers renormalization group for the calculation of susceptibilities. We compute the singlet superconducting susceptibilities for various pairing symmetries and also charge and spin density susceptibilities. Depending on the choice of the model parameters (hopping amplitudes, interaction strength and band-filling) we find commensurate and incommensurate antiferromagnetic instabilities or d-wave superconductivity as leading instability. We present the resulting phase diagram in the vicinity of half-filling and also results for the density dependence of the critical energy scale.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 16 eps figure

    Microscopic description of d-wave superconductivity by Van Hove nesting in the Hubbard model

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    We devise a computational approach to the Hubbard model that captures the strong coupling dynamics arising when the Fermi level is at a Van Hove singularity in the density of states. We rely on an approximate degeneracy among the many-body states accounting for the main instabilities of the system (antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity). The Fermi line turns out to be deformed in a manner consistent with the pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. For a doping rate δ0.2\delta \sim 0.2, the ground state is characterized by d-wave symmetry, quasiparticles gapped only at the saddle-points of the band, and a large peak at zero momentum in the d-wave pairing correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Spectral functions, Fermi surface and pseudogap in the t-J model

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    Spectral functions within the generalized t-J model as relevant to cuprates are analyzed using the method of equations of motion for projected fermion operators. In the evaluation of the self energy the decoupling of spin and single-particle fluctuations is performed. It is shown that in an undoped antiferromagnet (AFM) the method reproduces the selfconsistent Born approximation. For finite doping with short range AFM order the approximation evolves into a paramagnon contribution which retains large incoherent contribution in the hole part of the spectral function as well as the hole-pocket-like Fermi surface at low doping. On the other hand, the contribution of (longitudinal) spin fluctuations, with the coupling mostly determined predominantly by J and next-neighbor hopping t', is essential for the emergence of the pseudogap. The latter shows at low doping in the effective truncation of the large Fermi surface, reduced electron density of states and at the same time quasiparticle density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: RevTex, 13 pages, 11 figures (5 color

    Functional and morphological effects of resistance exercise on disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy

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    Abstract The reduction of skeletal muscle loss in pathological states, such as muscle disuse, has considerable effects in terms of rehabilitation and quality of life. Since there is no currently effective and safe treatment available for skeletal muscle atrophy, the search for new alternatives is necessary. Resistance exercise (RE) seems to be an important tool in the treatment of disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy by promoting positive functional (strength and power) and structural (hypertrophy and phenotypic changes) adaptive responses. Human and animal studies using different types of resistance exercise (flywheel, vascular occlusion, dynamic, isometric, and eccentric) have obtained results of great importance. However, since RE is a complex phenomenon, lack of strict control of its variables (volume, frequency, intensity, muscle action, rest intervals) limits the interpretation of the impact of the manipulation on skeletal muscle remodeling and function under disuse. The aim of this review is to critically describe the functional and morphological role of resistance exercise in disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy with emphasis on the principles of training

    Effects of high-intensity intermittent training on carnitine palmitoyl transferase activity in the gastrocnemius muscle of rats

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    We examined the capacity of high-intensity intermittent training (HI-IT) to facilitate the delivery of lipids to enzymes responsible for oxidation, a task performed by the carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) system in the rat gastrocnemius muscle. Male adult Wistar rats (160-250 g) were randomly distributed into 3 groups: sedentary (Sed, N = 5), HI-IT (N = 10), and moderate-intensity continuous training (MI-CT, N = 10). The trained groups were exercised for 8 weeks with a 10% (HI-IT) and a 5% (MI-CT) overload. The HI-IT group presented 11.8% decreased weight gain compared to the Sed group. The maximal activities of CPT-I, CPT-II, and citrate synthase were all increased in the HI-IT group compared to the Sed group (P < 0.01), as also was gene expression, measured by RT-PCR, of fatty acid binding protein (FABP; P < 0.01) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL; P < 0.05). Lactate dehydrogenase also presented a higher maximal activity (nmol·min-1·mg protein-1) in HI-IT (around 83%). We suggest that 8 weeks of HI-IT enhance mitochondrial lipid transport capacity thus facilitating the oxidation process in the gastrocnemius muscle. This adaptation may also be associated with the decrease in weight gain observed in the animals and was concomitant to a higher gene expression of both FABP and LPL in HI-IT, suggesting that intermittent exercise is a "time-efficient" strategy inducing metabolic adaptation

    Effects of high-intensity intermittent training on carnitine palmitoyl transferase activity in the gastrocnemius muscle of rats

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    We examined the capacity of high-intensity intermittent training (HI-IT) to facilitate the delivery of lipids to enzymes responsible for oxidation, a task performed by the carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) system in the rat gastrocnemius muscle. Male adult Wistar rats (160-250 g) were randomly distributed into 3 groups: sedentary (Sed, N = 5), HI-IT (N = 10), and moderate-intensity continuous training (MI-CT, N = 10). The trained groups were exercised for 8 weeks with a 10% (HI-IT) and a 5% (MI-CT) overload. The HI-IT group presented 11.8% decreased weight gain compared to the Sed group. The maximal activities of CPT-I, CPT-II, and citrate synthase were all increased in the HI-IT group compared to the Sed group (P < 0.01), as also was gene expression, measured by RT-PCR, of fatty acid binding protein (FABP; P < 0.01) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL; P < 0.05). Lactate dehydrogenase also presented a higher maximal activity (nmol·min-1·mg protein-1) in HI-IT (around 83%). We suggest that 8 weeks of HI-IT enhance mitochondrial lipid transport capacity thus facilitating the oxidation process in the gastrocnemius muscle. This adaptation may also be associated with the decrease in weight gain observed in the animals and was concomitant to a higher gene expression of both FABP and LPL in HI-IT, suggesting that intermittent exercise is a "time-efficient" strategy inducing metabolic adaptation

    Nutrição aplicada à atividade motora

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    A Nutrição aplicada a atividade motora se divide em quatro áreas do movimento humano, a saber: esporte, educação física, dança, recreação/lazer. Essa definição conceitual diferencia a população alvo da intervenção nutricional. O organismo humano sempre apresentou o movimento como parte de sua atividade cotidiana e selecionou evolutivamente os organismos mais econômicos. Em contrapartida por conta de demandas, sociais, financeiras dentre outras a vida moderna impôs o sedentarismo como padrão de comportamento motor que aliado ao padrão genético de economia resultaram nas doenças modernas como obesidade, diabetes, etc. Assim a sociedade institucionalizou o movimento humano criando manifestações distintas descritas acima e suas necessidades específicas passaram a ser de interesse acadêmico/cientifico. Nutricionalmente os estudos se concentram no balanço energético, na necessidade de carboidratos, proteínas, lipídios assim como dos micronutrientes e outros compostos biologicamente ativos. Estes estudos definem estas substancias sob critérios de essencialidade ou efeito ergogênico superior a capacidade fisiológica. O primeiro determina mudanças nas necessidades nutricionais e o segundo substâncias consideradas ilícitas. No presente momento grande parte da comunidade cientifica dedicada à nutrição aplicada à atividade motora, dirige sua vocação na tentativa de descobrir as necessidades específicas provocadas pela pratica regular da atividade motora permitindo seu exercício regular para que a mesma propicie os benefícios na manutenção da saúde de forma plena nas quatro áreas descritas acima.Nutrition applied to motor activity is divided in four areas of human movement, namely: sports, physical education, dance, recreation/leisure. This conceptual definition differentiates the target population of nutritional intervention. The human body has always presented the movement as part of their daily activity and selected organisms evolutionarily more economical. In return for the account of demands, social, financial, among other modern life imposed inactivity as the motor pattern of human behavior that together with the genetic default of the economy resulted in the modern diseases such as obesity, diabetes etc. In this way society has institutionalized human movement creating distinct manifestations described above and their specific needs have to be of academic interest / scientific. Nutritionally, the studies focus on energy balance, the need for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and micronutrients and other biologically active compounds. These studies define these substances under the criteria of essentiality or ergogenic effect than the physiological. The first determines changes in nutritional needs and the second substances deemed illegal. At present much of the scientific community dedicated to nutrition applied to motor activity, directs his calling in an attempt to discover the specific needs caused by the regular practice of motor activity allowing for regular exercise that triggers the same benefits in health maintenance so full in the four areas described above