14 research outputs found

    Lepton Flavour Violation in Unified Models with U(1)-Family Symmetries

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    Lepton flavour non-conserving processes are examined in the context of unified models with U(1)-family symmetries which reproduce successfully the low-energy hierarchy of the fermion mass spectrum and the Kobayashi - Maskawa mixing. These models usually imply mixing effects in the supersymmetric scalar sector. We construct the fermion and scalar mass matrices in two viable models, and calculate the mixing effects on the μeγ\mu \to e\gamma, μ3e\mu \to 3 e and τμγ\tau \to \mu\gamma rare decays. The relevant constraints on the sparticle mass spectrum as well as the role of various MSSM parameters are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure included in the ps file, uses epsfig.st

    Predictive Ansatz for Fermion Masses in SUSY GUTS

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    We reexamine a succesful fermion mass Ansatz proposed by Giudice for a wide range of the ratio tanβ=tan\beta =\frac {}{} (where hˉ,h{\bar h},h are the two standard higgs fields), in the context of supersymmetric grand unified theories. We find that the 7 predictions of the ansatz, Vus,Vcb,Vub,mu,md,msV_{us}, V_{cb}, V_{ub}, m_u, m_d, m_s and mbm_b are in good agreement with the experiment when either {\it i) } tanβ1tan\beta \simeq 1 or {\it ii)} tanβ30tan\beta \geq 30. A correct prediction for the bottom mass gives a lower limit on mt125m_t\geq 125 for case {\it (i)}, in agreement with the previous analysis, while in case {\it (ii)} mt145m_t\geq 145.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures NOT included, available on request, LaTex, IOA 281/92, NTUA 37/92 preprint

    Coupling Reduction and the Higgs Mass

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    Assuming the existence of a functional relation among the Standard Model (SM) couplings gauge α1\alpha_1 and quartic λ\lambda, we determine the mass of the Higgs particle. Similar considerations for the top and bottom Yukawa couplings in the minimal supersymmetric SM lead to the prediction of a narrow window for tanβ\tan\beta, one of the main parameters that determine the light Higgs mass.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure

    Implications of a Heavy Top in Supersymmetric Theories

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    In the context of the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking scenario, we investigate the implications of a heavy top quark mass, close to its infrared fixed point, on the low energy parameters of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We use analytic expressions to calculate the Higgs masses as well as the supersymmetric masses of the third generation. We further assume bottom-tau unification at the GUT scale and examine the constraints put by this condition on the parameter space (tanβ\tan\beta,α3\alpha_3), using the renormalization group procedure at the two-loop level. We find only a small fraction of the parameter space where the above conditions can be satisfied, namely 1tanβ21\le \tan\beta \le 2, while 0.111α3(MZ)0.1180.111\le\alpha_3(M_Z) \le 0.118. We further analyse the case where all three Yukawa couplings reach the perturbative limit just after the unification scale. In this latter case, the situation turns out to be very strict demanding tanβ63\tan\beta\sim 63.Comment: 13 pages plus 3 Figures (hard copy) on request, IOA.303/94 and NTUA 44/9

    Gauge Coupling Unification and the Top Mass in String Models with SU(4)×O(4)SU(4)\times O(4) Symmetry

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    We discuss the low energy implications of gauge coupling unification at the string scale, taking into account string threshold corrections in the SU(4)×O(4)SU(4) {\times} O(4) model. We express sin2θWsin^2\theta_W and a3a_3 as functions of the calculable string threshold differences and discuss simple examples of spectra which retain the successful predictions of the supersymmetric unification. Using further the low energy data and reasonable values of the common gauge coupling at the string scale, we obtain the range of the threshold corrections. Finally, we study the top Yukawa coupling (hth_t) evolution whose initial value is determined in terms of the common gauge coupling at the string scale. We find that hth_t reaches its (quasi) infra-red fixed point at the weak scale and discuss the implications on the top mass.Comment: 12 pages, Plain Latex file, macros included in the beginning of the file, 3 figs on request from the authors. some minor typos are corrected, uu-encoded figures are included in a separate fil

    Low Energy Thresholds and the Scalar Mass Spectrum in Minimal Supersymmetry

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    We discuss low energy threshold effects and calculate the sparticle masses in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We pay particular attention to the top squark and the Higgs mass parameters, and calculate the top Yukawa corrections, taking into account the successive decoupling of each particle at its threshold. We discuss the phenomenological implications in the context of the radiative symmetry breaking scenario.Comment: (CERN-TH.7411, Latex file, 12p, 1fig. not included

    Supercompositeness from superstrings

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    Supersymmetry Breaking Threshold Corrections in the SU(4)×SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(4)\times SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R Model

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    We evaluate the SUSY and top threshold effects in the context of the MSSM and the string derived model based on SU(4)×\timesSU(2)L×_L\timesSU(2)R_R. In both cases we run the two loop RGEs and determine the lower bounds of the supersymmetric particle masses, dictated by the experimentally accepted regions of the values of the low energy parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 5 Figs not included (can be sent by mail or fax upon request), NTUA 41/9