12 research outputs found

    Eritrocytic Parameters of the Blood of Calves with Different Birth Weights

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    In the conditions of a dairy farm with the help of the standard clinical, instrumental and laboratory methods the research on particularities of Eritrocytic parameters of the blood of calves (n=299) with different birth weights was carried out. It is shown that Holstein calves with normal intrauterine growth, born with body weight from 36.5 to 29 kg, have no reliable differences in red blood cell count. With a 1 kg reduction in body weight, there is a trend towards hyperchromia, but an increase in weight deficiency promotes of hypovolemia, hypochromia, and polycythaemia. In newborns with a body weight of 27.9–26.9 kg, polycythaemia is derived from hypovolemia, but, with a more pronounced weight deficiency, the role of erythrogenesis disorder in the pathogenesis of the syndrome increases. Hypochromia is a consequence of hematopoietic organs dysfunction and transmembrane loss of hemoglobin. Herein membrane destruction is caused by the increase in the content of toxical metabolites in the blood (sorptivity of red blood cells by 10–12 percent), and by a higher level of adrenaline (modification coefficient of membranes by adrenaline by 20–30 %). This indicates that the response of the fetus to the factors that inhibit its development is similar to a metabolic response against stress. At strong underweight body (b.w. less than 25 kg) exhausting of adaptive capability is observed with the increase in the blood level of toxical metabolites (sorptivity of red blood cells by 15 %), level of membrane destruction (level of ectoglobular hemoglobin in 2,8 times), and heterogeneity of red blood cells. Thus, in newborns with a body weight of less than 29 kg, the significant disturbances in the structure and functions of red blood cells were revealed, which gave grounds for stating that they had antenatal hypotrophy. Herewith, the severity of hematological changes depends on the degree of weight deficiency. Initially, it is hypovolemia and the resulting polycythemia, but, erythropoiesis disorders, and destruction of their membranes with increased polycythemia, and the development of hypochromia occur with the increasing severity of hypotrophy

    Трудности диагностики детского мультисистемного воспалительного синдрома, ассоциированного с COVID-19, в сочетании с ранней стадией первичной инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19 is a rare life-threatening immunopathological complication of COVID-19 that develops 1-6 weeks after the acute coronavirus infection. MIS-C is characterized by fever and multiorgan inflammation.We present a clinical case of a 10-year-old boy with skin lesions at the onset of MIS-C (erythematous malar rash, lacelike rash on the trunk and extremities and petechiae) with macrophage activation syndrome development and the early stage of primary Epstein-Barr virus infection (EBV infection) which required the exclusion of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.This clinical case demonstrates the complexity of diagnosis in MIS-C with skin manifestations at the onset of the disease, especially with concurrent activation of other infections, particularly EBV infection.Детский мультисистемный воспалительный синдром (ДМВС), ассоциированный с COVID-19 — это редкое жизнеугрожающее иммунопатологическое осложнение, развивающееся через 1-6 недель после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции, протекающее с лихорадкой и мультиорганным воспалением.В статье представлено клиническое наблюдение мальчика в возрасте 10 лет с поражением кожи в дебюте ДМВС в виде полиморфной сыпи (эритема на щеках, сыпь в виде кружевного рисунка на туловище и конечностях, петехии), с одновременным обнаружением маркеров ранней стадии первичной инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр (ЭБВ), а также развитием гемофагоцитарного синдрома, что потребовало исключения Х-сцепленного лимфопролиферативного синдрома.Данное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует сложность диагностического поиска при кожных проявлениях в дебюте ДМВС, а также возможность сочетания ДМВС с другими инфекциями, в частности с ЭБВ-инфекцией