305 research outputs found

    Possible evolutionary transition from rapidly rotating neutron stars to strange stars due to spin-down

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    We present a scenario of formation of strange stars due to spin-down of {\it rapidly rotating} neutron stars left after supernova explosions . By assuming a process where the total baryon mass is conserved but the angular momentum is lost due to emission of gravitational waves and/or the magnetic braking, we find that the transition from rapidly rotating neutron stars to slowly rotating strange stars is possible; a large amount of energy 1053ergs\sim 10^{53} ergs could be released. The liberated energy might become a new energy source for a delayed explosion of supernova. Furthermore, our scenario suggests that the supernova associated with gamma-ray bursts could become candidates for targets in the future observation of gravitational waves.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Received November 5, 200

    Hyperon mixing and universal many-body repulsion in neutron stars

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    A multi-pomeron exchange potential (MPP) is proposed as a model for the universal many-body repulsion in baryonic systems on the basis of the Extended Soft Core (ESC) bryon-baryon interaction. The strength of MPP is determined by analyzing the nucleus-nucleus scattering with the G-matrix folding model. The interaction in ΛN\Lambda N channels is shown to reproduce well the experimental Λ\Lambda binding energies. The equation of state (EoS) in neutron matter with hyperon mixing is obtained including the MPP contribution, and mass-radius relations of neutron stars are derived. It is shown that the maximum mass can be larger than the observed one 2M2M_{\odot} even in the case of including hyperon mixing on the basis of model-parameters determined by terrestrial experiments

    Structure of the hadron-quark mixed phase in protoneutron stars

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    We study the hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of hot protoneutron stars, combining the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach for hadronic matter with the MIT bag model or the Dyson-Schwinger model for quark matter. We examine the structure of the mixed phase constructed according to different prescriptions for the phase transition, and the resulting consequences for stellar properties. We find important effects for the internal composition, but only very small influence on the global stellar properties.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Finite-size effects at the hadron-quark transition and heavy hybrid stars

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    We study the role of finite-size effects at the hadron-quark phase transition in a new hybrid equation of state constructed from an ab-initio Br\"uckner-Hartree-Fock equation of state with the realistic Bonn-B potential for the hadronic phase and a covariant non-local Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model for the quark phase. We construct static hybrid star sequences and find that our model can support stable hybrid stars with an onset of quark matter below 2M2 M_\odot and a maximum mass above 2.17M2.17 M_\odot in agreement with recent observations. If the finite-size effects are taken into account the core is composed of pure quark matter. Provided that the quark vector channel interaction is small, and the finite size effects are taken into account, quark matter appears at densities 2-3 times the nuclear saturation density. In that case the proton fraction in the hadronic phase remains below the value required by the onset of the direct URCA process, so that the early onset of quark matter shall affect on the rapid cooling of the star.Comment: version to match the one published in PR

    Neutron-star radii based on realistic nuclear interactions

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    The existence of neutron stars with 2M2M_\odot requires the strong stiffness of the equation of state (EoS) of neutron-star matter. We introduce a multi-pomeron exchange potential (MPP) working universally among 3- and 4-baryons to stiffen the EoS. Its strength is restricted by analyzing the nucleus-nucleus scattering with the G-matrix folding model. The EoSs are derived using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) and the cluster variational method (CVM) with the nuclear interactions ESC and AV18. The mass-radius relations are derived by solving the Tolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation, where the maximum masses over 2M2M_\odot are obtained on the basis of the terrestrial data. Neutron-star radii RR at a typical mass 1.5M1.5M_\odot are predicted to be 12.3 ⁣ ⁣13.012.3\!\sim\!13.0 km. The uncertainty of calculated radii is mainly from the ratio of 3- and 4-pomeron coupling constants, which cannot be fixed by any terrestrial experiment. Though values of R(1.5M)R(1.5M_\odot) are not influenced by hyperon-mixing effects, finely-observed values for them indicate degrees of EoS softening by hyperon mixing in the region of M ⁣ ⁣2MM\!\sim\!2M_\odot. If R(1.5M)R(1.5M_\odot) is less than about 12.4 km, the softening of EoS by hyperon mixing has to be weak. Useful information can be expected by the space mission NICER offering precise measurements for neutron-star radii within ±5%\pm 5\%.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Bandit Online Optimization Over the Permutahedron

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    The permutahedron is the convex polytope with vertex set consisting of the vectors (π(1),,π(n))(\pi(1),\dots, \pi(n)) for all permutations (bijections) π\pi over {1,,n}\{1,\dots, n\}. We study a bandit game in which, at each step tt, an adversary chooses a hidden weight weight vector sts_t, a player chooses a vertex πt\pi_t of the permutahedron and suffers an observed loss of i=1nπ(i)st(i)\sum_{i=1}^n \pi(i) s_t(i). A previous algorithm CombBand of Cesa-Bianchi et al (2009) guarantees a regret of O(nTlogn)O(n\sqrt{T \log n}) for a time horizon of TT. Unfortunately, CombBand requires at each step an nn-by-nn matrix permanent approximation to within improved accuracy as TT grows, resulting in a total running time that is super linear in TT, making it impractical for large time horizons. We provide an algorithm of regret O(n3/2T)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{T}) with total time complexity O(n3T)O(n^3T). The ideas are a combination of CombBand and a recent algorithm by Ailon (2013) for online optimization over the permutahedron in the full information setting. The technical core is a bound on the variance of the Plackett-Luce noisy sorting process's "pseudo loss". The bound is obtained by establishing positive semi-definiteness of a family of 3-by-3 matrices generated from rational functions of exponentials of 3 parameters

    Neutrino Emission from Magnetized Proto-Neutron Stars in Relativistic Mean Field Theory

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    We make a perturbative calculation of neutrino scattering and absorption in hot and dense hyperonic neutron-star matter in the presence of a strong magnetic field. We find that the absorption cross-sections show a remarkable angular dependence in that the neutrino absorption strength is reduced in a direction parallel to the magnetic field and enhanced in the opposite direction. This asymmetry in the neutrino absorbtion can be as much as 2.2 % of the entire neutrino momentum for an interior magnetic field of \sim 2 x 10^{17} G. We estimate the pulsar kick velocities associated with this asymmetry in a fully relativistic mean-field theory formulation. We show that the kick velocities calculated here are comparable to observed pulsar velocities.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.097