762 research outputs found

    Common fixed point theorems of different compatible type mappings using Ciric\u27s contraction type condition

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of common fixed points for a compatible pair of selfmaps under Ciric\u27s contraction type condition. These theorems improve and generalize the results of Mukherjee and Verma [11] and Jungck [9] to a pair of selfmaps. Also established the existence of common fixed points for a pair of compatible mappings of type (B), and obtain a result on the existence of common fixed points for a pair of compatible mappings of type (A) as corollary. Greguš fixed point theorem follows as a special case to our results

    Common Fixed Point Theorems under Rational Inequality

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    In this paper we establish common fixed point theorems for two pairs of self maps in a complete metric space by using occasionally weakly biased maps satisfying the property (E.A.) using contraction  condition involving rational expressions.  These results partially generalize  Pachpatte [10], Jeong and Rhoades [5] and Kameswari [9]. Keywords: Weakly compatible, occasionally weakly compatible, property (E.A), coincidence point, point of coincidence, common fixed point. AMS (2010) Mathematics Subject Classifications: 47H10

    Theoretical density functional study of substituted dioxanes: trans 3,6-dimethoxy-1,2-dioxane

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    A theoretical Density Functional study of the trans-3,6-dimethoxy-1,2-dioxane molecule is performed with the purpose to analyze different conformational features.The energetic stability of the different isomers is discussed in terms of several electronic factors. Results are compared with previous semiempirical studies and they are discussed in a comparative fashion. Final results show that ab initio studies allow one to overcome some drawbacks derived from the semiempirical techniques.Centro de Química Inorgánic