111 research outputs found

    Taymyr Reindeer Herding as a Branch of the Economy and a Fundamental Social Identification Practice for Indigenous Peoples of the Siberian Arctic

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    There are two factors affecting the way that Nenets and Dolgan people of Taymyr define their regional identity: 1) their traditional trade (reindeer herding); 2) ethnic art-making where the reindeer acts as an image and a symbol of ethnic traditions, touchstones, and values found among the indigenous peoples of Taymyr. Field research was conducted in Taymyr settlements (such as Nosok, Karaul, and Khatanga) from 2010 to 2014. The researchers interviewed Nenets and Dolgan people who belong to non-governmental organizations representing Taymyr indigenous peoples, run businesses or work in government agencies, schools, and other organizations implementing cultural policies. Indigenous peoples have very low economic and social activity. The Dolgans also have a very poor standard of living due to lack of reindeer. The Post-Soviet era has seen an income gap growing between the Dolgans and the Nenets and unequal economic groups being formed. Reviving reindeer herding is essential. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an economically inefficient subsidized branch of agriculture, but its role is symbolic rather than economic. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an ethnicity-forming and ethnicity-sustaining factor. Today’s reindustrialization of Taymyr may end up exterminating its indigenous peoples’ unique economic, environmental, and cultural practices. Taymyr’s political establishment must pay due attention to the threat of ruining these unique practices. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p22


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    The intensive reforming and restructuring of the economy requires considerable improvement of personnel quality, development of managerial competence of companies’ executives, and providing the personnel training in accordance with the objectives of the industry. Such training can be based on the intentionally designed programmes in the system of further training, which plays a major role in the lifelong professional learning of a person, ‘ensuring the compliance of his qualification with changing conditions of his professional activity and social environment’. The relevance of the research is concerned with the increased requirements of the users of educational services for the level and quality of professional training of modern specialists and future managers, with a trend towards the optimization of personnel potential in any sector of the economy. The paper investigates the managerial staff training based on competence-based approach. The author suggests the model of the personnel reserve training in the system of further training. The most efficient organizational and pedagogical conditions of the personnel reserve training, in particular, social partnership, methodological support and staffing are explored.Интенсивное реформирование и реструктуризация экономики страны требует осуществления качественного совершенствования кадрового состава, развития управленческой компетентности руководителя, подготовки резерва кадров в соответствии с целями и задачами отрасли. Такая подготовка возможна на основе специально разработанных программ, реализуемых в системе дополнительного профессионального образования (далее - ДПО), которое играет первостепенную роль в непрерывном профессиональном развитии человека, «обеспечении соответствия его квалификации меняющимся условиям профессиональной деятельности и социальной среды» [1]. Актуальность работы связана с возросшими требованиями заказчиков образовательных услуг к уровню и качеству повышения квалификации современных специалистов и будущих управленцев с тенденцией к оптимизации кадрового потенциала в любой отрасли экономики страны. В статье рассмотрены вопросы подготовки управленческих кадров в системе дополнительного профессионального образования на основе компетентностного подхода. Представлена модель подготовки резерва кадров в ДПО, определены организационно-педагогические условия подготовки резерва кадров, а именно: социальное партнерство, методическое обеспечение, кадровое обеспечение

    Utilization of Immunoblotting in Studies of Epitope Targeting in Monoclonal Antibodies to Melioidosis Agent Antigen 200 kDa

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    Objective of the research was to use immunoblotting for studies of epitope targeting in monoclonal antibodies to 200 kDa Burkholderia pseudomallei antigen, which are synthesized by hybridomas-producers from the two collections in the laboratory of immunodiagnostics and biotechnology at the premises of Volgograd Research Anti-Plague Institute. Employed were 8 typical strains of melioidosis agent with the complete antigenic structure. Antigen preparations were separated by means of denaturating vertical electrophoresis in 12 % polyacrylamide gel with 0.1 % sodium dodecylsulfate. During the process of cell-replication, 12 hybridomas-producers were given preparative amounts of monoclonal antibodies to 200 kDa Burkholderia pseudomallei glycoprotein. Following that, immunoperoxidase conjugates were manufactured. Epitope targeting of monoclonal antibodies was evaluated using immunoblotting. With the help of vertical electrophoresis identified was the presence of several mandatory major components contained in the antigen complexes of the salt-water and formamid B. pseudomallei extracts . Differential staining substantiated glycoprotein origin of certain antigen components. Immunoblotting with the stated above antigen preparations revealed epitope targeting of a number of monoclonal antibodies to 200 kDa antigen of melioidosis agent; demonstrated were the differences in their specific interaction with biopolymers which form part of the antigen specter. Those differences were characteristic of hybridomas-producers belonging to different collections, as well as of particular strains of B. pseudomallei

    Study of air conditioning systems for storage and display of art works

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    The article describes technical characteristics of modern air conditioning systems that are of use to ensure the ambient conditions required for storage and display of art works in art museums. The author performs comparison analysis of centralized and autonomous air conditioning systems. The article includes an inference about how important it is to combine elements of both systems according to the design tasks and features of the integrated museum and exhibition platform (Museum Quarter in Krasnoyarsk), which includes historical buildings and new modern exhibition areas

    West Nile Fever: Results of Monitoring over the Causative Agent in the Russian Federation in 2021, the Incidence Forecast for 2022

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    The epidemiological situation on West Nile fever (WNF) in Russia in 2021 was characterized by an increase in the incidence relative to 2020 (more than 6-fold increase). The peculiarities of the WNF epidemic process have been determined: the territorial distribution of cases (75 % – in the constituent entities of the Central Federal District), the expansion of the causative agent’s areal with the involvement of new territories (official registration of cases in Moscow and the Tula Region for the first time ever), the early end of the epidemic season. An increase in the proportion of neuroinvasive forms, an increase in the share of male patients and the age group of 30–39 years, a decrease in the proportion of the population in contact with the pathogen in natural places of mass recreation were observed in the incidence structure. According to the results of the monitoring studies carried out by the Reference Center, intensive circulation of the pathogen was established on the territory of the Central Federal District, Southern Federal District, and the North Caucasian Federal District. The low reported incidence was due to insufficient detection of WNF patients. The results of moleculargenetic study showed that in the European part of Russia, WNV lineage 2 circulated in both epizootic and epidemic cycles, lineage 2 in the south of Western Siberia (Omsk Region) and lineage 4 in the Volgograd Region – in the epizootic cycle only. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that strains isolated from the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov, Voronezh Regions and the Republic of Dagestan in 2021 belong to the genovariant of WNV lineage 2 not registered in Russia previously.  The topology of the phylogenetic tree indicates the possible African origin of the isolates, probably imported into Russia by migratory birds across the coast of the Caspian Sea. In the Volgograd Region, WNV of both the entrenched clade of lineage 2 (since 2007) and new genovariant circulated. The specialists of the Reference Center developed a forecast of WNF epidemiological situation development in the Volgograd Region in 2022 on the basis of the neural network modeling technique, according to which an increase in the incidence is expected, comparable to that in 2010 and 2012. Based on the climate projections, an increase in the incidence is possible in all Federal Districts of the European part of Russia, the southern territories of the Urals, Western Siberia, and the Far East

    Characterization of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains isolated in Russia

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    The aim of the study was to characterize toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae by examining 12 toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae isolated in Russia between January, 2017 to June, 2019. The morphological, toxigenic and biochemical properties of C. diphtheriae was studied. Genotyping of C. diphtheriae strains was performed using MLST and dtxR gene sequencing with subsequent phylogenetic analysis. Results. Toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae were isolated in the Novosibirsk, Samara and Chelyabinsk Regions, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra as well as the Republic of Northern Ossetia — Alania. Among these strains, 5 were isolated from diphtheria patients (moderate disease found in one case, mild course — remaining patients) and 7 strains were isolated from bacterial carriers. In two cases C. diphtheriae from diphtheria patients were identified as ST25 sequence type, gravis variant; in one case — ST8 type, gravis variant; two cases — ST67 sequence type, mitis variant. In asymptomatic carriers of tox-positive C. diphtheriae strains they belonged to ST25 sequence type, gravis variant — in two cases, ST67 type, mitis variant — in four cases. A sequencing type was not identified in one case. All sequence types were widespread globally being presented by a large number of isolates in the PubMLST and characterized by a substantial amount of derivative sequence types. At the same time, they belonged to different clonal complexes and differed markedly from each other contributing to their reliable difference as assessed by MLST. Study of gene dtxR sequence diversity showed that all allelic variants were typical for the representatives of these sequence types. New alleles of gene dtxR were not revealed in strains examined. It was shown that non-synonymous substitution C440T leading to A147V amino acid substitution was found solely in one allele distributed in ST8, ST185, ST195 and ST451 types suggesting at late mutation. In contrast, the polymorphism C640A resulting in the amino acid substitution L214I was found not only in the same allele, but also in the basal tree branches indicating that isoleucine was in the ancestral sequence of the protein

    Cultural Practices in the Socio-Cultural Space of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: An Exhibition Dedicated to the 175th Anniversary of Surikov in Krasnoyarsk

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    Исследование посвящено анализу культурных практик в области искусства в социально-культурном пространстве Красноярского края на основании представления о культурных практиках как активно формирующих идентичность разного уровня (социальную, локально-региональную, глобально-региональную, национальную и т.д.). Основной метод исследования – культурологический анализ культурных практик Красноярского края в их историческом контексте. Принимая во внимание, что теория культурных практик формируется в настоящее время, понятие «культурные практики» рассмотрено авторами как функциональный механизм культуры, благодаря которому реализуются конструктивные процессы трансляции и изменения социоцентрической и культуросозидающей деятельности в конкретном социокультурном пространстве. При этом поликультурное и исторически сформированное под влиянием большого количества факторов социально-культурное пространство Красноярского края представляет особый интерес с позиции анализа культурных практик в области искусства. В статье представлен анализ масштабного выставочного проекта – выставки, посвященной 175-летию В. И. Сурикова, созданной при активном сотрудничестве двух сильных акторов культурной жизни Красноярска и края, Красноярского художественного музея им. В. И. Сурикова и Музейного центра «Площадь Мира». Интересен этот проект и тем, что обращается к предельно значимой для региональной идентичности фигуре художника со всероссийской славой – Василия Ивановича Сурикова, прославившего Красноярск, ставшего классиком русской живописи и не утратившего своей связи с Сибирью – ни в жизни, ни в творчествеThe study is devoted to the analysis of cultural practices in the field of art in the socio-cultural space of the Krasnoyarsk Territory based on the idea of cultural practices as actively shaping the identity of different levels (social, local-regional, global-regional, national, etc.). Taking into account that the theory of cultural practices is being formed at the present time, the concept of “cultural practices” is considered by the authors as a functional mechanism of culture, thanks to which the constructive processes of translation and change of sociocentric and culture-creating activities in a particular sociocultural space are realized. At the same time, the socio-cultural space of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is multicultural and historically formed under the influence of a large number of factors, is of particular interest from the standpoint of analyzing cultural practices in the field of art. The article presents an analysis of a large-scale exhibition project – an exhibition dedicated to the 175th anniversary of V. I. Surikov, created with the active cooperation of two strong actors in the cultural life of Krasnoyarsk and the region, the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. IN AND. Surikov and the Peace Square Museum Center. This project is also interesting in that it refers to the figure of the artist with all-Russian fame, extremely significant for regional identity – Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, who glorified Krasnoyarsk, became a classic of Russian painting and did not lose his connection with Siberia – both in life and in creativit

    Cognitive impairment in patients with malignant glioma of the brain

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    То determine the assessment of the impact of radiation therapy on the severity of cognitive impairment in patients with complex treatment of malignant brain glioma the study involved 36 patients (23 men, 13 women). The median age 48 years. 25 patients with glioblastoma (GB) and 11 patients with anaplastic astrocytomas (AA). When comparing the results of neuropsychological testing in patients with malignant glioma who received a course of conformal radiation therapy, there was no difference depending on the location of tumour, morphology, patients age.Для определения оценки влияния лучевой терапии на выраженность когнитивных нарушений у пациентов при комплексном лечении злокачественных глиом головного мозга проведено исследование с участием 36 пациентов (23 мужчин, 13 женщин). Медиана возраста -48 лет. 25 пациентов с глиобластомами (ГБ) и 11 пациентов с анапластическими астроцитомами (ДА). При сравнении результатов нейропсихологического обследования у больных со злокачественными глиомами, получивших курс конформной лучевой терапии, не отмечено различий в зависимости от локализации, возраста, морфологического заключения

    Regional Originality of the Grand Style: Siberian Modern

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    В статье рассматривается проблема определения сибирского модерна в качестве самостоятельного явления в архитектуре Сибири начала XX столетия. Выявляются черты модерна в архитектуре Красноярска, созданной выдающимися сибирскими архитекторами рубежа XIX–$ 5X веков В. А. Соколовским и Л. А. Чернышёвым. В качестве репрезентантов рассматриваются особняк В. Н. Гадаловой В. А. Соколовского – образец городского особняка с усадебной территорией и особняк архитектора Л. А. Чернышева, являющегося также автором проекта знаменитого на всю Россию Красноярского краевого краеведческого музея, построенного им как стилизация под древнеегипетский храм. Сибирский модерн в архитектуре Красноярска начала XX века носит эклектичный, но целостный характер, демонстрируя высокий уровень эстетического мышления и инженерных решений. Также рассматриваются три примера обращения современного художественного сообщества к культурному наследию архитектуры модерна – на примере города Томска: архитектура служит источником вдохновения и рефлексии. Обнаруживается способность архитектуры модерна стать в одном случае «холстом» для работ художников, в другом – объектом исследования, поднимать проблемные для города и для художника вопросыThe article examines the problem of defining Siberian Art Nouveau as an independent phenomenon in the architecture of Siberia at the beginning of the 20th century. The features of modernism are revealed in the architecture of Krasnoyarsk, created by the outstanding Siberian architects of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries V. A. Sokolovsky and L. A. Chernyshev. As a representatives are being studied the mansion of V. N. Gadalova V. A. Sokolovsky – an example of a city mansion with a manor area and a mansion of the architect L. A. Chernyshev, who is also the author of the project of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, famous throughout Russia, which he built as a stylization of an ancient Egyptian temple. Siberian Art Nouveau in the architecture of Krasnoyarsk at the beginning of the 20th century is eclectic but holistic in nature, demonstrating a high level of aesthetic thinking and engineering solutions. Three examples of the modern artistic community’s appeal to the cultural heritage of modern architecture are also considered – using the example of the city of Tomsk: architecture serves as a source of inspiration and reflection. The ability of modern architecture to become, in one case, a “canvas” for artists’ works, and in another, an object of research, is revealed, to raise problematic issues for the city and for the artis

    Formation of the Structure of Steel with TRIP/TWIP-Effect for Welding and Surfacing

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    The phase transformations and the structure formed in the process of crystallization and subsequent thermal and deformation effects under volume and surface loading of 50X18 steel were studied. It was found that the dissipative structure contains an increased amount of deformation-unstable residual austenite, δ-ferrite and high-strength carbon-chromium martensite. Welded joints have a high ability to intensive hardening in the process of local deformation action due to the TRIP effect.Изучены фазовые превращения и структура, формирующаяся в процессе кристаллизации и последующего термического и деформационного воздействий при объемном и поверхностном нагружении стали типа 50Х18. Установлено, что диссипативная структура содержит повышенное количество деформационно-нестабильного остаточного аустенита, δ-феррит и высокопрочный углеродисто-хромистый мартенсит. Сварные соединения обладают высокой способностью к интенсивному упрочнению в процессе локального деформационного воздействия вследствие ТРИП-эффекта