84 research outputs found

    Leydig Cells, Testis Volume and Spermatogenesis in Patients with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia

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    Electronic structure study of YNbTiO6_6 vs. CaNb2_2O6_6 with U, Pu and minor actinide substitutions using compound-tunable embedding potential method

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    The compound-tunable embedding potential (CTEP) method is applied to study actinide substitutions in the niobate crystals YNbTiO6_6 and CaNb2_2O6_6. Two one-center clusters centered on Ca and Y are built and 20 substitutions of Ca and Y with U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm in four different oxidation states were made for each cluster. Geometry relaxation is performed for each resulting structure, and electronic properties are analyzed by evaluating the spin density distribution and X-ray emission spectra chemical shifts. Though the studied embedded clusters with actinides having the same oxidation state are found in general to yield similar local structure distortions, for Am and Cm in high "starting" oxidation states the electron transfer from the environment was found, resulting in decrease of their oxidation states, while for "starting" UIII^{\rm III} state the electron transfer goes in the opposite direction, resulting in increase of its oxidation state to UIV^{\rm IV}. The U substitutions are additionally studied with the use of multi-center models, which can provide both more structural and electronic relaxation and also include charge-compensating vacancies. For "starting" UVI^{\rm VI} case, the decrease in oxidation state similar to that of AmVI^{\rm VI} and CmVI^{\rm VI} in one-center clusters is observed in our calculations but in a different way. Since the really synthesized YNbTiO6_6 structures can not be considered as perfect (periodic) crystals because the Nb and Ti atoms are statistically distributed within them occupying the same Wyckoff positions, different Ti \leftrightarrow Nb substitutions are studied and corresponding structural changes are estimated

    Modern trends in diagnostics and prediction of results of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy of pigment epithelial detachment in neovascular agerelated macular degeneration using deep machine learning method (literature review)

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    Detachment of the pigment epithelium is the separation of the basement membrane of the retinal pigment epithelium from the inner collagen layer of Bruch’s membrane, which occurs in 80 % of cases in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. The outcome of anti-VEGF therapy for pigment epithelial detachment may be adherence of the pigment epithelium, the formation of pigment epithelium tear, or preservation of the detachment. The pigment epithelium tear of 3–4th degrees can lead to a sharp decrease in visual acuity.Most retrospective studies confi rm the absence of a proven correlation between anatomical and functional outcomes in the treatment of pigment epithelial detachment in cases of maintaining the integrity of the pigment epithelium monolayer, and therefore the main attention of researchers is focused on studying the morphological features of pigment epithelial detachment during therapy with angiogenesis inhibitors. Modern technologies of spectral optical coherence tomography make it possible to evaluate detailed quantitative parameters of pigment epithelium detachment, such as height, width, maximum linear diameter, area, volume and refl ectivity within the detachment.Groups of Russian and foreign authors identify various biomarkers recorded on optical coherence tomography images. Dynamic registration of such biomarkers expands the ability of clinicians to predict morphological changes in pigment epithelial detachment during anti-VEGF therapy, as well as to optimize treatment regimens to prevent complications in the form of pigment epithelium tear leading to a decrease in visual acuity.Modern methods of deep machine learning and the use of neural networks allow achieving higher accuracy in diff erentiating the types of retinal fluids and automating the quantitative determination of fl uid under the pigment epithelium. These technologies allow achieving a high level of compliance with manual expert assessment and increasing the accuracy and speed of predicting morphological results of treatment of pigment epithelium detachments

    Роль герпес-вирусной инфекции при болезни (синдроме) Шегрена

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    The etiology of Sjц gren's disease (syndrome) - SD, SS - is unknown; however, its frequent development in patients with hepatitis B or C or AIDS in infection with human lymphotropic virus type (HLTV-1) suggests the viral nature of the disease. A large body of data available in the literature shows the promise of studying the implication of viral infection in the development of SD and SS, at the early stages of the development in particular.Этиология болезни (синдрома) Шегрена (БШ,СШ) неизвестна, однако частое ее развитие у больных гепатитом В, С, СПИДом при инфицированности человеческим лимфотропным вирусом 1-го типа (HLTV 1) предполагает вирусную природу болезни. Многочисленные данные литературы свидетельствуют о перспективности изучения роли вирусной инфекции в развитии БШ и СШ, особенно на ранних стадиях заболевания

    Integral development of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years

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    Integral development of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years / Mirosława Cieślicka, Zhanneta Kozina, Radosław Muszkieta, Vitalii Korobeinik, Danil Safronov, Nataliya Bugayets, Tatiana Shepelenko, Andrii Tanko // Journal of Physical Education and Sport – 2019. – № 19. – at. № 143. – Р. 992-1002. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2019.s3143Подано принципи комплексного розвитку швидкісно-силових якостей та стрибучості юних баскетболістів. Показано, що використання комплексної методики підготовки баскетболістів сприяло підвищенню рівня спеціальної фізичної підготовленості та ефективності кидка у стрибку. Розроблена методика позитивно впливає на взаємозв'язок показників стрибучості та точності кидків у баскетболі. Розроблена методика адекватна вирішенню завдань тренувального процесу баскетболістів і може бути рекомендована у широку практику підготовки дитячих баскетбольних команд.The principles of the integrated development of speed-power qualities and jumping ability of young basketball players are presented. It is shown that the use of an integrated methodology for preparing basketball players has contributed to an increase in the level of special physical fitness and effectiveness of a jump shot. The developed technique has a positive effect on the relationship between the indicators of jumping ability and shots accuracy in basketball. The developed technique is adequate for solving the tasks of the training process for basketball players and can be recommended to the wide practice of preparing children's basketball teamsПредставлены принципы комплексного развития скоростно-силовых качеств и прыгучести юных баскетболистов. Показано, что использование комплексной методики подготовки баскетболистов способствовало повышению уровня специальной физической подготовленности и эффективности броска в прыжке. Разработанная методика положительно влияет на взаимосвязь показателей прыгучести и точности бросков в баскетболе. Разработанная методика адекватна решению задач тренировочного процесса баскетболистов и может быть рекомендована в широкую практику подготовки детских баскетбольных коман

    Dynamics of psychophysiological functions and indicators of physical and technical readiness in young football players aged 12-13 and 15-16 years during a 3-month training process

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    Dynamics of psychophysiological functions and indicators of physical and technical readiness in young football players aged 12-13 and 15-16 years during a 3-month training process / Zhanneta Kozina, Marian Cretu, Danil Safronov, Ivan Gryn, Yurii Shkrebtii, Nataliya Bugayets, Tatiana Shepelenko, Andrii Tanko // Physiotherapy Quarterly. – 2019. – № 27 (3). – Р. 20-27. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.5114/pq.2019.86464Метою дослідження було дати порівняльну характеристику динаміки психофізіологічних функцій та показників фізичної та технічної підготовленості юних футболістів 12–13 та 15–16 років за період 3 місяців тренувань.The purpose of the research was to provide a comparative characteristic of the dynamics of psychophysiological functions and indicators of physical and technical readiness of young footballers aged 12–13 and 15–16 years during 3 months of training.Цель исследования – дать сравнительную характеристику динамики психофизиологических функций и показателей физической и технической подготовленности юных футболистов 12–13 и 15–16 лет за 3 месяца тренировок

    Клинико-биохимические аспекты развития обструкции бронхов при бронхиальной астме

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    The aim of this study was to investigate NO- and lipid peroxidation (LPO)-related airway reactivity and its correlation to ventilation disorders in different clinical variants of asthma. NO, malone dialdehyde, IL-4, TNF-α, and IgE were measured in BAL fluid and blood serum of 39 asthma patients and 15 healthy volunteers matched for age and gender.In patients with stable asthma, airflow parameters in small and medium airways were significantly decreased compared to those of healthy persons. Concentrations of key cytokines of atopic inflammation in BAL fluid and serum were increased in asthma patients. Serum IgE tended to decrease and IL-4 and TNF-α in BAL fluid increased in asthma patients while the disease worsened. Inverse correlations were found between NO and TNF-α, malone dialdehyde concentration and parameters of bronchial obstruction.In conclusion, NO production in airways is caused by strong accumulation of inflammatory cells with high metabolic activity resulting in release of inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines which regulate immunopathological reagine-induced inflammation.Цель исследования состояла в оценке активности оксида азота (NO) и процессов перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) в дыхательных путях при различных клинических формах БА и взаимосвязи этих процессов с нарушениями функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД). Проведена оценка содержания NO, малонового диальдегида (МДА), интерлейкина-4 (IL-4), фактора некроза опухоли α (TNF-α) и иммуноглобулина Е (IgE) в жидкости бронхоальвеолярного лаважа (ЖЖБАЛ) и сыворотке крови 39 пациентов с БА и у 15 добровольцев, сопоставимых по возрасту и полу. У всех обследованных больных БА в период клинической ремиссии, в отличие от здоровых лиц, достоверно снижены показатели, характеризующие проходимость мелких и средних бронхов. Подтверждено повышение содержания ключевых цитокинов атопического воспаления в ЖБАЛ и в сыворотке крови больных БА. Выявлены тенденции к снижению содержания IgE в сыворотке крови и повышению IL-4 и TNF-α в жидкости бронхоальвеолярного лаважа у больных БА по мере нарастания тяжести заболевания. Обнаружены отрицательные корреляции между между NO и TNF-α, уровнем МДА и показателями, характеризующими ФВД и степень бронхиальной обструкции. NO-продуцирующая функция дыхательных путей обусловлена мощной аккумуляций воспалительных клеток в респираторной системе и их высокой метаболической активностью, проявляющейся выработкой воспалительных и провоспалительных цитокинов, регулирующих иммунопатологическое реагиновое воспаление