468 research outputs found

    The functional status of forestry industry workers in the Far North during the shift period

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    All over the world, the timber industry is one of the most physically hazardous industries. Working in such conditions is accompanied by an increase in the risk of unfavorable functional states and a critical decrease in professional reliability. Monitoring the workers’ state during the shift period will allow to determine the adaptation degree of personnel to work, as well as to identify the days of the shift arrival with a high risk of injury caused by the unfavorable state of workers.The aim. To identify and describe the functional states dynamics of loggers during the entire shift period in the Far North as their adaptation degree to work.Methods. Objective: collection of saliva for the determination of cortisol, psychophysiological instrumental methods; projective: M. Luscher’s color test; subjective – questionnaire “Well-being. Activity. Mood” by V.А. Doskin et al.; statistical methods: descriptive statistics. The study involved 24 shift workers of a logging enterprise, with whom we conducted daily monitoring of objective, projective and subjective characteristics of their functional state in the morning and evening during a fourteenday shift visit.Results. According to the objective, projective and subjective indicators of functional states, their consistently favorable level is observed with multidirectional peaks during the shift change period and a slight decrease at the end of the shift, which demonstrates the staff’ adaptability to work. The operator performance is somewhat higher in the second half of the shift period, but in general it is below average due to the reduced quality of task performance. An increased free cortisol level was revealed in employees during the entire shift period with a high functional reserves level of the body. During the shift change period, the risks associated with the efficiency and safety of labor increase, which undoubtedly requires consideration by the management of enterprises

    First- versus last-year university students’ physical education motivations

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    Objective of the study was to survey and analyze physical education motivations of the first- versus last-year university students not majoring in sport

    Breeding columnar apple-tree cultivars for supercompact growth habit

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    This work was based on the combinatorial breeding technique using donors of the columnar growth type (Co gene), sources of winter hardiness and high consumer qualities, and scab immunity donors (Rvi6 gene). The selection in the columnar apple-tree hybrid progeny was accompanied by the assessment of growth vigor, compactness degree, and seedling cultivability in accordance with the guidelines.Due to the increasing popularity of apple trees with the columnar crown type, the volume of breeding work for columnar growth  habit  at  the  Russian  Research  Institute  of  Fruit  Crop  Breeding  (VNIISPK)  over  the  past  9 years  amounted  to 133,582 flowers, or one third of the entire hybridization envisaged by the apple-tree breeding program. Meticulous selection of parent forms is carried out in order to incorporate a set of useful traits in the columnar growth habit genotype. Both cultivars and hybrid forms serve as sources and donors of the traits interesting for breeders. All the studied cultivars released by VNIISPK are dwarf: their height is within the range from 287 cm (cv. ‘Priokskoe’) to 198 cm (cv. ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’), and they can be recommended for both commercial plantations and amateur gardens. The columnar form 34-34-98 is characterized by a unique degree of compactness (the ratio of the internode length to the shoot diameter) equal to 0.4 versus the average value of 1.6 for this indicator in the studied columnar cultivars. This form was involved in the release of 78 promising hybrid seedlings, the best of which (38.5%) were transferred to the garden for primary variety trials. A large yield of seedlings characterized by high compactness in the progeny of the columnar apple tree 34-34-98 makes it possible to recommend it for the development of new apple-tree genotypes for highly cost-effective orchards with high tree planting density

    Instructive directions for polyclinic practice in therapy for 4th year students of overseas students training faculty and practice supervisors

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    Noninvasive evaluation of state of the vascular wall by patients with metabolic syndrome

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    There are the results of the study of the vascular wall by 183 patients with metabolic syndrome and 65 healthy young working men and women with the using of non-invasive diagnostic methods (ultrasound of the carotid arteries, to determine the level of homocysteine in the blood serum). It wos found that such changes as increased pulse wave velocity in the aorta with a decrease in pulse pressure and a significant decrease in the sistolic and diastolic ratio in the carotid artery during the development of hyperhomocysteinemia reflect the elastic properties of the earlier breach the walls of blood vessels.Представлены результаты исследования сосудистой стенки у 183 пациентов с метаболическим синдромом и 65 здоровых женщин и мужчин молодого трудоспособного возраста с применением неинвазивных методов диагностики (ультразвуковое исследование сонных артерий, определение уровня гомоцистеина в сыворотке крови). Выявлено, что такие изменения, как повышение скорости распространения пульсовой волны в аорте при снижении пульсового АД и достоверное снижение систолодиастолического соотношения в сонной артерии при развитии гипергомоцистеинемии отражают ранние нарушения эластических свойств стенки сосудов

    Informative significance of serum cytokines and their importance for development of metabolic syndrome with arterial hypertension in elderly persons

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is among the main public health challenges worldwide, leading to significant labor losses, increased costs for treatment and rehabilitation of the patients. The aim of the present study was to identify the informative serum interleukins, by determining the odds ratio in elderly patients with MS and hypertension. The main group of 86 patients with MS and arterial hypertension (AH) aged 60-75 years was examined under clinical conditions. The inclusion criteria were as follows: age of 60-75 years, presence of MS, primary hypertension (grade II-III), absence of acute myocardial infarction, malignant neoplasms, disorders of cerebral circulation, kidney failure over last 6 months. Diagnostics of MS and hypertension was carried out in accordance with Expert Guidelines from the Russian Research Society of Cardiology on the MS Diagnosis and Treatment. Our first study of a large range of serum interleukins in elderly patients with MS and hypertension allowed us to reveal the inversely directed changes in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine contents. Combined AH/MS in elderly persons is accomplished by sufficient increase of the most proinflammatory cytokines, and vice versa, by significant decrease in anti-inflammatory cytokines in blood serum. This finding clearly points to importance of immunological regulatory systems for initiation of AH with MS at older age. Pro- and anti-inflammatory serum interleukins are actively involved into the AH/MS development in elderly accompanied by their pronounced imbalance. The mentioned immune reactions could underlie the MS/AH condition. High risk of this disorder is connected with changed production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-8, IL-1β), like as anti-inflammatory serum interleukins (IL-4, IL-10), with predominance of the former. The above interleukins should be considered dominant diagnostic markers of AH/MS in elderly persons. Measurement of serum interleukins and discriminant-based approach allows highly reliable differentiation of elderly patients with AH/MS from similar individuals without this disorder

    Polymorphism C677T MTHFR gene and metabolic syndrome in young residents of the northern region

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    The aim of the work was to study the association of polymorphism C677T (rs1801133) of the MTHFR gene with components of the metabolic syndrome in young indigenous and non-indigenous people of the northern region. 834 young people aged 18-44 years were examined, of them 695 parents with manifestations of metabolic syndrome and 139 healthy young people. It was revealed that 28.7% of all surveyed were carriers of the T is1801133 (C677T) allele of the MTHFR gene as-sodated with the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. No significant differences were found among non-indigenous and indigenous people in the carrierfrequency of theT allele. Associations of rs1801133C677T polymorphisms of the MTHFR gene with components of MS were studied. Among the non-indigenous male population with carriers of the homozygous TT genotype, a tendency has been established to reduce the chances of developing hypertriglyceridemia and an increase in LDL cholesterol levels. In men of the indigenous ethnic group of carriers of the TT genotype, there is a tendency to increase the chances of reducing the level of HDL cholesterol and increasing the chances of developing hyperglycemia. Among non-indigenous female carriers of the homozygous TT genotype, a tendency was established to reduce the likelihood of developing abdominal obesity. Among indigenous women, the carriage of a homozygous TT is associated with arterial hypertension.Целью работы явилось изучение ассоциации полиморфизма С677Т (($1801133) гена MTHFR с компонентами метаболического синдрома у молодых коренных и некоренных жителей северного региона. Обследовано 834 молодых человека в возрасте 18-44 года, из них 695 пациентов с проявлениями метаболического синдрома и 139 здоровых молодых людей. Выявлено, что 28,7% всех обследованных являлись носителями аллеля Т rs1801133 (С677Г) гена MTHFR, связанного с риском развития сердечно­сосудистых заболеваний. Среди некоренных и коренных жителей по частоте носительства аллеля Т достоверных различий не выявлено. Изучены ассоциации полиморфизмов rs1801133 С677Т гена MTHFR с компонентами МС. Среди некоренного мужского населения-носителей гомозиготного генотипа ТТ установлена тенденция к снижению шансов развития гипертритицеридемии, повышения уровня ХС ЛПНП. У мужчин коренной этнической группы носителей генотипа ТТ обнаружена тенденция к повышению шансов снижения уровня ХС ЛПВП и повышению шансов развития гипергликемии. Среди некоренных женщин носительниц гомозиготного генотипа ТТ была установлена тенденция к снижению вероятности развития абдоминального ожирения. У коренных представительниц носительство гомозиготного ТТ ассоциировано с артериальной гипертензией