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    Caracter?sticas de la educaci?n religiosa escolar en las instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    96 P?ginasRecurso Electr?ncioLa religi?n en Am?rica Latina se divide en dos momentos, antes y despu?s del llamado Descubrimiento de Am?rica, pues los colonizadores llegan a imponer su religi?n desconociendo totalmente las din?micas, creencias y costumbres de los ind?genas. La educaci?n nace entonces, con el fin de impartir este tipo de conocimientos y as? tener un dominio sobre los pobladores. Con el transcurrir del tiempo, la ERE empez? a jugar un papel primordial en la formaci?n integral de las personas, toda vez que se considera como un ?rea fundamental de la educaci?n. De esto, se puede observar c?mo la religi?n cat?lica ha ejercido su influencia en la formaci?n escolar, pol?tica e ideol?gica de los individuos a trav?s de la historia, pero tambi?n, su debilitamiento en el poder con la llegada al pa?s de nuevas corrientes religiosas, la modernidad y el fortalecimiento de la ciencia, que logran despertar el esp?ritu cr?tico en sus estudiantes y as? obtener un cambio en la estructuraci?n de la educaci?n en Colombia, de all? la inquietud de llevar a cabo el siguiente trabajo de investigaci?n. Con el fin de establecer las caracter?sticas que la ERE posee y su impacto en las comunidades acad?micas que tienen la oportunidad de explorarla en la ciudad de Ibagu?, se toman cuatro Instituciones Educativas, donde participaron docentes del ?rea y estudiantes de diferentes grados de la b?sica secundaria y la media vocacional; adicional a esto, se revisaron los planes de estudio y el horizonte institucional de los colegios y mediante el programa de ?atlas ti? como herramienta de an?lisis, se realiz? una exploraci?n. Entre los datos encontrados, se pudo establecer que los planes de estudio est?n acordes a los lineamientos que establece el MEN y apuntan al horizonte institucional de cada colegio, sin embargo docentes y estudiantes est?n de acuerdo con que la clase de ERE debe ser replanteada y ajustada a los tiempos actuales, pues consideran que est? desactualizada a las necesidades que demanda la evoluci?n en el plano econ?mico, pol?tico, cient?fico y tecnol?gico que se est? viviendo. Otro aspecto relevante en los resultados se manifiesta en la necesidad de manejar un verdadero pluralismo religioso que permita la integraci?n de las religiones en el aula de clase. Todos estos hallazgos llevan a las autoras del presente trabajo a hacer recomendaciones, que se encuentran al final de este documento, con las cuales se busca fortalecer la educaci?n religiosa escolar.ABSTRACT. Religion in Latin America is divided into two periods, before and after the called Discovery of America, as the settlers come to impose their religion completely ignoring the dynamics, beliefs and customs of the natives, education born then, in order to impart such knowledge and thus have dominion over the inhabitants. With the passage of time, the ERE started playing a major role in the training of people, because it is considered as a key area of education. From this, it can be seen how the Catholic religion has influenced in school, political and ideological training of individuals throughout history, but also its weakness in power with the arrival in the country of new religious currents, modernity and strengthening science, which fail to arouse critical thinking in their students and get a change in the structure of education in Colombia, hence the concern of carrying out the following research. In order to establish the characteristics that the ERE owns and its impact on academic communities with the opportunity to explore in the city of Ibagu? four educational institutions where the religion teachers and students from different grades of high school and vocational media; Further to this, the curricula and institutional horizon and colleges were reviewed by atlas ti program analysis tool, was reviewed. Among the data found was established that curricula are consistent with the guidelines established by the MEN and point to institutional horizon of each school, but teachers and students agree with that kind of ERE should be reconsidered and adjusted to the current times, believing that is outdated to the needs demanded changes in economic, political, scientific and technological level that is living. Another relevant aspect of the results is reflected in the need to handle a true religious pluralism that allows the integration of religion in the classroom. All these findings lead the authors of this paper makes recommendations that are at the end of this document, which seeks to strengthen school religious education.INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 13 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 13 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 15 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 16 3. OBJETIVOS 18 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 18 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 18 4. ANTECEDENTES 19 5. MARCO TE?RICO 24 5.1 LA RELIGI?N UNA REALIDAD UNIVERSAL 24 5.1.1 Conflictos religiosos 25 5.1.2 Las grandes religiones hist?ricas 30 5.1.3 Religi?n y religiones 37 5.1.4 El mapa religioso 38 5.1.5 An?lisis del pensamiento religioso 40 5.1.6 La ?ERE? en la historia educativa de Am?rica Latina 41 5.1.7 Pluralismo religioso y tolerancia 45 5.2 CARACTER?STICAS DE LA RELIGI?N EN COLOMBIA 46 5.2.1 La ?ERE? en la historia educativa de Colombia 49 5.2.2 Panorama religioso actual 52 5.3 LA EDUCACI?N RELIGIOSA ESCOLAR (ERE) EN COLOMBIA 54 5.3.1 Definiciones de ERE 58 5.3.2 La educaci?n sexual como nuevo elemento que se debe incluir en la ERE 60 5.3.3 Papel de la ERE en la escuela 61 5.3.4 Definici?n apropiada 64 5.3.5 Los valores en la religi?n 65 5.3.6 Caracter?stica del docente de ERE 67 6. METODOLOG?A 71 6.1 DISE?O METODOL?GICO 72 6.2 T?CNICA E INSTRUMENTO DE RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS 73 6.3 POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA 73 7. AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 75 7.1 AN?LISIS REVISI?N DOCUMENTAL 75 7.2 AN?LISIS DE ENTREVISTAS 76 8. CONCLUSIONES 84 RECOMENDACIONES 87 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 8

    Entomological characterization of malaria in northern Colombia through vector and parasite species identification, and analyses of spatial distribution and infection rates

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    Background: Malaria remains a worldwide public health concern and, in Colombia, despite the efforts to stop malaria transmission, the incidence of cases has increased over the last few years. In this context, it is necessary to evaluate vector diversity, infection rates, and spatial distribution, to better understand disease transmission dynamics. This information may contribute to the planning and development of vector control strategies. Results: A total of 778 Anopheles mosquitoes were collected in fifteen localities of Córdoba from August 2015 to October 2016. Six species were identified and overall, Anopheles albimanus was the most widespread and abundant species (83%). Other species of the Nyssorhynchus subgenus were collected, including Anopheles triannulatus (13%), Anopheles nuneztovari (1%), Anopheles argyritarsis (< 1%) and two species belonging to the Anopheles subgenus: Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (3%) and Anopheles neomaculipalpus (< 1%). Four species were found naturally infected with two Plasmodium species: Anopheles nuneztovari was detected naturally infected with Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles pseudopunctipennis with Plasmodium vivax, whereas An. albimanus and An. triannulatus were found infected with both parasite species and confirmed by nested PCR. Conclusions: In general, the obtained results were contrasting with previous studies in terms of the most abundant and widespread collected species, and regarding infection rates, which were higher than those previously reported. A positive relationship between mosquito local abundance at the locality level and human infection at the municipality level was found. Mosquito local abundance and the number of houses with mosquitoes in each village are factors explaining malaria human cases in these villages. The obtained results suggest that other factors related to the apparent variation in malaria eco-epidemiology in northern Colombia, must be identified, to provide health authorities with better decision tools aiming to design control and prevention strategies

    Estrategia did?ctica para el fortalecimiento del pensamiento matem?tico del grado 1? del colegio "San Sim?n" sede Montealegre jornada ma?ana Ibague - Tolima

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    111 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto pretende fomentar participativamente el pensamiento matem?tico por medio de actividades l?dicas e innovadoras en estudiantes del grado 1? del colegio ?San Sim?n?. Por este hecho, se quiere dejar establecido un camino de apoyo a futuros docentes para transformar las competencias matem?ticas con un soporte fijado a partir del juego. Para los antecedentes, se tuvieron en cuenta algunas investigaciones y tesis realizadas en M?xico y Colombia de acuerdo a la problem?tica vista desde diferentes contextos educativos que llevan como punto central la ense?anza-aprendizaje en las matem?ticas de primaria. As? mismo, se retroaliment? significativamente con te?ricos contempor?neos para conocer, indagar y ampliar otros trabajos investigativos. Adicionalmente, este proyecto est? basado en el modelo de investigaci?n-acci?n en el aula con enfoque cualitativo; la poblaci?n objeto de estudio son aproximadamente 42 estudiantes, cuatro docentes de la instituci?n donde se llev? a cabo e trabajo investigativo y un docente de la Universidad del Tolima a los cuales se les aplic? instrumentos de dicho enfoque como lo son: gu?a de observaci?n, pre-test, ficha de redacci?n, unidad did?ctica y pos-test. Para el an?lisis de la informaci?n se realizar? un cruce de informaci?n recolectada (contraste), espec?ficamente de los grupos focales de estudiantes y profesores con el fin de obtener informaci?n concreta del problema de investigaci?n. Los datos obtenidos ser?n analizados con la finalidad de crear categor?as y subcategor?as para, despu?s redactar el informe final detallado. Los resultados que se esperan con este proyecto investigativo son, en primera instancia despertar el inter?s a los estudiantes por las matem?ticas usando actividades l?dicas e innovadoras dentro y fuera del aula y en segundo lugar dejar establecido un camino de apoyo a futuros docentes para transformar la visi?n de la ense?anza-aprendizaje de las matem?ticas en primaria.This project aims to encourage participatory mathematical thinking through playful and innovative activities in 1st grade students of the school "San Simon". Because of this, you want to leave in place a way to support future teachers to transform math skills with a bracket from the game. For background, some research and thesis made in Mexico and Colombia, according to the problems seen from different educational contexts that take as a central point of teaching and learning in primary mathematics were considered. He also fed back significantly to contemporary to know, explore and expand other theoretical research work. Additionally, this project is based on the model of action research in the classroom with a qualitative approach; the study population are about 42 students, four teachers from the institution where he was held and research work and teaching at the University of Tolima to which we applied instruments of this approach as they are: observation guide, pre -test, record of writing, teaching unit and post-test. For the analysis of the information collected a cross information (contrast) will be held, specifically in the focus groups of students and teachers in order to obtain specific information research problem. The data obtained will be analyzed in order to create categories and subcategories to then draft the detailed final report. The results are expected with this research project are, firstly arouse interest students in mathematics using playful and innovative activities within and outside the classroom and secondly let established a way to support future teachers to transform the vision the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary school. Keywords: encouraging, teaching and learning, class, fun, math, teaching strategy

    Usage of social and semantic web technologies to design a searching architecture for software requirement artefacts

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    At present, the research community recognises a complementary relationship between the semantic and the social web. The merging of these web instances could play an essential role in different knowledge domains. In this study, the authors promote a social–semantic web paradigm using software engineering as the knowledge domain specifically. The authors address a major problem – the difficulty for end-users in finding documentation related to software requirements proposed by them; this fact reduces their participation at the time of specifying the software requirements. Architecture is proposed for enhanced resources search, combining the strengths of the social (social annotations) and semantic (semantic metadata) technologies, which has been designed considering the search style of the information seekers. Such architecture is applied in a use-scenario, where the expert users who are not technicians have some restrictions and limitations to retrieve the documents they need. The preliminary results demonstrate that it is possible to take advantage of the defined infrastructure of the ontology to organise and integrate the metadata of resources which are in databases or existent files; this approach opens several possibilities as creation and validation of software requirements collaboratively among different expert-users

    Las artes pl?sticas : un mundo lleno de creatividad para el desarrollo de los ni?os de 3 a 6 a?os

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    80 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n, fue desarrollado en el Liceo Infantil Mis Peque?os Corazones, donde se realizaron las pr?cticas pedag?gicas con ni?os de tres a seis a?os de edad, se evidenci? la poca importancia que se le da a las artes pl?sticas como herramienta l?dica y pedag?gica, para el desarrollo cognitivo, motriz y socio afectivo, fortaleciendo as?, habilidades y competencias. En este proceso se realiz? una investigaci?n cualitativa empleando elementos de apoyo como entrevistas informales, diarios de campo y la informaci?n obtenida en cada uno de los discursos, en donde se indagaron diferentes leyes y se realiz? una confrontaci?n con las normas que rigen el establecimiento educativo. De igual manera por medio de la observaci?n realizada se recopil? informaci?n acerca del entorno en que se desenvuelve el ni?o partiendo de sus costumbres, valores, normas, deberes y las relaciones socioafectivas con sus compa?eros y docentes, tomando como referencia la familia ya que es la base fundamental y quienes influyen en su formaci?n y desarrollo integral. De acuerdo a lo anterior el proyecto cumpli? con los objetivos generales y espec?ficos de la investigaci?n, ya que por medio de las diferentes actividades integradoras se pudo conocer el contexto que rodea al ni?o observando a la vez el quehacer pedag?gico, cuyo objetivo principal es mejorar la calidad educativa.This research project was developed at Children LyceumMy Little Hearts, where pedagogical practices were performed with children be tweenthree to six years old.It was evident how little importance is given to the fine arts as a fun and educational tool for cognitive, motor and emotional development, strengthening, skills and competencies. In this process was carried a qualitative research using support elements like informal interviews, field notes and the information obtained in each of the speeches, where different laws were investigated and a confrontation was made. With the rules governing the educational establishment. Similarly By means of the observation made, information was gathered about the environment in which the child develops, based on his customs, values, norms, duties and socio-affective relationships with peers and teachers, by reference to the family which is the fundamental base and those who influence in their formation and integral development. According to this, the project met with the general and specific objectives of the research, since through the different integrative activities could know the context surrounding the child while noting the pedagogical work, whose main objective is to improve the educational quality. Keywords: Pedagogical Practice, fine arts, integrative activities, context, educational quality

    Caracterización del sistema de producción bovino de pequeños y medianos productores del municipio de utica

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    En el presente trabajo se describen las características tecnológicas y socioeconómicas más relevantes del municipio de Utica (Cundinamarca) relacionadas con el sistema de produc¬ción bovino, que, aunque no es el más importante en la zona, últimamente se ha convertido en una alternativa a la caña panelera, que es el sistema predominante. La caracterización se hizo mediante la aplicación de una encuesta a 22 de los 35 productores de ganado bovino de tres microrregiones, correspondientes a 4 de las 13 veredas del municipio. Con base en el análisis de los datos, realizado a través de SAS, se identificaron las relaciones del sistema bovino con otros sistemas productivos. Luego se determinaron las limitantes más impor¬tantes que afectan la producción bovina, teniendo en cuenta la opinión de los productores, de los funcionarios de la UMATA y de los estudiantes pasantes de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dentro de las limitantes más relevantes se encontraron algunas relacionadas con el manejo de los animales, como la curación de ombligos; problemas reproductivos, como el aumento en días abiertos; sanitarios, como las costumbres en el ordeño y la mastitis; financieros, como el diligenciamiento de registros; y administrativos, como la planeación de actividades. Finalmente, la escasez de comida en épocas secas fue el problema más importante para los productores, por lo que es recomendable explorar una opción para que ellos puedan alimen¬tar a sus animales en veranos de larga duración. Se plantean, entonces, algunas alternativas a dichos problemas. Las alternativas propuestas podrían ser una opción para mejorar el mane¬jo del sistema de producción bovino y alcanzar mejores índices productivos y reproductivos. De ser así, se aumentarían los ingresos familiares, lo que permitiría mejorar el nivel de vida de los pequeños y medianos productores

    Acceptance and perception of digital health for managing nutrition in people with Parkinson\u27s disease and their caregivers and their digital competence in the United States: A mixed-methods study

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    Background and aims: This mixed-methods study examined participants\u27 acceptance and perception of using digital health for managing nutrition and participants\u27 digital competence. The results will be formative for making digital nutrition education more effective and acceptable for people with Parkinson\u27s disease (PwPD) and their informal caregivers. Methods: Qualitative data were collected through in-person semi-structured, dyadic interviews, and questionnaires from 20 dyads (20 PwPD and their caregivers) in the Northeastern United States and analyzed throughout the 2018 to 2019 academic year. Interview transcripts were deductively coded using the framework analysis method. Phrases related to acceptance of digital health were sub-coded into accept, neutral, or reject and those related to perceptions of digital health were sub-coded into perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and awareness of digital health. Quantitative data were analyzed using independent samples t tests and Fisher\u27s exact tests. Qualitative codes were transformed into variables and compared to digital competence scores to integrate the data. An average acceptance rate for digital health was calculated through examining the mean percent of phrases coded as accept from interview transcripts. Results: Twenty-five of 40 (62.5%) participants used the internet for at least 5 health-related purposes and the average acceptance rate was 54.4%. Dyads rejected digital health devices if they did not see the added benefit. The majority of participants reported digital health to be useful, but hard to use, and about half felt they needed education about existing digital health platforms. There was no difference in digital competence scores between PwPD and their caregivers (28.6 ± 12.6). Conclusion: Findings suggest that dyads accept and use technology but not to its full potential as technology can be perceived as hard to use. This finding, combined with digital competence scores, revealed that education is warranted prior to providing a digital nutrition intervention

    Acceptance and perception of digital health for managing nutrition in people with Parkinson\u27s disease and their caregivers and their digital competence in the United States: A mixed-methods study

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    Background and aims: This mixed-methods study examined participants\u27 acceptance and perception of using digital health for managing nutrition and participants\u27 digital competence. The results will be formative for making digital nutrition education more effective and acceptable for people with Parkinson\u27s disease (PwPD) and their informal caregivers. Methods: Qualitative data were collected through in-person semi-structured, dyadic interviews, and questionnaires from 20 dyads (20 PwPD and their caregivers) in the Northeastern United States and analyzed throughout the 2018 to 2019 academic year. Interview transcripts were deductively coded using the framework analysis method. Phrases related to acceptance of digital health were sub-coded into accept, neutral, or reject and those related to perceptions of digital health were sub-coded into perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and awareness of digital health. Quantitative data were analyzed using independent samples t tests and Fisher\u27s exact tests. Qualitative codes were transformed into variables and compared to digital competence scores to integrate the data. An average acceptance rate for digital health was calculated through examining the mean percent of phrases coded as accept from interview transcripts. Results: Twenty-five of 40 (62.5%) participants used the internet for at least 5 health-related purposes and the average acceptance rate was 54.4%. Dyads rejected digital health devices if they did not see the added benefit. The majority of participants reported digital health to be useful, but hard to use, and about half felt they needed education about existing digital health platforms. There was no difference in digital competence scores between PwPD and their caregivers (28.6 ± 12.6). Conclusion: Findings suggest that dyads accept and use technology but not to its full potential as technology can be perceived as hard to use. This finding, combined with digital competence scores, revealed that education is warranted prior to providing a digital nutrition intervention

    Proteomic Analysis of the Acidocalcisome, an Organelle Conserved from Bacteria to Human Cells

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    Acidocalcisomes are acidic organelles present in a diverse range of organisms from bacteria to human cells. In this study acidocalcisomes were purified from the model organism Trypanosoma brucei, and their protein composition was determined by mass spectrometry. The results, along with those that we previously reported, show that acidocalcisomes are rich in pumps and transporters, involved in phosphate and cation homeostasis, and calcium signaling. We validated the acidocalcisome localization of seven new, putative, acidocalcisome proteins (phosphate transporter, vacuolar H+-ATPase subunits a and d, vacuolar iron transporter, zinc transporter, polyamine transporter, and acid phosphatase), confirmed the presence of six previously characterized acidocalcisome proteins, and validated the localization of five novel proteins to different subcellular compartments by expressing them fused to epitope tags in their endogenous loci or by immunofluorescence microscopy with specific antibodies. Knockdown of several newly identified acidocalcisome proteins by RNA interference (RNAi) revealed that they are essential for the survival of the parasites. These results provide a comprehensive insight into the unique composition of acidocalcisomes of T. brucei, an important eukaryotic pathogen, and direct evidence that acidocalcisomes are especially adapted for the accumulation of polyphosphate