25 research outputs found

    Refleksi Pola Pikir dan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Sasak dalam Ranah Pertanian: sebuah Investigasi Atas Fakta Linguistik

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    Adanya gempuran dahsyat dan pengaruh-baik disadari ataupun tidak- dari proses westernisasi dan globalisasi terutama terhadap pandangan hidup masyarakat kita telah menumbuhkan kekhawatiran. Yakni munculnya rasa khawatir akan lenyapnya jati diri bangsa Indonesia dalam arus westernisasi dan globalisasi. Arus tersebut kini telah membawa kesadaran sebagian dari kita untuk melihat kembali dan menggali dasar-dasar pandangan hidup (kepercayaan, perasaan, dan segala hal terdapat dalam pikiran orang/masyarakat yang berfungsi sebagai motor atau stimulan bagi keberlangsungan dan Perubahan moral maupun sosial) yang terpendam dalam berbagai bentuk budaya lokal leluhur kita. Memang tidak bisa disangkal lagi bahwa dalam dasawarsa terakhir ini kesadaran orang untuk menggali kembali kearifan lokal (local wisdom) yang ada pada kelompok masyarakat atau suku tertentu lebih intens. Hal ini terjadi karena ilmu pengetahuan modern ternyata tidak selalu membawa hal yang positif dalam kehidupan. Ilmu pengetahuan pertanian modern yang menghasilkan revolusi hijau, misalnya, menimbulkan sejumlah dampak negatif seperti pemakaian pupuk kimia yang dapat merusak kesuburan tanah dan pemakaian insektisida dan pestisida yang dapat mengganggu keseimbangan alam. Oleh karena itu, orang pun mulai menoleh kembali ke pengetahuan lokal (etnosains) untuk mengetahui bagaimana masyarakat dahulu bertani. Informasi mengenai pengetahuan lokal itu dapat diperoleh dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya ialah dengan meneliti bahasa yang mereka pakai dalam ranah itu. Dalam bahasa terdapat sejumlah leksikon dan bentuk ekpresi lainnya yang dapat memberi petunjuk berharga mengenai bagaimana masyarakat penuturnya memikirkan dunia ini (pola pikir)

    Implementation of Two Way Free Space Quantum Key Distribution

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    We report an implementation over free space medium of a two way four states quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol namely the LM05. The fully automated setup demonstrated a secure key generation rate of 3.54 kbits per second and quantum bit error rate (QBER) of 3.34% at mean photon number ({\mu}) = 0.15. The maximum tolerable channel loss for secure key generation considering Photon Number Splitting (PNS) attack, was 5.68 [dB]. The result successfully demonstrated the feasibility of a two way QKD protocol implementation over free space medium.Comment: To appear in the April 2012 issue of Optical Engineering (Vol. 51, No. 04

    Factor Affecting Geometry of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays (TNAs) in Aqueous and Organic Electrolyte

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    TiO2 nanotube arrays (TNA) have attracted scientific interest due to the combination of functional material properties with controllable nanostructure. Superior properties of TNA, including vectorial pathway of e− transport, minimized e− recombination, and high specific surface area render them as the most promising candidate for environment remediation, energy conversion and biocompatibility applications. The superior properties and efficacy of the TNA in various applications influenced by structural characteristics such as pore size, length and wall thickness. Therefore in this chapter the effect of various electrochemical parameters such as applied voltage, anodization time, electrolyte composition on the formation of controlled dimension of TNA in aqueous and organic electrolytes are reviewed

    Novel Carbyne Filled Carbon Nanotube – Polymer Nanocomposites

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    The availability of carbyne in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) induces intrinsic stiffening and strengthening of CNTs, and is exploited for the very first time in this report to process epoxy nanocomposites with improved mechanical and electrical properties. The existence of encapsulated carbyne in double wall CNTs (DWNTs) was confirmed using High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM). The intrinsic stiffening of carbyne reinforced DWNTs (c-DWNTs) in epoxy matrix was visually confirmed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM). In comparison to raw DWNTs reinforced epoxy nanocomposites, c-DWNTS imparted modest but improved tensile strength (5.6%), elastic modulus (9.7%), failure strain (9.9%) and fracture toughness (13%) to their respective epoxy nanocomposites. This inaugural study on carbyne-filled polymer composites also reports a minor but distinct increase (an order of magnitude) in the electrical conductivity for c-DWNTs filled epoxy nanocomposites compared to DWNT filled epoxy nanocomposites

    Surface Modification and Bioactivity of Anodic Ti6Al4V Alloy

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    The present study deals with surface modification of Ti6Al4V alloy via anodization technique. The morphology, structure, adhesion and bioactivity of Ti6Al4V alloy after anodization process were investigated in detail. The influence of fluoride content and direct circuit (DC) applied voltage during anodization of Ti6Al4V alloy in a bath with electrolytes composed of ethylene glycol (EG) and ammonium fluoride (NH4F) were considered. It was found that the average pore sizes and length of nanoporous or nanotubes were increasing with the fluoride content and applied voltage. A minimum of 3 wt% of NH4F is required to grow a self-organized nanotube arrays. As the fluoride content was increased to 5 wt%, TiO2 nanotubes with average diameter of 110 nm and 3.4 microm lengths were successfully synthesized. It is noteworthy to point out that the rate of the nanotube formation was increasing up to 9 microm thick bioactive TiO2 nanotubes layer as anodization time was increased to 3 h. Based on the results obtained, the PA6 cells cultured on anodic Ti6Al4V alloy showed highest level of cell viability and greater cell adhesion compared to the flat Ti6Al4V foil substrate. In fact, highly ordered nanotubes structure on Ti6Al4V alloy can provide beneficial effects for PA6 cells in attachment and proliferation


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    GAMBARAN KONSUMSI BUAH DAN SAYUR SERTA STATUS GIZI MAHASISWA KEDOKTERAN UNTAD SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Saharudin* Sumarni** *Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Tadulako **Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Tadulako ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Dalam upaya penanggulangan COVID-19, diperlukan panduan bagi masyarakat baik untuk diri sendiri maupun orang di sekitar. Dalam panduan yang telah di tetapkan saat melakukan sosial distancing penting untuk melakukan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS), melakukan aktivitas fisik, sering mencuci tangan, menerapkan etika batuk/bersin dan mengonsumsi makanan bergizi yang dapat meningkatkan sistem imun. Mengkonsumsi buah dan sayur merupakan sumber terbaik berbagai vitamin dan mineral yang berperan sebagai antioksidan dalam tubuh yang dapat membantu meningkatkan imunitas tubuh pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui gambaran kecukupan konsumsi buah dan sayur, asupan vitamin dan mineral, serta status gizi Mahasiswa Kedokteran UNTAD selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional yang menggunakan pendekatan survey. Penelitian ini menggunakan tehnik total sampling pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tadulako Angkatan 2019 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 145 mahasiswa. Data asupan buah dan sayur serta status gizi diperoleh melalui Food recall 24 hours yang dilakukan selama 3 hari kemudian dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi nutrisurvey. Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan konsumsi buah dan sayur kategori cukup sebanyak 4 mahasiswa (3%) dan konsumsi buah dan sayur kategori kurang sebanyak 141 mahasiswa (97%). Asupan vitamin A sebanyak 33 mahasiswa (23%), asupan vitamin C sebanyak 29 mahasiswa (20%), dan asupan vitamin E sebanyak 83 mahasiswa (57%). Asupan mineral kalsium sebanyak 3 mahasiswa (2%), asupan besi sebanyak 15 mahasiswa (10%), dan asupan seng sebanyak 3 mahasiswa (2%). Status gizi sebanyak 94 mahasiswa (65%) kategori normal, 28 mahasiswa (19%) kategori kurus, dan 23 mahasiswa (16%) kategori gemuk

    Preparation of quantum state (review)

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    We reviewed experimental results and publications prepared by the Quantum Laboratory, Mimos Berhad. The complexity of the setups lies mainly in preparing the quantum states. Optics is chosen as the medium of this quantum system. The two methods - fiber based and free space systems are different from each other in terms of experimental setups, components configuration, and selections

    Quality of polarization entanglement in spontaneous parametric down conversion

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    We experimentally demonstrated a high degree of polarization entanglement known as entanglement visibility through spontaneous parametric down conversion process pumped by a femtosecond laser. The entangled-photon pair was obtained using two type-I BBO crystal. The down-converted photons from these crystals demonstrates a high visibility of 98.7% (θ2 = 0°) and 90% (θ2 = 22.5°). These results are in agreement with the theory which expects high visibility from such arrangement

    Preparation of quantum state (

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    We reviewed experimental results and publications prepared by the Quantum Laboratory, Mimos Berhad. The complexity of the setups lies mainly in preparing the quantum states. Optics is chosen as the medium of this quantum system. The two methods - fiber based and free space systems are different from each other in terms of experimental setups, components configuration, and selections

    Quality of polarization entanglement in spontaneous parametric down conversion

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    We experimentally demonstrated a high degree of polarization entanglement known as entanglement visibility through spontaneous parametric down conversion process pumped by a femtosecond laser. The entangled-photon pair was obtained using two type-I BBO crystal. The down-converted photons from these crystals demonstrates a high visibility of 98.7% (θ2 = 0°) and 90% (θ2 = 22.5°). These results are in agreement with the theory which expects high visibility from such arrangement