64 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Permainan Scrabble terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Anak Disleksia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan scrabble terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca anak disleksia. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah dua siswa dari Madrasah Ibtida'iyah yang memiliki kesulitan belajar membaca atau disleksia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah single-case experimental design dengan pola desain A-B-A. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah berupa tes kemampuan membaca. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis visual Conservative Dual-Criterion untuk mengetahui Perubahan dan peningkatan kemampuan membaca setelah mendapat perlakuan berupa permainan scrabble. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan kemampuan membaca yang lebih efektif pada subjek kedua dibanding subjek pertama. Subjek kedua diperoleh hasil Perubahan kemampuan membaca sebesar enam poin, sedangkan subjek pertama diperoleh hasil Perubahan kemampuan membaca sebesar tiga poin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan scrabble berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca anak disleksia

    Willingness of Beef Breeders to Pay for Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccination in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the willingness of beef breeders to pay (WTP) for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccination. This is due to FMD vaccine limitations. This research was conducted in Bone regency, South Sulawesi in 2023. The population was all beef cattle breeders. The sample was determined purposively as many as 60 breeders. Primary data obtained through observation and interviews using a questionnaire. The secondary data was obtained from reports from the local Animal Husbandry Service and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively using mean and percentage. The research revealed that WTP for FMD vaccine as many as 56 people (93.3%). WTP for FMD vaccination was dominated by IDR 50,000 (US$ 3.3) as many as 33 person (55.00%)

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) di Kota Palembang: Kasus Nasabah KPR Bank BTN

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of income, house prices and interest rates on the demand for housing loans (KPR) at BTN Bank in Palembang city. This study uses secondary data and primary data. The method used is a quantitative approach by applying a linear regression model. The findings from the results of the study indicate that variations in income variables, house prices and interest rates explain the variable demand for mortgages by 57.6%. In addition, another finding from this study is that the income variable has an insignificant influence on the demand for mortgages, while the variable house prices and interest rates have a positive and significant influence on the demand for mortgage loans in Palembang city

    The Development of Accounting Learning Media Using Lectora Inspire in Financial Statement Topic of Grade X at Smk Negeri 1 Malang

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    The aim of developing instructional media by using lectora inspire is to produce interactive instructional media and the effectiveness on the topic of financial statement of service and trading company tenth grade at SMK Negeri 1 Malang. The development of instructional media which refers to the steps of research and development by Borg & Gall (1983) modified with Sadiman (2010) which are: 1) research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) develop preliminary form of product, 4) production media, 5) expert validation, 6) revision of the product, 7) field trials, 8) revision of the results of field trials of products, 9) final product. The technique of data analysis in this research is using qualitative descriptive analysis and assumption test by using T-test independent sample. The method of development used is by experimenting the product. The final product of this study has overtaken the expert validation which result 80,46% valid in terms of materials given, 89,28% valid in terms of media, and 96,30% valid based on the result of the field trials, so that it was averaged 88,68% valid from the validation results. The result of T-Test independent sample acquired a significant result 0,015 < 0,05 so that can be concluded that there was a significant distinction on the improvement of students\u27 learning outcomes in the experimental and control class

    Sistem Temu Kembali Dokumen Teks Dengan Pembobotan Tf-idf Dan Lcs

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    Sistem temu kembali dokumen teks membutuhkan metode yang mampu mengembalikan sejumlah dokumen yang memiliki relevansi tinggi sesuai dengan permintaan pengguna. Salah satu tahapan penting dalam proses representasi teks adalah proses pembobotan. Penggunaan LCS dalam penyesuaian bobot Tf -Idf mempertimbangkan kemunculan urutan kata yang sama antara query dan teks di dalam dokumen. Adanya dokumen yang sangat panjang namun tidak relevan menyebabkan bobot yang dihasilkan tidak mampu merepresentasikan nilai relevansi dokumen. Penelitian ini mengusulkan penggunaan metode LCS yang memberikan bobot urutan kata dengan mempertimbangkan panjang dokumen terkait dengan rata-rata panjang dokumen dalam korpus. Metode ini mampu melakukan pengembalian dokumen teks secara efektif. Penambahan fitur urutan kata dengan normalisasi rasio panjang dokumen terhadap keseluruhan dokumen dalam korpus menghasilkan nilai presisi dan recall yang sama baiknya dengan metode sebelumnya

    Refurbishment of public housing villas in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): energy and economic impact

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. This study aims at assessing the technical and economic benefits of refurbishing existing public housing villas in the UAE. Four representative federal public housing villas built between 1980s and 2010s were modeled and analyzed. The Integrated Environmental Solutions-Virtual Environment (IES-VE) energy modeling software was used to estimate the energy consumption and savings due to different refurbishment configurations applied to the villas. The refurbishment technical configurations were based on the UAE’s Estidama green buildings sustainability assessment system. The refurbishment configurations include upgrading three elements: the wall and roof insulation as well as replacing the glazing. The annual electricity savings results indicated that the most cost-efficient refurbishment strategy is upgrading of wall insulation (savings up to 20.8 %) followed by upgrading the roof’s insulation (savings up to 11.6 %) and lastly replacing the glazing (savings up to 3.2 %). When all three elements were refurbished simultaneously, savings up to 36.7 % were achieved (villa model 670). The savings translated to CO2 emission reduction of 22.6 t/year. The simple and discounted payback periods for the different configurations tested ranged between 8 and 28 and 10 and 50 years, respectively

    Outlining a new collaborative business model as a result of the green Building Information Modelling impact in the AEC supply chain

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    BIM (Building Information Modelling) technological push has enabled to integrate the design/construction outcomes of 3D-CAD along the product/service AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) SC (supply chain) through an intelligent DMS (Data Management System) based on standard and interoperable data formats. The proposed end-to-end approach overcomes a typical AEC gap, enables the operationalisation of the sustainable/green building LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and puts together new collaborative relationships with the owner, among SC stakeholders and with new forms of BIM procurement. The outlined collaborative business model is based on the Quality Control and Assurance framework and provides conceptual consistency to the reintroduction of the owner concerns/satisfaction in the SC, as well as enables consistent and accountable relationships between (smart)materials procurement and building specification. An expert’s focus group carried out a preliminary check of the model’s interest/applicability, resulting in recommendations for its further detailing and for propositions development into a systematic enquiring process.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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