1,629 research outputs found

    Research of Certain Pathogenic Characteristics of Clinical Isolates of Staphylococci of Skin Biome

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    A serious problem in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) is the frequent attachment of a secondary skin infection. Among the microbes colonizing the skin of patients suffering from AD, S. aureus takes the lead. According to different authors, from the skin of 80–95 % of patients are sown Staphylococcus aureus. The survival of bacteria in a biotope is promoted by the persistent properties of microorganisms.Aim of the research: to determine the adhesive properties and antilysozyme activity of clinical strains of staphylococci isolated from the skin of patients with allergic dermatosis.The study included 50 patients with atopic dermatitis and 20 practically healthy individuals, from which 140 laboratory strains of staphylococci were isolated: 101 strains from patients with AD and 39 control strains. Bacteriological studies to isolate microorganisms and determine a number of pathogenic characteristics were carried out using the methods of classical bacteriology.The severity of antilysozyme activity (ALA) and adhesive properties of strains isolated from affected areas of the skin was significantly higher than in cultures isolated from intact skin areas, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The obtained data made it possible to assume a certain complicating role of these factors on the course of AD

    Program-targeted regulation of the regional consumer market

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    The primary strategic tasks for development of the Russian Federation and its regions are the increase of the level and quality of life and increase of the share of the middle class on the basis of modernization and restructuring the economy, the growth of entrepreneurial and innovative activities and competitiveness. For the solution of these problems the development of the consumer market should play an important role, performing important economic and social functions. In the article the results of the study of scientific views of foreign and national scientists on the category "consumer market" are shown from the perspective of the principle of historical and logical unity, theoretical and conceptual approaches to its formation and development are systematized, positive trends in its development are revealed; negative social consequences associated with excessive consumption growth and the formation of a consumer society are proved (violation of the ecological balance, people health aggravation, change of people’s attitudes). The necessity of government regulation of the consumer market on all the levels is proved (federal, regional and municipal) based on the prospective vision and its development strategy in the context of globalization, Russia's accession to WTO and the implementation of the sanctions against Russia by the United States, several European and Asian countries. As a methodological approach to solve identified problems on the regional level it is proposed to use the program-targeted regulation of the consumer market, which allows connecting the objectives with the resources and deadlines for their implementation by particular executives. Its use also allows authorities to develop alternative solutions for the tasks on the basis of the justification of priorities in the development of the consumer market and assessment of the risks associated with the implementation of program activities.peer-reviewe

    Extensive Studies of Legionella Strains Isolated from the Environmental Objects during Preparation and Holding of Mass Events in the Russian Federation in 2013-2014

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    Objective of the work was to conduct an extended study of Legionella strains isolated from epidemiologically significant environmental objects during the preparation and conduct of mass events in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2013-2014 . Materials and methods. Studied were 53 strains of Legionella pneumophila, isolated from epidemiologically significant objects during the preparation and conduct of a number of mass events (ME): XXVII World Summer Universiade, XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games, Sochi; Summer Health Promotion Campaign in 2014, Republic of Crimea; IV Caspian Summit, Astrakhan, 2014. Strains were analyzed using multilocus sequencing, time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS) and atomic force microscopy. Legionella strains were typed by multilocus sequencing in accordance with the algorithm of the European Legionellosis Research Group “Sequence-Based Typing protocol for epidemiological typing of L. pneumophila". Results and discussion. Strains of L. pneumophila, legionellosis agent, were isolated in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, Moscow, Kazan, Sochi, Astrakhan and characterized. According to the results of slide agglutination, 17 L. pneumophila strains were assigned to 1 serogroup , 37 - to 2-14 serogroups. Based on the data obtained by multilocus sequencing, in accordance with the algorithm of the European Working Group on Legionellosis Surveillance, allelic profiles of all the studied L. pneumophila strains were identified; their belonging to 7 sequence types was established. Using the method of time-of-flight mass spectrometry, legionella strains were characterized, their protein profiles were studied, and a database was formed. Using the method of scanning probe microscopy, information was obtained on the morphology of the cells of 18 legionella strains and the features of their surface structures. Using the methods of multilocus sequencing, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and atomic force microscopy, molecular-genetic, proteomic, and morphometric features of Legionellosis pathogen strains that circulate in epidemiologically significant sites in the Russian Federation were determined

    Development of the Test-System for Differentiation of Brucella Species, Using Real-Time PCR

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    Objective of the study is to construct a test-system allowing for specific identification of brucellosis agent, using real-time polymerase chain reaction.Materials and methods. Carried out has been analysis of literature sources and nucleotide sequences of Brucella spp., applying the specialized software for DNA-target sequence selection, specific for each brucella species. Developed is methodological tool and reagent panel for identification of brucellosis agent species appurtenance by means of RT PCR using thermocycler with hybridization-fluorescent registration of results, RotorGene type.Results and conclusions. Developed is the test-system, providing for differentiation of brucella species or group of species: B. abortus/B. ovis; B. melitensis; B. suis/B. canis; B. neotomae, applying real-time polymerase chain reaction. BR0262, BRA0541-0542, BMEII0711 genes are selected as DNA-targets, being completely or partially deleted in different species of brucella

    Аналіз ринку меду Італії

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    In the areas of the European Union, which are traditionally considered honey producers, we are observing a decrease in nectar resources and a decrease in the number of bee colonies due to anthropogenic factors, the destructive influence of pesticides and other chemical compounds, the development of new parasitocenoses, climate changes and experimental phenomena accompanying these changes, according to FAO, the population bees decreased by 37 %. Due to climate changes, honey production is decreasing in Italy. Honey consumption in the European Union exceeds production with self-sufficiency by 60 %. In 2021, the leading honey suppliers were Ukraine (which supplies 30 % of EU imports) and China (almost 28 % of EU imports). Comparing the data with 2020, we can note the increase in imports from China by 30 %). Since 2015, the European Commission has been monitoring the European honey market, noting a significant percentage of fraud and falsification of honey sold in the EU. Among the imported batches of honey in the EU in 2021 and 2022, almost every second (46 %) is suspected of adulteration, according to the results of “From the Hives” Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission. Honey for sale must comply with Directive UE 2001/110/CE. In the coordinated joint actions of the EU, called “Dagli alveari” by 15 EU member states, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, 320 samples of honey originating from 20 exporting countries were selected. The research aimed to establish the presence of sugar syrups of exogenous origin to increase the volume to obtain more profit. Out of 320 examined samples, 147 (46 %) turned out to be falsified; their indicators did not meet the Directive UE 2001/110/CE, and accordingly, they are not “natural honey”. Falsified batches of honey were imported from Ukraine and China (66 out of 89 is 74 %), and honey originating from Turkey (14 out of 15 is 93 %). Honey imported from Great Britain has the highest adulteration rate (10 out of 10, 100 %). In Italy, a comprehensive action plan has been introduced to prevent the falsification of honey. The new control plan should include a quantitative increase in samples for research and the use of more effective tests to detect falsification: nuclear magnetic resonance (RMN) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Honey produced in Italy must have the inscription “Italian honey” on the label, while honey originating from the countries of the European Union must contain the inscription “mixture of honey originating from the EU countries”, indicating the names of the producing countries. If honey comes from non-EU countries, it should be written “a mixture of honeys from non-EU countries” with the name of the producer country added.У зонах Європейського Союзу, які традиційно вважаються виробниками меду, спостерігається зменшення нектарних ресурсів і зниження кількості бджолосімей через антропогенні фактори, руйнівні впливи пестицидів та інших хімічних сполук, розвиток нових паразитоценозів, кліматичні зміни та експериментальні феномени, що супроводжують ці зміни. Внаслідок цього, за даними FAO, популяція бджіл скоротилася на 37 %. А отже – через зміни клімату в Італії зменшується виготовлення меду. Споживання меду в Європейському Союзі перевищує виробництво з самозабезпеченням на 60 %. У 2021 році основними постачальниками меду були Україна (яка поставляє 30 % імпорту в ЄС), Китай (майже 28 % імпорту ЄС). Порівнюючи дані з 2020 роком, можемо зауважити збільшення імпорту з Китаю на 30 %. Починаючи з 2015 року, Європейська комісія проводить моніторинг європейського ринку меду, фіксуючи значний відсоток фальсифікації меду, який продається в ЄС. Серед імпортованих партій меду в ЄС у 2021 та 2022 роках майже кожна друга (46 %) підозрюється у фальсифікації відповідно до результатів “From the hives” Joint Research Centre (JRC) Європейської Комісії. Мед, що надходить до продажу, повинен відповідати Дерективі UE 2001/110/СЕ. У координованих спільних діях ЄС, які мають назву “Dagli alveari”, 15 країнами членами ЄС, Швейцарією та Нідерландами було відібрано 320 проб меду, який мав походження з 20 країн-експортерів. Метою досліджень було встановити присутність цукрових сиропів екзогенного походження для збільшення його об’єму та отримання більшого прибутку. З 320 досліджених проб 147 (46 %) виявилися фальсифікованими, за показниками не відповідали Дерективі UE 2001/110/СЕ, а відповідно не є “натуральним медом”. Фальсифіковані партії меду були імпортовані з України та Китаю (66 на 89, це 74 %), мед який походив з Туреччини (14 на 15, це 93%). Мед, імпортований з Великої Британії, мав коефіцієнт фальсифікації найбільш високий (10 на 10, це 100 %). В результаті досліджень як корегувальний фактор в Італії запроваджений комплексний план дій щодо запобігання  фальсифікування меду. Новий план контролю повинен включати в себе кількісне збільшення проб для дослідження і використання більш ефективних тестів для визначення фальсифікації: ядерно-магнітний резонанс (RMN), рідинна хроматографія (HPLC). Мед, виготовлений в Італії, на етикетці повинен мати напис “італійський мед”, тимчасом як мед, що походить з країн Європейського Союзу, повинен містити напис “суміш медів які походять з країн ЄС”, вказуючи назви країн виробників. Якщо ж мед походить з країн, що не входять до ЄС, повинно бути написано “суміш медів, які походять з країн, що не входять до ЄС”, з додаванням назви країн виробників

    EU requirements regarding hygienic and sanitary aspects of products of vegetable origin of category IV range in Italy

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    Products of plant origin, recommended as permanent components of the daily human diet, are rich in vitamins, minerals, plant fibers, as well as various active phytochemicals (polyphenols, flavonoids) and sterols, which have a low calorie content. According to the results of epidemiological and clinical studies, it has been established that the risks of various pathologies are reduced when using a diet that is balanced in terms of nutrients, rich in vegetable fiber and food products of plant origin. The evolution of food technology has led to the appearance on the shelves of Italian supermarkets of products defined as “ready foods” or products – semi-finished products of high quality and safety, which present all the characteristics of freshness, similar to products that have just been harvested. They also include products of vegetable origin, which belong to the fresh-cut category. A limited technological elaboration is applied to this category of products, after which they can be used without further manipulation before consumption. The products of vegetable origin of fresh-cut vegetable have the definition of “potentially dangerous products” due to their possible contamination with pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. These pathogens very often contaminate fresh-cut vegetable, causing food poisoning in consumers. The main sources of pathogenic contamination by the causative agents of human intestinal infections are the water used for watering plants and exposure to inappropriate temperatures during the storage of plant products. The decisive aspect, without a doubt, remains the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the product at the time of its consumption. It is fundamental to deepen our knowledge about the transmission, resistance, and growth mechanisms of pathogenic microorganisms in products of the IV range. This will allow the establishment of sampling norms for express diagnostics to reduce the possibility of low-quality products reaching the consumer

    An optimized method for counting viral particles using electron microscopy

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    Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. When studying samples containing viruses, one confronts an unavoidable question of the quantitative determination of viral particles in the sample. One of the simplest and efficient approaches to quantitative determination of viral particles in preparation includes the use of electron microscopy; however, a high detection threshold is a significant limitation of this method (107 particles per ml). Usually, such sensitivity is insufficient and can result in error diagnosis. This study aims to develop a method making it possible to detect the number of viral particles more precisely and work with samples in which the concentration of particles is lower than 107/ml. The method includes a concentration of viral particles on the polyethersulfone membrane applied in centrifugal concentrators and subsequent calculation using an electron microscope. We selected env-pseudoviruses using a lentiviral system making it possible to obtain standardized samples of virus-like particles that are safer than a live virus. Suspension of viral particles (a volume of 20 ml) was placed into the centrifugal concentrator and centrifuged. After that, we took a membrane out of the centrifugal concentrator and evaluated the number of particles on the ultrathin section using an electron microscope. The number of viral particles on the whole surface of the filter (a square of 4 сm2) was 4×107 virions, the initial concentration of pseudoviruses in the sample was 2×106 per 1 ml (4×107 particles per 20 ml). As a result, the developed method enables one to evade the major disadvantage of quantitative determination of viruses using electron microscopy regarding a high detection threshold (concentration of particles 107/ml). Furthermore, the centrifugal concentrator makes it possible to sequentially drift a considerable volume of the suspension through the filter resulting in enhancement of test sensitivity. The developed approach results in increased sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility of quantitative analysis of various samples containing animal, plant or human viruses using electron microscopy

    Development of Amplification Test-Systems for Tularemia Agent Detection

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    Developed is the method for tularemia microbe DNA detection using PCR with electrophoretic and hybridization-fluorescent registration of results. iglBC genes have been chosen as DNA-matrixes, being species-specific ones for tularemia agent. Based on the results obtained constructed have been preparations for tularemia microbe DNA detection in biological material and environmental samples applying PCR with electrophoretic registration of results and real-time PCR: “Gene Francisella tularensis - REP” and “Gene Francisella tularensis RHF”, respectively. Identified are the package contents to be included into the test-systems. Sensitivity and specificity of the designed panels are validated through investigations of tularemia agent bacterial emulsions and suspensions from small mammals’ organs, from ticks, fleas and mosquitoes, as well as through studies of soil and surface water samples, sputum and human blood probes, experimentally contaminated with tularemia agent. Test-systems demonstrate high sensitivity (1·103 microbe cells/ml) and specificity (100 %), irrespective of the type of test material

    Results of Studies of Genetic Heterogeneity in Hantavirus RNA-Isolates, Found in the Territory of the Saratov Region

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    With a view to obtain the data on intraspecific diversity of Hantaviruses circulating in the territory of the Saratov Region, carried out has been molecular-genetic testing of the field and clinical material. Using PCR assay, Hantavirus RNA has been detected in 25 samples obtained from small mammals and 15 blood samples of HFRS patients. Sequencing of 14 hantavirus RNA-isolates from rodents and 3 RNA-isolates from clinical material has made it possible to identify their taxonomic appurtenance to Puumala virus. Phylogenetic analysis of RNA-isolates has revealed that all of them are characterized by high degree of homology in between themselves (99.8 %) and substantial distinction from the known Puumala strains, frequently occurring in Russia (3.6-21 %). Therewith, verified has been circulation of Puumala virus in the territory of the Saratov Region using molecular-genetic techniques. Identified genetic differences of Saratov RNA-isolates, in particular, opens a further prospect for allocation of the sites where people can contract HFRS infection