13 research outputs found

    Progress of Design and Development for the ITER Radial Neutron Camera

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    The paper presents an overview of the design status of the Radial Neutron Camera (RNC), that, together with the Vertical Neutron Camera, will provide, through reconstruction techniques applied to the measured line-integrated neutron fluxes, the time resolved measurement of the ITER neutron and alpha-source profile (i.e. neutron emissivity, neutrons emitted per unit time and volume). The RNC is composed of two subsystems, the In-Port RNC and Ex-Port RNC located, respectively, inside and outside the Plug of Equatorial Port #01. The In-Port subsystem is in a more advanced design stage since it has recently undergone the Final Design Review in the ITER procurement process. The paper describes the diagnostic layout, the interfaces, the measurement capabilities and the main challenges in its realization. Prototyping and testing of neutron detectors and electronics components were carried out and led to the choice of the component solutions that can match the environmental and operational constraints in terms radiation hardness, high temperature and electromagnetic compatibility. The performance of the RNC in terms of neutron emissivity measurement capability was assessed through 1D and 2D reconstruction analysis. It is proven that the neutron emissivity can be reconstructed in real-time within the measurement requirements: 10% accuracy, 10 ms time resolution and a/10 (a = plasma minor radius) space resolution

    Varieties of Economization in Competition Policy : Institutional Change in German and American Antitrust, 1960–2000

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    This paper explains the different trajectories of German and American competition policy and its permissiveness toward economic concentration in the last few decades. While the German political economy had moved to a stronger antitrust regime after 1945 and stuck to it even after the economic governance shifts of the 1980s, the traditional antitrust champion, the United States, has shed considerable parts of its basic governance toolkit against anticompetitive conduct since the 1960s. Drawing on theories of institutional change driven by bureaucratic and professional elites, the paper claims that different pathways of professional ideas in competition policy can account for the cross-country differences. In the 1960s and early 1970s, movements to strengthen competition policy enforcement emerged in both countries. While German as well as American professionals reacted to the seemingly increasing encroachment of societal concerns into antitrust with economized notions of the policies’ goals, they did so in fundamentally different ways. Whereas US professionals proposed an effect-based approach in which consumer welfare and gains in efficiency may justify less competition, the more strongly law-based profession in Germany to a degree strengthened a form-based approach aiming at the preservation of competitive market structures. Such extrapolitical pathways of ideas, we argue, provide important guidelines for the implementation of competition policy by administrations and courts, whose decisions can have a far-reaching impact on industries and political economies as a whole

    Preliminary design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak

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    COMPASS Upgrade is a new medium size, high magnetic field tokamak (R = 0.9 m, Bt = 5 T, Ip = 2 MA) currently under design in the Czech Republic. It will provide unique capabilities for addressing some of the key challenges in plasma exhaust physics, advanced confinement modes and advanced plasma configurations as well as testing new plasma facing materials and liquid metal divertor concepts. This paper contains an overview of the preliminary engineering design of the main systems of the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak (vacuum vessel, central solenoid and poloidal field coils, toroidal field coils, support structure, cryostat, cryogenic system, power supply system and machine monitoring and protection system). The description of foreseen auxiliary plasma heating systems and plasma diagnostics is also provided as well as a summary of expected plasma performance and available plasma configurations