127 research outputs found

    Tipe Tuturan Remaja Perempuan Yatim dalam Interaksi Sehari-Hari: Kajian Pragmatik

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    This study aims to determine the type of speech used by an orphaned teenager in daily communication. This research includes field research in the form of case studies with qualitative approaches and presented descriptively. The main data of the study are speeches in the activities of everyday speech acts. The data source is a 21-year-old orphaned teenager. The results showed that the type of speech used, namely the declarative, representative, expressive, directive, and commissive type. While the dominant sentence form is used, namely direct and literal sentences. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui tipe tuturan yang digunakan oleh seorang remaja perempuan yatim dalam komunikasi sehari-hari. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian lapangan berbentuk studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan dipaparkan secara deskriptif. Data utama penelitian adalah tuturan dalam kegiatan tindak tutur sehari-hari. Adapun sumber data adalah seorang remaja perempuan yatim berusia 21 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe tuturan yang digunakan, yaitu tipedeklaratif, representatif, ekspresif, direktif, dan komisif. Sedangkan bentuk kalimat yang dominan digunakan, yaitu kalimat langsung dan literal

    Konseling Individual Di SMA Negeri Sekota Pontianak Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    This study aims to determine the object information about individual counseling in high school Horrified as the city of Pontianak West Kalimantan province. The method used is descriptive method, with the form of survey research. The collection of data used is the technique of indirect communication with a data collector in the form of a questionnaire. The data used were analyzed with descriptive analysis and using a percentage formula. The population in this study were teachers SMA Se-Pontianak city totaling 19 people, because the population is less than 100 then all the population is taken and this research is called the study population. From the results of research conducted can be concluded that the process of individual counseling is generally considered good. While more details by sub-problems, namely the early stages of the counseling process categorized well, the counseling process step framework (mid-stage) categorized good, and the counseling process khir stage (stage action) are categorized very well. Meaning it can be said that teachers have applied BK stages in the counseling process with good individual counseling practices, but there are some teachers who have not applied BK stages of the counseling process to the fullest

    Kepuasan Anggota Dpd Partai Gerindra Dalam Penggunaan Cmc Sebagai Sarana Komunikasi Internal

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah kepuasan anggota Partai Gerindra dalam penggunaan CMC sebagai sarana komunikasi internal. Pada penelitian ini konsep kepuasan dapat dilihat menggunakan konsep Uses and Gratifications yang menekankan bukan apa yang dilakukan media terhadap khalayak, tetapi pada apa yang dilakukan khalayak terhadap media. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode survey. untuk mendeskripsikan kepuasan anggota dalam menggunakan CMC pada Partai Gerindra. Pada penelitian ini mengukur Kepuasan menggunakan Gratification Sought (GS) dan Gratification Obtained (GO). Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan secara keseluruhan Anggota DPD Partai Gerindra Jatim tidak puas dalam penggunaan CMC sebagai sarana komunikasi internal. Dari keempat indikator, untuk indikator diversion, social interaction dan personal identity, tidak memuaskan pemakainya. Sedangkan pada indikator surveillance, telah memuaskan pemakainya

    Akibat Hukum Notaris Yang Salah Melakukan Penyesuaian Akta Pendirian Yayasan

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    This research a analyze treatment notary in receiving the foundation founded before enactment of laws about foundation in making the deed foundation and to know due to law in terms of certificate with respect to foundation .The kind of research this is doctrinal , use 2 ( two ) approach relevant to the problems the treatment , namely approach historical and approach cases. Based on results of research that due to the law that inflicted against foundation , foundation harmed by losing owned assets formerly because no foundation nominates assets formerly into the deed of establishment premisse / adjustment that belong to the foundation later in terkat judge take a decision to be wrong because the adjustments are certificate and a notary can be sued to pay compensation , flowers and costs as a result of law received by managers of the foundation that harmed then a notary can be reported to local control assembly bonding notary Indonesia ( this ) , the superintendent of region assembly bonding notary Indonesia ( this ) assembly of honor as well as a bond notary Indonesia ( this ) for having violated article 15 subsection 2 letter e the law number 2 year 2014 about the tenure of a notar

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Manajemen Pembelajaran terhadap Penjaminan Mutu pada Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai Lampung

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    Quality assurance of education is a concept in education quality management. In the application of this concept any school or educational institution is directed to ensure that the educational services provided meet or exceed the expectations of its customers, both internal and external customers. Internal customers are teachers and school employees, while the primary external customers are learners. The results of this study indicate that pedagogic competence at the University of Bumi Bumi Ruwa Jurai Lampung significant influence on quality assurance that is equal to 59.80%. This is influenced by the purpose of teaching and in making a good, fast, and timely teaching program plan, a high quality assurance is a driver of quality assurance

    Structuring high-protein foods

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    Increased protein consumption gives rise to various health benefits. High-protein intake can lead to muscle development, body weight control and suppression of sarcopenia progression. However, increasing the protein content in food products leads to textural changes over time. These changes result in product hardening over time and several negative sensorial attributes such as rubbery and dry mouth feel. This thesis describes the role of structuring to control the rheological and mechanical properties of high-protein model foods. By altering the internal structure of the model systems, textural properties of the model systems at initial stage (fresh products) can be improved. Content of this thesis can be distinguished into four parts. The first part reviews existing studies related to high-protein foods. The effects of ingredients and processing were evaluated with respect to food products having a high protein content. Some studies indicated typical problems occurring in products or model systems with an increased protein content such as product hardening over time. Ingredients that might be added to ameliorate product properties were plasticizers, peptides made from whey proteins, disulphide reducing agents, and components that block the free thiol groups in proteins. This part provides guidelines for structuring high-protein foods aimed at avoiding or reducing the unfavourable changes in properties over time. Concentrated proteins in their native (unmodified) form can be replaced by protein domains or structural elements with altered properties. These domains or elements mitigate the changes in product structure, resulting in a product that is softer than the one made from native proteins only. The second part focuses on the structural elements made from whey protein isolate (WPI), namely WPI aggregates and WPI microparticles. WPI aggregates were formed by different heating conditions at neutral pH. Generally, a higher concentration and a higher temperature resulted in bigger and less dense aggregates. A higher temperature also resulted in a higher reactivity (a larger number of available thiol groups). Heating an aggregate suspension led to a weaker gel than a gel made from native protein at similar. This result was hypothesized to originate from the lower number of contact points formed with larger aggregates. It was concluded that the most pronounced weakening effect could be obtained with aggregates that are large, dense, and non-reactive. That is why WPI microparticles were created. The particles were formed by gelling a concentrated WPI solution, and subsequent drying the gel and milling it into small particles. Partial replacement of native WPI with WPI microparticles resulted in a weaker gel than a gel made from native WPI only at the same total protein concentration. This result was attributed to the inability of the microparticles to form a gel. However, the weakening effect of these particles in the model system was limited due to water redistribution and the good bonding between the particles and the protein continuous phase. The third part describes how the properties of high-protein gels containing WPI microparticles change over time. A high-protein gel made from native WPI was used as a reference. The firmness and fracture stress of the gel made from WPI only increased during the first few days and then stabilized. The gel consisting of WPI microparticles in WPI or in a mixture of locust bean gum (LBG)–xanthan gum (XG) tended to harden for a longer period. Most likely, water redistribution is responsible for this observation.</p

    Pembebanan Hak Tanggungan terhadap Satuan Kodominium Hotel (Kondotel)

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    Kondotel merupakan apartemen non hunian yang dikelola dengan&nbsp; managemen hotel lahirnya konsep kondotel sebagai sarana penunjang pariwisata disebabkan kareana keterbatasan lahan-lahan strategis/lokasi yang strategis sedangkan kebutuhan akan sarana penunjang pariwisata semakin meningkat. Keterbatasan lahan ini juga menyebabkan&nbsp; meningkatnya harga tanah pada daerah-daerah tujuan wisata, sehingga para investor berupaya dalam&nbsp; mengembangkan&nbsp; kebutuhan sarana pariwisata dengan membangun apartemen non hunian dengan managemen hotel atau kondotel. Di Indonesia kondotel mulai berkembang lima tahun belakangan ini, dimana produk properti ini muncul sebagai salah satu strategi pengembang untuk mencari alternatif pembangunan akibat keterbatasan lahan untuk pembangunan sarana pariwisata disamping karena tingginya harga tanah di daerah-daerah pariwisata. Dewasa ini konsep penginapan (hotel) bagi wisatawan telah mengalami pergeseran bentuk dan model pengelolaan dari yang bersifat konvensional menjadi bersifat modern akibat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sangat pesat salah satunya adalah model pengelolaan kondominium hotel. Pengaturan kondominium hotel sebagai obyek hak tanggungan dalam perjanjian kredit bank dapat diklasifikasikan kedalam tiga stuktur norma pengaturan yang terdiri dari: a) Norma pengaturan yang bersifat umum, yang mendasarkan pengaturan pada ketentuan-ketentuan hukum peraturan Perundang-undangan terkait dengan perbankan, pengadaan rumah susun dan hak tanggungan;b) Norma pengaturan yang bersifat khusus yang meliputi ketentuan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam pemberian kredit, ketentuan mengenai analisa mendalam terhadap karakter, kapital, kolateral dan kapasitas debitur serta ketentuan batas maksimum pemberian kredit dari bank selaku kreditur; c) Norma pengaturan konstruktif berupa model kontrak yang disepakati oleh pihak-pihak dalam pemberian kredit dengan obyek kondominium hotel melalui hak tanggungan, yang berlaku sebagai undang-undang bagi para pihak yang membuatnya. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pemilik satuan kondominium hotel apabila terjadi wan prestasi dalam perjanjian kredit bank adalah dengan mengupayakan prinsip itikad baik (good faith) baik pada awal perjanjian, pelaksanaan perjanjian hingga berakhirnya perjanjian dengan menegaskan pada substansi perjanjian tentang konstruksi hukum kondominium hotel dengan adanya karakteristik yang melekat pada kondominium hotel yaitu adanya tanah bersama dan benda bersama
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