812 research outputs found

    Electronic band structure and exchange coupling constants in ACr2X4 spinels

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    We present the results of band structure calculations for ACr2X4 (A=Zn, Cd, Hg and X=O, S, Se) spinels. Effective exchange coupling constants between Cr spins are determined by fitting the energy of spin spirals to a classical Heisenberg model. The calculations reproduce the change of the sign of the dominant nearest-neighbor exchange interaction J1 from antiferromagnetic in oxides to ferromagnetic in sulfides and selenides. It is verified that the ferromagnetic contribution to J1 is due to indirect hopping between Cr t2g and eg states via X p states. Antiferromagnetic coupling between 3-rd Cr neighbors is found to be important in all the ACr2X4 spinels studied, whereas other interactions are much weaker. The results are compared to predictions based on the Goodenough-Kanamori rules of superexchange.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Effective band-structure in the insulating phase versus strong dynamical correlations in metallic VO2

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    Using a general analytical continuation scheme for cluster dynamical mean field calculations, we analyze real-frequency self-energies, momentum-resolved spectral functions, and one-particle excitations of the metallic and insulating phases of VO2. While for the former dynamical correlations and lifetime effects prevent a description in terms of quasi-particles, the excitations of the latter allow for an effective band-structure. We construct an orbital-dependent, but static one-particle potential that reproduces the full many-body spectrum. Yet, the ground state is well beyond a static one-particle description. The emerging picture gives a non-trivial answer to the decade-old question of the nature of the insulator, which we characterize as a ``many-body Peierls'' state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 color figure

    Spectral (MIR) determination of kaolinite and gibbsite contents in lateritic soils

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    Kaolinite et gibbsite sont, avec les oxyhydroxydes de fer et le quartz, les constituants de base des sols latéritiques. Les proportions relatives de ces deux minéraux sont des témoins du degré d'évolution de ces sols, d'où l'intérêt de leur détermination quantitative, généralement réalisée par des analyses chimiques ou par diffraction des rayons X, techniques longues et coûteuses. Une procédure nouvelle est proposée; elle est fondée sur la spectroscopie optique en réflectance diffuse et permet une estimation satisfaisante de la teneur en gibbsite et en kaolinite dans les sols étudiés. Pour cette dernière, l'estimation concerne la teneur en kaolinite dans la seule fraction argileuse de la terre fine. En outre, un indice basé sur les intensités d'absorption de la kaolinite et de la gibbsite a été trouvé pour estimer d'une façon précise le rapport Ki = SiO2/Al2O3 dans les sols latéritiques. Ces déterminations peuvent être effectuées directement sur le terrain à l'aide d'un spectromètre portable. (Résumé d'auteur

    Effect of Inter-Site Repulsions on Magnetic Susceptibility of One-Dimensional Electron Systems at Quarter-Filling

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    The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility, \chi (T), is investigated for one-dimensional interacting electron systems at quarter-filling within the Kadanoff-Wilson renormalization-group method. The forward scattering on the same branch (the g_4-process) is examined together with the backward (g_1) and forward (g_2) scattering amplitudes on opposite branches. In connection with lattice models, we show that \chi (T) is strongly enhanced by the nearest-neighbor interaction, an enhancement that surpasses one of the next-nearest-neighbor interaction. A connection between our predictions for \chi (T) and experimental results for \chi (T) in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 74, No. 1

    Polar phonons and intrinsic dielectric response of the ferromagnetic insulating spinel CdCr2_2S4_4 from first principles

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    We have studied the dielectric properties of the ferromagnetic spinel CdCr2_2S4_4 from first principles. Zone-center phonons and Born effective charges were calculated by frozen-phonon and Berry phase techniques within LSDA+U. We find that all infrared-active phonons are quite stable within the cubic space group. The calculated static dielectric constant agrees well with previous measurements. These results suggest that the recently observed anomalous dielectric behavior in CdCr2_2S4_4 is not due to the softening of a polar mode. We suggest further experiments to clarify this point

    Quantum Phase Transition in Pr2CuO4 to Collinear Spin State in Inclined Magnetic Field: A Neutron Diffraction Observation

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    In the external field slightly inclined to the xx- or y-axis of the frustrated tetragonal atiferromagnet Pr2CuO4, a transition is discovered from the phase with orthogonal antiferromagnetic spin subsystems along [1,0,0] and [0,1,0] to the phase with the collinear spins. This phase is shown to be due to the pseudodipolar interaction, and transforms into the spin-flop phase S perp H asymptotically at very high field. The discovered phase transition holds at T=0 and is a quantum one, with the transition field being the critical point and the angle between two subsystems being the order parameter

    The Cost of Accumulating Evidence in Perceptual Decision Making

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    Decision making often involves the accumulation of information over time, but acquiring information typically comes at a cost. Little is known about the cost incurred by animals and humans for acquiring additional information from sensory variables due, for instance, to attentional efforts. Through a novel integration of diffusion models and dynamic programming, we were able to estimate the cost of making additional observations per unit of time from two monkeys and six humans in a reaction time (RT) random-dot motion discrimination task. Surprisingly, we find that the cost is neither zero nor constant over time, but for the animals and humans features a brief period in which it is constant but increases thereafter. In addition, we show that our theory accurately matches the observed reaction time distributions for each stimulus condition, the time-dependent choice accuracy both conditional on stimulus strength and independent of it, and choice accuracy and mean reaction times as a function of stimulus strength. The theory also correctly predicts that urgency signals in the brain should be independent of the difficulty, or stimulus strength, at each trial

    Triplet superconducting pairing and density-wave instabilities in organic conductors

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    Using a renormalization group approach, we determine the phase diagram of an extended quasi-one-dimensional electron gas model that includes interchain hopping, nesting deviations and both intrachain and interchain repulsive interactions. We find a close proximity of spin-density- and charge-density-wave phases, singlet d-wave and triplet f-wave superconducting phases. There is a striking correspondence between our results and recent puzzling experimental findings in the Bechgaard salts, including the coexistence of spin-density-wave and charge-density-wave phases and the possibility of a triplet pairing in the superconducting phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figure

    SDW and FISDW transition of (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4 at high magnetic fields

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    The magnetic field dependence of the SDW transition in (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4 for various anion cooling rates has been measured, with the field up to 27T parallel to the lowest conductivity direction c∗c^{\ast}. For quenched (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4, the SDW transition temperature TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} increases from 4.5K in zero field up to 8.4K at 27T. A quadratic behavior is observed below 18T, followed by a saturation behavior. These results are consistent with the prediction of the mean-field theory. From these behaviors, TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} is estimated as TSDW0T_{\rm {SDW_0}}=13.5K for the perfect nesting case. This indicates that the SDW phase in quenched (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4, where TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} is less than 6K, is strongly suppressed by the two-dimensionality of the system. In the intermediate cooled state in which the SDW phase does not appear in zero field, the transition temperature for the field-induced SDW shows a quadratic behavior above 12T and there is no saturation behavior even at 27T, in contrast to the FISDW phase in the relaxed state. This behavior can probably be attributed to the difference of the dimerized gap due to anion ordering.Comment: 4pages,5figures(EPS), accepted for publication in PR

    Effect of nearest- and next-nearest neighbor interactions on the spin-wave velocity of one-dimensional quarter-filled spin-density-wave conductors

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    We study spin fluctuations in quarter-filled one-dimensional spin-density-wave systems in presence of short-range Coulomb interactions. By applying a path integral method, the spin-wave velocity is calculated as a function of on-site (U), nearest (V) and next-nearest (V_2) neighbor-site interactions. With increasing V or V_2, the pure spin-density-wave state evolves into a state with coexisting spin- and charge-density waves. The spin-wave velocity is reduced when several density waves coexist in the ground state, and may even vanish at large V. The effect of dimerization along the chain is also considered.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 9 figure
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