2,027 research outputs found

    Uticaj sistematskih faktora na dužinu bremenitosti kod krava Simentalske rase

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    The effect of systematic environmental factors on gestation length in Simmental cows was evaluated by calculating the least squares mean (LSM) and its error (SELSM), by analysis of variance and by calculating the coefficient of determination (R2). The study involved Simmental cows reared at three locations, including the Zlatiborski Suvati farm (n=578), the Dobričevo farm (n=964) and individual private farms at the Voćar Farming Cooperative in Kotraža (n=1263). The analysis included gestation length in Simmental cows as affected by continuous systematic factors (age at first conception) and discontinuous factors such as farm, calving season, birth season, parity group, calf sex, type of birth and the interaction of these factors. The effect of age at first conception was statistically significant (P lt 0.05). The discontinuous factors had a very high significant (P lt 0.001) effect on gestation length. The coefficient of determination was as low as 0.086 (8.6%), undoubtedly suggesting the small effect of the non-genetic factors on gestation length, given the fact that the trait is biologically determined and that it shows low variability.Uticaj sistematskih faktora okoline na dužinu bremenitosti analiziran je izračunavanjem sredine najmanjih kvadrata (LSM) i njegove greÅ”ke (SELSM), analizom varijanse po primenjenom modelu i izračunavanjem koeficijenta determinacije (R2). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene krave simentalske rase raspoređene na tri lokaliteta i to farmi Zlatiborski suvati (n=578), farmi Dobričevo (n=964) i individualna gazdinstva na području Zemljoradničke zadruge 'Voćar' iz Kotraže (n=1263). Na dužinu bremenitosti ispitivan je uticaj kontinuelnih sistematskih faktora (uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji) i dikontinuelnih faktora kao Å”to su farma, sezona telenja i rođenja, grupe partusa, pola teladi, tipa rođenja i interakcija pomenutih faktora. Uticaj uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji bio je statistički značajan (P lt 0.05), dok uticaj svih diskontinuelnih uticaja na trajanje bremenitosti bio je vrlo visoko značajan (P lt 0.001). Koeficijent determinacije iznosio je svega 0.086 (8.6%), Å”to nedvosmisleno ukazuje na mali uticaj paragenetskih faktora na ispoljenost dužine bremenitosti obzirom da je ona bioloÅ”ki data i da se odlikuje niskom varijabilnoŔću

    Winter wheat yield and quality depending on the level of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization

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    Tests were carried out on stationary field trial, soil type vertisol in the process of degradation. The land on which the view is derived is characterized by low pH (pH lt 5.0). The Dose of nitrogen was 120 kg N/ha, which was administered in combination with phosphorous and potassium fertilizer. The tests showed a significant grain yield. Nitrogen had a most significant impact on the yield of wheat. The average grain yield of all treatments in the 2008/09 growing season was significantly greater than in the following years, mostly as the result of highly favourable weather conditions at major stages of plant development. The average highest yield was achieved in the variant N120P100K60 (5.528 t/ha), although the high yield of more than 5 t/ha was obtained and the triple treatments NPK where nitrogen is applied in the maximum amount of 120 kg/ha, 60 kg/ha P2O5 and 60 kg/ha K2O as well as variants NP in a quantity of 100 kg/ha P2O5 and 60 kg/ha K2O. Also, the 1000-grain weight was highest in balanced fertilization with all nutrients NPK (40 g), in a quantity of 120 kg N/ha, 100 kg/ha P2O5 and 60 kg/ha K2O. Averaged across years, significantly higher values for test weight were found in the control (76.91 kg/hl). Variance analysis showed statistically significant differences for grain yield and test weight between the vegetation seasons. Significant differences for 1000 grain weight between the variants of fertilization

    Effects of fertilization on yield and grain quality in winter triticale

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    Study of fertilization effects were conducted in a stationary type of field trial, on a degrading vertisol soil with low pH. Eight variants of mineral nutrition (NK, NP1, NP2, NP3, NPIK, NP2K and NP3K) and untreated control (without nutrition) were tested in the experiment. The rates of nitrogen application were 80 kg N ha(-1), and they were applied either individually or in combination with three phosphorus rates and the potassium fertilizer. The highest grain yields under mineral nutrition involving a combination of three mineral elements were: N, P and K (80 kg N ha(-1), 60 kg P2O5 ha(-1), 60 kg K2O ha(-1)), and under NP2K treatment at a rate of 80 kg N ha(-1), 80 kg P2O5 ha(-1) and 60 kg K2O ha(-1). Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there were highly significant differences in grains yield among years of investigation and highly significant differences at 1000-grain weight and grain test weight

    Text vectorization via transformer-based language models and n-gram perplexities

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    As the probability (and thus perplexity) of a text is calculated based on the product of the probabilities of individual tokens, it may happen that one unlikely token significantly reduces the probability (i.e., increase the perplexity) of some otherwise highly probable input, while potentially representing a simple typographical error. Also, given that perplexity is a scalar value that refers to the entire input, information about the probability distribution within it is lost in the calculation (a relatively good text that has one unlikely token and another text in which each token is equally likely they can have the same perplexity value), especially for longer texts. As an alternative to scalar perplexity this research proposes a simple algorithm used to calculate vector values based on n-gram perplexities within the input. Such representations consider the previously mentioned aspects, and instead of a unique value, the relative perplexity of each text token is calculated, and these values are combined into a single vector representing the input.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Possible role of a hydrogen peroxide-mediated mechanism in glucocorticoid receptor functional alterations associated with moderate asthma

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    It is well known that pathogenesis and maintenance of chronic asthma is associated with alterations of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, and also with persistent pulmonary inflammation, the important mediators of which are reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. In this paper, we tested a hypothesis that GR functional alterations in asthma result from the action of oxidants. To that end, we conducted a series of ex vivo treatments of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy donors with oxidizing agents (3 morpholinosydnonimine, SIN1; S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine, SNAP; and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) and compared the resulting GR modifications with those previously noticed in asthmatic patients. The results show that treatment of PBMCs by H2O2 provoked an increase in the level of GR protein, accompanied by a rise in the number of hormone-binding sites and a decline in the receptor's affinity for the hormone. The H2O2 induced changes, including a characteristic GR isoprotein expression pattern, were found to be very similar to the GR changes previously observed in PBMCs of moderate asthmatic patients, but not in mild asthmatics and healthy subjects. Treatment with the other oxidants applied herein produced different effects or exerted no influence on GR. Thus, this study provides preliminary data suggesting that functional alterations of the GR associated with moderate asthma may be mediated by redox mechanisms that are based on oxidative and regulatory actions of H2O2

    Simentalska rasa goveda u različitim sistemima proizvodnje

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    The paper gives the analysis on the state in population of Simmental cattle reared in Europe with a special review on the state in Simmental cattle in our country which makes about 80 % total cattle fund in Serbia, and is characterized by a negative trend in the number of cattle, as well as by a low average milk production per cow. The most important results obtained by both domestic and foreign authors by means of various methods of improving Simmental breed and its raising in different systems have been shown. The directions for improving Simmental cattle according to the productive directions have been analyzed. Possible methods of improving the Simmental cattle in our country have been pointed out, which should be in accordance with already existing genetic potential of each actual population, its purpose (registered breeding stock, production breeding stock), as well as with the market needs for cow milk, milk products and meat (primarily beef meat, for export). A special emphasis has been given to the importance of organizing the production of meat in the cow-calf system in which Simmental breed, following the model of many European countries, should have good performance also in our country, if the same production should be organized in deserted hilly and mountainous regions. In this way we could contribute to more significant increase in overall beef production, and to reactivate unused natural resources as well.Analizirano je stanje u populaciji simentalskih goveda koja se gaje u Evropi, sa posebnim osvrtom na stanje simentalske rase kod nas, koja u poslednje dve decenije čini između 80 i 85 % ukupnog fonda goveda Srbije, a koju prati negativni trend brojnosti (veličini populacije), kao i niska prosečna proizvodnja mleka po kravi. Analizirani su pravci oplemenjivanja simentalskih goveda u skladu sa smerovima proizvodnje. Ukazano je na moguće metode oplemenjivanja simentalske rase kod nas, koje bi morale biti u skladu sa postojećim genetskim potencijalom svake konkretne populacije, njenom namenom (matični zapati, proizvodni zapati), kao i u skladu sa potrebama tržiÅ”ta za kravljim mlekom i mlečnim proizvodima. Kao metod oplemenjivanja simentalske rase kombinovanog smera proizvodnje do sada je viÅ”e primenjivan metod selekcije u čistoj rasi. Metod meliorativnog ukrÅ”tanja simentalske rase sa crvenim holÅ”tajnom je značajno manje u primeni i viÅ”e ga sprovode odgajivači proizvodnih zapata goveda simentalske rase. Poseban akcenat je dat značaju organizovanja proizvodnje mesa u sistemu krava-tele, gde bi simentalska rasa po uzoru na mnoge evropske zemlje i kod nas dala dobre rezultate, ako bi se ista proizvodnja organizovala u napuÅ”tenim brdskim i planinskim područjima. Na ovaj način bi se moglo doprineti značajnijem povećanju ukupne proizvodnje junećeg mesa, kao i aktiviranju neiskoriŔćenih prirodnih resursa, Å”to bi predstavljalo strateÅ”ki interes države. U cilju povećanja ekonomičnosti u proizvodnji u sistemu krava-tele, neophodno je postizanje maksimalne plodnosti, iz kog razloga bi trebalo redovno primenjivati indukciju i sinhronizaciju estrusa. Sezonu telenja treba planirati u skladu sa konkretnim klimatskim prilikama na konkretnom području, a sve u cilju maksimalnog koriŔćenja perioda vegetacije (paÅ”e) od strane krava i teladi

    Responses of the Serbian Welfare State to the Global Economic Crisis

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    The global financial crisis has revealed serious weaknesses in Serbia's' economic and social systems. Short term measures to mitigate the negative effects of the crisis were only partially successful. In 2010, the welfare state has been marked as one of the priority areas of middle term state reforms, but so far, there have been no radical cuts, even though it is uncertain, whether this situation is sustainable. The main directions of reform, have been, and will be, directed by deficit budgetary funds (i.e. the need to reduce the share of social transfers within the GDP and their sustainability). Even though accessibility and quality have been declared as equally important reform objectives, effects of reforms point to fiscal constraints as the most important challenge. Austerity measures, characteristic of the Serbian welfare state, during the crisis are not only linked to the crisis, but may be viewed as a part of the declining role of the state after the breakdown of socialism in the 1990s. Therefore, it is sometimes hard to distinguish between the measures as a reaction to the crisis and those contemplated prior to the crisis, because their aims seem rather compatible

    Smallpox as an actual biothreat: lessons learned from its outbreak in ex-Yugoslavia in 1972

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    Variola (smallpox) virus is classified as class A of potential biological weapons, due to its microbiological, genetic, antigenic and epidemiological characteristics. The potential danger is more real because vaccination against smallpox has stopped since disease eradication in 1979. That is why we want to share our unique, rich experience and acquired knowledge in the fight against this highly contagious and deadly disease during the smallpox outbreak in ex-Yugoslavia in 1972. It was the largest postwar outbreak in Europe when there were officially registered 175 ill patients, 35 of them with lethal outcome. This outbreak was specific by the time of its occurrence, the affected territory, dimensions and some epidemiological characteristics, but also by the well-organized, synchronized and efficient reaction of the competent state services in the fight against it
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