3,293 research outputs found

    Integral equations for three-body Coulombic resonances

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    We propose a novel method for calculating resonances in three-body Coulombic systems. The method is based on the solution of the set of Faddeev and Lippmann-Schwinger integral equations, which are designed for solving the three-body Coulomb problem. The resonances of the three-body system are defined as the complex-energy solutions of the homogeneous Faddeev integral equations. We show how the kernels of the integral equations should be continued analytically in order that we get resonances. As a numerical illustration a toy model for the three-α\alpha system is solved.Comment: 9 pages, 1 EPS figur

    Készülőben az új Európai Moha Vörös Könyv = The new Red Data Book of European Bryophytes in preparation

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    The new Red Data Book of European Bryophytes is the most important recent project of the European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes, and the basis of bryophyte conservation in most European countries. The first edition, published in 1995, is now in urgent need of updating. Since its publication, our knowledge of the bryophytes of Europe has been considerably improved, especially concerning taxonomy and distribution. The work has started: a comprehensive table, listing the occurrence and Red List status of each species, in each European country, has been prepared. A short list of candidate species for IUCN threat assessment was established by eliminating species known with certainty to be of least concern. Of 2140 bryophyte species known to occur in Europe, 241 liverworts and 721 mosses were selected for further consideration. Among them, 28 liverworts and 98 mosses occur in Hungary. Examples of some species occurring in Hungary are presented below to show which criteria are used to select species for the European candidate list. With 12 fi gures

    Faddeev approach to confined three-quark problems

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    We propose a method that allows for the efficient solution of the three-body Faddeev equations in the presence of infinitely rising confinement interactions. Such a method is useful in calculations of nonrelativistic and especially semirelativistic constituent quark models. The convergence of the partial wave series is accelerated and possible spurious contributions in the Faddeev components are avoided. We demonstrate how the method works with the example of the Goldstone-boson-exchange chiral quark model for baryons.Comment: 6 page

    A microrod-resonator Brillouin laser with 240 Hz absolute linewidth

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    We demonstrate an ultralow-noise microrod-resonator based laser that oscillates on the gain supplied by the stimulated Brillouin scattering optical nonlinearity. Microresonator Brillouin lasers are known to offer an outstanding frequency noise floor, which is limited by fundamental thermal fluctuations. Here, we show experimental evidence that thermal effects also dominate the close-to-carrier frequency fluctuations. The 6-mm diameter microrod resonator used in our experiments has a large optical mode area of ~100 {\mu}m2^2, and hence its 10 ms thermal time constant filters the close-to-carrier optical frequency noise. The result is an absolute laser linewidth of 240 Hz with a corresponding white-frequency noise floor of 0.1 Hz2^2/Hz. We explain the steady-state performance of this laser by measurements of its operation state and of its mode detuning and lineshape. Our results highlight a mechanism for noise that is common to many microresonator devices due to the inherent coupling between intracavity power and mode frequency. We demonstrate the ability to reduce this noise through a feedback loop that stabilizes the intracavity power.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure