896 research outputs found


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    Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes.Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes

    Algorithmic approach based on logical qualifiers of subcontractors during creation of large machine-building complexes

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    The currently stepped price competition stage, in other words, the quality of competition is defined by whether the quality of engineering products depends both on the assembly and on those parts of the product, which is going. The suggested information-analytical tender system, including remote maintenance, connects with the help of web technologies the enterprise financial structure of the workstations operators and authorized persons of contractors located in different geographical areas of the world to form an effective infrastructure for the production, including the incorporation of Russian and foreign small and medium-sized businesses in the technological chain of transnational corporations

    Psychological and pedagogical support for the social workers professional development

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    The effectiveness of psychological andpedagogical support is determined by the following factors: self-determination and voluntary participation; activating education results; taking into account and developing social workers’ educational needs; the use of the dichotomic and humanistic approaches; social workers’ selfdetermination; interactive mode of cooperation, democratic style of communicatio

    A flaring X-ray pulsar in Dorado

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    A study of unusual gamma-ray bursts detected on March 5 and March 6, 1979 in the KONUS experiment on the Venera 11 and Venera 12 spacecraft shows their source to be flaring X-ray pulsar in Dorado

    Preliminary results of a gamma-ray burst study in the Konus experiment on the Venera-11 and Venera-12 space probes

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    Twenty-one gamma-ray bursts and 68 solar flares in the hard X-ray range were detected on Venera-11 and Venera-12 space probes during the initial 50-day observation period. Major characteristics of the equipment used and preliminary data on the temporal structure and energy spectra of the gamma-ray bursts are considered. The pattern of gamma-ray burst frequency distribution vs. intensity, N(S), is established

    Project Approach to Implementation of Interdisciplinary Content of Education at School

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    The implementation of interdisciplinary content of education at school in the aspect of project approach is discussed. It is noted that this approach is one of effective methodological approaches in pedagogy to ensure students’ achieving the interdisciplinary result of the educational program in accordance with Federal state educational standards of general education (FSES GE). The necessity of using the project approach is stated, together with a systemically-active, which is the methodological basis of FSES GE. The urgency is determined by, on the one hand, the necessity to solve the tasks of the state educational policy reflected in FSES GE and the Professional standard of the teacher of general education. On the other hand, in educational practice there are problems of implementing interdisciplinary content of education at school (both didactic and methodological) in developing interdisciplinary skills of high school students. The authors recommend to use the project approach in two aspects: the pedagogical projecting the educational process of students in a series of subjects of social and humanitarian education and in providing project content of students’ activities. Moreover, educational projecting is considered at the level of project competence of a teacher, while activity of students - in the categories of the educational project. This is the novelty of the approach to the task of implementation of the interdisciplinary content of education at school

    Interdisciplinarity in school education: historical aspect and implementation strategies in the present

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    The problem of interdisciplinarity in the domestic school education, its historical aspect and relevance in the present is considered. The increase in the tendencies towards the integration of subjects in modern education in connection with the need to solve the tasks of the state educational policy is emphasized. This concerns, firstly, the requirements for students to achieve the metadisciplinary results of the curricula; secondly, changing the learning strategy of “ready knowledge” to a competence-based model of learning; thirdly, a decrease in the level of “subject-centricity” in school curricula. The concepts of “interdisciplinarity”, “superdisciplinarity”, “metadisciplinarity” are considered. As a pedagogical problem, the authors of this article consider the question that students show a low level of knowledge of universal educational activities (to generalize, to compare, to analyze, to draw independent conclusions, etc.). On the other hand, the low readiness of the majority of teachers to work in the interdisciplinary field of the educational process, due to the lack of effective didactic tools and the corresponding time of the program materials is recorded. As options for solving these problems, the authors of the article suggest several strategies for implementing the interdisciplinary approach. The novelty of the idea is that the strategies are developed in the context of a competence approach

    Вплив важких металів на біосинтез, активність літичних ферментів і ростостимулюючого фактора у streptomyces recifensis var. Lyticus п-29

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    Influence of heavy metals on growth, biosynthesis, lytic action and growthstimulating activity enzymes complex of Streptomyces recifensis var. lyticus was studied. It was showed that salt of plumbum' has positive influence as on biosynthesis hydrolases (lytic endopeptidases, proteinases, amylases) as well increase growthstimulating activity of preparation relatively the yeastВивчали вплив важких металів на ріст, біосинтетичну активність, прояв літичної дії та ростостимулюючу активність компонентів ферментного комплексу Streptomyces recifensis var. lyticus. Було виявлено, що солі свинцю позитивно впливають як на біосинтез гідролітичних ензимів - літичних ендопептидаз, протеіназ, амілаз, а також підвищують ростостимулюючу активність по відношенню до дріжджівВивчали вплив важких металів на ріст, біосинтетичну активність, прояв літичної дії та ростостимулюючу активність компонентів ферментного комплексу Streptomyces recifensis var. lyticus. Було виявлено, що солі свинцю позитивно впливають як на біосинтез гідролітичних ензимів - літичних ендопептидаз, протеіназ, амілаз, а також підвищують ростостимулюючу активність по відношенню до дріжджі

    Методы выбора образцов энергосберегающего оборудования и технологий

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    Метою досліджень є розробка методичного підходу для оцінки та вибору кращих зразків енергозберігаючого обладнання та технологій (ЕОТ) за критерієм «ефективність - вартість» на основі комплексного застосування двох методів: методу аналізу ієрархій (МАІ) та методу розпізнавання образів (МРО). Такий підхід спрямований на мінімізацію їх недоліків та збільшення переваг. Застосування даних методів апробовано на прикладі вибору кращого зразку котлового обладнання з 6 альтернативних зразків, які порівнювалися за сімома показниками, розподілених за двома глобальними показниками: технічна досконалість та економічність. Результати апробації обраних методів підтвердили достовірність отриманих результатів. На основі запропонованого методичного підходу розроблена система підтримки прийняття рішення «Вибір ЕОТ», яка дозволить оперативно отримувати результати рішень, аналізувати їх в графічному вигляді та своєчасно уточнювати пріоритети в умовах процесів вибору.The purpose of research is to develop a methodical approach for the evaluation and selection of the best examples of energy saving equipment and technologies (ESET) based on the criterion of "efficiency - cost" in the complex application of two methods: the method of analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) and pattern recognition method (PRM). This approach aims to minimize the disadvantages of the methods and improve their benefits. The application of these methods to solve the problem of choice was tested on a sample selection of the best boiler equipment (BE) of 6 samples BE alternative and compared for the seven indicators and were divided into two groups: technical excellence and efficiency. Results of testing selected methods confirmed the reliability of the results. On the basis of the proposed methodical approach developed decision support system "Selection of ESET", which will quickly get results solutions, analyze them graphically and in a timely manner to refine priorities in terms of the selection process.Целью исследований является разработка методического подхода для оценки и выбора лучших образцов энергосберегающего оборудования и технологий (ЭОТ) на основе критерия «эффективность - стоимость» при комплексном применении двух методов: метода анализа иерархий (МАИ) и метода распознавания образов (МРО). Такой подход направлен на минимизацию недостатков этих методов и повышения их преимуществ. Применение данных методов для решения задачи выбора апробировано на примере выбора лучшего образца котлового оборудования из 6 альтернативных образцов, которые сравнивались по семи показателям и входили в две группы: техническое совершенство и экономичность. Результаты апробации выбранных методов подтвердили достоверность полученных результатов. На основе предложенного методического подхода разработана система поддержки принятия решений «Выбор ЭОТ», которая позволит оперативно получать результаты решений, анализировать их в графическом виде и своевременно уточнять приоритеты в условиях процесса выбора