20 research outputs found
Pengaruh Komposisi Glass Fiber Non Dental dan Penambahan Silane terhadap Kekuatan Geser Fiber Reinforced Composite sebagai Retainer Ortodonsi
Retainer dibutuhkan untuk membantu menstabilkan posisi gigi geligi selama proses reorganisasi jaringan periodontal berlangsung. Retainer FRC ortodonsi dikembangkan sebagai alternatif material estetika serta aman bagi pasien alergi terhadap nikel. E-glass fiber lebih sering digunakan sebagai retainer ortodonsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh komposisi glass fiber non dental dan penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan geser FRC sebagai retainer ortodonsi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 9 kelompok perlakuan dengan 3 jenis glass fiber yang berbeda yaitu glass fiber non dental A (LT, Cina), B (CMAX, Cina) dan C (HJ, Cina). Masing-masing glass fiber diberi perlakuan yang bervariasi yaitu tanpa penambahan silane, penambahan silane 1x dan 2x. Subjek penelitian direndam dalam akuades dan disimpan pada suhu 37ÂșC selama 24 jam sebelum dilakukan uji kekuatan geser dengan menggunakan alat Universal Testing Machine. Hasil penelitian dianalisis variansi dua jalur dan post hoc Tukey untuk mengetahui perbedaan statistik masing-masing kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa glass fiber non dental A dengan penambahan 2x silane memiliki rerata kekuatan geser tertinggi (12,72±2,02 MPa) sedangkan glass fiber non dental B tanpa penambahan silane memiliki rerata kekuatan geser terendah (6,96±1,69 MPa). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara komposisi fiber maupun penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan geser FRC (p0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa komposisi SiO2 dan Al2O3 yang tinggi pada glass fiber non dental serta penambahan silane dapat meningkatkan kekuatan geser FRC. The Effect of Non Dental Glass Fiber Composition and Silane Addition on The Shear Bond Strength of Fiber Reinforced Composite as An Orthodontic Retainer. Retainers are required to stabilize the position of the teeth to permit reorganization of periodontal tissue. FRC orthodontic retainer was developed as an alternative material aesthetic and safe for nickel allergic patients. E-glass fiber is commonly used as an orthodontic retainer. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of non dental glass fiber composition and silanes addition on the shear bond strength of the FRC as an orthodontic retainer. This study consisted of 9 treatment groups with three different types of non dental glass fiber, namely non dental glass fiber A (LT, China), B (CMAX, China) and C (HJ, China). Each glass fiber was given a variation treatment, without silanes, one time and two times of silanes addition. All the samples were stored in distilled water at 37ÂșC for 24 hours and subsequently tested for shear strength by using Universal Testing Machine.The groups were submitted to two way ANOVA analysis of variance with Tukey post test to verify the statictical difference between groups. The results showed that a non dental glass fiber A with two times of silanes addition has the highest shear bond strength (12,72±2,02 MPa), meanwhile a non dental glass fiber B without silane addition has the lowest shear bond strength (6,96±1,69 MPa). There were significant differences between the composition of glass fiber and the addition of silane toward the shear bond strength of FRC (p0,05). Based on the results of this study concluded that the composition of the high SiO2 and Al2O3 in the non dental glass fiber and the silanes addition can increase the shear bond strength FRC
Kinetika Adsorpsi Ion Emas(iii) Oleh Hibrida Merkapto Silika
: Adsorption kinetics study has been done of gold(III) ions by mercapto silica hybrid (MSH) adsorben. MSH was synthesized by sol-gel process with sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) from rice husk ash as a precursor. MSH made by adding hydrochloric acid to 3-(trimetoksilil)-1-propantiol (TMSP) compounds and Na2SiO3 solution. Adsorption kinetics are determined by adsorption static system (batch) with variation of time. The amount of the adsorbed gold ions is quantified by the difference in metal concentration before and after adsorption analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The data showed, MSH interaction with gold ion tends to follow the pattern of reaction kinetics pseudo-second-order with rate constant (k) =1x10-2 g mg-1min-1. Based on the value of the standard Gibbs free energy for adsorption (-ÎG°= 34,63-37,99 kJ/mol) showed that the adsorption takes place chemically (chemisorption)
Pengendalian Motor Dc Robot Mirosot Upn Veteran YOGYAKARTA Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega 8
Pada sistem robot UPN V Yogyakarta, mikrokontroler baru digunakan sebagai perantara bagi pusat pengendali seluruh sistem atau host komputer dan motor DC. Mikrokontroler akan menerima data dari sistem komunikasi dan kemudian langsung mengirimkan secara langsung data tersebut ke motor DC. Hal ini dikarenakan robot soccer mikro Teknik UPN V Yogyakarta adalah robot yang dibangun dari nol, maka pengendalian pergerakan dasar robot diperlukan untuk mendukung pengendalian pergerakan yang lebih kompleks. Sistem yang dirancang berkaitan dengan beberapa komponen hardware robot yaitu micro robot soccer mengunakan sistem penggerak motor DC yang memiliki pulsa berjumlah 512 encoder. Mikrokontroler ATmega8 digunakan sebagai sistem kontrol motor dan komunikasi robot. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa pemrograman C untuk mengimplementasikan kendali motor di dalam mikrokontroler. Untuk mengirimkan kecepatan digunakan aplikasi yang dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman C#. Dengan membangun kendali motor DC pada mikrokontroler atmega8, pergerakan robot diharapkan mampu bergerak sesuai perintah yang dikirimkan oleh komputer host
Pengaruh komposisi beberapa glass fiber non dental terhadap kelarutan komponen fiber reinforced composites
The effect of composition glass fiber non dental on water solubility of fiber reinforced composites. E glass fiber dental is one of the most used dental fibers in several applications in the dental  field. However, the available of E glass fiber dental in Indonesia is very limited. A variety of types of non-dental glass fiber material is easily found as the materials engineering. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of composition non dental glass fiber on the component solubility of FRC. The materials used in the research was E glass fiber dental (Fiber splint, Polydentia SA, Switzerland), composition A non-dental glass fiber (LT, China), composition B (CMAX, China), composition C (HJ, China), flowable composite (Charmfill Flow, Denkist, Korea) and silane coupling agent (Monobond S, Ivoclair Vivadent, Liechtenstein). The subject was divided into 4 groups. Component solubility test was based on the ISO 4049. The result was then analyzed with one way ANOVA (α=0,05). The result of the research showed that on the average percentage of the solubility (%), the lowest was on the group of E glass fiber dental (0.476±0.03) and the highest was on the non dental glass fiber C (0.600±0.01). The result of the one way ANOVA test showed a significant difference between the compositiom fiber on the component solubility. The conclusion the research was that low content of Na2O K2O, CaO and MgO decreased the component solubility of FRC
Pengaruh komposisi beberapa glass fiber non dental terhadap kelarutan komponen fiber reinforced composites
The effect of composition glass fiber non dental on water solubility of fiber reinforced composites. E glass fiber dental is one of the most used dental fibers in several applications in the dental  field. However, the available of E glass fiber dental in Indonesia is very limited. A variety of types of non-dental glass fiber material is easily found as the materials engineering. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of composition non dental glass fiber on the component solubility of FRC. The materials used in the research was E glass fiber dental (Fiber splint, Polydentia SA, Switzerland), composition A non-dental glass fiber (LT, China), composition B (CMAX, China), composition C (HJ, China), flowable composite (Charmfill Flow, Denkist, Korea) and silane coupling agent (Monobond S, Ivoclair Vivadent, Liechtenstein). The subject was divided into 4 groups. Component solubility test was based on the ISO 4049. The result was then analyzed with one way ANOVA (α=0,05). The result of the research showed that on the average percentage of the solubility (%), the lowest was on the group of E glass fiber dental (0.476±0.03) and the highest was on the non dental glass fiber C (0.600±0.01). The result of the one way ANOVA test showed a significant difference between the compositiom fiber on the component solubility. The conclusion the research was that low content of Na2O K2O, CaO and MgO decreased the component solubility of FRC.ABSTRAKE glass fiber dental adalah fiber yang sering digunakan di kedokteran gigi. Ketersediaan E glass fiber di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Berbagai jenis bahan glass fiber non dental banyak ditemukan dipasaran sebagai material engeenering dengan harga yang relatif murah sehingga diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti E glass fiber dental. Komposisi glass fiber non dental hampir sama dengan E glass fiber dental. Komposisi berpengaruh terhadap sifat mekanis dan sifat-sifat kimia fiber. Komposisi glass fiber seperti Na2O dan K2O akan meningkatkan ketahanan terhadapap air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh komposisi glass fiber non dental terhadap kelarutan komponen. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah E glass fiber dental (Fiber-splint, Polydentia SA, Switzerland), glass fiber non dental komposisi A (LT, China), komposisi B (CMAX, China), komposisi C (HJ, China), flowable komposit (CharmFill Flow, Denkist, Korea) dan silane coupling agent (Monobond S, Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein). Subjek dibagi dalam 4 kelompok untuk dilakukan uji kelarutan berdasarkan ISO 4049. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANAVA satu jalur (a = 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata kelarutan komponen (%) yang terendah pada kelompok E-glass fiber dental (0,476±0,03) dan hasil tertinggi pada glass fiber non dental C (0,600±0,01). Hasil uji Anava satu jalur menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara komposisi fiber pada kelarutan komponen (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian adalah komposisi Na2O dan K2O serta CaO dan MgO yang rendah dapat menurunkan sifat kelarutan komponen dari fiber reinforced composites
Pengendalian Pid pada Robot Mirosot Upn âVeteranâ YOGYAKARTA Berbasis Sensor Gyroscope dan Accelerometer
MiRoSoT Robot movement is influenced by the speed control from right and left wheels. Wheels speed control on MiroSot robot is determined by parameter PID (Proportional Integral and Derevative) value. PID value determined by robot position and angle. MiroSot robot movement is still not stable and can not move in accordance with the instruction have been made. Instability of the robot movement in the game is affected by friction wheels against the ground, friction gear and robot load. In this study, implemented a gyroscope and accelerometer sensors to stabilize robot movement. Based on both sensors are controlled by using a microcontroller ATmega64. Speed control system based on gyroscope and accelerometer sensor is obtained that the robot is able to face a certain angle more precisely. The accelerometer sensor is used as a parameter for the braking system, so the robot is able to move more stable without the loss of power from the motor during a reduction speed from the strategy control